I Am Spider-Man

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A week after the whole "Spider-Ham" incident, Fury finally gave Loki a second chance thanks to Spider-Man and Phantom. It took a while for Phantom to convince Thor to let Loki stay on Earth. But Thor finally agreed to let Loki stay under one condition, Thor would be checking on him to make sure Loki doesn't sneak off. Loki reluctantly agreed to the condition, on the agreement that Thor would not tell the Avengers that he was here. Danny still kept his secret identity from his team but the reveal came sooner than expected.

It was during a normal school day or so everyone thought. About a dozen girls were screaming and running to see the poster that Coulson had put up. Danny and Peter went to check out what everyone was staring at, it was a poster for the school's musical auditions. All singing, all dancing, and all Spider-Man and Phantom. The school was doing a musical about Spider-Man and Phantom. Both Peter and Danny's faces went pale seeing the poster.

M.J was the one who wrote the play and she seemed to be proud of her work. She actually told Danny that he should tryout as Spider-Man, Danny looked flustered at what M.J had said. "You're perfect for the role. The world thinks Spider-Man and Phantom are a menace. I know different. My play can change the public's opinion about them." M.J claimed.

Danny never signed up to audition for plays before, mostly because he was always teased about being too nerdy for being in a play. But since M.J thinks he should tryout for Spider-Man, he decided to sign up. Peter still thought that the play wasn't even happening. He went to talk to Coulson about the play and Coulson told him that this play was happening. The drama teacher ended up having the mumps so Coulson was taking over the play. Peter begged him not to do Spidey but two people in drama class had chosen Spider-Man and Phantom.

He already had the script written and the costumes were already sewn. Coulson pulled out a Spider-Man and Phantom costume from his cabinet. Peter took a look at the costumes, he thought that they weren't half bad but Coulson missed the spider on the back of the Spider-Man costume. Coulson claimed that he wasn't the one who made the costumes, he had asked Loki to help with the costumes. "The God of Mischief sewing? There's something you don't hear every day." Peter commented.

Coulson didn't pay attention, he was still working on the songs for the play. Peter stated that he wasn't going to do this play but Coulson had already claimed that Peter was wrong for the part. "I'm wrong for the part of me?" Peter questioned.

"It's not you. It's Spider-Man. But I do need someone to play as Phantom so maybe you could work for that part." Coulson stated.

Auditions for Phantom and Spider-Man were being held in the auditorium and Coulson was the one judging them. Coulson had seen over eighteen people auditioning for Spider-Man and he still hasn't found the right person for the role. Peter and Sam were just watching from the back of the auditorium, thinking that no one would fit the role of Spider-Man. Peter was about to eat his words, the next kid that audition was Flash. Coulson figured that he was perfect for the role of Spider-Man, until he heard Flash's singing then changed his mind. The last person to audition for Spider-Man was Danny, he surprised everyone when he sang the sole song perfectly.

The whole room went pin drop silent after Danny's audition. Flash was the first one the clap then everyone else followed with cheering. Coulson immediately picked Danny for the role of Spider-Man and Flash would be his understudy. Peter practically choked on his own spit hearing those words. "I can't believe it!" Peter shouted.

"I can. He looks better in your costume than you do." Sam stated.

Sam had switched the fake Spider-Man suit with Peter's real suit for Danny to wear. Peter's jaw dropped at Sam's little stunt, he just wanted to see the reaction on Peter's face. Next came the auditions for Phantom, it was the same as Spider-Man and Coulson didn't find anyone to fit the role. Until the next person auditioned and blew Coulson away, he picked the kid to be Phantom. That person was none other than Harry Osborn. Peter's mouth dropped opened again, his best friend as Phantom and Danny as Spider-Man?

Peter didn't mind at first until Coulson revealed that in the script, both Spider-Man and Phantom had to kiss. Peter felt a pint of jealousy, a kiss between Danny and Harry? He waited until rehearsal was done then he went back stage to the dressing rooms. He found Danny's dressing room but Harry was in there chatting with Danny. Peter stood outside the room, listening to what they were saying.

"I had no idea you could sing like that. Or even talk. Sorry if that sounded offensive." Harry said.

"It's fine. I'm not mute, I just have a hard time trusting people. My last school was a nightmare, everyone mocked and bullied me that I just went silent. But ever since I came here, I feel more home here." Danny explained.

"I know it's none of my business but why did you sign up for the play?"

"Actually, M.J convinced me that I would be perfect for Spider-Man but I had no idea I was that good."

"You are. And honestly, I was the one that pick Phantom to be apart of the play. The guy is a real hero, and I should know, he saved my life when Venom took control of me."

Peter now understood who picked Phantom to be in the play. Harry was doing it as a tribute to Phantom, but he was still jealous about him and Danny kissing in the play. Peter over heard Danny that he was nervous about the kissing scene since he had no kissed anyone. Peter looked shocked, Harry was gonna be Danny's first kiss. He then heard Harry tell Danny that everything was going to be fine. Peter heard them coming and ran to the wall acting like he hadn't heard anything.

Danny came out of the dressing room still wearing the real Spider-Man suit when he bumped into Peter. "Sorry about that." Danny apologized.

"No problem. Um, aren't you going to take the costume off?" Peter asked.

"Actually, I asked Coulson if I could borrow it for a little while. I'm still nervous about the show and figured I could practice at home with it." Danny explained.

Peter let him take the suit with him but he was actually planning to get the suit back from Danny's house. Later at night, Peter used the fake Spider-Man suit to spy on Danny and get his real suit back. When he reached Danny's house, he found the window to Danny's room and watched Danny practice his lines as Spider-Man. He was getting pretty good right up til he reached the confession lines for the kiss scene. He kept on stuttering and messing up the lines. That was when Vlad walked into Danny's room and found him struggling with his lines.

"Everything ok, little badger?" Vlad asked.

"No. I keep screwing up my lines for the big confession scene. I don't want to let everyone down." Danny confessed.

Vlad led Danny to his bed and sat down with him, he told Danny that he had nothing to worry about. He was going to be a great Spider-Man and that Loki and himself will be in the audience cheering him on. Danny felt a little better knowing that his parents were going to be there at the show. Outside, Spider-Man felt a little guilty for trying to get the suit back from Danny. He just left the house, he ran into the Trapster who had broken out of prison. He stopped the Trapster but he got away, Spider-Man was hoping that was the last he saw the Trapster.

The next morning, during the last rehearsal, Coulson announced that Harry had the flu and he would not be able to the show. He told everyone that Peter was going to fill in for Harry as Phantom. Peter looked pale as a ghost, that meant he and Danny would have to kiss. He begged Coulson to have someone else fill in but it was too late. The show was already sold out and it was too late to change the casting. Danny's face turned bright red, he would have to kiss Peter for the scene.

Opening night hit quick, Coulson was with the band to conduct the music for the show. Lots of people showed up for the play including Ava, Sam, Luke, and Danny R. Vlad and Loki who was in disguise sat next to Aunt May to get a good view of the show. Even Johnny, Kitten, Ember, and Technis showed up disguised as humans just to see Danny. Luke spotted Harry sitting behind him, Luke tapped him on the shoulder. "I thought you were sick." Luke whispered.

"I faked it. I know Danny has a huge crush on Peter and I didn't want to be a jerk. Besides, I think those two belong together." Harry whispered.

Danny looked incredible nervous for the show, he wanted to run and hide since he was afraid he was gonna mess up. There was a knock on the door, it opened and in came Ember and Johnny with a bouquet of flowers. "You guys came?" Danny asked.

"We were not going to miss this. It's your first show." Ember stated.

Danny felt better knowing that some of his ghost friends were in the audience. The two left wishing him good luck then M.J came in to tell Danny that the show was starting. The show started off with the battle against the Frightful Four which went perfectly. Danny came into the scene as Spider-Man swinging on the ropes to fight. The scene went smoothly and ended with Danny's solo which he sang beautifully. The audience cheered and clapped loudly after Danny's performance.

The next scene went into a night on the rooftops of New York City. Just as Danny entered the scene, Ember spotted Desiree the genie ghost hiding behind the stage. She knew this meant trouble, she snuck off to stop Desiree. But suddenly, the real Trapster came in thinking that Danny was the real Spider-Man. Trapster kept shooting glue at Danny but he uses the ropes to dodge the attacks. "You do realize that every time we fight, I win right?" Danny improvised.

"I stick to my goals." Trapster said.

M.J complained that the Trapster wasn't in her script. Peter saw what was happening, he told Coulson to keep going with the music so they don't cause a panic. Coulson agreed to the plan but he told Peter to get in the scene and help. Peter came onto the stage as Phantom and joined in the fight. But they had to make the audience think that this was part of the show. "Who are you?" Danny asked, acting.

"You wanna talk or kick some butt?" Peter said, acting.

That was when Desiree joined the fight and tackled Peter thinking that he is Phantom. "Found you ghost child." She said.

Peter looked confused about who this genie was, he figured that she was an old enemy of Phantom's. He shoved Desiree into the Trapster and they both went flying back stage. Danny grabbed the Trapster's glue gun and stuck the Trapster to the wall. Desiree slipped away before Danny could stop her. Both Danny and Peter resumed the scene, that was when the music for the duet started to play. Coulson signaled Peter to start singing to Danny.


I Don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, but then again no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
Oh I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song
And this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world


How wonderful life is while you're in the world


So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see I've forgotten
If they're green or they're blue
Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen


And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is
How wonderful life is
How wonderful life is
While you're in the world

The music ended and then Coulson signaled them to kiss. Peter took off the Spider-Man mask on Danny then the two leaned in for a kiss. The entire crowd went wild over the kiss, Harry looked impressed with his plan. The curtain closed in front of them and they quickly pulled away. "Well, that was... something." Peter said, awkwardly, "I do wish I knew who Phantom really was."

Desiree heard the words then she casted a spell on Danny to reveal his ghost form right in front of Peter. Ember caught Desiree in the thermos but it was too late, Peter had seen Danny's ghost form. Peter looked shocked, the hero he had a crush on was the same guy that was his friend. Danny was quiet but Peter said that he wasn't disappointed in Danny. He promised that he will listen to Danny more and to not tell the others.

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