🏥 Yet Again 🐣

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Hey 👋, so Happy ~Late~ Easter!
There's a chapter coming up, I promise.
With more excitement!
I thought I should share Easter Day's "events" with you...
In the Picture above, is me 🤦‍♀️ yet again injured.
(I'm worse then Bella Swan, I swear.)
So, I was at my sister-in-law's, wearing my seizure-helmet and I face planted the carpet.
This, resulted in a gash in my chin, requiring 3 stitches - I've never had those.
I also broke a tooth in two places in the process.
The ER dr said I have a slight concussion as well. *rolls eyes* yep, been their, done that....7 times.
Which all above means rest.
The nurse gave my husband shit about me being slightly late for my seizure meds. However, thats exactly where we were going! She asked him to go get them - which was an hr drive. So, she said forget it.
Basically, it'll be a week with stitches, and then a dentist appointment too probably pulling the tooth - yay! 😑

I'm restricted to soft foods too. (And tiny arse bites 'cause thats all I can do.) Also, since I've had mouth surgeries, and this tooth is now unpredictable, fragile. I'm going by the rule of no straws.

As my grandma would say:
"Shit happens, poop occurs."

Now here I go, to work on the chapter for yah!

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