Chapter Thirty-six

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Corey grabbed her hair. This is utter madness. Her best friend cannot turn into these things, was all she was thinking.

Gretchen shook her head and slowly tried to sit upright, "no... I can't... I don't want to,"

"I'm afraid it is what it is," Audrey chimed in and shot an approaching vampire. "When we vampires drink from humans, our DNA enters their bloodstream. It takes two days for the DNA to leave the body. If the human body dies within those two days, they become like us. That's why she wrung your neck, to turn you,"

Gretchen wiped her tears and watched as the pale faces fell to the ground. Tomorrow the sun will rise, and those bodies will turn to dust. "They're acting like zombies," she shared.

Anika crawled over to Gretchen and held her hand, "you'll be okay. Look at all these vampires helping us. Being a monster, is a choice. It's so for humans and it's so for vampires. You don't have to turn into that," she pointed at all the blood-sucking creatures chasing the vehicle.

Gretchen nodded her head. Her friend is onto something, she looked into Anika's worry-filled eyes. "What if it's hard? What if losing my humanity comes easy?"

Corey shook her head. "We're good people. That couldn't happen. No,"

Wesley cleared his throat, the girls looked at him. "Gretchen is hard. It's hard to hold onto one's sanity and humanity. Most of us didn't even start like this, we used to kill recklessly. The guilt ate at us until it didn't eat us anymore. Some vampires believe that's a good sign, I did too for the longest time. But I was wrong. When I realised that I don't feel bad for killing humans anymore, I knew I had become cold. That's why I had to move to a town where there weren't any humans to hurt."

Gretchen lightly stroked the wound and looked into Corey's eyes. "Kill me, when I die,"

Corey shook her head. Tears dampening her cheeks, "how can I ever do such a thing, you can't expect that of me,"

Gretchen's lip quivered as she battled more tears, "I'm scared, Corey, I don't want to fight with myself about what and who I should be. I don't want to hurt the two of you or anyone for that matter,"

"Shit!" The driver spat out. Everyone rose to their feet when the vehicle stopped. Some vampires laid spikes in the middle of the road, "we have to turn around,"

They looked back the way they came, vampires pilled up in the street. "How are we going to get through?"

The vampires came speeding towards the vehicle. All that could be heard were the loud gunshots, but it wasn't enough to keep them away from the truck. They pushed against the truck, Corey held onto Anika. They both already knew that it is the end of their lives.

"Girls!" Audrey called out, "don't cower. We need you to start shooting!"

Although they were both terrified, they agreed. They picked up their pistols which they disregarded and aimed at the pale faces with their shaky hands. Anika fired first, missed, but that didn't discourage her. She tried again and gave the vampire a flesh wound against his neck. It angered him, but in less than a second, the scar disappeared. Anika gulped, her throat dried up. If you were going to kill a vampire you will have to aim and shoot perfectly. Other shots are useless.

Corey struggled as well, she managed to shoot a vampire in her heart. She remembered the tips they were given. Shoot them in the head or the heart. That will do. The vampire fell to the ground in a loud thump. Then it dawned on her, that was a human at some point. Just because she's a vampire doesn't mean that she's not a human. She killed a person, guilt washed over her. She threw her gun down, couldn't do it anymore. It's the same as killing an innocent human being.

"COREY!" she quickly turned around and saw Anika being snatched out of the truck. The vampires shot at the surrounding vampires. The one's that had Anika instantly started feeding on her.

"Anika!" Gretchen called out in pain. "Help her, Corey!"

Corey bounced her head and picked up her gun. Her hands trembled, she couldn't pull the trigger. Although her best friend was slowly being drained she couldn't shoot. The vampires in the vehicle tried to help by shooting but knew it was too late when the vampires stood up and walked on. They had finished her, not a drop of blood left in her body. Not even just a little to at least ensure she has Gretchen's fate.

The truck sped up as they drove over hungry vampires, all the while the rest started shooting. They instructed Corey to do what Gretchen is doing instead, which is to get down low. But only Gretchen isn't cowering, she's dying and soon she'll be like them. At least she isn't leaving Corey on her own, they're the only two left. The rest died so quickly. And what about Eugen? That was Corey's first love and she couldn't even say goodbye. Or at least tell him about her and Anika. It would probably have killed him. And Anika? Corey felt bad once they found a different way to get to the church. She felt bad that she's the only human that survived.

They stepped inside of the dark, old building, covered in thick layers of dust. Wesley helped Gretchen to the door, she's becoming weaker with every second. They can't enter the church, they'll burst into flames. So they're going to stay outside until the sun begins to rise, then they'll return to their homes before it catches them. She couldn't stand around for too long, so she laid down on the church bench. Corey walked over to her and sat down next to her friend, Gretchen crawled upwards to use Corey's legs as a pillow. Corey cupped her friends face, silently letting the tears run down her face.

"This can't be happening to us, what did we do to deserve this?" Corey asked. Gretchen bit her lower lip and sobbed as well. Today they made the biggest mistake of their lives.

Twenty minutes passed, a knock on the Church door. Corey rose, trembling. What if it's the monsters? "Corey! It's Audrey!"

Her heart sunk in relief. She rushed over to the door and saw Audrey standing there, a three-litre bottle filled with blood. She met Audrey's gaze, "what is this for?"

Audrey licked her lip and looked at the floor before she could face, Corey. "I just wanna say that it was kind of fun meeting a human," she chuckled, but it was sorrow-filled. "I feel so bad about your friends, sorry that we couldn't do much to protect you,"

Corey bounced her head. "Thank you, I have no idea how I can carry on knowing that I've lost so many people I love in one night,"

"It'll get better with time. I promise,"

Corey smiled, "thanks,"

"Hey, we'll be right outside. This is for Gretchen, when she wakes up it'll feel like she has the worse hangover. She just needs a little blood and she'll be fine in no time,"

Corey was hesitant. She didn't want to take the blood, if she takes it, it makes it all real. It means that she's not in a dream and Gretchen is dying. Becoming a vampire. She slowly reached out her hand and took the blood from Audrey. It was ice cold, they don't have warm blood here?

"Thanks," she said. It was soft, she cleared her throat. "For everything. For trying to help, you could've killed us all on your own,"

Audrey chuckled, "no. I've never killed a human before, I'm a huge fan of humans. I see them all the time on tv and read romantic novels about them, so this was awesome to me,"

Then silence filled the air. It was goodbye. And Corey felt like Audrey is a keeper, a real, true friend. She opened her arms, Audrey leapt into her welcome embrace. Her first time being so close to a human before. She could hear her blood as it travelled throughout her body, feel the warmth radiating from her skin. Feel her heartbeat against her stone-cold flesh. They pulled away and Corey said one last goodbye before she closed the door.

She went back to Gretchen. She was drenched in sweat you would think she's getting hot flashes, but she was ice cold. Her eyes were weak, "hey,"

She greeted Corey. She tried faking a smile when she saw the suffering in her friend's eyes. It cut her deeply to see her looking so shattered. But there's nothing she could do to help, to make Corey feel better.

Corey raised the blood to meet Gretchen's eye level and gave her a delicate smile, "for when you become my awesome vampire bestie, that will always be there to protect me with her cool vampire powers,"

She tried to make it sound awesome and like it was a blessing, but Gretchen still doesn't feel the same.

Corey rose to her feet and walked around in the church, she can't fall asleep. She doubts that she'll ever be able to fall asleep. She found a separate room and entered it. Looks like a library, in the middle of the room was a mannequin, it had a heart-shaped ruby around its neck. It was mesmerizing, she took it. It's not like it belongs to anyone, besides not a single vampire can enter the church so it can't belong to anyone in town. She put it around her neck and continued snooping around.

She picked up a book, a love story between a monster that fell in love with a gorgeous human. The book was written all in pen. When it finished, there was a beautiful poem written to the beast. Signed Lullaby.

The sun begun to rise, Corey rushed over to Gretchen. She had already died, Corey sat there weeping. Gretchen gasped for air, her red eyes gazing right into Corey's black eyes. Corey flung her arms around Gretchen's neck.

"I died?"

Corey nodded her head. Gretchen died but at least she's around. Corey shuffled, got back on her feet. "The sun's out. We should get going,"

Gretchen remained blank. Then she looked at Corey again, "Corey. To live is to do my soul wrong. I can't continue as a vampire, a vampire mercilessly killed me. No regrets,"

Corey held Gretchen's ice-cold hand, "what are you saying?"

Gretchen whimpered, "you have to kill me,"

Corey shook her head. "No! You got a second chance at life, Gretchen. That's a rare shot and you know it. It's fate, your fate is to live. Take it!" Gretchen remained quiet. "Drink your blood,"

Gretchen honestly didn't want to, but Corey didn't seem to have any problem with it. She opened the bottle and looked down at its content, if she drinks this, then she surely dies. She thought about Corey, she has to do this for Corey. So that she can't be alone, especially in a time like this. She has lost her friends, is away from her family. It will be hard for Corey. But what about herself? How can she live knowing her new life will always require her to drink blood? What about her parents? And the girl they raised? This will hurt her soul if she even has one, and she knows it. She lifted the bottle and threw out the blood.

"Gretchen! Stop that! What are you doing?"

She shook her head and rose to her feet. "I can't do this. I'm sorry,"

"Gretchen?" She asked softly.

Gretchen kissed Corey on the forehead. "Live your life for all the lives lost,"

Then before Corry could say anything, Gretchen ran out of the church building at the speed of light. She jumped through the large windows and stood in the sun. Corey ran over to the window and watched as her friend withered away, turning into ashes. Her last moment was spent wailing in sweet anguish.

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