The Fentons Return Pt 1

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It had been a crazy week for Phantom and his hero friends. After Odin's "little" visit, Spider-Man found out that Norman Osborn was the one who had Doc Ock track him and Phantom. But Doc Ock double crossed him and turned Norman into the Green Goblin. He destroyed the Helicarrier; leaving the others completely homeless. Thankfully, Peter had Ava, Danny R, Luke, and Sam move in with him and Aunt May. It's been going well, minus the whole tight space and Peter finding Aunt May working out with Sam.

Danny had other things to worry about. His old class was still around, he still sees Sam and Tucker alone. But when he sees his old bullies, sister or teachers, he just goes back to being the scarred little kid from Amity Park. Jasmine keeps trying to reconnect with him but he just wasn't ready. Thor kept coming over to the house so many times that it was just driving Loki to the point where he was about to explode. Danny's anxiety only got worse when Mr. Lancer showed up at his house, screaming at Vlad for canceling the rest of the trip.

Mr. Lancer kept on bad mouthing about how this was all Danny's fault. "My son had nothing to do with your actions." Vlad said, trying to stay calm.

"Your son?! He is just a fake brat that does anything for attention! He will always be a crazy, dumb, good for nothing..!"

Before Mr. Lancer could finish his sentence, Loki punched him in the face; giving Lancer a black eye and a busted jaw. Loki went into Mama Bear mode and shouted at Mr. Lancer to leave their house and their son or else he would feel the wraith of the gods. Mr. Lancer ran off like a scared little mouse. "You didn't have to do that." Vlad spoke.

"I had to. No one talks bad about our child. Plus he had that coming for a long time." Loki stated then he kissed Vlad on the lips.

The three of them had become a family together  even if they were different. But one day, Vlad got a letter that shook him to the core. It was a letter from Jack and Maddie Fenton; they had been released from jail because of a friend and they were coming to New York to take Danny back. Vlad immediately told Loki about Danny's parents and how they had to do something or they were going to lose Danny. However, they couldn't let Danny know what was happening; the poor boy had been through enough all ready.

The next day at Midtown High, Danny and Peter were heading to class when something awful happened. Kids started running and screaming like the school was being attacked by super villains. But a familiar booming voice rang in the halls as Danny's face grew completely pale. It was Jack and Maddie who were holding their anti-ghost weapons. Danny began to hear ringing in his ears and everything sounded muffled. 'Oh god. Not another panic attack.' He thought. Peter noticed Danny's little episode; he grabbed his arm and took him to the nurses office right away.

The Fentons didn't even see Danny and thankfully Coulson called the police to escort them out of school. But Danny was still paranoid throughout the rest of the day. He was always looking over his shoulder or waiting until the hallway is clear in case his ex parents try something. Peter did everything he could to calm his boyfriend but it wasn't enough. By the end of the day, Danny was ready to race home.

However, his relief was short lived when he saw the Fenton Ghost RV parked in front of the school. He ran away before his ex parents could see him. When he made it to the house, he just ran upstairs and locked his bedroom door. He didn't want to be around when Jack and Maddie found him with Vlad and Loki. His worst fears came true when Jack and Maddie showed up at the house and barged in. Loki had ordered them to get out of the house or else.

Vlad suddenly came into the main room and all the color from his face was drained seeing his old friends. Jack tackled Vlad with a giant bear hug. Loki had to pull Jack off of Vlad so he could breathe. "I believe you heard what my lover had said. Get out of our house and don't bother us again!" Vlad stated with fuming anger.

Maddie refused to back down, she begged Vlad to let them take their son with them. They both turned down the deal. Danny decided to take a peak downstairs on what was happening. But suddenly, Danny slipped on something and ended up falling on the floor with a loud THUD! Jack and Maddie turned to where Danny had fallen; Danny saw his ex parents and completely froze. Loki pushed the Fentons out of the way and took Danny out of the room.

"Daniel doesn't feel safe with you two. So unless you want to be arrested for trespassing, leave!" Vlad ordered.

Maddie suddenly turned into a Karen; she picked up a vase from near by table and flung it at him, it missed him by an inch. She screamed and shouted at Vlad and Loki for taking her child. She told him that they'll settle this in court for Danny's custody. Jack had to drag her out of the house before she could cause a bigger scene. Vlad went upstairs to Danny's room to see how he was after the whole situation. He saw Danny curled up on Loki's lap, trying to hide away.

"They're coming back. Aren't they?" Danny asked in fear.

Vlad promised Danny that he was going to do everything in his power to beat them in the trial.

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