lmë Boe Au, Mo Rac Lé Ae (We Must Away, Ere Break Of Day) Part 2

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I might have been wrong about "2 Parts" Maybe it'll be 3? We'll see! -bites lip- Who's POV to do this time? This has been incredibly hard you guys! - This story began "testing me" when Gandalf arrived at Dol Guldur. I had to ask my husband and mom for advice so many times, so credit goes to them on those chapters!
The reason for Back Tracking? - We can't miss out on everything now can we?
Part of me feels bad, the other half...not. Because Theia needed to see her bonded. And you guys needed to read that. As this part, too. Its tough. Very tough! I thank you again and again for staying with this story! <3
Question at the end!

Recap -

Thorin walked in front, Key in hand towards the door and put it in the keyhole.
once unlocked he pushed on the door, it was clear the hard-stone didn't want to open.

But, it did.

"Erebor..." He whispered.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'he's awake!'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: slug.

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Kurdu." *My Love.*

"You must be vulnerable to be brave." - Brené Brown


Thorin, Amara, Company POV
Thorin's POV

"Thorin." Balin spoke, voice shaky.
I turned around and put my hand on Balin's shoulder, completely understanding his emotions.

"I know these walls. These halls. This stone. You remember it, Balin. Chambers filled with golden light."
"Aye, I remember." He replied.

"Amara, you and our daughter will get to witness the rebuilding of Erebor. Our home." I spoke, shakily.

I truly thought we'd never make it to the mountain on some occasions.
"Yes, we will love." She spoke, coming to my side.
The company filed in the hall one by one.

Looking above the doorway, was the Kings Throne, and the Jewel. The Arkenstone.

"Herein lies the Seventh Kingdom of Durin's Folk. May the Heart of the Mountain unite all Dwarves in defense of this home." Gloin read.

"The Throne of the King." Balin explained to Bilbo.
"And what's that above it?" He asked.
"The Arkenstone." Balin replied.
"Arkenstone..." He said to himself.
"And what's that?" Bilbo questioned.
"That, Master Burglar... Is why you are here." I stated.
Amara looked to me sharply. Why, I couldn't tell.

Bilbo POV

Balin directed me down a long hall,
"You want me... To find a jewel?" I asked, peeking down another hall that led to where the Dragon lie.

Balin nodded, hands on his hips. "A large, white jewel. Yes." He explained.
I looked down the hall with slight fear.
"T-that's it? Only, I imagine there's quite a few down there."
"There is only one Arkenstone." Balin stressed.
"And you'll know it when you see it."
"Right." I replied.

We walked closer to the treasury and the dragon.
Balin sighed. "In truth lad. I do not know what you will find down there." He spoke, looking at me seriously.

'Oh boy.' I thought.
"You needn't go if you don't want to. There's no dishonor in turning back." Balin spoke.
I shook my head. "No, Balin. I-I promised I would do this... And I think I must try."
Balin chuckled.
"It never ceases to amaze me."
"What's that?" I asked.
"The courage of Hobbits." He explained.
I sighed.
"Go now, with as much luck you can muster."

I began quietly walking towards the treasury.
"Oh, Bilbo?"
"If there is, in fact a uhm, a live dragon down there... Don't waken it." Balin advised.
I nodded.
Going to ask a question, Balin had left.

"Right then..." I whispered to myself.

Walking very quietly down the hall, I knocked on the wall and said "hello?" I regretted it seconds later. The knock vibrated making me hide.

"He's not at home. Not at home.. Ahem." I spoke to myself.
"Good, good, good."

I froze at the edge of the steps.
They wanted me to find the Arkenstone amongst the hoard of gold? This would surely take days!

As I began walking on the gold, I noticed that there were other objects as well. Cups, bowls, chests, jewelry, shields...

I picked up a large white jewel, examined it - surely it was too plain. Tossing it the jewel made far too much noise.
"Shush. Shush!" I spoke to it, hands outstretched.

"Arkenstone...Arkenstone. A large, white jewel. Very helpful. I should've asked Amara to come with me. Though Thorin would have my head." I whispered.

Every step I took made noise. It was impossible to be quiet.

Picking up a cup, caused a landslide, which...Reveled an eye. A large, maroon dragon eye nonetheless.

I immediately hid behind a pillar. 'Please don't be alive, please don't be alive.' I thought.

And Smaug moved... Luck was not on my side. Not at all.

Moving and looking to my left, was his tail.

I was horrified, and stuck. - Just like with the Trolls but worse. Far worse.

I began to move away, but this time Smaug caused a landslide of coins.

Slowly I moved, keeping an eye on him. His eye opened and I ducked behind a pile of coins.

The Ring was my ticket out.

Smaug's head rose up into the air, sniffing.

"Well, thief. I smell you. I hear your breath. I feel your air. Where are you?" He spoke, slithering above me.

"Where are you!?" Smaug demanded.

Standing, and hyperventilating I ran, leaving a trail of coins giving me away.

Smaug was after me.

I hid behind a stone pillar for safety.

"Come, now. Don't be shy. Step into the light." Smaug spoke.

Staring at him I wondered what to do.

"Hmm. There is something about you. Something you carry. Something made of gold. But far more precious." He spoke.

My mind repeated "Precious! Precious!" Making me take off the Ring.

"There you are, Thief in the Shadows." Smaug stated.

I nodded, terrified.

"I did not come to steal from you O Smaug the Unassessably Wealthy. I merely wanted to gaze upon your magnificence. To see if you really were as great as the old tales say." I whimpered as he showed his teeth. "I did not believe them."

Smaug stood up, showing off.

"And do you now!?" He questioned.

"Truly." I nodded, swallowing. "The tales and songs fall utterly short of your enormity. O Smaug the Stupendous."

"Do you think flattery will keep you alive?" Smaug asked, amused.

"No, No." I replied.

"No, indeed. You seem familiar with my name but I don't remember smelling your kind before. Who are you? And where do you come from may I ask?"

I dare not tell him of The Shire.

Beginning to respond, I spotted the Arkenstone out of the corner of my eye.

It wasn't white. The jewel had blue's and purples in it, too.

"I-I come from under the hill." I spoke.

"Underhill?" Smaug questioned.

I nodded.

"And under hills and over hills my path has led. And-And through the air. I am he who walks unseen."

"Impressive. What else do you claim to be?" Smaug asked.

"I am L-Luck-wearer. Riddle-maker."

"Lovely titles. Go on." He stated.


"Barrels? Now that is interesting. And what about your little Dwarf friends? Where are they hiding?"

I was taken aback.

"D-Dwarves?" I asked. Pretending to be confused.

"No. No, no. No Dwarves here. You've got that all wrong."

'technically, i'm not lying. they're outside not with us.' I thought.

"Oh, I don't think so, Barrel-rider! They sent you in here to do their dirty work while they skulk about outside."

"Truly. You are mistaken. O Smaug, Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities." I tried to reassure Smaug.

"You have nice manners for a thief and a liar!" He spoke.

"I know the smell and taste of Dwarf. No one better! It is the gold! They are drawn to treasure like flies to dead flesh."

I inched towards the Arkenstone while he was ranting.

But, he pushed it out of my reach.

"Did you think I did not know this day would come!? That a pack of canting Dwarves would come crawling back to the Mountain!?" Smaug yelled, knocking over a pillar, shaking the ground.

"The King Under the Mountain is dead. I took his throne. I ate his people like a wolf among sheep. I kill where I wish, when I wish. My armor is iron. No blade can pierce me."

I ran through the gold, down the steps after the Arkenstone and away from Smaug. Eventually underneath a set of stairs hiding. - For now.

Amara POV - With The Company

We felt the ground shake, Dori asked if it was an earthquake, Balin told us all that it was a Dragon.

"What about Bilbo?" Ori asked.
"Give him more time." Thorin stated.
"Time to do what? To be killed?" Balin asked.
"You're afraid." Thorin observed.
"Yes, i'm afraid. I fear for you. A sickness lies upon that treasure hoard. A sickness which drove your grandfather mad." Balin explained.

I exhaled. Fear overtook me.
"I am not my grandfather." Thorin stated.

"You're not yourself. The Thorin I knew would not hesitate to go in there-" Balin spoke.

"-I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar!" He yelled.
"This is ridiculous." I murmured.
"Bilbo. His name is Bilbo." Balin responded, sounding hurt.

I made my way for the doorway, intending to help Bilbo. I knew Balin would help Thorin the best he could.
Right now, someone else needed my help.

Entering the shadows of the "Treasure Hoard" I heard Smaug speak,
"It's Oakenshield. That filthy Dwarvish usurper. He sent you in here. For the Arkenstone, didn't he?"

Bilbo was trapped.

"No. no, no. I don't know what you're talking about." Bilbo spoke?
"Don't bother denying it. I can smell him on his mate." Smaug stated.

I stepped back. 'He knows i'm here.'
"The question is, what are you?" He asked me.

I stepped out onto the stairs.
"You're right. Thorin is here. As for myself, you don't want to know." I smiled.

"Hm, another riddle." Smaug slithered towards me.
He turned around as Bilbo moved.
"Oakenshield's quest will fail. The darkness is coming. It will spread to every corner of the land. You all will die."
"You are being used, Thief in the Shadows. You were only a means to an end."
"Don't listen to him!" I yelled, making my way down the steps.

"The coward Oakenshield has weighed the value of your life. And found it worth nothing."
"No. No. You're lying. You're wrong."
"What did he promise you, a share of the treasure? As if it was his to give. I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it!"

Bilbo once again tried to run for the Jewel.

"My teeth are swords. My claws are spears. My wings are a hurricane." He yelled.

Bilbo saw the missing scale.

"So it is true, the Black Arrow found it's mark." He whispered.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing, I was just saying how your reputation precedes you, O Smaug the Tyrannical. Truly. You have no equal on this earth."

I spotted Bilbo looking down at the Arkenstone,

"I am almost tempted to let you take it. If only to see Oakenshield suffer. Watch it destroy him. Tear apart his family. Watch it corrupt his heart. And drive him mad. But I think not. I think our little game ends here. So tell me, Thief in the Shadows how do you choose to die?"

I stepped in as his throat lit up.

"Smaug, let me ask you the same question. How do you choose to die?"

He faced me, utterly confused and angry.

A human was threatening him?

That's what I seemed to Smaug, a small human.

'If you can't take the heat... Don't poke the dragon.' I thought.


This will defiantly be "3 Parts"


So, I have this story idea in my head and I'm wondering if you would read it? - It's in my "Notes"
It features Durin the Deathless (Durin I) one i've never seen done. I don't think he would be in it for long. But a great grandchild would. - Not a purebred.

Thanks for reading!

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