Usta Winimo Usta (Burn Baby Burn)

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He suddenly erupted from the golden floor crying out "revenge!? revenge!? I will show you revenge!" He made for the doorway. I ran after him. Bilbo following.

I stood, feet planted, eyes looking up at Smaug willing his wings to turn to ice. Harm him. Don't let Smaug take over Lake Town that easily.

I didn't want to do this. But it was a must.

He fell from the sky, out cold.

One could only hope that he wouldn't return.

"What have we done?" Bilbo asked standing besides me.

"I don't know Bilbo." Was my response.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'smaug, he's here!'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: dragon!

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father.*

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." -Theodore Roosevelt


Theia, Fili, Kili, Oin, Bofur, Legolas, Bain, Sigrid, Tilda in Lake Town
Theia POV

I had regained my strength a few hours ago. Could I use my Elemental magic yet? Unlikely.

Legolas, my bonded had decided to stay with us with the threat of the Dragon looming over head.
Through the window he saw the wings of it turn to ice, and fall.

"My mother. She did that." I informed him and the others.
"Is it dead?" Tilda, the youngest asked me, curiously.
I shook my head. "No, Tilda. My mother bought us time." I smiled sadly.
"Time to escape?" She asked.
"Yes. And to prepare."

The bells had been ringing in alarm since the ground shook.

Legolas turned to the others "grab only what's needed. We must leave."
I helped the children pack their belongings. One pair of clothes each.
"We're not leaving, not without our father." Bain protested.

"Bain, Smaug will kill all in his path. You and your sisters will die. Would your father want that?" I questioned.

"Help me pack, please." I asked him.
He nodded.
Legolas helped as well, gathering food and other necessities.

"Smaug looms over head." He stated.
"We must leave, now." Legolas ushered us towards a boat while looking for the Drake.

"Why are you helping us?" Fili asked.
"Do you not wish for my help, Master Dwarf?"
I hit Fili in the side, sitting next to him in the boat.
"Simply curious, Woodland Elves aren't known to help Dwarves." He stated.
"What my Ada *Father* did was wrong. He should have given you shelter and food."
Legolas continued to help others in the small boat before he himself got in.

"We must leave, swiftly."
Fili and Bain paddled.
Overhead, Smaug let loose his first wave of fire.
It flared just behind us.

"Theia, can you not do something?" Kili asked.
"The lass is too weak, Kili." Oin responded.
I shook my head. "Oin is right, I need to get my strength back. I may be healed, but I'm still weak."
"Rest as much as you can, Theia." Legolas spoke.
"I will gain energy over time. Which means I will be able to use my powers. Worry not."

"Bain, Sigrid, Tilda, stay low. Let the others row." I spoke.
Bard would skin me if his children got hurt.

The Master's boat rammed into ours, "Look out!" Bofur yelled.
"Move it! Move it!" The "Master" yelled.
Legolas glared at them, he was a foul, greedy man.

I looked behind us in time to see the Master hanged by rope. Alfrid was no longer on the boat.
"That's Karma for you..." I whispered to myself.

Looking up, Smaug spread more fire.
My gut sunk.
Delving deep within myself, my magic wasn't as weak as before.
We passed underneath buildings, sneaking our way out of lake Town slowly, but steadily.

"Da." Bain said with fear.
"Da!" Tilda screamed.
Would they lose another parent this night?

My mind raced. I thought back to when I had one parent. Not knowing if I had a father.
I sighed, looking at the others. I knew what I had to do.
"He hit it! He hit the dragon, he did!" Kili yelled.
I looked on in horror. "No Kili."
"He hit his mark! I saw." Kili insisted.
"Kili, those arrows cannot kill a dragon." I spoke, looking at him sadly.

I saw Bain get a familiar look in his eyes. Determination.
Closing my eyes, I sighed.
Bain grasped a hook and swung onto a dock.

"Legolas, keep them safe." I ordered as I followed Bain.
"Bain, Theia!" They called.
I looked back once, to see Legolas wide-eyed.
He nodded. "Stay safe, nín melmë." *My love.*
I smiled in return. Understanding immediately
"What are you doing!?" Bofur questioned.
"Going to slay a dragon, what else!?" I yelled as I ran after Bain.
"Bain!" I heard a faint cry from young Tilda.

We had reached the bell tower. Bard had been knocked down and had run out of arrows.
"Dad." Bain said.
He looked to him in sheer terror. "Bain! What are you doing? Why didn't you leave. You were supposed to leave!"
"I came to help you." He spoke.
"No! Nothing can stop it now."
Bain climbed up the latter and stood next to his dad.
I climbed up next. "Theia, why are you here? Where are my other children?"
"Relax Bard. They're safe with my bonded, Legolas."
He sighed in relief.
Bringing up my arm, I spoke "I believe you'll need this?"

Bard grasped the Black Arrow.
"Theia, take Bain back. Get somewhere safe." He ordered.
I looked ahead. "I don't think that's an option right now."
They turned their heads to see Smaug coming right at us. And fast.

I thought fast, and used the air to slow him down. Air currents.
Little did they know I had a few ideas. - Just in case.

"Now might be a good time, Bard!" I stressed.
"Who are You that would slow me down, stand in my way, stand against me?" Smaug demanded.

"I, am daughter of Amara and Thorin Oakenshield." I spoke proudly.
"Ah, the daughter of the Elemental and the Dwarf. Pity that they're dead."
Anger fueled me. How could my parents be gone? Are they gone? Is Smaug lying?
"You're a thief, and a liar, Drake." I spat.
"Am I?" He questioned.

Smaug slithered closer.
"Is that your child?" He asked Bard.
"You cannot save him from the fire. He will burn!" He stated.
'No, but I can.' I thought.
Anger and determination filled me.

Bard got Bain in position, putting the black arrow on his left shoulder while I had distracted Smaug. He readied the Arrow. Aiming for the missing scale.

While I took a deep breath, I put my hands in front, and started to make a circle. I focused on the water. Bending it into a small Water Spout. Just in case things went south.

( Fact: A water spout, is a tornado once it hits land. - Essentially a tornado made of water. )

Smaug was distracted. Looking at the spinning water.
Bard took the opportunity to speak to his son and pull back the arrow.
"Stay still, son."
Bain was breathing heavily.
"Stay still."
"You think water will harm me, girl?" Smaug taunted.
I smirked "I'm willing to find out."

"You have nothing to live for. Your parents are dead. Your home is destroyed. I shall ask you the same question: How do you choose to die?"

"You're wrong, Smaug. I do have things to live for. Unlike you." I stated.
His throat burned red. I raised the water spout ready to use it on him just as Bard set the Black Arrow loose - Killing the Drake.

Bard pulled his son and I to him as Smaug fell, making the bell tower collapse.

"Hold on." I said, with a hint of fear.
With one hand, I was able to raise the water a little to catch us. It didn't help as much as I would have liked. But hey, we lived.

What I didn't know is that my family saw Smaug die and the water spout.

The question remaining, was how will we get to the others?

Amara POV

"What was that? What happened?" Ori asked from behind me.
"That, was Smaug Ori."

I had, had my eyes dead set on Lake Town since he flew off. I never went back inside. Neither did Bilbo.

"It fell. I saw it. It's dead. Smaug is dead." Bilbo answered also.
"Theia helped with her abilities, too. I saw a faint water spout." I added. They forgot about my elven sight.

The others slowly got up and looked at the town that was once Lake Town. Now it's a town on fire.

"By my beard I think they're right." Gloin said.
"Look there! The Ravens of Erebor are returning to the Mountain." He pointed out.

"What's special about them?" I asked.
"These ravens can speak." Nori informed me.

"Aye, word will spread. Before long every soul in Middle-Earth will know the dragon is dead!" Balin spoke proudly.

I glanced behind me, worried. Thorin hadn't spoken to us once since Smaug left. Now he was returning to the Mountain.

Dread filled my whole being.

'What have I done? What have we done?' I thought.

Hey guys! So, I hope you like this chapter *crosses fingers*
There is a bit of a story behind this - two/three actually.
I meant to update on the 7th. -sigh- - I had part of a chap written!
But, I got my 2nd Covid shot that day. And well, I got highly sick 🤕. For around 6 days.  (I was down to eating crackers.)

Odd thing is, I might have out grown my seizures around the same time.
I haven't had a single one.

Keep in mind that I'm use to having roughly 15 a day. Every day! So this is a bit of a uhm.. Shock? I've nearly cried tears of joy.

I can do things I haven't done since age 11. Now I'm 28. (feel younger, too.)

I've tested my limits to see what causes them, what doesn't. And well... Nothing does.

Meaning I can Clean, Work out (YAY I can lose weight that these meds give me!!), Run, Jog, Shoot Hoops, Look at Flashing Lights, Swim, Take Showers Without Fear!... Basically be normal. I'm not use to that. I can feel them coming on, but it's like a switch gets turned on and they stop before it happens. *shrug* It's confusing.

My husband is constantly asking if "I'm okay." lol I reply "Yep!" Lets just say... I'm more cheery/happy/childish - my old self.

What also kept me from updating (and might continue to do so -_-) We're opening our family shop. It runs 7 days a week, 10/11am - 5/6pm (we haven't decided on the new hours yet) The shop was closed for 3 years so people are offering to buy it and it makes me lets just say - aggravated. I tell mom "I'll let go of the shop when I die." If that says anything?

If you're still here ~ Feel free to leave comments and such - even if its a literal "hi!", or reactions (love those too). Anything really. Love you guys <3

- Ash

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