Bronad (Survival)

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Important A/N: Hey guys, so I fractured my right thumb on the 20th and if you know me, I type 1-handed because of the dexterity of my left hand. So the reason why I haven't updated sooner? Well, 4 fingers and I'm improvising on things. - a lot.
It'll take awhile to type this chapter. (Hour or two...)
Feel free to leave comments, votes, emotes - etc.

(😐 I just made 9 typos writing that...)

I apologize for any typos you may see 😣 (though I'll edit along the way.)
Amara POV - Erebor
I glanced behind me, worried. Thorin hadn't spoken to us once since Smaug left. Now he was returning to the Mountain.

Dread filled my whole being.

'What have I done? What have we done?' I thought.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'smaug, he's dead!'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: Bard, the Dagon-Slayer!

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father.*

"There is a past version of you that is So Proud of how far you have come."


Theia POV - With Bard, and Bain
Lake Town

The three of us surfaced the water, gasping for air. I desperately wished I could dry us off like my mom had. But, I lacked the power.
Climbing onto a dock we went in search of a boat.
"Over here!" Bard called. The town was in ruins. We the few left - Alive that is. It was abandoned. Nearly everyone had fled.
I rushed over, and inspected the small boat, the dingy. Minor damage but enough to get us to Erebor's shores.
"Nice find, Bard." I congratulated.
He nodded.
"Lets get on our way. We need to find shelter." He spoke.
"Erebor would welcome us. My mother and father are their along with the company." I said.
Bard was silent for awhile, "They may be our only choice."
"Da, Sigrid and Tilda were with the Dwarves and Legolas. They would have gone that way." Bain stated.
"He's right, my cousin's and the others are dead-set on reaching that Mountain."
"Erebor it is, then. Get in the boat."

We paddled throughout the night, and into the morning down the Anduin River. Finally reaching afternoon, land came into sight. - And cries.

I looked to the others, Bain and Bard. "Go on, I'll get the boat on land. You have family to find." I insisted.
"Thank you, Theia." Bain spoke.

We all got out, I pulled the boat to shore making sure it was secure.

The sight before my eyes was horrible.

People were in the water injured, some dead, several boats were wrecked. Some swam here it seemed.

"Help me!" A woman screamed.
"Where's my baby?" Yelled another.
"Please!" Begged a man.

It was a sensory over-load.
The sounds, smells, sights... My body felt off.

"Da!" I heard a familiar voice yell.
'Tilda. They survived.' I thought.

My eyes scanned the people. "Fili! Kili! Legolas! Bofur! Oin!" I called.

The noises were so loud.

In the distance I saw blonde hair accompanied with two brown girls, and standing out were the Dwarves.

I gently made my way through the crowd trying to hurry before they moved.

'This is nonsense.' I huffed.

Spotting Kili, I made his arm move with wind and smack his brother.

Spying the two of them, Fili looked mad, Kili confused.

They were talking, than, relation dawned upon them. - I was here.

"Theia!" I faintly heard.

I laughed. 'Well, it worked.'

I hurried towards their voices, all of them.

Seeing my family, friends and bonded my heart soared. - We were alive.

I hugged them immediately, tears in my eyes. It's a big task to survive a living dragon.

"What you did was foolish, but brave Theia." Legolas spoke, looking deep into my eyes.

"It had to be done. I couldn't let Bain go alone, I knew what he was feeling."

"I'm glad you're here and safe." He spoke, hugging me.

"Me too. And not in a cell." I laughed.

"Theia, did Da and Bain survive?" Tilda asked.

I looked at her, "Of course they did. Your father saved me." I informed the girl.

"Where are they, then?" Sigrid asked.

"I sent them to look for you." I spoke, looking around.

"Lets go look for them." Legolas insisted.

The Dwarves were immediately by my side, especially Fili and Kili.

"Why did you make me hit Fili?" He questioned, curiously.

I smiled. "To let you know I was here of course. My yelling wasn't doing the job."

"Well, your magic did." Fili joked.

"I witnessed it. You two finding out I survived. It was quite funny." I informed them.

The girls took off running ahead, they had found Bard and Bain.

I smiled 'Good. They're reunited.'

Then Smaug's words came into my mind, reminding me that my own parents could be dead.

I froze on the spot, not noticing that Tauriel had arrived.

"Theia, what's wrong?" Legolas asked.

"Smaug informed me that my mother and father are dead. Could it be true, Legolas?" I asked, tears forming.

He took me by the shoulders, "don't listen to that worm, Theia. Creatures of dark magic love to rile people up. Make them angry. Remember that!"

I shook my head. Legolas pulled me to him. "Everything will be alright." He soothed.

"Thank you." I spoke.

Kili POV

I saw Tauriel silently walking down the hill, looking at the others I realized they would be fine with Legolas and Theia around.

Slipping away, I walked to her - my One.

"Tauriel." I spoke softly looking up into her gorgeous eyes.

"Kili, come on we're leaving!" My brother yelled.

"They are your people. You must go."

She started walking away.

"Come with me.

I know how I feel. I'm not afraid.

You make me feel alive."

"I can't." She declined, turning away.

"Tauriel, Legolas is joining us, why can't you?"

"I..." She began.

"Amrâlimê." *My love*

She looked to me sharply. "I don't know what that means."

I smiled, "I think you do."

Taking her hand, I put my Rune Stone in her palm. "Keep it. As a promise that we will meet again."

Leaving with that promise, I joined the others hoping she would fulfill it.

Theia POV

We got in another boat, and began our journey towards Erebor. Legolas decided to accompany us. We left Bard and his family behind. Though a part of me knew we would meet again.

It was yet another day or more worth of paddling and quite frankly I was sick and tired of boats!

We got out of the dingy, and started our trek to the Mountain.

Legolas slowed down the closer he got.

I looked back, "Are you alright?"

"I doubt your father will welcome my presence." He stated.

Taking his hand, I reassured him. "He doesn't have much of a choice, does he?" I smiled.

A sudden feeling came over me. One of dread. "Guys, we should stick together. Let me lead." I ordered.

They were shocked. "What do you sense?" Bofur asked.

"Something no so friendly."

Leading the group, we crept up the mountain as if it would bite us.

Entering Erebor itself we slowed down to a near stop.

"Something is wrong." Legolas stated.

I nodded. "It's too quiet."

Bofur shouted. "Hello! Bombur? Bifur? Anybody!"

Looking back alarmed and wide-eyed I spotted Fili slapping his hand over Bofur's mouth.

Bilbo ran quietly our way, he shook his head and held out his arms. A clear sign to stop and be quiet.

The Hobbit was now directly in front of us. "You need to leave. We all have to leave. Especially you four." He insisted, pointing at myself, Legolas Fili, and Kili.

"We only just got here." Bofur spoke, confused.

"I've tried talking, but he won't listen."

"They've tried, too."

"And Balin explained that there's a-a sickness that runs through the line of Durin. Dragon Sickness. If you're close to this gold, you may get it." Bilbo spoke, seriously.

"Bilbo's right. We have to leave. Dragon Sickness can make one go mad. I read about it in Rivendell." I agreed.

Legolas had tensed up since Bilbo's alerting arrival.

"There's no guarantee that we could get it, right?" Fili asked.

Bilbo shook his head. "I don't know, Fili."

"-Back to who won't listen, Bilbo. Who is it?" I questioned.

"Thorin! Your father. He's been down there for days. He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He's not been himself, not at all. It's definitely this place."

Tears streaked my face. Had I lost my father to this sickness?

I ran to the gold. Only seeing him for myself would convince me.

"Theia!" Legolas called.

This time, he could not follow... Not if my father was in this state.

"Take him to the others, Bilbo." I spoke as I ran off.

The others joined me.

"Gold. Gold beyond measure. Beyond sorrow and grief." He spoke to himself.

I let out a sob, bringing my hands to my face, as I watched on. Adad *father*, was anything but himself. Kingly robes, pacing, thinking only about Gold it seemed.

My sob brought him to look upward towards us.

"Behold... The Great treasure hoard of Thror."

He tossed a jewel up to Fili.

"Welcome my daughter, and sister-sons to the Kingdom of Erebor."

I ran up the steps. Seeing Adad like this hurt.

The others and myself followed Bilbo to a room which the others were in.

"Balin!" Bofur called out.

"Kili!" Nori called.

I stood, feeling numb.

Legolas walked over looking solum.

Mother appeared from behind him, attacking me in a hug.

"What were you thinking?" She asked, while hugging me.

"About what?" I asked.

"Pulling the stunt with the water spout."

"It needed to be done! Bard needed help. So I did what was necessary."

She released me from the hug and thanked Legolas for keeping me safe.

"Legolas knows that adad won't be happy that he's here. But, that Thorin also doesn't really have a choice." I informed mom.

After we 'celebrated' that everyone was alive, there was talking, eating, and finally - bed.

Legolas would keep watch from the shadows.

I could only wait for tomorrow...

Hey guys 👋
So, well my hand (thumb/top of hand) started to hurt and I had to end it 😭.
I'll continue when I can!
It's tricky playing video games 😂 Sims 4, PS4, I can do.
Red Dead Redemption 2? Uhm... Not so much, sadly!

Anyways~ let me know your thoughts! 💕

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