Chapter Thirty-five

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Don paced up and down in his room, the human was downstairs watching a live game show. It drove him crazy being able to smell him, hear him but not being able to get to him. He had to think about another way to get to the human because the only way now is to break the floor and jumped down and kill the young man.

He heard Eugen laughing at another joke that was made and it drove him nuts. He wanted him, and he wanted him now and he wasn't going to wait anymore. He looked at the floor and balled his hand into a tight fist and without hesitating punched the floor as hard as he could.

Eugen had a little jump scare when he heard the punch on his roof. He looked up to the ceiling wide-eyed and slowly got to his feet. Another punched had Don punching through, landing on his knee with his hand touching the floor. Don was proud of himself, letting out a soft short-lived laugh and got on his feet. The room was dark and he stood there in the corner with his red eyes shining in hunger as he looked at Eugen.

Eugen could hear his heart beating in his ears and feel it hitting against his chest. He took a step backwards, "who are you? Get outta here man,"

Don bit his lip and shook his head, "Not without having a feast,"

Before Eugen could move, Don grabbed him and pulled him closer to his body. He bit into his skin and allowed his blood to flow into his mouth. Warm, sweet, Don wasn't planning on stopping. The door flung open, Don threw Eugen harshly on the floor and stepped back.

Eugen winced and softly cried. Blood poured from his veins faster than he could think. A large puddle quickly grew underneath him.

"DON!" Lesley yelled, she had a wooden stake in her hand, "Let's not do this. Let the humans live,"

Don shook his head. "I'm afraid that just won't do,"

She ran up to him and tried staking him, he blocked it by grabbing her hand and while he was focused on not having her push the stake down in his chest, she grabbed his heart and pulled it right out. She threw it on the floor and watched as his heavy body dropped down on the ground. She looked up at the hole in the ceiling and sighed. Now they're going to have to pay for his mistake.

She looked over at Eugen who wasn't moving and left the room, locking it. They'll have to deal with the bodies later.

Corey and Anika got dressed when another knock could be heard on their bedroom door. Anika rushed to the door and behind it stood Gretchen and Ishaan along with Audrey. She opened the door wider to allow them to enter.

Corey instantly noticed that Eugen wasn't with them. "Where's Eugen?"

Audrey closed the door behind her and glared at Corey. She then looked at Gretchen and Ishaan who sat down on the bed, they were terrified and it showed. They held each other's hands tightly.

"There's a church in town on the other side of town. No vampires can enter it and it was created for this reason, to keep humans safe. We need to get there and as soon as possible,"

"Won't it be dangerous leaving the room?" Anika asked.

Audrey nodded. "Yes. But staying here increases your chance of dying and given, leaving might too but if you make it to the church you're definitely living,"

Ishaan squeezed Gretchen's hand tighter and swallowed hard. His eyes lifted to meet Audrey's gaze, "then let's do it,"

"Good," Audrey replied and looked over at Corey, "Eugen didn't make it. His body is still in his room,"

Gretchen snickered and wiped fresh tears emerging from the corner of her eyes. Corey walked up to Gretchen to give her a comforting hug, to be strong enough for the both of them but as soon as her arms went over her friend's body, the reality hit. Eugen is dead, her first love is no longer alive.

Audrey cleared her throat and the friends looked at her. "I am sorry for your loss. But we cannot waste time by crying, we have to stay moving. The help is arriving and we have to be moving,"

Corey nodded her head and wiped her tears. A knock was heard on the door and Audrey opened it and invited the vampires in. It was the owners of the motel with a few new faces, they brought with them. The new vampires shook hands and they explained that they will be keeping the humans safe for the night. They had their truck parked in the parking lot, vampires are already walking around. So to even reach the vehicle will be a challenge.

They handed the four friends guns and gave them basic pointers. Audrey told them not to hesitate, they should shoot immediately because the vampires won't think twice about killing them.

They packed their bags but will gather them in the morning. All that mattered now was that they reach that church.

They stepped foot outside, stepped foot in the red danger zone. A few vampires around sniffed the air and hissed. They turned their attention in the direction of the scent of blood, their eyes landing on the terrified humans. They were enclosed with vampires around them like a wall, but they were scared nonetheless. Not sure if it will be enough to protect them. The longer it took them to reach the church, the more scared they become. Now the vampires have spotted them. Quickening their heart rate only alerted more vampires.

The vampires surrounded the group, the vampires held their weapons ready. So did Corey and her friends. They started moving, the vampires did so as well, one-by-one they fell to the ground. Headshot after headshot, some were shot with arrows in. Right in their hearts, instant death. But they were like cockroaches, the more you killed them, the more popped up.

Gretchen held tightly onto Ishaan, crying. That was the moment she decided that she's had enough of this trip and is going back home.

"They're becoming too much!" Called a vampire out, "let's walk faster!"

They all walked faster, although it was a tad bit dangerous because they couldn't always ensure that everyone's steps are in line. No one walks at the same pace, and the speed of a vampire and a human is too different for them to walk at the same pace. Creating gaps in the vampire wall. The vampires came too close, seeing their red hungry eyes was frightening. Corey winced and closed her eyes, she held onto Audrey's shirt (who was walking in front of her).

A vampire grabbed Ishaan by the arm, he got shot in the head as well, but he had already pulled Ishaan out of the circle. It happened faster than the human eye could pick up, but another vampire swooped him up and ran off with him. That caused the majority of the vampires to run after that vampire. All in search of fresh blood.

"Ishaan!" The three girls screamed.

"Please. Go after him! Ishaan!" Gretchen called out, her lover got snatched and she felt so helpless.

"He's gone!" Audrey yelled, "d'you think there's a possibility that he could still be alive?"

Gretchen ran out of the circle, trying to see if she can save. A female vampire grabbed her as well, bit her in the shoulder and started drawing blood. Gretchen stood there yelling out in agony. Her friends did as well.

The vampires shot her though and ran after Gretchen, but before she dropped to the floor, she wrung Gretchen's neck. One of the vampires rushed over to her and carried her to the truck and shot off the other vampire that tried to get close. The rest arrived, the girls jumped up the back of the truck. Crying loudly.

"We need to stop the bleeding," Lesley informed. "It's drawing all the vampires to us,"

She tore her shirt and wrapped the wound. Gretchen winced, wrying in pain. Tears running down her cheeks and into her mouth. Lesley looked at her and stroked her hair, "look. I'm sorry about your boyfriend." This only caused Gretchen to cry louder. She stroked her hair and looked into Gretchen's eyes, "but that's not the worse news,"

Anika lifted her head and snickered. The truck started moving, gunshots flying out in the warm summer's night. "What is?"

"Gretchen is slowly turning into a vampire,"

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