Mirror .5

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The morning rays cut through the trees giving the locale a mystic aura. Distant shrieks and calls emanate from various points as you make your way back.

' Pretty sure some researchers would be wetting themselves with all the potential areas of research if they were in my place. ' You think.

Coming out of a clearing you see the outskirts of town. Two figures stand not too far away from where you are. It doesn't take too long to figure out who they are.

" Why hello there. " You greet with a sudden grin catching one of guard.

" You do realize I could easily kill you right? Human? " 682 says, emphasizing on the later part.

" And I'm supposed to be scared by that? " You reply sarcastically.

She says nothing and gestures towards the imposter.

" Doesn't have a name apparently. Wanna 'ask' her? " She shoves her towards you and walks away. Before you can say anything a high pitch squeak followed by mechanical beeps are heard. 131 and 999 race towards you. Behind them are the three princesses, a stoic look and an aura of authority about them. The lookalike immediately loses color and looks on in horror.

' Man are you screwed. ' You think.

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