Midtown High: The Home of Spider-Man

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A month had passed since Danny was adopted by Vlad Masters and left his old life behind. Danny still didn't talk but he communicated through sign language and writing on paper. He discovered that Vlad was half ghost just like him. Vlad started training Danny to control his powers more and even learn to fight better. Danny still had nightmares from his memories, but Vlad would be there to calm him down. Danny slowly started to speak but he only did it around Vlad, he still has trust issues.

During one morning at breakfast, Vlad told Danny that he was gonna be starting school today. Danny was still dead send against going to school, but he rather be homeschooled than get bullied again. Vlad promised him that Midtown High was nothing like Casper High, plus he figured that Danny could use some new friends. Danny did have Tucker and Sam as friends back home but Sam's parents transferred her to another school away from Danny. Tucker was out of town visiting family when Danny was taken to New York. 

A part of him felt guilty for leaving his old friends behind. Vlad made sure that Danny had everything he needed for school then he dropped him off at Midtown High. Danny was still terrified about school but he promised Vlad that he would at least give it a chance. The minute Danny walked into the school, he already felt his anxiety kicking up a storm. He was so lost in it that he bumped right into someone and fell to the ground. Danny kneeled to pick up his bag when someone else grabbed it. "You ok there?" The person spoke.

Danny looked up to see a boy with blue eyes and brown hair offering to help him up. Danny just took the bag and turned to leave but the boy stopped him. "You must be new here. My name's Peter Parker. I can take you to Principal Coulson if you want." The boy offered.

Danny just nodded his head and followed Peter to the Principal's Office. Danny took a notepad out of his bag and wrote down, 'My name is Danny Masters. I can't speak. But thanks for helping me.' Just as Peter brought Danny to the Principal, Danny handed the note to Peter right before he walked into the office. Luckily, Coulson knew sign language and explained the situation to Peter more clearly. Peter understood and even offered to give Danny a tour of the school, Principal Coulson thought it was a good idea.

Both Peter and Danny left the office, Peter showed Danny the classrooms, gym, labs, and the lunchroom. Danny seemed to warm up a bit to Peter, sometimes he chuckled at some of Peter's lame jokes. Peter showed Danny to his locker and even helped him out with his books. MJ and Harry met Danny in the lunchroom, they seemed to like Danny. Danny had almost every class with Peter which was good since Peter helped him with the teachers and the work. For the first time in his life, Danny didn't feel so alone.

Danny went to his locker to grab his books when he felt someone grab him from the back of his shirt. He turned to see a blond jock who was bigger than Dash. "So you're the fresh meat? What's the matter? Too dumb to speak?!" The jock spoke.

Suddenly, someone else came and punched the jock right in the face. Danny turned to see a dark-skinned man with Peter, Danny quickly got behind them when the jock got up from the floor. "Picking on the new little guy? Not cool, Flash." Peter stated.

"How about we trade places and I go a few rounds with Flash?" The man said.

Flash ran away like a scared bunny. Peter introduced Danny to Luke Cage, another friend of his who hated bullies. Peter warned Danny of Flash, Midtown High's own bully, he bullied Peter his whole life. Peter also told him that Principal Coulson will take care of Flash. Danny was shocked, no one had ever stood up for him against jocks or even never got in trouble. Danny signed thank you to Luke, Luke knew sign language and told Danny that he was just doing his job.

Suddenly Peter told Danny to get down, he pushed Danny to the ground when something burst through the ceiling of the school. The Trapster had shown up looking for Spider-Man for revenge. Peter rushed Danny into an empty classroom and told him to stay there while he went for help. Peter and Luke left to join their team, Danny made sure that no one was around then he turned into Danny Phantom. The guy might not be a ghost but Danny was still a hero even if this wasn't his town. Danny phased out of the classroom and followed the Trapster.

He found five other teen heroes fighting the Trapster outside the school. Danny saw a huge glop of glue heading right for one of the teens, he zoomed in and shoved the teen out of the way. The two landed on the ground "Woah! Where did you come from?!" The hero teen shouted.

Danny just gave the teen a glare telling him to focus on the villain then he will answer his questions. All of them managed to trap the Trapster in his own glue without the maximum damaged. The hero dressed as a tiger suggested that they take Danny with them to Director Fury at the Helicarrier. The teen in the spider suit told the others that they should not involve Fury just yet until they figure out if Danny is a friend or foe. Just then Fury called to tell them to bring in Danny Phantom aboard the Helicarrier.

Danny freaked out and flew out of the scene before any of the heroes dragged him away. Since the school was let out early due to the villain attack, Danny just flew all the way back to his own house. The minute he got home and turned back into his human form, Vlad was in the living room talking with another rich man dressed in red and gold armor. Vlad introduced him as Tony Stark the owner of Stark Enterprises and business partner. Danny just gave Tony a small wave and sat down next to Vlad for comfort.

Tony gave Danny a warm smile and told him that he didn't need to be scared of him. Danny just peeked out from behind Vlad and nodded. Vlad explained everything to Tony about Danny's past and how it drove him to be mute for so long. He only started to speak a few weeks ago but he only did it when it was just Vlad. Tony handed Danny a wristband and told him that it will help until he feels comfortable speaking to others. Danny accepted the wristband and used the voice setting to say thank you to Tony.

Tony left the house a few minutes later, Danny ended up telling Vlad about how his first day at school was and even the new friends he had made. Vlad was just glad that Danny was stepping out of his comfort zone. Danny mentioned the teen heroes he had met as Phantom. "Danny, Director Fury is the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D, those heroes you met are a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury might try to recruit you on his team. But I don't trust him, he keeps things in the dark for too long. I just want you to be safe." Vlad explained.

"If you don't want me to be near those other teen heroes then I'll just avoid them," Danny said with a sand expression.

"No, Danny. You can help them but if they try to bring you to Fury, tell them that you have a mentor already and Fury might back off a bit." Vlad stated

That made Danny smile and he hugged Vlad tight. Suddenly the doorbell rang and standing at the front door was Peter. He said that Danny had left his bag at school and he wanted to return it. Peter had gotten the address from the Principal that way he can return the bag. Danny took the bag from Peter and nodded. Vlad offered Peter to stay for dinner but Peter told them that his Aunt May was waiting for him. Peter gave Danny a smile then left in a taxi. Danny looked in his bag and saw that Peter had left a note in the side pocket.

Danny, I left my number on here in case you want to talk or come over. You're a very smart and sweet kid and I'm hoping we can be friends. Welcome to New York. Signed your pal, Peter Parker.

Danny felt his heart soar with excitement, he had been developing a small crush on Peter but since he just wanted to be friends Danny just agreed to be friends with him. At least for a little while until his crush boomed like crazy.

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