From Rags to Riches

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Danny had been at the orphanage for almost five weeks after his parents were arrested. He never left his room to do chores, some of the kids had to sneak his food up to him. He never spoke to anyone, everyone thought he was deaf. Most of the kids that tried to be friends with him had left the orphanage with their new parents. Some couples even try to adopt Danny but they would change their mind when they hear about his past from the warden. Soon people stopped wanting to adopt Danny, they don't want to deal with a traumatized kid.

No one even knew how badly Mr. Lang really treats the kids here. Until one day, the billionaire Vad Masters came to the orphanage. Mr. Lang faked a smile and called down all the kids to present themselves to Mr. Masters. He took one look at some of the children but none of them were just for him. Vlad then heard someone crying upstairs and went to take a look while Mr. Lang followed behind. Mr. Lang kept protesting that it was probably just a rat but he wasn't fooling Vlad.

Vlad heard the crying coming from Danny's room, he slowly opened the door to find Danny huddled on the floor with bruises all over him. He bent down and gently picked Danny up from the floor and placed him on the bed. Vlad looked over the bruises, they were from a fist. Vlad started to comfort Danny as he looked at Mr. Lang with daggers glaring from his eyes. He demanded to know why the boy was covered in bruises and why he was all alone. Mr. Lang tried to come up with a fake story but Vlad wasn't buying it.

He called the cops and seconds later, they showed up and arrested Mr. Lang on the spot for harassing and abusing traumatized kids. One of the kids spoke to Mr. Masters that the social worker, Ms. Darcy was the one that assigned all of them to Mr. Lang. The police took Ms. Darcy to court and she was sentenced to prison for bringing traumatized kids to a mad man. Most of the kids were sent to group homes while others were sent to other orphanages. All except for Danny, Vlad had taken Danny to the hospital to get treated.

One of the doctors told Vlad that Danny had past injuries from his parents before he was sent to New York. Vlad looked horrified, how could anyone treat the boy like he was nothing? He asked for the names of Danny's parents and he was in shock when the doctor told him the names. He was friends with Jack and Maddie in college but they broke their friendship after the accident with the ghost portal. He never thought that Jack and Maddie would hurt their own child. Vlad then asked if the boy had any other family members but there was no one to take him.

Vlad then decided to adopt Danny as his own son. He planned to tell the boy when he woke up from his small coma. Vlad stayed by Danny's bedside, sometimes Vlad would read to Danny or just hold his hand and rub the back of it to let him know that he was there. Danny finally woke up three days later, he was startled by Vlad but calmed down when Vlad just gave him a warm smile. Danny still didn't talk but Vlad began to teach Danny sign language to communicate with him. Vlad told Danny all about himself including about knowing Danny's parents.

Danny just stared at Vlad like a confused little kitten, he never knew that Vlad was friends with his ex-parents. The doctor came in and asked Vlad if he could speak with him for a bit. Vlad agreed as the doctor waited til Vlad was out of the room and closed the door. The doctor explained that this wasn't the first time Danny had been hospitalized. According to his medical records, Danny had been sent to the hospital almost 14 times from all the bullying from school. His most recent stay was over a year ago after a lab accident.

Vlad looked confused "What lab accident?" he asked.

"The boys' parents built a giant ghost portal and the poor boy got caught in the blast. He had to stay in the hospital for over two months." the doctor explained.

Vlad looked like he was about to faint, Danny had gone been hit by the stupid ghost portal. His anger grew more towards Jack, how could he be so stupid and cause his son to be in the same accident he was in? Vlad asked the doctor how long Danny will be in the hospital. The doctor told Vlad that it will be at least a week until he would be discharged from the hospital. Vlad thanked the doctor and went back to stay with Danny. Vlad broke the news to Danny that he is adopting him. 

Danny had tears mixed with joy and fear, he was happy that someone wanted him but he was scared that Vlad might treat him poorly like his parents did. Vlad gave Danny a soft smile "I know the past few places you've been in have treated you poorly. But I promise you, Little Badger, I will protect you." Vlad promised.

A week passed, Danny was finally out of the hospital just as Vlad had finished the adoption papers to take Danny in. He took Danny from the hospital and brought him to his huge mansion. Danny's mouth dropped up at the sight of the mansion, he had never seen a house that huge before. Vlad led him inside and upstairs where Danny was given his own bedroom. The whole room was spaced themed, the closet was filling with brand new clothes, and the ceiling was covered with glow-in-the-dark stars. Vlad spared no expense for Danny, he wanted him to be happy.

Later at midnight, Vlad woke up to loud screams coming from Danny's room. He thought the poor boy was hurt or someone was breaking in. Vlad ran to Danny's room and kicked the door down just to see what was wrong. No one was there but Danny was still screaming. Vlad realized that Danny was having a nightmare, he ran over to the bed. Vlad shook Danny trying to get him to wake up. When Danny opened his eyes, he launched himself into Vlad's arms and sobbed loudly.

Vlad spent the whole time whispering sweet things into Danny's ear as he gently rocked him. Danny started to fall back asleep but he soon snapped out of it when Vad laid him down on the bed. He whimpered in pain when Vlad released him. Vlad then picked Danny up and wrapped him up in a blanket, cradling him in his arms like a newborn. Vlad brought Danny into his bedroom "You can sleep with me tonight little one." Vlad spoke softly, "No more nightmares are gonna hurt you while I'm around."

Vlad gently tucked the blankets around Danny then joined right beside him. Vlad wrapped his arms around Danny and pulled him close. He gave Danny a kiss good night and then fell asleep with Danny sleeping peacefully in his arms.

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