Chapter 3 : You Can't Be Serious

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3rd P.O.V

Y/N lay on his bed or so he thought. As he was thinking about the conversation we had with the lizard, he failed to notice that he was not in his containment unit. He lay in a grass field which smelled like.....well like a field of grass.

" My cell never smelled this nice before nor did my bed feel this soft. Wait...this ain't my bed. * Looks around * Where in the world am I or when am I? " Y/N says.

" Uhh, hello? Is this some kind of test. * Silence * Is there any one else here at all? " Y/N says.

He then looks around and picks a random direction not knowing what awaited him. Using his powers he tried to locate the energy sources of any SCPs that maybe nearby and he found some interesting targets. Firstly, he found SCP-131 then SCP-999 and finally SCP-682. 131 was approximately 200m away from his current location and 999 was 180m away. 682 was much farther.

" So, I'm just gonna take 999 and head on over to 131's location. 682..... can take care of its self. " He says as he takes off in a specific direction.

P.O.V Change

After walking for a while, you see a familiar red blur speeding off in the distance. You quickly make your way to it. The object stops and begins to make its way to you. The object in question is a small tear drop shaped creature with a single eye at its base. It was burnt orange in color. A few yards away was its counterpart. It looked exactly the same save for it being mustard yellow. It also spots you and makes a beeline straight for you. They circle around you emitting sounds similar to high squealing as they do so. You give a sigh of relief. At least 131 is safe. Now on to the next one.

With 131 following you, you make your way to where you would believe 999 was. As you looked around, you realized a few things;

- The first one being that the fauna looked the same as back home. At least from an outward perspective. You create a containing unit and take some samples.

- The air was breathable. At least for you. You felt fine. So this place could support human life.

- For some odd reason, you hadn't seen any animal whatsoever, except microorganisms in the soil.

- Finally, for some reason you hadn't heard any screams or roar. Not even the usual earthquakes associated with breach associated with 682.

Something was definitely wrong. You didn't know what but you could feel it. Finding 999 was easy enough. Since it was attracted to people who were suffering from depression, you released a wave of depression which quickly brought 999 towards you. Using thermo-vision, you found a body mass West of you. It was a bit far and you still didn't know what things called this place home. There were two options, one would be teleport there but you didn't know what effect that would have on 131 and 999. The other option was........well walk there but looking at the distance, you decided to go for the first option. Deciding not to risk it, you coat 131 and 999 in a protective aura and snap your fingers.

The world around you blurs for an instant and before you know it, you've arrived. 131 and 999 seemed fine. Slightly dazed but fine.

' Good grief! What happened here? ' You think to yourself as you survey what looked to be a blast zone. Multiple craters littered the land. Finding the mass was easy enough as it was right in front of you. This was supposed to be 682. But 682 looked different. If you wouldn't know any better you would say 682 was a humanoid figure with scales on its body. A tail of roughly half a foot was behind it. Its head slowly began to rise. A low rumbling sound emanating from what seemed to be its mouth as it did so. Fearing the worst, you encased you and your companions in a protective sphere. It then begins to stand, never taking its gaze of you. 131 instinctively goes behind you whilst 999 climbs up your shoulder.

682 is now at what you presumed to be its/ her full height. Standing at 7 feet, it/she looked down at you. Puffs of smoke leaving her snout.

" Human."

" What in the actual hell happened to you? " You ask.

682 feigns ignorance as .....( You know what? Screw this! ) She turns around, showing off its newly gained assests.

She leans in closer, you can feel her hot breaths on your face ( even though you created a barrier because screw reality ) and she gives you a toothy grin as she squeezes her breasts together.

You slowly reach up to her. Hesitant at first, she slowly leans in all so graciously smack the everlasting life out of her knocking her out.

' What in the actual f**k?! ' You think to yourself.

You quietly look up, releasing a sigh you didn't know you had.

" What did I get into? "

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