Chapter 16: Attempt at vengeance

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Being me is not all that easy.

Including when I have my weakness for mortal life like my brother. It makes me vulnerable and open for attacks on those I have befriended off Asgard. Perhaps Q is similar to me.  That passive comment "Now, doesn't that sound like someone who cares?" by Q. It wouldn't sound that way if he cared about mortals and thought that mortals cared about him. Perhaps he brought me here to save . . . more mortals than  he ever could.

Well, he is wrong.

I used magic to repair the spaceship, and then?

I went out into space.

Before I entered into the gigantic cube I had to pose a challenge.

Perhaps Q and I share the same weakness.


Gods greatest weakness.

I raised up the shields to the starship as I saw  a 'message coming in'  box glowing on the console. 

I hit 'accept'.

"Loki, explain to me why you impersonated a senior officer and several of my security team," Picard said. "And I demand you give me a explanation on what you plan to do with that Star Fleet Classed Starship!"

I had a short laugh.

"Revenge."  I said, in a serious tone.

It used to be a Starship but apparently Asgardians have redesigned it. It makes sense with the communicators I discovered in a square box placed in what is most commonly referred to as the Captain's cabin. It had thirty rooms, several recreational, three cafeterias, and some other related room I don't bother listing. It was smaller than the Enterprise, surely. The bridge was designed differently to make suit for six people to take on the basic functions of the starship.

"Loki, don't," Picard said. "It is not worth it."

"Do not bother joining in the attack," I said. "This is my war. Stay out of it if you want to come back whole."

Picard was about to say something when I ended the transmission.

I fired upon  the cube multiple times, and each time the armor repaired itself. I saw a trajectory beam shoot out of the machine. I hit a button that makes transport much more convenient using the trail of energy to enter. I reappeared inside the huge cube. I saw several Borg surround me. My fingers were summoning increasing level of arctic freeze.

"Resistance is futile." One Borg said.

"I have a friend who's catch phrase is better than yours." I said.

They were all bald.

Are they making a hair style statement or something?

"Invalid." The second Borg said.

I grinned.

"Exterminate!" I shouted freezing everyone in this box except for the leader.

I whistled making my way in between the Borg.

"No offense, but you are awfully slow for a machine."  I said.

I met a creature calling itself a 'Dalek' who participated in a fashion show. Turns out, among the deadly competitors, one of them was cheating. The Dalek was very pissed off to learn, thanks to a being called a 'Cyberman', that a 'Silurian' was using a device to make it seem they were wearing something casual when they were not. I use the terms loosely because I took Thor there to understand the concept of attire appropriate when he burst in the doors to a bar wearing a juggler outfit. That fairly humiliated me.

That was  a nasty sight witnessing two Daleks murder a lizard human being.

I restrained my brother from declaring war after them.

Well, I did befriend them as I told them our motives and we seeked no harm on them.

A hour later I made it to the leader of the Borgs.

She didn't appear to be shivering or rubbing her shoulders, and instead seemed at ease.

"You. . . again," The Borg Queen said. "I killed you."

I made a dagger appear in my right hand.

"I am not of this universe," I said. "You are responsible for the fall of Asgard!"

I charged right at The Borg Queen and she just stood there. Oddly, when someone is charging at you then you would do anything to dodge it. I was processing that fact  while coming toward The Borg Queen at fast speed when someone grabbed my wrist and got in the way. My feet came to a hurried stop. My eyes adjusted to the sudden obstacle.


It was Steve.

"Steve, get out of my way!" I demanded.

Steve let go of my hand standing stubbornly in the way.

"Killing her won't bring back Asgard or any-one who you knew." Steve said.

"Identify yourself."  The Borg Queen said.

"Drop it, Loki," Steve said. "If you kill her, they will get a new Queen through a royal protocol or make a new hive."

I dropped the dagger by the handle.

"So. . . She is not irreplaceable?" I said.

"Correct." Steve said.

". . . That makes my payback worthless." I said.

"You don't have to kill another person out of your hands and be covered in more blood." Steve said.

"You are right." I said.

"Identify yourself!" The Borg Queen demanded.

"You should have heard of him." I said.

Steve turned toward the Borg Queen raising what seemed to be a---STEVE!

"Steve Rogers," Steve said. "Representative of America."

My eyes widened seeing the phaser in his right hand.

Steve pressed the trigger.  The Borg Queen screamed as she was being devoured by red energy. Her entire body became vaporized.  Then she was gone. Steve dropped the phaser to the ground where it rattled swinging from side to side as it did.  I gasped with my jaw slack. Steve turned in my direction appearing to be annoyed.

"Can we go now?" Steve said.

"Steve. . ." I said. "But that was totally. . . Contradictory of what you just told me!"

"Loki, Loki, Loki," Steve said. "Listen, all the Borg are frozen and I did that because. . .The American people would want that threat annihilated."

I stared at the man puzzled noticing he had a coat on.

How is that any different from revenge?, I thought.

"And since this is a frozen ice cube; this is just one threat down." I said.

"Exactly." Steve said.

I then thought of it as a strategic point.

"That. . . wasn't much of a bad idea." I said.

Steve smiled.

And then everything became white.

Steve was missing.

"Steve?" I called. "STEVE!"

"I sent Steve back." Q said.

I noticed my surroundings became the bridge that was empty except for Q in the captain's chair.

"Well?" I said. "Send me home too."

Q sighed.

"You see .  .  . Loki," Q said. "You have everything. Everything! Everything you possibly could have before you went behind Odin's back and tried to destroy the Frost Giant Race!" He stood up. "You still have a family but believing you is difficult."

"What about it?" I asked.

"I have nothing." Q said.

"Pardon?" I said.

"Omniscient and all," Q said. "I don't easily get a family with a snap of fingers. If I did, it wouldn't be real!"  Q had his hands behind his back pacing back and forth . "That is how different we are. . ." His eyes were stuck on the floor briefly then back to me. "If I sent you back to your time then you would be called a lunatic, everyone be skeptical at first, and not one would believe you that in a years time the Borg will be there." He  stopped. "Unless I changed your .  . . past." He faked a cough. "And your undeniably tragic fate."

"I am listening." I said.

"How about on May 4th, 2012, the Borg come instead of the whole battle in New York?" Q suggested, his hands to both side. "Well it would take place on Asgard so it would be The Battle of Asgard."

"I accept." I said.

"Loki, I have not told you HOW FAR you will be sent back!" Q said. "Hold your horses. I will send you to before you meet up with Laufey to orchestrate a stunt." Q came closer to me with a serious expression about his face. "The only way you'll defeat the Borg and free every unfortunate soul is by uploading a virus."

"What kind of virus?"  I asked.

"A genetic virus that fights against the nanoprobes,"  Q said. "You will need a sample and a genius. Where ever you are living at on June 1st, 2011 . . . There will be a package for you on Earth designated for your living location."

"Why can't you do it yourself?" I asked, wit a frown.

"Do it myself?" Q repeated, as though it were a accusation as he put one hand on his chest. "I am a passive viewer, Mr I-am-a-Jotun-and-hate-it. In order to. . . upload the virus you must make a mistake that makes your skin so human like not made of steel."

"Does that change my fate?" I asked.

"Yes,it does,"Q said. "But remember. . . You are still on trial." He pointed his index finger at me. "Give the Q many reasons why your universe, unique and crazy as it is, should exist."

I cleared my throat.

"I accept." I said.

"It will be January 1st, 2011 when you wake up. . . The day before you approached Laufey." Q said. 

Q snapped his fingers and there it became darkness.

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