Chapter 49: Working Through It

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One afternoon when I was at D&V Style, Zayn came to pick up Danielle. He walked over, intending to hug me, but I stiffened because I realized just then that he knew what Louis was up to from the beginning.

He stopped short and looked at me curiously.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

He just shook his head, not understanding my question.

"Why didn't you tell me that Louis was just going to use me?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"It wasn't my place," he said, shrugging.

"What do you mean it wasn't your place?" I asked. "You kicked Louis' ass back in high school when he was sleeping around and doing drugs, but you were willing to let him screw me over?!" I was getting quite angry and I was finding it hard to control the volume of my voice. "Why? Because I'm rich? I have feelings, too, you know!"

Danielle stepped in. "Ashten, calm down."

I turned and yelled at her, "Don't tell me to calm down! Your boyfriend is just as bad as Louis for allowing this to happen!" Tears of fury were now streaming down my face.

"Ashten." Veronica's voice was firm, but not harsh. She came over and put her arm around me, leading me to sit down in one of the plush chairs in the corner of the office.

I complied, but I was still overwrought with the sudden emotion that seemed to come out of nowhere. Danielle and Zayn were speaking quietly while Veronica tried to calm me down.

Finally, Zayn came over and sat on the floor next to me. "I'm sorry, Ashten. I really am. I didn't agree with what Louis was doing, but he has a mind of his own."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked again.

He put his head down and laughed, and then he looked up at me, saying, "Because I thought there was no way he would succeed with a girl like you. You were too smart for him to pull something like that on you."

I let out a little laugh, but it sounded more like a huff. "I guess you were wrong."

"He didn't succeed," Zayn said firmly.

"Right," I scoffed.

Zayn sat up on his knees in front of me. "Ashten, listen to me. Louis dropped that stupid idea the night that Harry attacked you. That should tell you something right there – he couldn't stand to see you get hurt."

"He was the one who put Harry up to it in the first place," I mumbled.

"Yeah, but then he realized how stupid he'd been. As far as I know, it was love at first sight."

"What are you talking about?"

"That night was the first time he saw the real you," he said. Then he dramatically repeated, "And it was love at first sight."

I closed my eyes and let that sink in. My heart was slowly warming up to Louis again, believing that his love was genuine.

"Thanks," I said, leaning over to hug Zayn. He graciously hugged me back and then said, "Please for my sake, you have to take him back. Otherwise, he'll probably move in with me and whine about his failed love life forever."

I started laughing and wiped the tears off my face.

Since it was the end of the work day, Veronica suggested that we all go out for dinner. She and Liam were already planning to meet up, so we made it a group outing. Preston was waiting in the limo, so I invited him along as well.

Once we were seated at a nice restaurant, I realized that Preston was leaving soon. "This should be our farewell to Preston," I said. "He's going back to Boston tomorrow to get his things, and then he's going home."

Everyone agreed, so we talked him into ordering whatever he wanted and we would treat him. It was a nice, relaxed dinner, and it was good to catch up with Liam again. He didn't mention anything about Louis and me, but that was fine. I was tired of hashing out our drama for everyone. I'm sure Veronica was keeping him up to speed anyway.

Afterward, everyone suggested we hit The Underground. I wasn't sure if I could handle going there without Louis, but it was what Preston wanted to do, so I agreed.

It was crowded, as always, and we shoved our way through the crowd to get to a small table. I found myself longing for Louis' hand in mine, his body pressed against mine as we danced. I sulked at the table for a bit until Liam offered me a drink.

"I can't," I said, pointing to the stamp on my hand, indicating that I was under 21.

"Nonsense," he said into my ear. He sat closer and shielded me from view while I chugged a glass of beer.

"Thanks," I laughed. He put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed. Then he kissed my forehead and went off to dance with Veronica.

I sat back and watched my friends enjoying themselves. Then, I suddenly knew why I had come to The Underground. I caught sight of him across the room. I hopped out of my seat and raced toward him.

"Harry Styles!" I shouted.

His eyes flew open wide at the sight of my petite frame – all 5'4" and 110 lbs. of me – flying toward him in rage.

"Whoa," he said with a chuckle, holding his hands out in front of him. "What's got you all hot and bothered?"

"You! You ignorant prick!" I screamed, slamming my hands against his chest.

He was still chuckling and I shrieked, "Stop laughing at me!"

He grabbed my wrists so I couldn't hit him again and he said, "Why don't I buy you a drink and we can discuss this like mature adults?"

"No, thank you!" I scoffed. "I just wanted to tell you that your stupid advice to Louis sucked!"

He laughed even harder, saying, "Oh, you found out about his little challenge, did you?"

"Yes, you asshole! What the hell is wrong with you, playing with people's emotions like that? You've got nothing better to do than ruining other people's lives?" I was actually surprised at the words spewing out of my mouth, especially since I had been afraid of Harry up until now.

"Well, I'm sorry if he hurt you. That was his doing, not mine," he said.

"But you're the jerk who put the stupid idea into his head in the first place. And then you sent that stupid text! Send me a hot pic?" I yelled. "I'm not just a piece of ass for you to ogle!"

He pulled his head back, looking surprised at my grit, but he still had that dumb smirk on his face.

"Don't you dare fuck with my life ever again!" I spun around to walk away, but I felt Harry grab my wrist.

"I really am sorry," he said in a sincere tone. "Louis is a great guy."

"Better than you," I spat and walked away.

I felt very proud of myself after that. I had Liam cover me while I drank a few more beers and quickly became inebriated. I got out on the dance floor and tore it up with Veronica and Liam while Danielle and Zayn got cozy by the table. It was very freeing to have told Harry off, but now I had to decide on my next step with Louis.

I slept in late the following morning, waking up with a horrible headache. Since Danielle didn't work for me anymore, I buzzed for Addie.

"Yes, Ms. Ashten?" She said, showing up at my door.

"Will you please get me something for a headache, and a large glass of water? Oh, and a banana, please." My stomach was whirling, and I wasn't sure if it was from hunger or the after-effects of too much beer.

"Yes, Ma'am," she said and sped away. It was funny to me that she still seemed afraid of me, even though I'd changed so much since she first started working for us.

She came back with the water, pills, and the banana. I took the pills and fell back to sleep. When I awoke again after lunch time, I saw a tray on my table, along with the banana that I hadn't eaten. I realized I was quite hungry, and the headache was almost gone. I got up to eat a little bit, and then I took a shower to get ready for the day that was already half gone.

After I'd dressed and gotten ready for the day, I wandered around the house, wondering what to do. Veronica and Danielle didn't need me today because they were meeting with potential investors for their business. Preston had already left for Boston. Lucinda wasn't around. She had actually taken some vacation time to visit her family, which she hadn't done in years. I was happy for her, but I missed chatting with her. I needed her wisdom.

My mother was doing better and she was up and around, looking a lot more lively than she had just a month ago. She seemed almost like her old self, which was both good and bad.

I was sitting in the great room, enjoying some coffee when she came in and had a seat across from me.

"So, tell me about Boston," she said.

I told her about all the fun things we did on Labor Day weekend when my friends all came for a surprise visit.

She looked a little perplexed and said, "I don't understand why you're hanging out with the help. I mean, I thought this was just a phase, but now it seems like you actually like these people. I mean, Veronica and her celebrity boyfriend, I can understand."

"I do like these people, Mother," I said calmly. "It turns out that having money isn't what makes people likable."

"Pssh," she said. "Money creates everything. Think of all the experiences you had because we could afford to give you whatever you wanted. Rich people are more interesting because they can afford to be."

I shook my head in disbelief. I'd never heard her say it so bluntly before. "What kinds of experiences, Mother? Like taking me to Club Med and then forcing me to go off and play with kids I didn't know so you and Dad could have alone time? Or taking me to Disneyworld and then cutting it short because you were tired?"

"You had a great time at Disney," she said, as if I was incorrect in reconstructing my own memories.

"No, I pretended to have a great time because I was afraid you'd punish me if I said I was sad that we didn't get to stay longer."

"Well, you always were kind of ungrateful," she said, sipping her own coffee.

I stood up, shaking my head. "I was hoping that therapy would change you, but I see that it hasn't. You're still the same self-centered woman who raised me to think that money was all I needed to be happy!"

I was expecting backlash, but I was no longer afraid of her. However, she just stared at me in stunned silence. I walked away before she recovered her ability to speak. It felt good to stand up to her for once.

And that was something I might never have done if Louis hadn't come into my life.

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