Miruvor, Ala Miruvor (Sorry, Not Sorry)

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Short story for yah:
🤦‍♀️ oops, I did it again I fell in the hall, while carrying a pop and landed on the hand with the brace.
-fast forward a few min-
Jason, my husband picks up my pop: "this is going to be a ticking bomb just so you know.."
I sigh.
Me: *looking, examining my hand* "I need some ice."
-later in bedroom, re-wrapping hand-
Me: "so, you found the source of the ticking bomb?"
Jason: "ticking bomb?"
Me: "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape...."
*Jason continues to sing the song*
I laugh, and open Wattpad 😂

Recap -

Mother appeared from behind him, attacking me in a hug.

"What were you thinking?" She asked, while hugging me.

"About what?" I asked.

"Pulling the stunt with the water spout."

"It needed to be done! Bard needed help. So I did what was necessary."

She released me from the hug and thanked Legolas for keeping me safe.

"Legolas knows that adad won't be happy that he's here. But, that Thorin also doesn't really have a choice." I informed mom.

After we 'celebrated' that everyone was alive, there was talking, eating, and finally - bed.

Legolas would keep watch from the shadows.

I could only wait for tomorrow...


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'what has he done!?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "You! What are you doing here!?"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father.*

"You are
Braver then you Believe.
Stronger then you Seem.
Smarter then you Think.
And Loved
More then you know."
- Winnie the Pooh


Theia POV - Erebor
Legolas awoke us both warning us of Thorin's approaching.
It would look too suspicious if everyone was awake.

"Mother, what do we do? He cannot see Legolas." I spoke hurriedly.
"No, your father can't in this state."
"Legolas, hide behind that pillar do not make a sound nor move unless we are being harmed. What Thorin is capable of in this state is unknown." Amara whispered.
Legolas nodded. "Be careful."
"I will make the shadows grow, shall it be needed." She informed him.
"Thank you mom." I smiled.

Legolas quickly moved to stand in the dark corner, not making a sound.

Adad walked in, his kingly robes swishing. I did not recognize him anymore. His eyes had a glaze over them.

"Wake up! All of you!" He ordered.
The Dwarves and Bilbo bolted awake. Mom and I sat up, once again. Acting as if we just awoke.
"Again?" Mumbled Nori.
This confused me.
"The Arkenstone must be found." Thorin ordered.

I looked to mom worriedly.
'Were we safe?'
The answer? No.

All of us, minus Legolas made our way to the hoard of gold which I loathed with a passion.
Adad stood at the stairs, making sure we all were accounted for to search for the retched stone.
Only then did he go to a balcony to watch us do our work.
Minutes into searching he yelled out "Any sign of it?"
"Nothing yet." Dwalin replied.
"Nothing here." Nori responded.
"Nor here, just cups, plates..." I spoke.
"Keep searching!" He yelled.
"That jewel could be anywhere." Gloin stated.
"The Arkenstone is in these halls. Find it!"
Mom looked up at him, from the balcony.
"All of you!" Thorin yelled, looking into mom's eyes.
My attention was diverted towards the two.
'Not good.' I thought.
"No one rests until it is found."

I knew deep down, that if Adad kept this attitude up towards mom... Things would go south.

And a bigger part of me knew that if Adad did something to me, things would be worse.

Also - we weren't as alone as I thought. Legolas was in the shadows. 'That fool!' I thought.

Looking up, I noticed Bilbo silently sneaking away.

Bilbo POV

I sat on one of Erebor's destroyed balconies. I had to leave that chamber. Looking around, making sure no one was around I sat down.

One person knew I had the Arkenstone - Amara. Thorin's One. And that weighed heavily on me but I trusted her to do the right thing.

Smaug's words ran through my mind. "I am almost tempted to let you take it. If only to see Oakenshield suffer. Watch it destroy him. Tear apart his family. Watch it corrupt his heart. And drive him mad."

I took the jewel out of my pocket, the only thing special about it, were its colors and how it shined. How could a stone, a jewel destroy and make someone go mad?

I decided then and there that I would need help of someone. Devising a plan, I tucked the stone safely away in my jacket.

Amara POV

Later that evening, Thorin allowed us to eat a quick meal.
Afterwards I set out to search for him, making sure my daughter was in safe hands.
Thorin wasn't in the treasury 'for once...'
So I sought him out in the Throne Room. And sure enough their he was, talking to himself.

"It is here in these halls. I know it." He mumbled, looking at the throne.

"Thorin for all you know Smaug could have ate it." I stated with a sigh walking towards him.

"Do not speak to me as if the Arkenstone is a simple...pebble! It unites the armies of the Dwarves!" He yelled.

"Yes, and so will a well respected King, Thorin. You do not need the Jewel for that! You have your family, the company, your home... What more could you wish for? Not many have all of these." I spoke calmly.

Thorin spun around. "I would wish for my One to respect my wishes!" He shouted.

Thorin approached me steadily, angrily. I held my ground and perhaps that was bad against a mad king.

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, pulling me towards him.

"You will do as I say, woman."

My eyes blazed.

'This Gold, place, and Arkenstone made him into who he is now.'

With a shove of air, towards him I spoke angrily "I most certainly will not." And stormed out of the room.

He soon followed me to where the others were. I barely had enough time to darken the room, hiding Legolas.

Once again Thorin grabbed me roughly. This time, by the shoulder and pushed me up against the wall.

Theia saw, and came to intervene.

"Adad, enough!" She yelled ripping his hands off me angrily.

His face, his eyes, cleared for a split second. Looking horrified. Before hardening again.

"Anyone who misbehaves, will go without food and extra work from now on!" He yelled before leaving.

"Will Adad ever overcome...this?" Theia asked quietly, afraid of the answer

Balin walked towards us. "That, my dear is up to him. It's his battle. But do not, either of you lose faith."

The next day, Bilbo snuck Theia myself and Balin away to an unused room.

Theia POV

"Bilbo, why have you brought us here?" I asked whispering.
"I have a theory of sorts." He answered.
Bilbo walked over to Balin.
"Balin, i-if Thorin had the Arkenstone or if it was found would it help?"
"Help? No. It is a fierce and jealous love, Bilbo. It sent his grandfather mad. That stone, crowns all." Balin looked at my mother and I with pity.
"It is the summit of this great wealth. Bestowing power upon he who bears it. Would it stay his madness? No, laddie. I fear it would make him worse. Perhaps it is best if it stays lost." Balin spoke.
"That's what I thought, or along the lines of it rather." Bilbo said.
"So, I came up with a plan. Can we create an opposite of the Arkenstone? A pure one?" Bilbo questioned looking at all of us.

Why hadn't we thought of this?

I looked to mom, "Is it possible?" I asked.
She was thinking very hard, that I could tell.
"Possibly but we would need a stone, mercury and the actual Arkenstone."
"Does Erebor have mercury, Balin?" I wondered.
He sighed. "It is rare, but you're in luck. It's a liquid form and I kept some in vials."
"And as for a stone?" Bilbo questioned.
"That should be easy to find."
Bilbo's face lit up. "I'll be right back."
Balin went to retrieve the mercury, and Bilbo a stone.
Mom and I stayed in the room waiting for them.

"Found one!" Bilbo spoke.
Balin returned shortly after with a vial.
"Bilbo, do you still have it?" Mom questioned.
He looked offended. "Of course I do."
The Arkenstone, the regular stone, and vial were placed on the table.

"Now, what's going to be done is this regular stone will be shaped by our Elemental magic to look like the Arkenstone. The mercury will make it look like the Arkenstone itself, and keep it pure. Untainted from evil. Perhaps with our luck bring Thorin back to us." Mom explained.

Balin nodded. "Sounds impossible, but most of the things you lasses have done have been."
"Can I help in any way?" Bilbo asked.
"Keep an ear and eye open for Thorin for us?" I asked.
Bilbo nodded. "Let me know when you're done."

Mom and I clasped hands, combining our magic making it stronger. We molded the stone to look like the Arkenstone. Not yet shiny, but its shape.
Next, was the mercury. Hands still clasped together mom chanted and poured the liquid over the stone itself until they looked alike. Exactly alike.
Mom turned the other to dust.

Only, one felt off the other...Not.

"That, was something to see." Balin spoke.
"Bilbo, were done." I said.

"Now.. How do we give this to Thorin without getting our head cut off?" I questioned.
"We pretend to find it." Bilbo stated.

I nodded. Simple. That seems simple.

But, why did it seem so eerily quiet?

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