Part Twenty Eight

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Devasena stood at one corner of the studio.
Adway had brought down a first aid box and was nursing his wound.
Devasena had once or twice asked to help but he didn't budge.
She had thrown away the scalpel long back. And was now in a situation she couldn't herself judge. How did she lose her calm all of a sudden? How did a simple scalpel give her the feel of a sword? And most importantly, how could she just attack someone physically who was not even her enemy? Devasena didn't know.

" Let's go. "
Adway had finished.

" Where? "

" Follow me. You'll know. "

Devasena saw Adway walk out of the studio while making a phone call to someone in a low tone.

They were stopped by the lady at the living room.

" I don't promise to be back by lunch mom, I may have it outside. "

While leaving, Devasena could feel the lady stare coldly at her. Making her shiver from within.


Adway's black Volvo stopped near a gate Devasena knew by heart. He got down and opened the door on her side. She didn't get down though.
" Sreebhoomi? I'm not coming. "

" Are you kidding me Devasena? Just come out I said. You have already tested me. "

Somewhere Devasena was guilty, so she got down.

" Listen Adway. I had said a sorry a million times now to you. And most importantly you should understand that my patience is being tested from day one. Lastly, I'm not going inside because I have decided to cut off with the man who owns this plot, forever. "

" Cut off with the man forever? And still you run to me to know your past? "
Adway now began laughing, frantically. And Devasena stood, flaring up within.

" Stop Adway! Just stop! You know nothing! "

" Ohh come on Devasena. You gotta be kidding me. You know what? The way you are currently behaving, I don't even believe you are the Devasena I knew. You first decide yourself, if I know everything and am not ready to help you, or I know nothing! Decide that first. "

Adway stood resting his body on the car.

Devasena had never felt so helpless.
The night, the kiss and the steep fall of her self respect flashed before her eyes. At any cost she didn't want to lose it all again. What she had gained by leaving.

" Adway, you could have yourself helped me. But you are purposely harassing me. "

" Harassing you?
Listen Devasena. I've got nothing to do with you. Back then as well, Devasena was a part of Bhallaldeva's life only because she was Amarendra Baahubali's love interest. He is the only bridge that connects you and me.  And I cannot take it all by myself suddenly. "

Devasena stared at him, astonished.

" How easily you talk of your last life! "

" It's easy Devasena. I've taken it that way..
And trust me. I only wish to help you. And Amarendra too. "

" He doesn't want to help me Adway! He just wants to make me more helpless with each passing moment. As if he enjoys the fact that I remember nothing, as if he enjoys seeing me gasp for breath in a pool of uncertainty."
Devasena could feel her eyes well up.

" Come on Devasena! You have misunderstood him completely! He doesn't at all enjoy you not remember anything! He rather wants you to... "

" I don't know what he wants. I don't know, I don't know nothing Adway!
I don't know what I want as well, or what I'm talking. I only know this much. I'm not going inside. "

" I don't believe this. I always thought, mental crisis connects hearts. And here, two hearts already connected are disconnecting. Are you serious? Do you even know Devasena how much you loved each other? Ask me. I know. I know.... "

Devasena saw for the first time Adway drift away.

" Tell me Adway. Tell me what you're thinking. Please Adway, try to get what I'm in. Adway, please! Please!! "

Devasena cupped her face in her palms and began sobbing. Adway came forward and grabbed her shoulders strongly.
"  Strong woman, strong! You know what? I have never seen you cry in your toughest days. This face doesn't suit tears.
Come inside Devasena. He needs you as much as you need him. Otherwise, he has his life set in London. He would have been there by now. Back. "

Adway struck the enormous bell beside the mammoth door. He enjoyed doing that.
Devasena stood a distance behind.
Disturbed. Broken a bit.

The door opened with a click. And Devasena saw past Adway's shoulders, the inside was pitch black.

Adway turned to her.
" Come. " , he said. And almost instantly disappeared into the black.

Devasena slowly followed, and the door closed behind her, making her stand in utter darkness.
" Oh my god! Why is it so dark? I can see nothing Adway!

Adway! "

And nobody answered back.

Devasena knew her heart was pacing. She stood stiff. This palace had never given her good vibes. And once again, she was drowned in the discomfort she had felt the very first day.

" Amarendra! "
She almost whispered.
And then shouted, " Amarendra!!! "

Suddenly a fire torch lit up at the first landing of the staircase that stood at a corner of the enormous living hall.

" Why are you people testing me? What do you people want? Amarendra! Adway! I know you are around! Don't test me this way! Don't! Don't! "

Another torch lit up at the second landing of the spiral staircase, almost signalling her to come up along the stairs. The light of the torch had partially lit up the living hall. And Devasena felt breathless. There was no one around. And yet she felt, there were unseen souls breathing on her neck.

Once again Devasena turned paper pale. Amarendra, Adway, are they even real? A gust of wind from nowhere blew her hair from the back, scaring her to death, making her shriek.

" I hate you! I hate you Amarendra! "
Devasena began shouting. And only her echo answered her back.

Somewhere, up above the stairs, a huge bell began striking. Devasena kept staring across the stairs. The bell struck twelve times. As if, a royal court was on its proceedings.

Devasena slowly walked towards the staircase. And began climbing the stairs, slowly, looking back time and again. The dark hall below as if was trying to swallow her up.
The entire staircase was lit one after the other by fire torches.

At the end of the staircase was another enormous door. As Devasena came and stood before it, the door opened on its own, scaring her to bits again. Nevertheless, she gathered herself. And walked inside.

The huge court room. Very dimly lit today by a handful of fire torches, that was only enough to make her recognise it to be the hall from where she began this anonymous journey. The hall, that housed her painting.

Devasena slowly began walking down the length of the hall, looking around.
The walls still had pictures, but the dim lights couldn't clear them up for her to recognise.

And suddenly, a baritone echoed throughout the hall,
" Take Mahendra from her lap. His father is dead, but we cannot risk leaving behind saplings. Snatch him from Devasena's lap and kill him as well! Kill him like his father. Kill Mahendra Baahubali like Amarendra Baahubali! '

Without even judging the words, without judging where they came from in that deserted hall, Devasena shouted frantically,
" No!  No! Ma, save him. Save my child! Save him!!!! "

Devasena lost consciousness and fell on the cold floor of the hall.

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