Ghosts in New York

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Danny was getting used to things in New York, he had new friends, a new father, and even new allies. There was still a part of him that missed his old friends, Sam and Tucker. He had been calling them and video chatting with them but it wasn't the same. Danny even missed the ghosts that were nice to him as Johnny, Kitty, Ember, Technis, Lunch Lady, and the Box Ghost. But he still had his new friends Peter, Harry, MJ, and Luke at his new school. He still had to avoid Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D since his dad didn't trust them.

Days have passed since the Trapster incident, Danny did his best to avoid Spider-Man and his team but they kept following him around. He had to make sure that either of them saw him turn back into Danny Masters and not Phantom. He mostly stuck around Peter and Luke at school to avoid Flash. He did meet Ava, Sam Alexander, and Danny Rand, later on, he liked them except for Sam who was a jokester. Peter started to invite Danny over for dinner with him and his Aunt May. Danny really liked May, she was understanding with him being mute.

But that feeling of happiness was about to come down when Danny came home to see Nick Fury sitting on the sofa waiting for him. "Danny Phantom, we need to talk." Fury stated.

Danny looked a little shocked, Fury knew about his ghost side. Danny looked around for his dad hoping that this was just a prank but Vlad was nowhere to be found. Fury told him that Vlad was talking with Agent Coulson who was his acting principal at school. Danny reluctantly sat down in front of Fury just to see what he wanted. Fury wanted to have Danny join the team but Danny quickly refused the offer. Fury just looked at him with a serious look saying that he didn't have a choice.

"We need your expertise with ghosts. One of your enemies attacked one of our hidden bases looking for you. This is not a request, this is for your own protection." Fury explained.

Lots of ghosts in the ghost zone wanted Danny dead but he was shocked that one of them somehow got to New York. Against his better judgment, Danny agreed to come with Fury but he made sure that he was in his ghost form. Vlad came out in his ghost form with Agent Coulson. A few other agents lead Phantom and Plasmas to a jet. The jet took them to the Helicarrier where Spider-Man and his team were waiting. Spider-Man introduced his team to Phantom, White Tiger, Power Man, Iron Fist, and Nova. "So this is the ghost kid? He doesn't look that much of a hero." Nova snapped.

Phantom wanted to blast Nova with his power but Spider-Man beat him to it. He webbed Nova's mouth shut "Knock it off Bucket Head! You're scaring him. Then again, you scare almost anyone." Spider-Man joked.

Phantom chuckled a little at Spider-Man's joke, the other looked at him like he had killed them. Spider-Man just looked surprised, no one had laughed at his jokes, not even some of the low-rated villains. They took Phantom and Plasmas inside the Helicarrier, Vlad still kept his guard up in case something went wrong. Fury had Spider-Man stay with Phantom while he talks to Plasmas about Phantom joining the team. Plasmas told Phantom to at least speak around Spider-Man, they can't find out his identity.

Phantom promised that he would buy only because he didn't want to be revealed. Spider-Man gave him a tour of the Helicarrier and cracked a few jokes. Phantom started to laugh at every joke Spider-Man had said. "That's a first, someone laughs at my jokes." Spider-Man said.

"I do a few jokes myself. Mostly towards my ghost enemies." Phantom spoke.

Spider-Man looked a little shocked, he was hearing Phantom's voice for the first time. The two spent hours talking about their origins, powers, and enemies. Phantom felt his ghost sense going off, he turned to see Skulker aiming a missile right at Spider-Man. Phantom pushed Spider-Man out of the way just in time. "I'm guessing this is the guy that wants you dead." Spider-Man assumed.

"You wanna talk or kick some butt?" Danny asked with fire in his eyes.

Spider-Man webbed Skulker's blasters long enough for Phantom to land a punch. He sent Skulker flying through the walls and right into the room where the others were. Phantom fazed him and Spider-Man into the room with a sheepish grin. "Found the ghost." Spider-Man said.

The rest of the team got caught in one of Skulker's ghost net and Phantom got hit with one of the missiles. Something in Spider-Man snapped, he charged right at Skulker and threw so many punches that it dented his armor. Phantom got the strength to get up but without the Fenton Thermos, he couldn't contain Skulker. Skulker sent Spider-Man flying "Your next, Whelp!" He screamed.

"Sorry but hunting season for halfas just passed." Phantom joked.

He got the rest of the team out of the ghost net "I don't know who's jokes are worse, Phantoms' or Webheads'?" Nova complained.

Phantom ignore Nova's complaint then Spider-Man started to web Skulker in place. A shadow appeared out of nowhere, the team was ready to fight it when Phantom told them to wait. He knew that shadow anywhere, it was Johnny 13's shadow. Shadow handed something to Phantom, it was the thermostat that can capture Skulker. He turned it on and the device sucked Skulker inside, Phantom made sure to put the lit on. "Looks like the hunter has become the hunted." Spider-Man joked.

Suddenly Nova zoomed passed Phantom and grabbed the thermostat out of his hand. Nova keep playing around with it until Power Man snatched it from him and handed it back to Phantom. Fury looked a bit impressed with Phantoms skill setting but he still need more training. So Plasmas and Fury worked out an agreement, Phantom can still train with Plasmas but he would still be apart of the team and get training from Fury as well. Phantom agreed to the conditions but he had one himself, no one on the team has to know his identity.

The team made an agreement that they won't force Phantom to reveal himself until he is ready. One by one, each team member told Phantom their identities. He was shocked that his new team were Peter and his friends but he hid his shocked look. Both Phantom and Plasmas left the Helicarrier with Shadow tailing from behind.

When they arrived at the house, two other ghosts were waiting for them. Danny told Vlad that those were his friends Johnny and Kitty, they're also family. Johnny and Kitty wanted to see how Danny was doing in his new home and make sure that Vlad wasn't like his parents. Johnny hugged Danny tight "We missed you little bro." Johnny said.

"How did you guys find me?" Danny asked.

"Skulker. We followed him here and we did have Shadow deliver your thermostat." Kitty stated.

Danny was just so happy to see Kitty and Johnny again, Vlad told them that they were welcome anytime for a visit. At least after Johnny had threaten Vlad that if he hurt a hair on Danny then he would be done for.

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