Chapter Nineteen

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Grant had me pacing up and down the whole day. I couldn't relax as I would normally do, he left for work today and the stars are already out and he hasn't returned yet. What if the vampires killed him? I told him going to the castle was a very bad idea and that it could end up in his death.

He will die, and for what? Count Dracula? This is a messy fight that we're picking and yet we know this, we know there's no way that things can end well for us. None.

The doors flung open and Aviana carried Grant in arms. She placed him down on the sofa. I ran up to him and held his bloody hand, his shirt was torn and draped in blood. I looked up at Aviana and she rolled her eyes.

"He'll be fine, Nicolene, "

I nodded my head.

"I went to the castle shouting my name. By the time I made it down he was already being fed on, I had to fight the vampires off from him. He's okay now, lost blood but I released my own venom into his bloodstream so that he can heal faster, "

I nodded my head and sat down on the single couch and looked at Aviana. She gave me a small smile before taking a seat herself.

"He said that you want to go forth with killing The Count, is that so?"

I bit my nail and nodded my head, "but I'm so scared Aviana, I have no idea what to do, "

"Relax is step one. Believe me, you can do this. First, we need to leave town because he will be looking all over for you and secondly you need to train. Combat and turn other humans into a vampire so that they can at least be as powerful as all of Count Dracula's children in that way your army alone will be more powerful than his, "

I shook my head, "turn humans? So exactly what he's doing!"

She nodded her head, "it's the only way, you're doing this for them, the human beings. You're keeping them all safe with your army alone. It's for a good cause, "

It didn't feel right to me but she made sense, I'd be doing it to protect humans for generations. Besides I'll probably have to kill them after the war, it would be safer that way. I can't have vampires that powerful walk around alive that would be further dangerous. I nodded my head.

"Okay. I'm going all in, "

Aviana grinned and clapped her hands, "good. That bastard will die. We must leave, I have no idea where but we must just get away from here and we leave tomorrow evening first thing, "

I wasn't in control of my life right now so I just nodded.

Grant went to work the following day and Aviana went back to the castle leaving me alone with my thoughts. I was left trying to write a letter to mama and say my final goodbye. I sat with the quill in my hand but had no words to put on the paper it took me a while to gather my words and place them down. I dipped my quill into the ink and started telling mama what was on my mind. I wish I could tell mama everything that happened to me and how I'm to kill Count Dracula. I wonder what mom would say about that, would she lose her mind over her only child wanting to stand up to The Count or would she be for it?

Grant and Aviana arrived together and we greeted the cabin and drove off with a carriage to my home town, Grant is to hand the letter over to mom before we leave.

We went to the bakery where mom was closing up and I gave him the letter and he entered the shop. Aviana and I watched underneath a nearby tree as he entered.

"Gloria? Mother to Nicolene?" He made sure. Mama nodded her head standing behind the counter.

"Yes, that is me. Is something the matter? Where is my daughter?" Mom replied.

Being a vampire really had its perks as Aviana and I could hear every word being uttered. He gave the letter and she started reading it.

"Are you nervous?" Aviana asked me snapping out off my concentration. It annoyed me a little bit because I wanted to hear everything.

I looked at her and gave her a small smile and nodded my head, "yes. I've been better I won't lie. I just want all of this to blow over and my life to go back to the way it was, "

Aviana shook her head, "you need to understand that it will never be the same ever again, "

I sighed. I know deep down that she could be telling the truth but I had hope, hope for a better future.

Grant exited the bakery and stood before the door. Then mama came out and locked its door and together they made their way over to us.

"Why is he bringing her over here?" Aviana panicked.

I shrugged but like Aviana, I was nervous too. Mama was so beautiful as she made her way over to us. I missed her so much I just want to hold her like I used to back when I was still just an innocent child.

Her brown hair was pulled to the back opening up her beautiful oval face. Her brown eyes shimmered, she blinked and a few tears made their way down her cheeks. "Nicolene, " her brittle voice said.

She pulled me into a warm embrace and we held each other. I couldn't stop my own tears and so mama and I wept together. We pulled away from the hug and mama looked at me and wiped my tears, "your friend did say that you're a vampire now. My child I should have been there to protect you, "

"Mama, no, I should have just listened to you and all of this wouldn't have happened. Mama, do you still love me?"

Mom stared at me with her wide-set eyes. "Nicolene, of course, why would you think for one second that I could ever stop loving you? You're my world, my little angel, "

I wanted to say something but had no idea what and before I could open my mouth mama's arms were around me again. "Where are we going too?"

We all looked at mama as she pulled away from me. Aviana shook her head, "I'm sorry but you're not coming with us, "

"And why not?"

We looked at Aviana, "because... It's dangerous, "

"I'm sorry missy, but I'm not leaving my daughter again and everywhere she goes I go. Understood?"

Aviana nodded her head, "yes ma'am, "


We had no destination, all we knew was that we had to get far away from here as possible. We got aboard a cruise ship and told mama everything about me, why we're running and what we're planning. Mama loved that we want to kill Count Dracula, who wouldn't?

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