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682's eyes bore directly into yours. Across the quaint room sat the now conscious mare. Her eyes darting between you and the massive lizard who has a death grip on an exact replica of it.

Sighing you freeze the mare in place. Pale blue lines form an outline around her. 682 shows no visible reaction and continues to stare you down like a predator.

" Are you seriously going to just stand there, menacingly? " You stop yourself from laughing at that God awful pun.

" Why is that death and destruction are not far from you? " She asks in a gruff, displeased voice. Her grip slightly loosening on her unconscious prey.

You shrug and try to find out what she knows about the thing in her grasp but she either replies in mind boggling statements or simply refuses to answer. This would go on for quite some time until you break up the futile interrogation and unfreeze the mare. You subtly calm her down through psychic waves which 682 knows all about. She shoots you a displeasing look but you couldn't care less. The waves work their magic and she relaxes.

You gently ask for her name which she reveals to be Butters. You could have sworn you heard a low chuckle from 682 but you ignore it. You and Butters talk and you explain that through certain means you came across her cottage but she or an alter ego most likely decided to play cat and mouse with you. Her expression turns to one of horror and she fervently apologizes but you assure her that no harm was done, at least not to you. Butters seems to want to say something but holds her tongue. You notice this and tell her she doesn't need to say anything until she's ready. She nods.

" Enough with the heartfelt moment. It disgusts me. " 682 abruptly says.

" Well, knowing you, simply breathing disgusts you. " You retort.

" This...thing impersonated me to get to you. " She points a claw at you. The mare yelps in fright and she shrinks into the sofa even further. As if on que the creature groans, drawing all attention to it. Its eyes slowly open then close before shooting open giving you a clear view of her eyes which were a dull blue color. 682 looks at her now conscious captive with absolute disgust.

" Stay still or die. " 682 says in a low threatening tone and she freezes in place, her eyes dart rapidly before setting on you, pleading for aid but you simply just shrug. You give 682 a quick glance and she snarls in response. Clicking her tongue she violently hurls the creature at you. You freeze it in place.

You pinch your nose bridge and render the creature unconscious with a well placed psionic shot. You hurl it back at 682 who catches it, " Meet me at the castle. " She says nothing and walks out.

You subtly restore the building to the condition you found it in when you first arrived.

" Apologies for the sudden intrusion. "  Picking your words carefully and leave.

You decide to walk back to town to reflect on receornt events. What were those two talking about? And why was there an imposter of 682 and how exactly was 682 appear just shortly after it made its presence known? All these and more swirl rent-free within your mind as you made your way back.

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