Us Time

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Danny kept the necklace that Loki gave him weeks ago, he sometimes would just call for Loki just to talk. Things have been hectic in New York after the field trip incident. Between mutant body swaps and the return of Venom, Danny had been falling in love with Peter. But every time he gets the courage to ask Peter out, there is always a villain attacking New York. Danny had to get to S.H.I.E.L.D more training as Phantom. He walked into Fury and Spider-Man arguing over security footage in his house.

Apparently, it's a basic security protocol to have cameras in their homes to protect their families from villains. Everyone had signed the agreement when they had signed up for SHIELD, except for Phantom. He and Plasmas weren't comfortable with SHIELD poking their noses in their business. Spider-Man didn't even read the fine print when he signed the agreement, he was distracted by the jet packs. "What about Phantom?! He's a part of the team!" Spider-Man asked.

"Phantom and his mentor want to keep their lives private. Until they are ready to reveal their identities to us." Fury explained.

Even the other team members all said that they had signed the agreement, Nova even got a jet pack which ticked Spider-Man off. Spider-Man wasn't even listening to Fury, he just took his communicator off and stated that he was off the clock. Fury warned him that he was gonna regret it but Spider-Man didn't care, he wanted a break. Phantom came out of the shadows which made Spider-Man jump in fear. Phantom apologized for the scare then Spider-Man just asked him if he wanted to hang out.

Danny quickly said yes as his stomach filled with butterflies. Phantom only agreed if they were going in their hero forms. Spider-Man agreed to it and then left the helicarrier. Phantom was so lost in the moment that Fury had to scream in his ear to snap him out of his trance. "I'm not daydreaming!" Phantom screamed.

After the meeting with Fury was over, Danny raced back home and went to his room. He practically screamed excitedly for his date with Spider-Man. Vlad came into the room thinking that Danny was hurt from fighting another villain. Vlad checked Danny for any injuries but Danny phased his way out of Vlad's arms. "I'm fine dad. Nothing happened, except I may have been asked out by Spider-Man." Danny gently said to Vlad.

Vlad calmed down after hearing that Danny was going on a date. But he was still a little skeptical about Danny going on a date even if it's in his ghost form. Danny promised him that he was gonna be careful and he would call if something went wrong. Vlad gave Danny permission to go on the date and that made Danny happy. Spider-Man sent the coordinates for the location where the date was happening. Danny quickly straighten himself up and then flew out of the house to meet Spider-Man.

Spider-Man was waiting for Danny at an amusement park, Spider-Man got startled when Phantom showed up from behind him. "We have to get you a bell, Phantom," Spider-Man stated.

"And not seeing you jump like a little girl? Where's the fun in that?" Phantom asked jokingly.

The two went inside the amusement park, the first thing Spider-Man dragged Phantom on was the roller coaster. They sat next to each other and were screaming their heads off every time the roller coaster. Suddenly, something grabbed Spider-Man right out of his seat. Phantom looked back to see a man with mechanical arms holding Spider-Man hostage. Phantom quickly phased out of the ride and rushed to help Spider-Man. Spider-Man struggled to break from the man's arms but still failed as the man ranted about someone.

"Hey Ugly! Pick on someone your own species!" Phantom shouted and broke Spider-Man free.

They got far enough from the man with the tentacles. "Hey, day off! And who are you supposed to be anyway? Captain Cockroach? The Enemy Anemone? Crab Claw Clem?" Spider-Man questioned and threw a few nicknames at the villain.

The man screamed that he was a doctor as he started attacking both Phantom and Spider-Man. Although Phantom thought that this crazy guy needed a doctor and an elaborate straitjacket for those arms. The villain kept flinging his metal arms at the two heroes claiming that he isn't insane. One of the metal arms turned into a buzz saw that almost hit Spider-Man by an inch. Another arm aimed straight for Phantom but this one had a ghost proof saw that almost hit him right on the leg. "And I thought I was done with being a lab rat. What, do you have a PhD in squid arms, doctor?" Phantom joked.

"Ooh. I got it. Doctor Octopus! Ha! Catchy, huh?" Spider-Man shouted.

Both Phantom and Spider-Man high fived for the Doctor Octopus's new name. But Doctor Octopus did not seem to happy, he kept trying to catch them with his arms. Phantom saw an empty roller coaster cart coming their way, that's when he got an idea. He whispered his idea to Spider-Man and agreed with the plan. Spider-Man lured Doctor Octopus right onto the tracks while Phantom possessed the carts to hit Doctor Octopus. The carts hit him so hard that it sent Doctor Octopus flying off the ride as Spider-Man and Phantom just watched.

But their plan was short relieved when Doctor Octopus came back more determined to get his hands of both Phantom and Spider-Man. Ock still went on what this "he" who wanted Spider-Man and Phantom. Spider-Man tried to ask about this "he" but Ock refused to answer and went back to attacking them. They kept dodging Doc Ock's attacks but he still followed them and predicting where Spider-Man and Phantom will move. Ock grabbed one of Spider-Man's legs and one of his arms, holding him in place. "Ok, he's actually starting to scare me." Spider-Man stated.

Doc Ock came close to examine Spider-Man and stated that he could not wait to dissect him to see what makes Spider-Man tick. Spider-Man did not like the sound of that. He webbed Doc Ock right in the face, making him let Spider-Man go but another arm hit Spider-Man right in the face. He ended up crashing into a booth that was giving away teddy bears. People started screaming and running the minute Doc Ock landed in front of Spider-Man and Phantom.

"Now I'm this close to proving my worth by the light of my own hand!" Doc Ock shouted as one of his arms almost hit Phantom with the ghost buzz saw.

Spider-Man tried to flee but Doc Ock squirted ink on the walls to make it slippery. Spider-Man lost his grip and landed on top of Phantom while he was on his back. Not what Phantom had in mind for getting a first kiss. As soon as the two got off of each other, a buzz saw was aimed right in front of them. "Wait! Before I go, I need to point out one thing." Spider-Man said.

Phantom gave him a 'are you kidding me,' look right when Doc Ock was about to dissect them like frogs. "A final request?" Doc Ock questioned.

"You do know an octopus has eight limbs, hence the word "octo" right? Things to think about." Spider-Man said.

Phantom quickly pulled Spider-Man out of the way before Doc Ock could get them. Doc Ock saw a civilian taking pictures of the battle. He grabbed the civilian with his arm and held him in front of Spider-Man and Phantom. "I know you, Phantom, Spider-Man. You two care deeply for others. Don't you?" Doc Ock said, menacingly.

Spider-Man jumped in front of Doc Ock commanding him to let the civilian go but all Ock said was make me. What was this? Second grade? Phantom thought. Suddenly, Spider-Man started jumping and swinging on Doc Ock's arms like it was a jungle gym. Phantom took the chance to phase the poor civilian out of Doc Ock's grip and get him out of the park. The second Phantom got back to join the fight, he found both Spider-Man and Doc Ock fighting inside the Hall of Mirrors.

Doc Ock finally got a hold of Spider-Man and said that he was coming with Doc Ock. Of course Spider-Man had to open his mouth "Over my dead body." he stated.

Doc Ock shocked Spider-Man with his arm and caused him to black out. "And then there was one." Doc Ock menacingly stated as he turned to Phantom.

Phantom did not like the creepy smile that Doc Ock was showing. Just as Phantom was about to attack, Doc Ock released a chemical right above Phantom. He didn't know what it was but he started to feel weak like he had no energy. Phantom started to kneel over in pain as the chemical effected him more. "What. Did. You. Do?" Phantom slowly spoke.

"I've been watching you for a while Phantom. I discovered that there was one weakness that all ghosts have. Blood Blossoms. They neutralize a ghosts powers and leaves them in a very painful state." Doc Ock explained with an evil smirk.

He knocked Phantom out cold with one punch and took both him and Spider-Man back to his lair. Doc Ock made sure that Spider-Man was tied up first then put Phantom in ghost proof chains and a gas mask over his face filled with gasBlood Blossoms. He got the buzz saw ready for dissecting Spider-Man first. Spider-Man woke up to find Doc Ock with a buzz saw aimed at his throat. He screamed and webbed the buzz saw and used it to cut himself free. "Such a clever bug." Doc Ock praised.

"It's arachnid. And you call yourself a doctor?" Spider-Man joked.

Spider-Man jumped from wall to wall to avoid Doc Ock and his metal arms. That was when he caught a glimpse of Phantom in chains and with the gas mask over his face. Spider-Man demanded to know what Doc Ock did to Phantom. But he didn't get any answers from Doc Ock just another attack from his metal arms. During the fight, Doc Ock heard his boss talking to him in his comlink and threatened him to get the results or he is done for. Doc Ock screamed at the top of his lungs at his boss to get out of his head.

Spider-Man saw that Doc Ock was having a breakdown from talking to his boss. "Hey! Are you talking to "him" again? Tell him to show himself so I can web-slap both of you." Spider-Man stated then shot webbing at Doc Ock.

He tried to use Ock's computer to connect Nick Fury but Doc Ock still had some fight left in him. Doc Ock pushed Spider-Man up to the glass window, he saw that they were underwater. Spider-Man got ahold of Doc Ock and tied him up like a present, bow and all. Spider-Man broke Phantom out of the chains and removed the gas mask from his face. Phantom was still out cold so Spider-Man carried him bridal style over to one of Ock's computers. Spider-Man opened Ock's file on everything he had on both Phantom and himself.

"Stalker much Doc? Let me guess. You're just looking out for our best interests, too?" Spider-Man joked.

Doc Ock broke free from being tied up in a knot. "My only interest is my own. Everything I am... Everything I've become... Requires that you two should be put down like a sick pet." Ock stated as he attacked them.

Spider-Man put Phantom somewhere safe while he fought against Doc Ock. He shot more webbing at Doc Ock as he went on about finding out what makes Spider-Man and Phantom tick. Even if it means that they would have to perish for Doc Ock's research. "Crazy stalker says what?" Spider-Man asked.

"What?" Doc Ock answers.

He feel for it as Spider-Man slipped away from him. But suddenly something in Doc Ock's lab exploded and water was filling up the room fast. Spider-Man was able to contact Nick Fury who was drinking coffee and wasn't too shock to hear from Spider-Man. Nick tracked him to under hundred feet in the East River. Spider-Man just stated that there was no time to explain and to send help. "Where's Phantom?" Fury asked.

"Doctor Octopus drugged him with something and he's not waking up!" Spider-Man shouted.

Nick saw Phantom on the floor looking paler than he usually was. He practically spat out his coffee seeing Phantom's painful state. The computer was destroyed by Doc Ock and the whole lab was soon flooded. Dispute Doc Ock trying to kill them, Spider-Man got him out of the lab. But the rumble trapped both him and Phantom in the lab. Spider-Man blacked out holding a piece of Doc Ock's tentacle.

Spider-Man woke up in the S.H.I.E.L.D Infirmary with Fury standing at the edge of the bed. "Felt like the Hulk dropped on me. Ugh! Smells like it too." Spider-Man stated.

Spider-Man asked about Phantom and if he was okay since it was his fault that Doc Ock did this to him. Fury explained that Phantom had encountered Blood Blossoms which were making him very sick. His mentor had already taken him home to help him get better. Spider-Man apologized again for ditching his comm and for making a big deal about the cameras. Fury was willing to let this one slide and he would delete the footage in Parker's house in 24 hours.

Which was just an excuse for the rest of the team and Fury to watch the most humiliating footage from Peter's house. He even made a copy for Phantom to watch when he got better.

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