lmë Boe Au, Mo Rac Lé Ae (We Must Away, Ere Break Of Day) Part 1

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Let's pretend Amara and Theia are in the video 😉

So, I'm typing on a computer (I usually use a tablet - bare with me please!)
On another hand~ *throws confetti 🎉 * 45k to 46k in 2 weeks and 3 days! 😍
If I could gift you all something, I would. Seriously!!

This is Part 1 of 2. Because well, it could end up into 3k, and I need to take seizure meds -facepalm- I actually needed to do so at 11pm, but it's 12:53am now, (the time I finished.) - Oops


Recap -

Laying her back down gently, Oin and Fili walked off for a break.

"I've heard tell of the wonders of Elvish medicine. That was a privilege to witness." Oin spoke.

"Aye, we got lucky." Fili replied.

"Lie still, Theia. Everything will be alright."

Once more, the ground shook.

The dragon, Smaug was coming.

"I am Fire... I Am... Death."


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'Please hurry!'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: screams were heard.

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*


"Forge forward. You will gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
- Eleanor Roosevelt


Thorin, Amara, and Company - Erebor
Thorin POV

My heart ached for my daughter as we sailed away from Lake Town. Did I do the right thing? Her life was in the hands of the Valar and an elf now.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "worry not, Thorin. Theia is stronger then you know." Amara reassured me.

"I left our daughter behind, Amara. It doesn't seem right." I said, torn.
"They will catch up." She replied.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because, love I'm part elven. A full blooded elf, they need their bonded."
I nodded. This gave me hope.

We made our way to meet Gandalf at the Overlook only... He wasn't their.
"Something is wrong, Thorin." Amara spoke, looking around.
"Gandalf is not one to be late."
"We cannot wait upon the Wizard, Amara, we're on our own now." Thorin spoke.

"Come! This way." I ordered the company down the hillside.

We all began searching for the Hidden Door, everyone coming up empty handed.
"Anything!?" I called.
"Nothing!" Dwalin replied.
"If the map is true... The Hidden Door lies directly above us."
Amara looked at the map. Her eyes squinting, studying.
"Up here!" Bilbo called out.
Our heads turned in Bilbo's direction, to see a very obvious staircase - yet hidden.
"You have keen eyes master Baggins."
Amara, my One looked slightly confused. "How are we going to climb a zig-zag staircase?" She questioned.
I looked to her, "we'll help each other. As always."

I ran to the wall, "this must be it. The Hidden Door. Let all those who doubted us... Rue this day!"

I spoke, smiling, holding up the Key.

The others cheered, happy we made it this far. To our home.

"Right, then. We have a key. Which means somewhere there is a keyhole." Dwalin stated, searching for the said door.

"The last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the Keyhole." I recited, getting impatient.

The sun was setting fast.
"Patience love." Amara soothed, rubbing my arm. "The door will be found."
"How can you be so sure?" I questioned.
"A little thing called Faith." She responded.

"Nori." I said, signaling for him to get to work on the door.

Nori brang out his tools and began tapping the stone, Dwalin was thumping on the stone.

"We're losing the light. Come on." I urged them to hurry up.
Amara sighed.
'What does she know?' I wondered.

"Be quiet! I can't hear when you're thumping." Nori yelled.
"I can't find it. It's not here!" Dwalin yelled.

"You can't find it because magic is concealing it!" Amara yelled at the two.
"Can you use your Elemental magic to help find it?" I asked.
She shook her head.
"I don't possess that type, Thorin. I'm sorry."

She shook her head when I ordered them to break it down.
"You'll destroy your weapons." Amara stated.
"It has to break, Amara."
"Give it time, Thorin." She insisted.

"It's no good! The door is sealed, it can't be opened by force. Amara's right. There's powerful magic on it." Balin yelled.

"No!" I yelled as the sun set, looking to the map - studying it.

"The last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the keyhole." That's what it says, what did we miss? Balin?"

"What did we miss?" I asked my oldest friend.
"We missed the light, there's no more to be done. Laddie." He replied sadly.
"Amara?" I asked.
"Hope. You've lost hope." She stated.
"You're Dwarves, Durin's Folk! Don't give up so easily! Did you not go through Trolls, Wargs, Rivendell, Stone Giants, Goblins, Azog, Beorn, Mirkwood, and Lake-town to just Give up?" She questioned.

They looked at each other, Thorin smiled at me fondly. "You're right, we don't give up easily but there's nothing else we can do, Amara." I replied.
"Let's go." I ordered.
I handed my One the map, and dropped the key.

Amara and Bilbo stayed.

Amara POV

"Are they really giving up that easily?" Bilbo questioned.
"So it would seem, Bilbo."
"Why aren't you?" He asked.
"Because, I know more then most. Not as much as Wizards. But enough to know that the "last light" isn't sun."
Bilbo looked at me confused. "Then why didn't you tell them?"
I smiled.
"Trust me, Bilbo. You'll see."
"So, we simply have to wait for the Thrush and the moon?" He asked.
I nodded. "Correct."

Not long after did the moon and Thrush show themselves.

We turned around to hear a tapping, a Thrush cracking open a nut on the stone and the keyhole appearing.

I smiled, "Wish to call for them?" I asked Bilbo. - He couldn't believe his eyes.

"The last light!" He whispered, pointing at the door.

"The Keyhole! Come back! Come back! It's the light of the moon! The last moon of autumn!" He yelled.

"Where did that stubborn dwarf drop the key?" I mumbled, searching.

Bilbo accidently kicked it, Thorin went to step on the thread of the key but missed.

Thorin looked to me alarmed. I knew what he was asking.

He ordered everyone to be quiet.

I steadied my body close to the edge, eyes closed and focused on lifting the tiny metal object up to where it belonged.

Hands twisting in a circle, using telekinesis it took time and effort but the small dwarven key arrived safely back in Thorin's hands.

He hugged and kissed me as soon as the key was in his grasp.
"Thank you, Kurdu." *My Love.*
Smiling and returning the kiss I replied "You're welcome. Can't have us all come here for nothing now, can I?"

"No, I suppose not." He replied, smiling.

Thorin walked in front, Key in hand towards the door and put it in the keyhole.
once unlocked he pushed on the door, it was clear the hard-stone didn't want to open.

But, it did.

"Erebor..." He whispered.

I loathe computers! It deleted ALL of this! I had to goto revision history and thank the gods it still had the first copy!

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