The All-Father

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What was supposed to be a romantic night picnic for Danny and Peter had turned into a family battle between Loki, Thor, and Odin the All-Father. Both Spider-Man and Phantom had finished up patrolling the city and took on Bartock the Leaper. They changed back into their civilian forms then Peter led Danny to Central Park. Peter had set up a candle lit picnic for Danny as a date to make up for their previous dates. Every time the two try to have a date, a villain always ruins the mood or their team interrupts.

Like during a date at a nice restaurant, Beetle ended up crashing their fun and spent the night fighting him. Peter finally believed that this time was going to be different. Until his Spidey sense started tingling, "Please tell me this is a false alarm." Peter begged.

Unfortunately, it wasn't. Six portals that looked a lot like the Bifrost opened above Central Park then the Avengers fell from the portals. Falcon was clearing any civilians from the area, but he didn't see Danny or Peter. The wind started to pick up then suddenly a huge wave of lightning appeared right in front of the Avengers. Suddenly, an elderly Asgardian dressed like royalty appeared in front of them. Danny imminently knew who that was, Odin, the All-Father, King of Asgard and the father of both Thor and Loki.

Danny told Peter to get Loki and tell him that Odin was here. Peter changed into his Spider-Man gear, but he looked concerned about Danny. Danny assured him that he was just going to see what Odin was doing here. Spider-Man left then Danny turned invisible to overhear what Odin and the Avengers were doing here. Odin wanted Thor to return to Asgard permanently, but Thor refused. Odin challenged the Avengers to a battle of combat, if they win then Thor will stay. But if Odin wins, then Thor must leave forever.

Danny watched as the Avengers struggled to hold their ground against Odin. He heard Captain America ordering him to stand down for they can't risk hurting any innocent people. But Odin didn't care, he said that it was a small price to pay for the truth. Danny was livid hearing Odin's words. He turned back into Phantom then let out an energy blast that hit Odin front behind. He appeared out of hiding. " Young Phantom, what are you doing?" Thor asked.

"Trying to have a night off when I see you and the Avengers taking on Odin himself. By the way, thanks for ruining my date." Phantom stated.

Odin spotted Phantom then he tried to attack him with his staff. Thankfully, Loki appeared just then and stopped him. The Avengers looked shocked to see Loki, even Odin was shocked too. The Hulk looked like he wanted to smash Loki, but Thor stopped him from doing so. Odin was vivid seeing Loki again, he almost yelled at him. However, the sound of loud footsteps echoed then a giant monster suddenly appeared and attacked Odin. The monster called himself Mangog and he had come for revenge against Odin.

"Looks like All-Father Odin brought a playmate." Iron Man remarked.

Thor rushed into battle to save his father while the Avengers looked confused about who this monster was. Before Loki could speak, they all heard Thor scream in pain. Loki and the others ran to help and this time, Loki blasted Mangog off to give them some time. Odin revealed that Mangog sought to start wars with many, so he banished him to the dark realm to stop him from entering Asgard. Odin tried to stand but he was too weak, he came for Thor without any company which made Mangog find him on Earth.

"What does he want?" Phantom asked.

"He seeks the other eye, Gungnir. The weapon Mangog yields is call Rungnur, it is the opposite of Gungnir. It feeds off the Odinforce. If Mangog gets his hands on the staff, then all the realms will be lost." Loki explained.

Mangog suddenly sprung back up ready to fight. Ironman and Flacon flew into the air to attack from above. Odin told them that this was his fight and his fight alone, but Thor saw otherwise. They were barely making a dent and Mangog was besting them with ease. Phantom jumped in and started blasting Mangog but nothing was working. Mangog grabbed Phantom and was about to kill him until Thor jumped in and blasted Mangog. Mangog looked anger but Odin used his staff to send Mangog flying.

Thor got angry at Odin and the two went back to arguing and yelling at each other. The Avengers just watched as the two argued with each other. Loki stepped in and tried to get Thor and Odin to stop but Odin turned his rage on Loki. "This doesn't concern you, Laufeyson!" Odin shouted.

"Don't talk to mom like that!" Phantom shouted.

Odin went silent after hearing Phantom call Loki his mother. "Now you know why I turned in my crown. You already have the perfect son to take the throne, and you never once listen to me. And you know what? I'd rather be Laufeyson instead of Odinson. And you Thor, you aren't any better than Odin himself! Frigga was the only one that ever loved me." Loki stated, harshly.

Thor turned red with rage as well as Odin at the mention of the All-Mother. Suddenly Odin did the unthinkable, he struck Loki with Gungnir sending him flying towards the ground, hitting his head hard. There was pin drop silence for but a moment. As everyone was distracted, Mangog saw the opportunity to grab Gungnir but he was bigger than before. Odin and Thor saw Mangog growing bigger from the blast Odin used on him.

"Odin's beard/My beard." Both Odin and Thor said at the same time.

But something unexpected happened, Mangog was caught in a portal, and he was being drained of the Odinforce. Soon he was being sent back to the dark realm and the portal was gone. "Was that one of Heimdall's?" Hawkeye asked.

"Nay. This was something else." Thor claimed.

Without warning, a bright flash of white light blinded all of them then they all were swept away from Central Park. The Avengers, Phantom, and the Asgardians were confused. Odin figured that this was just another one of Loki's tricks. But Loki was still unconscious from Odin's rage attack. Suddenly, a beautiful woman appeared with a scowl across her face, but it was mostly towards Thor and Odin. She then floated towards Loki and Danny then used what looked like magic to wake him up.

The woman then turned to Odin and gave him a punch across the face. The Avengers looked confused at who this woman was and why she was angry. "I believe introductions are in order. I am Frigga, the All-Mother, wife to Odin, and mother to Loki and Thor Odinson. And I have words for you Odin, son of Bor." Frigga stated.

"Bor? Ok there's gotta be a joke in there somewhere." Hawkeye whispered to Falcon.

Loki was surprised to see Frigga again, but he also knew what happens when you anger the All-Mother, especially when it comes to her youngest child. Loki made sure to put a barrier spell around Odin, Frigga, and Thor along with a mute spell to keep their conversation private. His mind went back to Phantom who was worried. "It's alright my child. I'm fine." Loki assured.

Ironman wanted Loki to explain about how Phantom was his kid and why he just put a barrier around his family. Phantom explained that Loki became part of his small family after he saved him from the Juggernaut and curing him from a blood blossom poisoning. Hawkeye looked flabbergasted that Loki had actually turned good and was being a parent. Captain America believed that Loki was trying to change, and he proved himself by protecting Phantom. They watched as both Thor and Odin were getting the yelling of a lifetime from Frigga.

"Yesh. And I thought Widow was scary when she gets angry." Ironman joked.

Frigga then took down the barrier that Loki had set up around them. She had both Thor and Odin apologize for their actions to Loki. Before leaving, she gave Loki one last hug and even gave Danny a hug too. She brought them back to Central Park before disappearing back to Valhalla. This made Odin let Thor stay on Midgard but he still had some problems to work out with Loki.

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