Nos (Family)

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I apologize for the shortness of this chapter 😞
Please read below when you've finished.
Thank you!

"Lets make a deal, a King to a Princess. If your father doesn't give me the Gems of Lasgalen, you must come with me."
"And if he does give me the Gems that I so desire, we have a treaty."
Holding my head high, I agreed. "We have a deal."
I knew deep down, that there was no choice. Not for me.

This treaty was needed. And if I was the way to get it, so be it.

Legolas, Thrain and I headed to Erebor before Thranduil could get his bearings and make for the Mountain.

We moved swift. There would be much to say, much to see, and much to do once we got inside now that Thrain was with us. Would I be able to say what was needed before the Elven King arrived?


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'what has he done!?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "You! What are you doing here!?"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father.*
"Yesterday is what you had.
Tomorrow is what you hope for.
Today is what you hold in your hands."

Song: We will Go Home (King Arthur)
Artist: Eurielle & Peter Hollens


The three of us hurried towards Erebor. Anxiety was in the air, that much was very, very clear.
"Theia, what is my son like now?" Thrain asked.
"I... Adad is overcoming Dragon Sickness. But, usually he's kind, honest, loyal, stubborn, brave, loving. He'd die for any of us." I spoke, informing my grandfather.
At first, he was alarmed at the mention of 'Dragon Sickness.' Slowly, it went away.
"Including your One?" Grandfather asked.
Legolas gave him curious look.
"Yes, I believe so." I spoke honestly.
"Do you not like Elves?"
'I had to ask.'
"That happened long ago, Theia. Yes Thranduil left us for dead but your One had no part in it." Thrain spoke.
"As I told Thorin, what my Ada did was wrong. He should have helped you." Legolas spoke.
"Thank you, Legolas. You will be good for her."

Erebor now loomed overhead. Jumping from stone to stone, and helping grandfather we were soon at the balcony.
"Hey! Anyone up their?" I yelled.
Kili soon peaked over.
I smiled. "Hey cousin, could you throw a rope?"
His eyebrows furrowed "Who's with you?"
"Kili, trust me. Please."
He disappeared from sight.
A rope was thrown down seconds later, luckily.
I let out a breath.
"I'll go first. Legolas please keep him safe."
"Of course, I'd never let your family get hurt."
Slowly we climbed, heart racing all the way.
As I climbed onto the balcony, the company expected to see blonde hair next.
But, they did not.

Adad, mom, and the company were lined upon the balcony. No doubt hearing my shouts, or someone told the others that Legolas and myself weren't alone.

After helping Thrain stand, Adad took a step closer staring at him, no longer wearing his kingly robes, nor crown. Just my Adad.
Tears soon stung his eyes.
Those of Thrain's too.
I took a step back after Legolas climbed up.
Everyone was either shocked, smiling, or crying.

By now, Adad and Grandpa had their foreheads together and were hugging.

"How did you survive? I searched everywhere." Thorin asked.
"Azog took me prisoner, son." Thrain spoke sadly.
"Gandalf the Grey rescued me not that long ago. He's in my debt."
"Our debt. I have my Adad back. Something I thought would not happen in this lifetime." Thorin spoke.
Mom smiled, nearly holding a happy sob in.

"We don't have much time, King Thorin." Legolas spoke.
I looked to Legolas then to my father. "There's a possibility of a treaty..." I began.
"How? What happened while you were at that camp?" Mother insisted.
"I nearly got kidnapped."
"My father want's Theia." Legolas spat, putting an arm around me.
Several protests were heard.
"And what in exchange? Your first born!?" Gloin asked, outraged.
"No, Gloin, he wishes to have the Gems of Lasgalen. If Thranduil does not get those, there will be no treaty and I will be forced to go with him. Those are the terms." I explained, looking into Adad's eyes.
His eyes were many things. Anger, sadness, even a bit of pity?
"You should not have to make treaties. Not yet. I am sorry, Theia." Adad spoke, hugging me.

Mom looked alarmed. "You're not handing my daughter over to that monster! By order of the Queen Under the Mountain, you will give King Thranduil his Gems! Or so help me Thorin Oakenshield..." Mom began to yell.
He turned to look at her.
"I would never harm my child on purpose, Amara." He spoke, lovingly. "Do not worry."
"Balin, Gloin, please follow me to collect Thranduil's Gems."

"Thorin, if my father tries anything... I'll handle it." Legolas stated.
Adad turned around, inclining his head as a "thank you".

Wow this chapter had me beat! (More so than Lake -bloody- Town)
- again, I call it that because of how hard it was to write. -
51k! 🎉
I'm actually working on another, too. (Unpublished as of now)
It is 100% The Hobbit related Not a Game of Thrones Crossover!

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