Chapter Forty-one

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We found the large bookstore and walked in. We haven't been around humans for years, and we have forgotten how good that blood of theirs smell. I couldn't contain my hunger, but I had to.

We stepped inside, Old Man The Butler and the others made sure that no sun touched us, each of us walked with a butler to provide us with shade. Protection.

We walked up to the counter and asked for Alyssa Piper. The person asked over the intercom for Alyssa to meet us by the counter. She came, a short blonde girl with big red ears. And the tiniest red nose I've ever seen.


"These people are here for you,"

She focused on us, "hey. I'm Alyssa, how may I help you?"

"Andrea Whitter suggested we speak to you," Aviana told.

She walked on and we followed her, she lead us to a quiet place in the shop. "Yes?"

Marcellus took out the glitter dust, "do you know who this belongs to?"

She took the dust and looked at it. "I-I actually don't have to even use my magic to find out who this is,"

"Oh," Payton spoke, "does it belong to someone powerful? Popular?"

Alyssa nodded her head, "yeah. Both. We fae people have gold dust, real gold. But she has this purple dust because her magic is infused with darkness,"

"Why? Is she a hybrid?" I asked.

Alyssa giggled and shook her head. "No, not at all. She just gave her whole life away to the dark arts of witchcraft,"

Grant choked on his laugh, "a fairy doing witchcraft?"

"It's not uncommon for various magical beings to experiment with other forms of magic. Hers is just different because she's not doing it naturally, she inhabited the witch power and it mixed with hers. Whereas other witches study and do fae spells, from a witch's perspective. Making sure not to lose themselves, making sure not to mix the powers,"

"Who is this? You still haven't given us a name," Aviana pointed out.

"Oh. Her name is Julia, but everyone just calls her the purple glitter fairy,"

"Do you know where to find her?" Payton asked.

She shook her head and opened the bottle. She threw out a few of the dust into the palm of her hand. Then she muttered something in her language, the dust rose and settled down again. Her location on her hand, "here,"

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Pull it off, it's yours," we were unsure and looked at each other. Aviana was the brave one, she peeled off the glitter and surely it came off like a page.

Now we have a location. We can find here and we will, can't wait to kill whoever this Julia is.

We went back to our SUV and the driver and the driver took us back to our hotel room. Julia is in London, we have to leave tonight so we can fly faster. We were to rest, but it was hard. We weren't sure if she's fine if she's safe? If she's eating? She must be so scared there where she is, but I hope she keeps it together. We'll be there tomorrow.

That evening, we drank blood and flew off to London. A few butlers flew with us, they have our blood and other things that we might need.
We found the home, a beautiful Victorian type mansion. There was a lake and the woods behind the big white mansion. A few vampires walked around in the yard. We landed, they laughed. A few went in to alert the owner.

We walked up to the door where a vampire opened it up and invited us in. Coming down the stairs was a familiar face, Martha. She's like me, we made our way over to Count Dracula's table. But she looked so different now. Her eyes shone purple, and her hair hung way below her bottom. She always had it tied up at the castle.

"Martha?" I asked.

Martha laughed. She made her way to his table by being one of the strongest vampires in the castle. She often fought the wives, and one day challenged the Count. She was the only one who gave him a real fight. Her strength amused Count Dracula, they would spar often. He would always win at the end.

"Wrong!" Martha yelled and chuckled. She surprised me completely. She wore a female tuxedo, lavender. Her cleavage was exposed. She was sexy, "my name is Countess Bathory, see Draculene, I've finally had enough of living in the shadows. It's time the world gets to know me, the strongest being on earth,"

"But Count Dracula always defeated you, he's stronger by far," Marcellus said.

She clapped her hands. "Wrong again. I let him win, imagine if he knew I was as strong as him? Perhaps even stronger, I would have been dead ages ago,"

"Who are you?" I asked again. And she knew what I meant.

"The only vampire Queen meant to be. You're walking around with my title, and I will have that no more,"

"You're going to have to fight me for it. Those are the rules,"

She smirked, "oh I was planning to,"

I folded my arms, "I'm not fighting anyone though, isn't that a shame?"

Her smile didn't fall like I expected it to do. She folded her arms, "I lived with you, dear. I know you well, you hate fighting. You hate killing, you tried your best to avoid it. But if you don't fight me, as the supernatural creatures rules state... Then I'll kill your child in front of your eyes and you have to live with that. JULIA!"

Julia appeared in a cloud of purple dust, with my child in her hands. Aviana wanted to fight, but she quickly got pinned to the ground. "Ah-ah, fight me first," Countess Bathory said, "here's what's going to happen. The rest of you will leave, Draculene will stay with me and Lovisa. They'll remain here until the big fight. That will be all,"

Her eyes were cold. She is cold. I never knew Martha could get like this. My partners surrendered and flew away. She didn't even allow them to kiss Lovisa goodbye.
She's going to force me to fight, but I have to do this. That's my child, I'll do anything for her.

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