Chapter 4 : Crusade Part 1

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It had been a good thirty minutes after you knocked her eyes out and yet she hasn't woken up not even a stir. 131 and 999 sit by your side quietly watching her. All attempts at communicating with the site proved futile thus far. Not even a psychic link couldn't be established and you didn't seem to be near any form of civilization...if there was one in this world that is.

Two hours pass and still 682 hasn't woken up. She's not dead because you see its...her body slowly rising and falling. 999 and 131 stare off into the distance and soon so do you. What you see is not what you were expecting. Across the horizon were silhouettes. You immediately tense up and discreetly summon the Hand of Kilsn, an ancient weapon from a forgotten era with near world ending abilities. 131 and 999 draw closer to you.

" It's alright. They won't hurt us. " You assure them but you knew that wasn't really true.

A few of the silhouettes begin to get closer. They are indistinguishable from afar but soon you're able to tell the difference. A male and four females. But what stuns you is that all the females are...anthromophic just like 682. As they get closer you place a protective seal on yourself and your companions. Soon they stand just a few feet away. The male steps forward and speaks in a language you don't know. That is, until the male speaks in English.

" Heeelllllooooo. " He says as he raised his hands in a non threatening manner.

He then gestures to his companions indicating that they meant no harm but for some reason you felt as though you were being treated like an illiterate.

" Me... no...harm...yoouuu. " He says slowly. You look at him with a deadpan look and shake your head.

' Which entity did I piss off to receive this? ' You mentally question no one in particular.

" You know I can understand you right? " You say whilst looking them over. The human was of a somewhat fit physique. The females consisted of a spotted leopard, some sort of  shark tiger hybrid and a bunny. They all were naked except the man.

" Aww, it's so cute!" The bunny says as she looks at 999 whom you gently slide behind your back. 131 mimics this and goes behind you.

" So...why are you here? " You inquire as you mentally prepare for anything.

" Well, a friend sensed a large energy source from this area and we came to investigate. " The man said.

You give him a skeptical look but he ignores you and looks over to 682 who begins to stir.

' Talk about timing. ' You think as she slowly looks around. She focuses on the group for a brief moment with her face being unreadable. Then she turns to you. She immediately lets out a low growl causing you to quickly rise to your feet. The atmosphere suddenly becomes tense as you have a stare off. As suddenly as she started she stops and lets out a long sigh. This leaves you confused but it seems that was her intention as she lunges at you with terrifying speed and before you know it you laying on your back as she stands over you, wearing a smug grin.

She looks at the man and for a second you see her ...blush? Then it hits you harder than when you found out that Ms. J was destroyed in a containment breach. This is a cliche isekai world, in human on furry edition. Immediately the pieces fall into place. One man, lots of anthromorphic ladies.

' Of all the things...' You think as you clearly see 682 give him a sultry look which made you gag.

He looked over to his companions and spoke in that same strange language at which they nodded. The leopard steps forward.

" Call me Emerald. " She says in a somewhat condescending tone.

" I'm Izzy. " Says the bunny says seemingly full of energy.

The shark hybrid hides behind the leopard as attention is focused on her.

" I-i'm Rane. " She timidly says.

" And I'm Anon. " The man says.

You say nothing as you look at them. They didn't seem to be a threat in any way but you still weren't fully sure.

" I'm....9782 but call me Y/N. She's 682. The orange blob is 999 and the two tear dropped shaped entities would be 131. " You explain as 682 suddenly turns to you causing you to flinch. 

"...I remember. " She mutters, eyes still on you.

You decide not to ask as you're not certain the outcome would be beneficial.

" I remember killing you. But... I saw no corpse. Why? " She begins to growl.

" Yeah. I get that a lot. " You say nonchalantly as you stretch your limbs earning a few pops in certain places.

" You're human. Right? " Anon asks as his facial expression shows one of concern.

" I am. But to what extent? " You look at your hand remembering all the tests they put you through.

" And what's that supposed to mean? " Emerald says in a snobby tone.

" I have seen things that would not hesitate to erase your very existence. " You say with a grim so expression as you remembered meeting "him" for the first time.

" Well, we're heading back. Why not join us? " Anon offers to which 682 immediately accepts.

' Bright...I hate you so much. ' You think as your and the rest follow them.


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