Chapter 5 : Crusade II

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You've been walking for over five minutes as you followed the group back to their village with 131 and 999 by your side. 682 is with Anon and the rest much to your relief. Soon you reach a hill and just in the distance was... Well to put it simply; an unusually large " village " with buildings no different from skyscrapers from home.

" If that's a village, imagine a freaking city. " You mutter.

You see Anon saying something to you but you tune him out for...reasons. As you approach you see two large anthromorphic stallions clad in armour that defies logic itself but since you work with the Foundation you've come to a simple conclusion; logic is not as you may perceive it to be.

The guards seem to grow tense upon spotting your group. Wonder why. Anon walks over to them and whispers something causing them to ease up. They allow you to pass but stare at you , 131 and 999 in particular.
That's just the start. People ( Wait, can they be called people? You know what? Let's just go with folks. ) folks stare at you as though you came out of a horror story. Some even give you morbid looks causing your blood to run cold.

" We're heading to the Princesses. Hopefully they can shed some light on what is going on. " He states and all you do is nod. 131 seems apprehensive of their new surroundings and stick close to you. 999 on the other hand, is more relaxed and even waves a few passers-by to which some respond.

Soon you find yourself standing in front of a castle which looked like it was ripped out of a fairytale and placed here with no shame. Then again, you're in a world where 682 is a female humanoid lizard thingy which may or may not be horny.

The halls are adorned with multiple designs that would make an interior designer wet themselves from the numerous designs. You enter the throne room and see two ponies, ( assume every creature is an anthromorph until stated otherwise. ), one with fur unusually white and the other black. It reminded you of the Chinese symbol that had these two colours as their main schemes. From their expression it seems they were expecting although that would be putting it midly. Ever since you step foot in here your senses have been going bonkers and you still can't figure out why.

Their gazes fall on you causing you to flinch. The one with the white coloured skin and ...rainbow mane beckons you to come closer.

" Princess Selene, Princess Celeste a pleasure as always. " Anon greets.

" Hello Anon and friends. " The rainbow one said. She then looks at 682, then at you and your little group.

" This is quite the situation we have here. What do you think Selene? " Rainbow now known as Celeste asks.

" Hmm, they certainly not your average..." Her voice begins to fade out and your vision darkens. You feel light headed and then... nothing.

But then everything changes, you find yourself in a clearing in a meadow underneath a...Sakura tree.

" Calming isn't it. " A voice says. You feel a presence so powerful that you have to force yourself just to stand and even you're still slipping.

" Don't bother trying to fight it. We both know you're slipping. " And with that the crushing presence suddenly disappears causing you to leave a sigh of relief.

You look behind you and nearly shit yourself. An entity seemingly made out the cosmos itself stares at you with bright white eye spots.

"..." You stare at the entity in a mixture of shock and awe. Trying to determine whether it's hostile or not nothing.

" I know this may sound strange but I feel like I know you. " You say.

The figure chuckles and looks up then speaks; " It's good to see you still remember but don't remember. "

"...uhh, what? "

" I wish I could tell you more about your past. Your TRUE past. But, that is for your to find out and embrace...or destroy. " With this your vision turns white and you find yourself back in the palace albeit bleeding profusely from your orifices.

" ...ear me? Can you hear me? " You hear Anon say.

You merely nod in response and look around. 131 and 999 have not moved an inch and strangely enough are not covered in blood but the floor beneath them is.

" Before you ask, yes, I am fine. No I have no idea what happened. " Then you graciously perform a top notch faceplant. Go you.

" Oh Y/N, we shall meet again. Sooner than you'd think..."

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