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The imposter sits at the center of a dimly lit room, guards flanking her on all sides and the three princesses, you and 131 and 999 and surprisingly 682 stand in front of her. You manifest a bag of chips and begin to munch on it as the interrogation begins.

" What are you creature? " Celeste asks.

It replies with silence as it enters a staring contest with Celeste. After a while it smirks and turns to look at you with a predatory look.

You sigh and get closer until you're a few feet away from it. There's a glint in its eyes as though it had just found a long lost treasure.

' Alright. Time to go nuts with this one. ' You look over to the princesses and request that you be left alone with her. They seem unsure but after a moment they leave, 131 and 999 following and the guards as well. 682 however stays rooted to the spot.

" You sure you want to be here? " You ask as you pull out a bag from thin air. She merely grunts in response.

You exchange no more words with her and focus on her look alike who's still wearing that look. You pull out a wall mirror and place it directly in front of her and pull out a radio. You see 682 shoot you a look before looking back at the creature as though it would vanish if she looked away for too long. Popping the lid on the radio you insert a device into it and hit play.
The song, "Never gonna give you up" by Rick Astley begins to play.

" Enjoy. " You put on noise cancelling headphones and slowly begin to increase the volume of the secondary audio. Ten, thirty then fourty minutes pass before you see the signs.

Its face begins to contort but it still resists and you smile. Soon an hour passes and it's visibly struggling to maintain its demeanor. The wanted effects are starting to kick in. Three more hours pass and it's a crying mess of tears and snot. You see its maw open and close but you have absolutely no idea what it's saying. You let this go on for a few more hours before relieving it. You take a peek outside and ask the rest to join you.

" She's all yours. " You gesture to the captive who mumbles incoherently.

You scale up a nearby wall and take rest under one of the many intricately designed structures. A small high pitched squeal quickly followed by two mechanical beeps draw your attention.

" Hey guys. " 999 darts across the ground and latches onto your leg. 131 climb up the ramp and rest by your side.

You sit in relatively peaceful silence and watch the sun glide across the sky.

999 let's out a squeak, it's pebble like eyes staring up at you.

" Hey there little guy, " You scoop him up and he lets out a cheerful squeak, " want a treat? " he nods.

131 snuggles closer to your legs, letting out a peaceful beep.

A shadow looms over you. Chuckling you look up at the reptilian un-killable beast. Its bright pale yellow eyes look down at you, physically and metaphorically.

" You know, " you think carefully before you continue. " You're quite the spectacle to behold when you're trying not to kill everything and everyone. "

" Don't get used to it filth. " She says in a low menacing tone.

" Why haven't you? " You ask as you shift your view.

" Why haven't you gone a rampage? This place is teeming with life.  Isn't that what you hate? "

682's gaze doesn't shift an inch as she gazes down at you. She remains quiet for a bit before answering, " It's simple. I just don't like humans. You especially. "

" I wonder why. " You sarcastically reply.

It's no secret that 682 has an unending hate for humanity. To her you are nothing but filth yet you can't shake the suspicion that she would become bored if all humans were to suddenly disappear.

" And what are you thinking about? " She suddenly questions, catching you off guard for a bit.

" Just someplace I've been to. " You reply absentmindedly.

Even though you can't see it you know you have her attention, which is quite rare.

" I shall not pry any further. " She responds.

" That would be the best. " You answer as your mind wanders back to that world. A world where there was no life. Even 682 was found dead. You shudder at the thought.

A gust of wind suddenly erupts and as quick as she came she was gone. 682 had changed. But was it for the better or worse?

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