Ma Ana Merenya (Something To Celebrate)

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I apologize for the lateness of this chapter. Life hasn't been very kind to be lately.
"Friends" stabbing me in the back, so on, so forth...

But, here's a Birthday present to myself and to you all!
April 7th is my 30th birthday, and well, let's celebrate HOBBIT STYLE
Hobbit's give others gifts on their birthdays!
So, here you guys go 💓

"Well, I look forward to getting to know all of you, however I must retire to my chambers for it has been a long journey to say the least. Brother, will you be so kind to guide the way?"

"Aye, follow me Dis."

With that, the evening was coming to a close. Everyone forbid each other goodnight one by one.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'can I do this?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "Amara!"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father.*


The next few days were busy. We were organizing where everyone's living quarters were, reuniting families... Such as Bombur and his One, along with their many children. And the same goes for Gloin and his wife and child Gimli.
The list goes on.

I had finally gotten a break, not to say that I wasn't enjoying helping. However we all needed a time away from the chaos. For just a little while. My daughter managed to find me, which I was very happy about. Legolas wasn't far behind. I was thinking about them as of late.

She came over and gave me a hug.
"Hello Theia, Legolas." I greeted.
"Good afternoon, mother. We need to talk to you."
My eyebrows scrunched together.
"Sit then." I gestured towards the chairs.
"Legolas and I have decided to wait until spring to travel. It's too risky in the colder months." Theia spoke.
I smiled, "I'm very happy you two have decided to wait to travel. You have no idea how worried your father and I have been. Thank you."
"Thank Legolas, he convinced me."
I inclined my head "thank you, Legolas. You may have just saved my daughters life once more."
"You're welcome, Lady Amara. Her safety will always come first."
"I would also like to marry your daughter, with your blessing." Legolas spoke.
I smiled. "You know my answer, however let's talk about this at dinner. When your Adad is present."
Theia nodded, slight fear in her eyes. Or was it nerves? Legolas was the son of Thranduil...
"Be not afraid, my child." I spoke, putting my hand to her face. "You are strong, and no harm will come to you whilst we're here."
Theia nodded. "We'll see you at dinner. Thank you mom."

Later that night, after helping others some more, I walked into our private chambers and got ready for dinner.
Gandalf would be leaving in two days time with Bilbo.
The company still dined together.

Leaving the room with Thorin, we walked arm-in-arm to the dining halls.
Everyone rose once we entered which was customary.
I as usual, rolled my eyes. I doubt that would ever change.
"Please, my friends, family, sit." Thorin spoke as he pulled out my chair.
They did as asked.
Thorin himself then sat, Theia to his right and Legolas next to her.

"King Thorin, May I speak?" Legolas asked.
Thorin nodded, curious.
"I wish to marry your daughter with you, and your One's blessing." Legolas spoke.
"Are you sure of this?" Thorin asked.
"Deeply, with every fiber of my being." He replied.
"And you, Theia?" Adad asked.
"I feel the same, Adad. I will not be parted from him." She spoke, determined.
"I don't know about your father, but I bless your marriage."
Thorin looked at me.
"We were like them once, Thorin. Think, remember." I spoke softly.
After a moment of thought, Thorin spoke "I too bless your marriage. May it be a happy one."

Fili stood, "a toast!"
I laughed and joined in. We all did.
My daughter was getting married, it felt like only yesterday that Arwen was dressing her up.

I missed those care-free days in Rivendell and yet, I didn't. I needed my One by my side. So did Theia, she needed her Adad and Legolas along with the rascals called cousins.

I wondered where the world would take us, what it had planned?

I was slightly worried, but that was normal for a parent.

The worst was over. At least, that was what I hoped.

We had a wedding to look forward to!

I apologize for the shortness 😞
As I said above, I've been having a hard time.
Some "friends" of mine took some information (health info) and twisted it against me, planned to tear me apart just 2 days before my birthday. And they knew how much it would hurt.
But, I'm celebrating my birthday Hobbit Style: gifting to others 🎁
Also, I know she doesn't read these stories but I'd like to thank my friend for gifting me this awesome Hobbit Hoodie! (That I may or may not show you guys a picture of...) It's my new favorite piece of clothing 😍

~ Also, I have plans for future chapters ~

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