Chapter 17: The silver lady and her captain

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. . . Alpha Quadrant. .

. . Milky Way Galaxy. . . Three hours later . .

Three hours since they sent Steve Rogers to the Borg Ship. Three hours since the entire ship was flung back into the proper galaxy and quadrant. They had enough information, data, and results that at the time they were not in a galaxy but somewhere beyond the matters of space. Planets were billions of light years away even if they used warp power it would take countless generations to get back to the Alpha Quadrant. Or what was left of it. They defined this space as 'celestial space'.

Planets were merely stars from the distance.

"Are you sure about coming to Earth?" Picard said. "Everything. . . has changed from the last time you stepped foot on our planet."

Knight looked up from the sleeping babies in her arms.

"It is all part of being gods," Knight said. "Calling myself. . . Knight. . . Will take a long time. I feel as though it is not my name."

"I believe Loki would prefer if you stood up for your individuality." Picard said.

Knight had a small smile then went onto the transport pad.

"Farewell," Knight said. "Captain Picard."

"Goodbye, Knight."Picard said.

And then Knight was beamed off the ship.


. . . Captain's quarters room. . .

. . . One hour later. . .

Picard walked into his quarters to see Q sitting down in a chair playing with a square block that had multiple colors. It was a rubix cube. Q seemed to be very focused on it.

"Q," Picard said. "Get out of my quarters!"

Q continued to play with the rubix cube, as though he had not heard a word from the captain.

"Q!" Picard said.

Picard yanked the rubix cube out of the entity's hand--where strangely he did not feel the entity's hand--then tossed it to the couch. Not feeling the fingers was the first strange abnormality Picard felt about the entity. Q stood up alert scanning the scenery.

"Who is there?" Q asked, as the rubix cube vanished.

"Q, it is me!" Picard said.

Q scratched his head acting confused then walked right over to the table.

"How do I put this lightly?" Q said, now at the table.

"Q, stop avoiding me!" Picard demanded.

Q sighed, cupping the side of his cheek with elbow on the table.

"One," Q said. "That allowing the Borg to fall apart by gaining individuality due to Thirty-four's little mishap has landed me in a position that should be done eons from now." He rubbed both of his temples. "Two,Q review." There was a hiss behind it. "I hate it when they review me."

Picard tapped on his combadge.

"Picard to Worf."

"Yes, sir?"

"I am unsure if this is really happening in my quarters, could you spare your eyes?"

"Why yes, sir."

"Picard out."

Fifteen minutes later Worf walked in. He suddenly came to a stop right in the middle of the room then looked over to Picard curious as to why Q is here. Picard had a 'I do not know' kind of expression in his eyes. Worf pulled the chair back then turned it over on its side with Q still sitting on it. Q got up appearing to be irritated.

"WHO THE HELL IS IN HERE?" Q demanded. "I am the only person IN THIS ROOM."

"Apparently not." Worf acknowledged.

Q sighed.

"I dislike being out of sync with the rest of the universal body," Q said. "Can't even tell if some one is in the room with me." Worf set the chair upright back at the table. "I wonder if it is the captain and Number Two. . . Riker would enjoy himself." Q stopped. "And the captain would snatch the rubix cube."

"So to us . . . we are like ghosts." Worf said.

"For once," Picard said. "I agree with the punishment Q is on."

"Okay, Jean-Luc," Q said. "You and everyone else I have helped will be attending my trial. Sure if I do not ever pop up just know one of my sons will be responsible for the safety of your universe." Q made a guitar appear. "At least you can still hear THIS!"

Q made a rock band appear and then commenced playing.



So Worf broke apart the equipment. Q looked down toward the broken musical instruments.

"Riker wouldn't do that," Q said, rubbing his chin. "Worf would. . ." Q stopped rubbing his chin. "So there is three people." He looked up then snapped away the frozen in time band members. "I never expect you to understand what a Q review is but I will tell you anyway. A Q review does what it is meant to be. It reviews a Q and checks on whether they should continue to exist or not. Happens once per eon. Go ahead, prepare for your testimony Jean-Luc, Riker, and Microbrain!" Q flailed his arms in the air. "I don't really care. Until the trial is on. . . I won't be seeing you. I am just in the vague aspect of 'not in universal sync' and will go behind the curtain from everyone in . . " Q looked down to a 21st century wrist watch on his wrist. "Any minute now."

Q lowered his wrist.

"That's why I came here. To tell you, Jean-Luc, that you are to attend my trial," Q said, with a grim look. "It is the courtesy I can share instead of letting you be randomly transported into a trial room from the 21st century. Now you know why you are to attend: to give external testimony on my influences and action on your time. Say anything that pleases you. I will see you at the trial. . ." His grim look faltered into a small but sad one. "Or maybe not depending if they want me in my natural form."

Q shrugged.

"Goodbye." Q said.

Q vanished in a white ball and disappeared.

"Q not existing?" Worf said. "By what I understand that means whatever he has done will be undone and no one will remember."

"Perhaps that won't happen to us," Picard said. "For now we have to alert the others about a trial we have to prepare for."

"We don't know when it happens." Worf said.

"I like to be prepared." Picard said.

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