Athrabeth (Conversations)

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- Side note for you guys -
I'll have to take a break from writing for a few days after this chap. My hand is starting to hurt 😵‍💫.
I wont be ignoring you, it's just taking care of myself so I can heal and write more!
~ Ashley

Would they officially treat me as a Queen starting this day? My stomach turned into knots.
Life, was about to get complicated.
More so then I'd ever expect.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'can I do this?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "Amara!"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father.*

Credit for this and upcoming chapters goes to:
@Alva898 & my husband. Thank you!

I entered the formal dining with my husband, Thorin. My feet nearly froze as I saw guards along the walls and doorways here and their. Something I'd have to get use to. And fast.
Quickly catching up to Thorin who was looking at me slightly concerned, I smiled. "I'm alright."
He nodded.
I sat by Fili, to the Right of Thorin who was at the head of the table, Theia was on his Left.

Kitchen staff soon served us food.
"Thank you." I spoke as food was placed on the table.
The dwarrowdam bowed. "You're welcome, your majesty."
We soon served ourselves and talked about our days as a of late, while a thought came to my mind. I made sure to keep it there too.

"Theia, you will need to be taught in the ways of how to run Erebor for when we pass. I will have Balin help you." Thorin informed her.
"Adad, with all due respect, you and mom will live for years. My path for now, lies elsewhere." Theia spoke.
I turned to them both, as did many others.
"What do you mean my dear?" I asked.
"Legolas's father told him to set out to find a Ranger named Strider."
"I have asked Theia to accompany myself, she has agreed." Legolas continued.
"When do you leave?" I questioned, thinking of the looking glass. 'They still don't know...'
"Most likely within a month." She spoke sadly.
I nodded. "Do whatever you feel is right, my child." I smiled.
"Must you leave us?" Kili asked.
"Yes, I'm afraid so Kili. But we will return." She reassured him.

I sighed, eyes closed.
"I have forgotten to tell you all something for it has escaped my mind until now." I stated, looking up at everyone.
Thorin gripped my hand.

"The Lady Galadriel visited during the party, and gifted us an Elven Looking Glass like hers."
"Why would she do that?" Thorin asked suspiciously.
"She said that it would be needed. I believe that The Lady Galadriel saw something... She warned me saying "It will show you things that were... things that are... and some things... that have not yet come to pass."

However, that the looking glass also was not an evil object." I finished.
By now, everyone at the table was looking at me with some sort of expression on their face.
"I apologize that I've forgotten."
"There has been much going on. You have nothing to apologize for, my love." Thorin reassured.

We all wondered why it was gifted to Thorin and myself however.

More talking and joking occurred and we finally finished eating. Standing up and exiting the room one by one, I gently pulled Fili aside.

"Fili, may we talk?" I asked.
He gave me an odd look, but agreed "sure thing, aunt."
I smiled. "Thank you."

We began walking towards his chambers for more privacy.
Once their, he questioned what I wanted to talk about.
Sitting down I spoke, "Fili, I know you must feel left out and possibly like a spare now that Theia and the Ones have appeared. I apologize for that. I'd like to get to know you better in all honesty."

Fili studied me. "I've always felt pressure on my shoulders. I'm not angry that I'm not in line for the throne anymore. Quite the opposite." He laughed.
"As for my brother finding his One, and my cousin also, at times I do feel left out. I wish to be loved like that one day. And perhaps it will come. If not, I have my family."
"Fili, may I ask what your childhood was like?"

He smiled. "Often times, chaos. Our father died in the battle with Thorin, Frerin, Thror and we thought Thrain. So Thorin, stepped in as a father-figure at times for us. Kili looks up to him. As do I. My mother, the lady Dis and Thorin made us who we are.

Dwalin taught us how to fight. Whenever we could however, we would pull pranks, get into mischief. Make Ered Luin fun. I miss those days. Kili was teased for using a bow, however.

Uncle Thorin put a stop to that when others saw him giving Kili lessons.
Dwalin made us earn the weapons we use.
My amad, Dis had us act like any other household and do our own chores.
Though we did scare her a few times too with pranks.
She's not one to make angry..." He muttered the last part.

"I'm sorry for the loss of your father, Fili. Along with the rest of your family.
I know what it's like unfortunately.
Though, I'm very glad that Thorin helped raise you.
You and your brother are both fine Dwarves. Any woman would be lucky to have you.
And you will find your One. Have faith, nephew.
I also must thank Dwalin.
And your mother." I spoke, hugging Fili.

"I am sorry for not getting to know or spend time with you." I apologized.
"I'll see you later, Fili."
"Thank you, aunt."
"Anytime." I spoke with a smile.

With those words, I headed for my own chambers, my head and heart lighter.

Hey 👋 so, you can thank @Alva898 who gave inspiration/ideas for this chapter!
My husband also helped with a writers-block with an upcoming chap.
When my hand stops hurting, I'll continue! A day or 2 should be enough.

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