Merenyë Yë Rúcina (Celebration and Confusion)

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Brief A/N:
So, I'm noticing that I'm updating at around the early morning hrs (1am-5am) laying in bed, typing on the on-screen keyboard while my husband snores lately... 😂 Takes forever to type a 1k+ chapter though. But if creativity hits, yah gotta roll with it! Right?
Can I get a "heck yeah!" For that? 😆

Thorin stood, pacing in his study wondering what Fili had witnessed.
'Was Erebor to be attacked again?' He worried.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'can I do this?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "Theia!"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "amad." *mother.*


"Theia calm down, pacing won't do any good." Amara spoke, soothingly.
"I-What if one of us backs out?" She looked at me fearfully.
"Tell me, do you truly love Legolas?" I asked.
She nodded. "With my whole being."
"And does he feel the same?"
"I believe so." She spoke, timidly.
"Trust in yourself, each other. And nothing will go wrong. Always tell the truth, make time for the other."
Theia stopped pacing and looked at me, "thank you mom."
I got up and hugged her tight. "That's what I'm here for."
"Now, turn around. I have something to put in your hair."

It was a flower clip to hold my braid from Adad in place.
Most of my hair cascaded down my back and around my shoulders in loose curls.
I held a simple wooded ring with an emerald gem for Legolas, whereas he would put items in my hair as tradition for Dwarves. I had heard that he fashioned them to look more of the elemental style to suit myself.

My mother helped put my slippers on which had diamonds.
"Are you ready?" She asked.
I nodded nervously.
"Where's Adad?" For he was to walk me down the isle.
She stood and gestured for me to follow.
We left the room, and went two doors down, Adad stood waiting impatiently. Or was he nervous?
When the door opened, he turned around, smiling.
Crossing the room Adad hugged me immediately. As if I'd disappear.
"Adad, I'm not going anywhere, I'll still be your little girl." I reminded him gently.
He nodded against my shoulder, pulling back. "I know, just remember I never got the chance to witness you grow up, Theia."
"Well, we have the rest of our lives ahead of us. I might be gone for some time but I'll return."
Adad held out his arm, "Lets get you to your bonded, shall we?" He smiled.
I nodded. Holding on tight to his arm and my bouquet of flowers.
"Don't let me fall, Adad." I spoke lowly.
"Never." He whispered.

Entering the great room, Adad leading me down the isle as music played and my mother holding the train of my dress, the nerves were building up though, everything and everyone zoned out as soon as I saw Legolas. I only saw him. Who was attending the wedding? I had no idea. My mind, my eyes, were only set on him.

Adad placed my hand in my soon to be husband's, mom took my bouquet of flowers so my other hand could take Legolas's and my parents sat down on the nearest bench.

Balin soon started speaking, in common for all to hear. For a fair few didn't understand Dwarvish. He did the usual wedding speech, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health... He went on, my mind was solely focused on the blond in front of me. Until we were asked to say the words "I do" repeatedly. Balin had to repeat it three times to us, we would later find out.

"I, Legolas Greenleaf take, Theia Lyra Oakenshield, my soulmate to be my wife forevermore."
He then took a piece of my hair, and braided it, reaching into a pocket of his tunic and delicately secured my braid with a hair ornament made of leaves.

"I, Theia Lyra Oakenshield, take Legolas Greenleaf my bonded to be my husband until the end of days."
I reached into a hidden pocket, and pulled out a ring, one made of strong wood with an emerald in the center. I slid it onto his left ring finger.

Balin clapped, "You may kiss the bride."
He didn't have to be told twice.
The people who attended the wedding clapped and cheered, a rare whistle was heard.
'Kili...' my mind thought. I internally rolled my eyes.

Petals were thrown at us as we left the room to the feast, many couldn't wait.
Yet again, another feast to last for days. Though not as long as the last 'thank the valar.'

We reached the grand hall, the same room my parents celebrated their wedding and coronation in.
The feast was set amongst the row of tables, music played off to the side.
Dancing would start soon after everyone ate which, wouldn't be long.

Scanning the tables, was an unknown face.
I pointed this out to my mother who in turn spoke to Adad.
Some had already noticed, others were too drunk.
This, startled a few. Who was this being? Were they dangerous? How did they get into Erebor?
They didn't seem harmful.
Though, looks could be deceiving.
Adad had a guard keep an eye on her for we did not want the celebration of our wedding ruined.
But also, Erebor and it's occupants had to be kept safe.

We had finished eating, and the tempo of the music livened up.
The bride and groom's first dance.
After, would be the father - daughter dance.
Those two flew by like the wind, after we had danced others joined in.
Fili asked myself for a dance and I smiled, accepting.
That's when I noticed the unknown person advancing on us, and behind them a guard shadowing them.
I whispered to my cousin "Fili, be ready for some Elemental magic."
His face turned to confusion.
"We might have an enemy amongst us." I clarified, whispering.
"Do what you must." He replied, quietly.

The woman had now reached us, Gavin mere steps behind her.
"May I cut in, and dance with Prince Fili, your highness?" She spoke kindly.
We stopped dancing, I stood in front of my cousin, "who are you, if you don't mind me asking?"
"I am many things, your majesty. None of which will harm you, nor Erebor." She informed us.

I studied her.
"What is your name?"
"Elara." She spoke.
"Well, Elara. Welcome to Erebor, eyes will be on you for sometime."
"I expected nothing less." She inclined her head.
I backed away, eyes on her, guard up.
Fili asked her for a dance. He also had his guard up it seemed because he was ridged.

Keeping an eye on them, the best I could through the crowd, one could easily see change amongst the eldest prince not too long into their second dance. He seemed... Less stressed, happier then I've seen him in months.

A few possibilities ran through my mind on what could be happening.
Elara could have powers,
Fili could have found his One,
Or a confidant, a best friend.
Fourth option, all the above but I doubted that.

Time would indeed tell. And for now, I myself returned to my husband and continued to celebrate while Gavin, the guard kept watch.

Hey guys, sorry about the delayed update, my jaw is giving me hell. Not the stitches!
I think my jaw is dislocated? Hurts to eat, and I can't open it more then an inch.
Plus the minor concussion 🙄
I'll have the Dr look at it on Monday.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ♥️

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