Fó Cilme, Ala An Ni (No Choice, Not For Me)

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You guys got lucky 😂 - I think? (Tired here.)
I got a sudden creativity spurt it was between reading or writing and I said to myself "If my newest chapter had more then 10 reads... I'll write."
I looked at it, it said I wrote it 4 hrs ago (from 11:07pm) and it has 12 reads.
Now, I have to continue to figure out Thrain's personality.
🤦‍♀️ 🤣


"So, you mean to say that the Mountain king has overcome the Dragon Sickness?" Thranduil asked.
I looked him in the eye, "It appears so."
"How?" He questioned, staring me down.
"Strength." I stated.
Was I about to tell him the real reason? No.
"I shall ride out tomorrow morning, to see for myself."
"I assure you, Ada *father* Theia is not lying."
"And I'm sure that you would lie for your bonded, son."
Gandalf huffed. "Enough of this!"
"Thrain, when Theia and Legolas go back to the mountain you shall join them." Gandalf stated.
"It's time for you to be reunited with your son."

Somehow, I knew Gandalf had other motives for having Thrain join us.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'what has he done!?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "You! What are you doing here!?"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father.*
"Your mind is a weapon
keep it loaded."

Theia POV

Gandalf led us out of Thranduil's tent Thrain not far behind. "You two have done very well coming here and helping Dale. But now, you must go. Before Thranduil comes for her. He treasures precious things. I trust you know this, Legolas?"
Legolas sighed, hand on my arm. "You a right Mithrandir, my father will come for Theia if he gets the chance."
"You'll be off first thing in the morning." Gandalf ordered.
"Thrain, grandpa where will you be so we can come and get you?" I asked.
"His tent will be next to yours of course." Gandalf informed us.
"Legolas, keep a sharp eye. Thorin will have our heads if anything were to happen to these two."
"Don't forget about my mother..." I whispered, knowing her protectiveness all too well.
With Legolas watching over us, I went to sleep soundly.
I awoke to a scuffle outside our tents. Mine and my grandfather's.
Who was I more worried for? My grandfather.
I knew Legolas could handle himself.
My grandfather no doubt had some ptsd.
Sitting up and looking around, Legolas was nowhere near.

I couldn't help but think 'not again.' As for trouble. It found us left and right.

Slowly I opened the flap of the tent, he was fighting off many guards as his father approached.
Bringing my magic to the surface, I was ready to fight if needed. Did I bring any other weapons? Of course not.
Looking around, I noticed what elements were to my disposal.
The Mirkwood King approached slowly, the greedy look back in his eyes.
Legolas noticed this, too.
A guard went a little too far, and went to strike Legolas in the head.
Barely seeing this coming, I used wind to knock the guard's arm back so my bonded could react.
My move did three things. Saved his life, made the King ever the more anxious to get to me, and got my grandfather's attention.
'Aulë help me.' I thought, with a groan. I now had three things to keep track of.
Thrain noticed what was going on and immediately went into action. He knew Thranduil wanted me as a prisoner. A keepsake.
My grandpa yelled out, rushing forward angrily.
I once again used air to slow movement.
Running to him, I pulled my grandpa back to my side.
"No. Thorin needs you." I told him.
"I will not let my granddaughter become a prisoner!" He yelled.
"I won't, grandpa. Legolas won't allow that. He's my One. My Bonded. I have Elemental magic, too. The only way Thranduil will get to me is when I'm dead. And not even then." I told him.
"Stay behind me, or in the tent." I ordered softly.
Thrain grumbled, and stood at the tent's entrance.

The Legolas was soon by my side, guards defeated. Not killed, but knocked out.

His father still approached with his sword out. Grinning like a predator. My eyes narrowed into slits. Thinking on what my mother would do.

"The Elemental is coming with me." Thranduil stated.
"The Elemental" Has a name." I stated.
He arched an eyebrow. "It's îsh kakhfê ai-'d-dûr-rugnul." I spat. * May my excrement be poured upon the naked-jawed ones.*

Thranduil glared at me, baring his teeth.
Legolas stared wide-eyed,
Thrain choked.

I could mentally hear my mother telling me off and adad cheering me on.

Legolas stepped in front of me, "She is going no where ada. Nor am I. Now leave us."
I stepped back, taking my grandfathers hand in comfort. 'He's missing a finger...' I noted mentally.

"You'll have a hard time getting those Gems of Lasgalen if you don't treat us right." I stated.
He adored those gems above all else. Even his son it seemed.

"Lets make a deal, a King to a Princess. If your father doesn't give me the Gems of Lasgalen, you must come with me."
"And if he does give me the Gems that I so desire, we have a treaty."
Holding my head high, I agreed. "We have a deal."
I knew deep down, that there was no choice. Not for me.

This treaty was needed. And if I was the way to get it, so be it.

Legolas, Thrain and I headed to Erebor before Thranduil could get his bearings and make for the Mountain.

We moved swift. There would be much to say, much to see, and much to do once we got inside now that Thrain was with us. Would I be able to say what was needed before the Elven King arrived?

Short I know 😔 But my thumb is starting to hurt. It's something though, right?
Now I have to take my seizure meds 🤦‍♀️

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