Part Twenty Seven

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Devasena impatiently stood at the door. She had never been to this house before. House less, a mansion more. The door itself was impeccably decorated, and she couldn't help adore the beauty. The restlessness she felt was partly soothed by the art before her eyes. A woman opened the door after almost five minutes, opened in the sense, she ducked her head out through a little gap she created.
" Yes? "

Devasena guessed her to be BD's wife.

" I'm BD sir's student. I...  "

" But BD sir himself is at the college. "
The woman was definitely not very endearing.

" Yeah.. I know, I actually need Adway. "

The woman now opened the door completely.
" Who are you? "

Devasena was a bit startled by the coldness and arrogance of the woman. But then she felt that it was natural of any mother or wife.

" I just said... I.. "

" You are my husband's student. But my son's? "
No, this was not much normal. And Devasena wasn't bearing this any longer.

" It's okay, I'll leave. "

" Please don't! "
A voice called from the back.
Adway Mathur stood with a smile, relieving Devasena unreasonably. She smiled back.
" Mom. Meet Devasena. Dad's favourite student. "

The woman glanced at Devasena once again, without any change in the stern expressions. But then, without wasting a second more she went indoors.

Devasena stood quite embarrassed, following her path.
"Please sit Devasena!"

Adway showed a sofa. Devasena slowly settled herself on it. Then without an introduction, brought out the book she just received from the library.
" is this yours? "

Adway looked at it, then settled on a chair.
" That's fast! I never expected you to run upto me directly from white club. " , he chuckled.

" Answer me please! I am already a lot confused. I mean, I never see how you knew I needed this book, and most importantly, how you knew who stole the book. "

" Devasena, maybe you should read the book before I answer anything. "

Devasena stared at him.
" No. I shouldn't. I should rather have more people speaking before me than on my back about me. I am just tired!! I mean, everyone has got many answers to my questions but no one is there to really answer me. Like it is a game where only I'm the player and everyone else sets the rules. I'm sick!!! "

Devasena banged the book on the table.
"I won't read this book ever. Not at all before you tell me why is everything so mysterious. You were just my teacher's son and a wonderful artist to me till date. And now, you are so much more but I still can't have a clue to what you are. Enough. My roommate hides things from me, a person who reigns my subconscious hides things, and now there's one more addition. I'm done. "

Devasena got up.
" Sit down Devasena! I was always against the idea of not helping you out. "

Devasena didn't sit. She rather kept staring at him as stern as possible.
" listen Devasena. I can tell you who I'm and whatever you wish to know. Right now. But with a warning. You will just listen to that much of a story that I know. Because I don't know your story. That's yours to be known completely. I can also tell you whatever I have read in that book. If you don't wish to read it. But I warn you again, you will just listen to another story. And not feel it at all. Lastly, you may leave, without knowing anything. Maybe ignorance is a bliss, maybe not. "

" I don't know what good it'll do to me if I know about my past. Wait a second, were you there in my past as well? "

" I was. In fact, I was the one who....  "

" Who? "

" ....killed Amarendra Baahubali. You know that much right? "

Devasena dropped her body on the sofa again.
" You're joking right? You think it's a joke? My goodness! How easily do you say that? You murdered Amarendra Baahubali? You want me to believe that? I mean... " , she went on blabbering.

Adway got up and asked her to follow him. She was already tired, she did nevertheless.  Adway took her to his studio.

" Sit here. If my mom hears all these, she'll have convulsions. Anyways, it wasn't a joke. Just that I may not have enough emotion regarding something I've been enduring for decades now, in order to tell that to you in a more mysterious or revealing manner. Yes, I was in your past, like an evil spirit. But my soul retains none of those. "

Devasena stared at him in utter disbelief.
" You too remember everything? "
She sighed. " Only I don't.....  "
She returned back to being furious again.
" And you didn't care to tell me anything about it! Amarendra, do you even know that Amarendra, the one you claimed to have killed is here, in this very Bhopal as well? "

" I know. In fact I met him yesterday. We had a drink together. "

The studio burst out in a terrific laughter. Adway was startled while Devasena clapped and laughed like a kid.
" wow wow wow! A doctor suddenly flies from London, a sculptor suddenly flies from Paris, they unite in Bhopal and arrange for a picnic named 'we remember the past' , and are desperate enough to pull me into the picnic. What do you think exactly? What am I? A kid? That I'll believe in your stories? I don't believe a word!!!!! You people are bluffing me. You people must have been friends already. You people had already made up a story and are now playing with me..... You are bloody liars!!! "
Devasena realised she was screaming.

" Hmm. Now it's my turn to laugh. But I won't. I would rather advise you to return the book to me and live a happy life. Amarendra or I have no intentions to ruin your peaceful life, rather lives, of you and your roommate. By the way, what did she lie? Oh maybe she's bluffing you too, she's also in our team and we have plenty of time to play games with you, only you. Tell me what do you think you are. And why do we need to play games with you. Tell me please! "

Devasena was breathing hard. Because she knew things weren't at all that easily explained. Specially her visions, that were told to her by no one. Yet were extremely real. She got up.
" I need to know everything Adway. Your being Amarendra's murderer won't hold any implication otherwise. "

" It doesn't anyway. Neither to me nor to Amarendra. "

" Really? The past doesn't hold any significance to Dr Amarendra B? But that's the only thing he searches in me doesn't he? Did you even ask him what implications what holds to him? Or are you judging him as yourself maybe? "

Adway stared at Devasena.
" You are confusing me. I thought I get things between Amarendra and Devasena at least in this life. Maybe I actually don't! "

" Stop distracting me Adway!! Are you telling me everything? "

" I can. But I'm sealed by promises. Not that Amarendra asked for a promise, but someone else definitely did. "

" Who? " , Devasena screamed again.

" Mmm.. If I tell you that even, the promise will be broken. "

To this Devasena did a drastic thing.
She immediately took up a scalpel lying beside and hit Adway's hand, cutting it to bleed.

"Ouuchh!! Are you crazy? "
Adway sat down holding the wound.

" Tell me otherwise I'll dig this into your chest! "

" You are insane! "
Adway blabbered.

" I am. I AM!!!!! "

Adway kept staring at her, wriggling in pain and surprised at the fiery woman before him standing with a knife.

Or, was he really surprised?

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