Raxë (Danger)

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52 chapters! 😳 Alrighty! Lol
Mind sorta blown on my end...
Thank you guys so much for sticking with this 💓
Important Question at the end!
Recap -

"That, was something to see." Balin spoke.
"Bilbo, were done." I said.

"Now.. How do we give this to Thorin without getting our head cut off?" I questioned.
"We pretend to find it." Bilbo stated.

I nodded. Simple. That seems simple.

But, why did it seem so eerily quiet?


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'what has he done!?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "You! What are you doing here!?"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father.*

"Enjoy life today.
Yesterday is gone,
And tomorrow may never come."


Theia POV

With the old, vile Arkenstone destroyed and turned to dust by my mom Bilbo put the new, pure one in his coat. And we all left going different directions except mom and I. We headed towards where we all stayed now, our "Gathering room" as I'm now calling it. While I assumed Bilbo went to see if the Treasury was clear to hide the stone.

Nearing the Gathering room, noises of things being thrown, shouting, and just plain disaster came from it. I looked to mom in alarm.

What had Adad done now?

Good news, the Treasury was indeed empty. Bad news? He knew. Legolas was being blocked from the other Dwarves from Adad.

I ran in the room, mom soon following. Dragon sickness was indeed something to be feared. But would my father kill us? Or my bonded? - My One? If he knew it would kill me?

I squeezed my way towards Legolas's side, Fili and Kili letting me through as mom held Adad back giving me a chance to get to him.

Looking through the wall of Dwarves while standing next to my bonded, I thought of ideas on what to say, what to do...

"Do not be afraid, hondo-ninya." *my heart.* Legolas spoke, calmly looking at my panicked self.
"How can I not? A mad king, my father wants your head." I whispered looking at Adad.

Adad started to now push his way towards us. My mother was trying to talk reason into him.

"Legolas is your daughter's bonded, her One Thorin! If you take him away from her she will be broken. Is that what you wish? To hurt your only child?" Mom yelled.

Adad looked back at her in anger. "I would have my daughter love anyone but an elf!" He spat.

Mom sighed. "You know she will love once in her lifetime!"

"Do I?" He questioned.

"Please no, adad..." I whispered.

Thoughts of life without Legolas, no adventures, fights, love, children, nothing. All because of my father turned mad because of a stone. Those thoughts went through my mind.

My emotions soon got the best of me, eyes changing color like they never have before.

In this moment, I knew that I would do whatever I had to to keep us both safe. Mom knew, too.

Legolas sensed my body changing, he laid his hand on my shoulder for comfort. Letting me know he was their, supporting me.

Adad broke through the shouting, pushing Dwarves.

"Uncle, you cannot do this to Theia!" Kili tried to reason.

"I can, and I must." He spoke looking Legolas in the eye.

Adad was only a few steps away, I used what energy I had to put a globe around us. Protecting ourselves.

He banged on the globe made of air. "You cannot stay in there forever! I will have his head."

If Adad was his normal self, he wouldn't recognize me.

Looking to mom she was shocked and knew something had to be done.

Her face changed, also. She bound his hands together using the same ability - air.

Ordering the others she spoke "Lead him into a bedroom chamber, I cannot hold him like this for long by myself."

They ordered, and led the current mad king away.

Finally the shield could be let down. I sagged against Legolas, exhausted.

"You needn't protect me against him, Theia." He spoke.

I laughed faintly. "Clearly you don't know much about Elementals."

"If we're threatened, or rather someone we loved is - our emotions take control." I explained.

Legolas nodded, now understanding a bit more.

"Lets go see if we can help my mom."

Following the shouts of my father, we soon found them entering a bedroom chamber.

By the looks of it the makeshift bonds were wearing off.

Running ahead, I helped my mom keep the bonds on him as long as possible. She nodded in thanks.

Legolas once again, stayed to the shadows. Following us nonetheless.

I had a feeling that he would be more persistent on protecting us from now on. - How he could? Was beyond me.

The company unwillingly shoved Thorin in the bedroom. Mom and I bound the door shut. No key could break through it.

I gave them all a sad smile. "Your father is strong, Theia. This isn't him. Remember that." Mom spoke, hugging me.

I thanked the company for stopping their king from getting to my Bonded, my One.

As usual, we searched for the Arkenstone. - The new Arkenstone.

Going up to Bilbo, I asked him where he put it.

He pointed near Dwalin. A few feet away.

'Please find it, please find it.'

Dwalin searched in circles, mumbling - as we all were.

Legolas could now stand out in the open, without hiding.

One kick, and it went rolling down the gold.

"Dwalin, you found it!" Nori yelled.

"Finally this bloody search is over." Bofur sighed.

I looked to Legolas with a smile, but he looked horrified. - He thought it was the real thing. The actual Arkenstone.

Going over to his side, I explained everything.

Feeling better that it was a pure 'copy' of the Arkenstone, he suggested we bring it right to the king.

Mom looked hesitant, but Legolas was right. It did belong to Thorin.

Leading the way, we undid the magic on the door, and had Dwalin follow us, Arkenstone visible.

Opening the door stood a pacing Thorin.

"The Arkenstone has been found." Mom announced.

Thorin's head turned. "By whom?" He asked.

"Dwalin." I spoke.

"Bring it here, Dwalin." Thorin ordered still in his kingly robes.

Dwalin knelt, "Here you go, my king."

Thorin held up the Arkenstone.

"All Dwarves shall pay homage to us now. The King's Jewel." He spoke, proudly.

I looked to mom noticing that he didn't say "me" he said "us".

"Is there anything else you wish us to do...Adad?" I asked.

"Eat, you all deserve it." He told us.

We were stunned. "Eat, you all deserve it." He said. Why would he say that?

Did we hesitate? Not one bit. Thorin had been working us to the bone. So, we of course ate when given the chance. Took brakes when given the chance... etc.

Now, all of us were confused. A nice mad king? What were we to make of that?

We ate, talked, and bedded down for the night. Once again Legolas watched over us.

Important Question for yah: would you like "side stories" (as I'm calling them) for this one?
My mind wants to do 3.
Legolas and Theia,
Kili and Tauriel,
Amara and Thorin
It's up to you guys! - They would take place after this one.
Which, still has a ways to go I figure. (Don't forget Thrain!)

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