Run Pig Run

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Danny had turned into Phantom to get to school for picture day today. He was hoping that this one will be better than his previous ones at Casper High. He ran into Spider-Man who was sitting on top of a Tony Stark billboard. They both still get called menaces and vigilantes even though they help save the world too. Phantom heard Spider-Man's stomach growl like crazy, Spider-Man looked embarrassed. "Sorry. Skipped breakfast." Spider-Man stated.

That was when a hot dog vendor called out to Spider-Man saying that he was a huge fan of Spider-Man. The man offered Spider-Man a hot dog on the house as a token of appreciation. Spider-Man swung down from the billboard with his mask pulled up from his mouth. He took the hot dog and was about to take a bite when his Spider-sense went off. Phantom floated down and told Spider-Man to wait if something was wrong. But he already took a big bite of the hot dog right when the hot dog vendor revealed himself to be Loki.

He enchanted the hot dog that Spider-Man ate, green smoke surrounded him, and then Spider-Man turned into a pig. Phantom was laughing his head off at Spider-Man's new look calling him Spider-Ham. Spider-Man was freaking out about his new form, he squealed when he spoke. Loki considers this trick as payback from their last encounter, Spider-Man, and his team interfered with Loki's plan of conquest. He was only returning the favor for humiliating him on Asgard. "Complete with a witty, 'You are what you eat' morality tale curling out of your backside," Loki stated

Phantom let out a small chuckle but Spider-Man looked angry. He charged at Loki, demanding that Loki change him back but Loki moved out of the way and Spider-Man stumbled to the ground. Phantom tried to help but Loki teleported Phantom somewhere else to stay away from Spider-Man. Spider-Man demanded that Loki reverse the spell and bring back Phantom. Just then, a fog rolled in and the sound of loud horns rang across Manhattan. "What was that?" Spider-Man asked Loki.

"That is your cue to run," Loki stated as he disappeared.

Loki reappeared in Central Park where Phantom was waiting. Loki was checking Phantom over for injuries from their fake fight but Phantom insisted that he was fine. They heard the sounds of wolves and Spider-Man's screams not too far from where they are. Phantom saw Spider-Man up in a tree as three hunters on wolves surrounded him. Phantom flew over to Spider-Man and caught him before the flying ax hit him. Both of them ducked into the bushes before the hunters could see them.

"What's up with those hunters?! They keep wanting to eat me!" Spider-Man complained.

"It's Asgardreia. The Day of The Wild Hunt." Phantom answered.

"The Day of The Wild What?"

"Wild Hunt. Once a year, a band of Asgard's finest hunters form a party and ride off a skewer a prize boar. To be eaten at a feast held later in the Halls of Valhalla."

"How do you know that?"

"I study."

Phantom wasn't exactly lying, Loki had been giving him history lessons about Asgard but he can't let Spider-Man know. And thanks to Loki, Spider-Man was now the pig the hunters wanted to eat. The hunters found them, and both Phantom and Spider-Man ran away dodging arrows and axes. Spider-Man jumped into a trash can to hide in while Phantom hid in the trees. The hunters were looking for Spider-Man when a mime pointed at the trash can. The hunters didn't really get it, the mime turned into Loki and he revealed where Spider-Man was.

"You put all mimes to shame," Spider-Man muttered to Loki.

Spider-Man ran off as the hunters chased him on the wolves. Phantom flew off after them, he stood in front of the hunters and blasted them with his ectoenergy beams. He told Spider-Man to keep going, he was gonna try to slow down the hunters. As Spider-Man kept running, Phantom fought the hunters but two of them ran after Spider-Man. All that was left was the lead hunter, Skurge who wasn't about to call off the hunt. Skurge attacked Phantom with his ax and left a giant cut on Phantom's arm.

Skurge ran after Spider-Man, and Phantom followed him without caring about the cut. Phantom found Spider-Man with Thor who was trying to call off the hunt. But he can't, as a son of Asgard he can not call off the hunt. Although there wasn't any law about slowing them down, Thor blinded the wolves with his lightning. He told Spider-Man to run but Spider-Man figured that Thor could just tell them that he is not a real pig. "Nay, for in truth, it is exactly what a talking pig would say," Thor stated.

Thor grabbed Spider-Man and ran with Phantom following from behind. Phantom asked Thor if he could try to reverse the spell on Spider-Man, but he didn't know any magic. "A million superheroes in New York, and we get the one who can't break the spell or stop the hunt." Phantom complained.

Phantom started thinking that he could take Spider-Man to Dr. Strange but his magic wouldn't work. He then thought Tony Stark could try something with his tech but it would have just barbecued Spider-Man. He even thought about asking Doctor Doom but he would have just served Spider-Man with an apple in his mouth. Thor told them that the hunt ends at sunset, all Spider-Ham had to do was just stay alive. The wolves howled caught their attention, they were tracking them. "I must smell like a deli to them," Spider-Man said.

"More like an all-you-can-eat meat buffet, Spider-Ham." Phantom joked.

Spider-Man looked angry, even angrier when Thor used his hammer to open a sewer and get sewer water all over Spider-Man. He claimed that it would help mask the scent but the hunters found them anyway. Thor told Phantom and Spider-Man to take his hammer and get to friendlier grounds. They both grabbed onto the hammer then Thor fling it and them across the city. Phantom and Spider-Man crash-landed right in front of Midtown High. "This is the worst idea in the nine worlds," Spider-Man stated.

Phantom just rolled his eyes and dragged Spider-Man inside the school squealing and begging him not to. He would rather go for the frying pan than face utter humiliation. The hunters were getting closer even with Thor slowing them down. Phantom told Spider-Man to get behind him and cover his ears. Just as the hunters and Thor came into close range, Phantom took a deep breath and then unleashed his ghostly wail on the hunters. The hunters have blasted far away then Phantom just collapsed to the ground. He forgot that the ghostly wail took up most of his energy.

Spider-Man tried to help him up but green smoke surrounded Phantom and he just disappeared. Phantom reappeared in Loki's arms as Danny in an empty classroom. He used his magic to heal the cut on Danny's arm and give him strength. "Mom, you shouldn't be here. What if Coulson sees you?" Danny said, worried.

"I already made sure no one saw me. I told you not to use the ghostly wail. It's too much." Loki stated.

Danny and Loki had planned the whole 'turn Spider-Man into a pig.' It was to teach Spider-Man a lesson but they had forgotten that today is Asgardreia. Danny had regained his strength, he joined the others in the hallway. That was when Spider-Man showed up dangling upside down from a web. Sam thought it was a piñata but Spider-Man took Sam's sandwich and bit into it.

"Go near me with a bat and I'll stick it where the Nova doesn't—" Spider-Man stopped when he realized that the sandwich had ham in it. He quickly spat it out "I think I just became a cannibal."

Sam finally figured out that it's Spider-Man as a pig. Spider-Man just gave them the short story, not knowing that Danny was behind them the whole time. The fire alarm suddenly turned on then the hunters came in claiming that they will destroy anyone who stood in the way of their feast. "Feast? Are they talking about you?" Sam asked.

"Green eggs and all, Sam," Spider-Man stated.

He told them to go do a wardrobe change while he kept the hunters busy. The others left along with Danny who just ran into the janitor's closet and quickly turned into Phantom. He flew out of the janitor's closet and joined Spider-Man. "And where were you?" Spider-Man asked.

"Ran low on energy. I was about to turn back and I needed a place to recharge." Phantom quickly lied.

Spider-Man somehow knew Flash was hiding in the lockers and told him to clear out before it gets messy. Skurge almost got Spider-Man but he hit the lights instead which gave Spider-Man and Phantom a chance to run. They both ran into the bathroom and tried to hide in one of the stalls. "There's a big bad wolf joke here somewhere." Phantom joked.

The hunters were waiting for him outside the stall, Phantom grabbed Spider-Man and flew out of there. He handed Spider-Man to Nova who tossed him to Power Man who tossed him to Iron Fist. They kept on running and dodging attacks from the hunters. Nova practically joked about Spider-Man being the pig man on campus. Spider-Man was imagining Nova getting hit in the head with Thor's hammer just to get him to be quiet. The hunters were closing in when Coulson appeared out of nowhere with two SHIELD guns and fired at the hunters.

He told the team to get Porker out of the school and fast while he and Thor kept the hunters busy. White Tiger grabbed Spider-Man's arm and told the team to head for the detention room which took them to the helicarrier. They managed to get out of the school but the wolves can still track down Spider-Ham by his scent. The whole team had reached the SHIELD helicarrier to protect Spider-Man. But they were three thousand feet up in the air, those hunters weren't gonna be a problem. "There's a 'when pigs fly' joke here. Give me a sec, I'll find it." Nova joked.

"Not the time, Nova!" Phantom shouted.

White Tiger was certain that putting everyone on high alert wasn't necessary, she said that those hunters couldn't follow them here. She jinxed it, the hunters' wolves had wings and they were looking for Spider-Man. The wolves even spitfire and they attacked the helicarrier. Spider-Man insisted that he had to help but the team told him to stay inside while they deal with the hunters. While the team, Coulson, and Thor dealt with the hunters, Spider-Man was inside thinking about how he never gets any respect but his friends proved him wrong. That was when Loki appeared out of nowhere and tried to attack Spider-Man.

"I've made you the most desired beast in all the nine worlds. However, as you continue to hide and let others do your fighting, I question the wisdom of turning you into a pig. Perhaps a chicken would have been more appropriate." Loki said.

This angered Spider-Man, he was tired of hiding, skewered or not this pig was about to get dirty. He headed outside to face the hunters, he started fighting Skurge but Skurge was stronger and headed Spider-Man to the ground. Phantom couldn't just stand by and let his friend become a meal. Phantom got on top of Skurge and pulled his ax away from Spider-Man. Skurge got tired of Phantom ruining his hunt, he grabbed Phantom by the neck and shoved him to the ground. "If I can't have the boar then you'll do," Skurge said menacingly.

He was about to chop up Phantom when suddenly, Loki appeared out of nowhere and attacked Skurge to the ground. "Get your filthy paws off my son!" Loki shouted.

Everyone looked stunned, did Loki just call Phantom his son? Sundown hit quickly which meant that the hunt was over. Spider-Man was turned back to normal and the hunters had left Earth back to Asgard. Thor then turned to Loki who was checking Phantom over for any wounds. Thor wanted to take Loki back to Asgard to answer for his crimes, Spider-Man and the team thought that Phantom was under a spell. Loki instantly told Thor that he wasn't going back to Asgard.

He had already given up his title as the second prince of Asgard, he already had everything he wanted on Earth. Thor was angry that Loki gave up his title. Spider-Man stopped Thor from grabbing Loki, he told Thor that they should at least hear what Loki has to say. But Thor wasn't having it, he claimed that Loki was just lying to get out of his sentence. Phantom just snapped and screamed "ENOUGH!!" loud enough for all of Manhattan to hear.

"You want to know why Loki saved my life?! It's because we're the same! When you all left me in the palace, Loki changed. He said he wouldn't hurt someone like me. He took care of me after Doc Ock drugged me with Blood Blossoms. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm his son, not by blood but by bond! You want to take him away?! You're gonna have to go through me!!" Phantom ranted.

Thor kept trying to convince Phantom that Loki was evil but he wasn't buying it. Loki finally stepped in and spoke about the truth between him and Thor. He and Phantom left the helicarrier leaving the rest of the team to think about what Loki had told them. When they got home, Danny collapsed in tears and apologized to Loki for exposing himself. Loki gently hugged Danny, whispering sweet words to calm him down. "You have nothing to apologize for. The truth was gonna come out anyway. I do not regret my decision, you and Vlad are the best things that have happened to me. I wouldn't trade that for all the riches in Asgard." Loki stated.

Somehow Fury got into the house, he saw how Loki treated Danny and told him that he was gonna give Loki a chance. Spider-Man was the one that convinced him to at least hear what Loki had to say. And also to show Danny the embarrassing pictures Nova took of Spider-Man as Spider-Ham.

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