Sick Little Ghost

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Since Danny got effected with the gas of Blood Blossoms that Doc Ock used on him, he was still sick as a dog. It's been a week since Doc Ock disappeared and Danny was still bedridden by his father until the Blood Blossoms wore off. Danny didn't mind it at first, his friends visit to check up on him, mostly Peter who helped Danny with his school work. But Vlad was going a little overboard with the whole thing. Even when Danny had somewhat strength to stand, Vlad would force him back into bed. Danny was getting tired of being treated like a helpless little kid.

He made sure that Vlad was completely gone since Vlad thinks Danny can stay home by himself while Vlad went to work. When he was completely sure, Danny quickly turned into Phantom and dashed out of the house. He just wanted some fresh air for a bit then he would sneak back home without Vlad ever knowing. He made sure to stay clear of the Bugle News copters and from the rest of the team. The last thing he wanted was his dad giving him a full lecture about sneaking out of the house.

Phantom just watched from a hidden distance in case he had to jump into action as a hero. And right on cue, the Juggernaut smashes out of a bank that he just robbed. Phantom flew out of his hiding spot and delivered a solid punch to the Juggernaut's face. "Well, well, well, if it ain't the Ghost Boy? Think you can stop the Juggernaut?" Juggernaut asked.

The Juggernaut charged at Phantom but he stood his ground ready to fight. Just as Phantom was about to use his powers, he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his side. He kneeled down in pain but the Juggernaut sent Phantom flying right into a building. Phantom crashed into the wall, his powers were still in a weak state. Juggernaut charged again at Phantom ready to deliver more pain. Just as Phantom was ready to try fighting again, someone stepped in and stopped the Juggernaut.

It was Loki, he had stopped the Juggernaut with his magic and knocked the Juggernaut out cold. "Loki?" Phantom asked confused, "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"The necklace that I gave you, it lets me know if you are in danger." Loki explained.

Loki helped Phantom up to his feet but Phantom almost passed out, turned back into Danny and fell into Loki's arms. Not wanting to attract unwanted attention, Loki teleported himself and Danny back into Danny's room. Loki gently landed Danny back in his bed and pulled the covers over him. Loki placed his hand on Danny's forehead, he was burning up. Loki conjured up a cold wet cloth and placed it on Danny's forehead to get the fever to lower. He stayed with Danny just in case he would get any worse.

Danny finally woke up after an hour of sleep, he realized that he was back in his room, alone. He thought Loki had just left him alone. But the door opened and Loki was walking with a bowl of soup in his hands. "I thought you would be hungry when you awaken. I made this for you. And before you ask, I didn't put any spell in it."
he said, handing the bowl to Danny.

Danny took the bowl from Loki "I thought you and Thor had servants for stuff like this." Danny questioned.

Loki chuckled at Danny's question, he explained that he was more friendly towards the servants and he was friends with the chefs niece. He learned how to cook from the chef in secret so Odin or Thor would never know. Danny tasted a spoonful of the soup and it felt like he was on cloud nine. The soup was so tasty that he practically inhaled the whole thing in one go. Danny instantly turned red in the face when he realized what he just did in front of Loki. Loki gave Danny a soft smile, he did mind it one bit.

Danny suddenly started to clutch his sides in pain, he had forgotten to take his medicine to counteract the Blood Blossoms in his system. It's not like he wanted to forget but the medicine that Vlad gave him tasted like old gym socks. Loki found the vial of medicine sitting on the nightstand and tried to get Danny to take it. But Danny would get sink deeper into the covers and whimper in fear. "Danny, come on. You have to take it or the pain will only get worse." Loki assured.

Danny wasn't even willing to open his mouth and just turned away from Loki. Loki decided to try something different, he quickly pulled a potion out of his satchel. He switched the vial of Vlad's medicine with a different medicine that he had made in case Danny had encountered Blood Blossoms. Danny slowly peaked from out of the covers, he saw that Loki had another vial in his hand. Loki gently removed the blankets from Danny's face and told him to try taking this vial. Danny took it and swallowed the liquid inside the vial, it seemed to work better than the one Vlad had been giving him.

Danny hugged Loki tight whispering thank you over and over again. Loki stayed right by Danny's side throughout the rest of the day. Loki would have Danny curled up by his side when he read Danny a story from his favorite Asgardian books. Sometimes Danny would talk to Loki about his old friends from Amity Park or even helping Loki coming up with a good prank for Spider-Man. The two had bonded so close that they could look like a perfect father/son duo. Loki continued reading to Danny when he saw that Danny had fallen asleep on his lap.

Vlad came home from work and went to Danny's room to check up on him. That was when he found Loki tucking Danny into bed and he felt sparks ignite in his heart. Loki turned to face Vlad who was watching from the door way. "You must be Danny's father. Sorry if I'm bothering you, I came to keep Danny company." Loki explained.

Just as he was about to leave, Vlad stopped him. "Stay. I've never seen Daniel smile this much before. You care deeply for my son. You are welcome to stay, Loki." Vlad stated.

Loki looked shocked, he didn't even give Vlad his name but somehow he already knew about him. Vlad told him that he kept cameras hidden in the house without having S.H.I.E.L.D spying on them. Vlad won't let Fury know that Loki was staying in his house. Loki was grateful for Vlad letting him stay. Danny started to toss and turn in fear, he was having a nightmare. Loki immediately saw the signs of Danny having a terrible nightmare and took action.

Loki took Danny into his arms and started humming an old lullaby from when he was child. The lullaby started to calm Danny down and even chased away the nightmare. Vlad watched the way Loki was caring for Danny like a mother would to their child. Loki gently set Danny back onto the bed and even left a kiss on Danny's forehead.

Was it possible? Vlad thought, I haven't felt like this since Maddie. Was it possible for me to love again?

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