Chapter 2

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The blood from the girl still soaked his hands, he should have let those two guys do their nasty deeds, for what she had done to his three older brothers, at least his younger sister would never know what had happened....he would never want her heart  broken...then he suddenly a punch in the face, he had murdered her

 For the first time, It hurt, like a blade was cutting deep into his throbbing think that he'd killed his little sister...but that wasn't the whole truth now was it?


It sounded as if glass was shattering everywhere. Then suddenly an unknown man's voice rung throughout the house, "Shut up, You douche Bag," Fear  sparked his whole body, he laid there, motionless as..he heard the screams of their mother....then he felt himself flinch... as a gun went off, more voices filled the air, "What are you doing...Michel?", it was what sounded like his brother Jason. He heard footsteps walk up the stairs, which made him grab the knife from under his pillow and watched the door, acting like he was sleeping. all he could think was..Blood, blood everywhere. A small voice interrupted his thoughts, "B-Bubba," is was the  call of his little sister, he darted out of his room and into hers, worry-filled his eyes, as  he saw her sitting up in bed, "Will you read me a bedtime story?" her voice squeaked, she sounded so innocent, glad that she clearly didn't know what was going on, so he only nodded.                                                                                                                    The boy sat there, playing with the younger girl's hair, as she fell asleep from his story, he felt himself wanting to cry....

FlashBack ending

He walked to a park, that his family used to hang out together at, tears falling, he was lonely for the first time..he wanted to die...he started to wonder if it was too late...or was he too broken? His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of barking. 

He looked up, tears still falling, a black cat ran by, then a dog ran after it. The sun started to rise, reddish-pink dawn coloring, he flinched at the sound of a  little girl calling for her dog. "Milky! Milky!," her voice reminded him of an eleven or twelve-year-old, what a stupid name for a stupid dog.

The little girl running after that stupid dog would have made an easy target, it would have been fun to watch her family scream and cry, to feel the pain, and anger he had felt for weeks, Mitchel, James, Ross..they didn't deserve that cold-blooded murder, she didn't deserve to be dead, his precious little sister Lillyanna, her gaze will forever be haunting his with being, stabbing the blade through her heart, watching her face twist in sadness, and hatred, would forever haunt him.

 Then a voice joined his thoughts, seemed annoyed..."Um, Mr. I've been asking you this for like the thirteen-time!" he looked around him confused, taking in his seemed about seven-thirty am...had he zoned out?

 ~School was opening...for high school anyway~  "I'm Sorry Ma'ma, what did you ask?" The girl looked slightly impressed by his manors, "I was wondering...what school you go to?" she seemed to....blush? his eyes narrowed, "Why?" he voice sounded a bit heavy, She looked behind her..."I was just wondering...I mean..I saw how cute you are..and-..." he interrupted her mid-sentence, "And you wanted to know if I went to the same school, so I would date you?" she sighed, her eyes shining as he hinted  at what she really wanted, and it was Yes... which disgusted him...he didn't have feelings for anyone..something told him, he could use her as a pawn later on.

 "Well..." he paused for dramatic reasons, as she looked on hopeful, "No...besides... I could be a killer" he whispered under his breath, she gave a look of disappointment, but it soon cleared. "How could someone be so cute, be so...bloody?" she asked with a curious look. He looked away not responding. The girl just kept on rambling, but he really  didn't care, until he heard her last words."It was more like a my friend t-to ask someone out...because she has a boyfriend and well... his name is Michel," that name caught him by surprise, "What's the last name?" she looked at him dumbfounded, "Whyyy?" he rolled his eyes..not believing his own words, "I'll go on a stupid date with you tell me his last name.." he said firmly. She looked at him with joy "Re-really!" The boy only nodded in response,"Still, what's his name?" The girl sighed,"I-I think his name is Mitchel Jones," then he felt the happiest he had felt since the other night...that had been filled with murder.

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