Chapter Forty

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We searched near and far for a witch, but witches aren't like us. The humans believe in their existence, and they're being killed as a result. So they hide, and they conceal themselves exceptionally well. We found a witch five towns away from where we reside. And she seemed promising.

We entered her workspace, it was dark in there. There were many odd objects, and markings all around her space. Witchcraft symbolism I presume. She sat down before us and rubbed her hands. "What can I help you with?"

"Our daughter is missing," spoke Payton. The witch looked at all of us like we're crazy. How can five people have a child? I'm assuming she's wondering.

"I'm not a police officer,"

"If this was one for the police, we would've been there," Marcellus remarked. "But it's not. Our child was possessed by something, and disappeared into thin air,"

Her eyes grew large. "Demons?"

We looked at each other, I shrugged. "Whatever it was, it left behind its purple glitter,"

The witch grinned, "oh. Then that's nothing, I understand that she's missing. But I'm sure she's okay,"

"Why?" Grant asked.

"Well," she lowered her head and banged her fists against the table thrice. Then she lifted her head, purple glitter eyes. "Glitter is usually associated with fae creatures," the thing shared and started laughing hysterically.

Her laughter got to Payton. Aviana noticed this and held her hand and squeezed it.

The thing blinked and the witch's eyes went back to normal. It was like she didn't even notice it because her sentence continued as normal, "and fae people are the weakest of all magical beings. Also the most playful, she's probably just making friends by now,"

We all looked at each other. Spooked by the fact that this woman couldn't even feel that a spirit just took control of her soul.

"Sh-she um..." Marcellus cleared his throat, "she just spoke through your mouth. And looking through your eyes,"

The witch shook her head. "Impossible, fae creatures can't possess anything. Heck, witches can't even possess anything,"

"So your first guess?" Aviana asked.

The witch rubbed her eyes, "I mean, does glitter seem like a demon trait?"

I shook my head. "The fae also seems to be laughing all the time,"

"See?" The witch said, "vampires don't have laughs within them. But how on earth is this fae so powerful?" She asked us, "unless they're a team? A team of demons and fae people?" She shook her head. "No, demons align with witches. They feel like fairies are too weak and too soft,"

"Could it be hybrids?" Grant asked. "A cross between fae and demon?"

The woman bounced her head, "now that sounds more realistic. Do you have her glitter?"

Marcellus had the idea that we scoop some up and bring it with us. He carried it in his blazer in a small bottle and placed the bottle down on her table. She picked it up and examined it. "Yep. This is fae glitter dust, take it.." She opened her drawer and took out a sticky note and her pen and wrote it down. "... Give it to Alyssa Piper, over at this address. It's a book store, she's a fairy. Perhaps she can help steer you guys in the right direction?"

I took the note and investigated the address. It's in this town, not that far from here. We thanked her for all she could do, now we have to find that hybrid demon bitch.

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