Chapter One

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Warning, I wrote this in like 6th grade, so tell me if yall like it, I am editing them now, and if so I will publish more 

Please read with precaution, there will be naughty scenes, that might affect you, such as rape, cursing, murder, nudity (maybe idk)

The Night had seemed to darken as a shadow hit the outskirts of the streets. The only thing he could sense was the disgusting smell of blood and the foul smell of death. In the distance, he could hear sirens. All he could think was, are they coming after me? So then he looked down at his hands' Blood covered them then strong emotions spilled, not guilt nor sadness, but triumph. He looked around for an escape, Then finally an entrance into the streets of Dark Valley. 

The knife he had just killed his Ex with was covered in dried blood, but it was a good thing that he had stabbed her to death....because she had been planning on killing him in the end. Then the term lit up in his mind like a light bulb, "Kill Or Be Killed"  he always knew somewhere inside it was his destiny to kill, and smile about it. Maybe he was a psycho since this was the twelve murder in the past week, he had thought proudly. 

Jyler still remembered hurting that innocent little girl, her screams still filled his ears like music, after all, she was his first victim. The girl's hair curling around his finger, after he had killed her, of course. The shadows had seemed darker than it was earlier, or maybe it was the trick of an eye...It had to be around 1:00 in the morning, now that he had thought of it, killing people just got easier every day.

 A police car passed by, the sirens going louder, and if it was coming after him, but passed by with ease,  but still it sent his mind whirling with fear, and with that fear, the man who helped create him and...well left when he needed him the most. 

Then the thought of killing him lit his mind up like fire. It was such a wonderful idea, he almost jumped with joy, but continued to walk down the streets, to where he had once lived. He started to knock a couple of times and then a voice sounded from inside, "I'm commin'....I'm commin'." then the voice who had said it, answered the door. The old man looked him in the eyes, and then asked, "Son?" he just nodded, dreading what he knew would come next. "can...can I come in?" he asked. "Of course you can, besides...from...what I heard there is an unknown killer on the loose" his father had responded. 

The young boy  followed him inside, and shut the door, with knife in hand, he came up behind him and put it up to his neck,"Aren't you proud let your Ex-wife raise a murderer," his father's eyes lit up in pain, as he pushed the blade deep into his throat, and then warm blood splattered out everywhere, including his hands, his father was able to sputter out, "S-Son what a-are y-you d-d-doing?" he laughed, and said under his breath, "something  I should have done a long time ago." His father finally stopped squirming around, and died with his last breath of saying," I Hate you". He let his father drop to the ground, "Well don't worry I hate you to....Have fun in hell, because soon I will join you?" he had hissed under his breath and ran out of the house. 

By the time he had come across a store, it must have been around 2:00 or 2:30 in the morning as his surroundings started to become chilly with the night air fog , it clogged up  his vision, making him tired...the sirens came and it woke his body and mind up, and with it some fear sparked his mind.. making him run faster than he had run in his life. 

As he came across a dirt path that lead into the woods. Something didn't feel right here, he couldn't figure out if it was what looked to be blood flicked onto a scraped tree, the fire's light was shining on the bark, making it visible, they looked like fingerprints, he walked on curious, as to see what was going on, getting closer to the sound of new voices," Come on Lily, you know you wanna pleasure us.....or...feel the blade?" he waited for the girl to respond. 

"N-No...I.....I...don't your toy," the girl had whispered. The boy came out of his hiding place,  his black hair covering his gray eyes, "Leave her alone!" he shouted. Then the two boys turned around. He approached the nearest guy, ready to fight for the knife, he had left his other one in his father's chest. Then he grabbed the knife from the nearest boy, and stabbed him in the chest, making sure the wound was deep, while the other boy coward back, he turned on the boy and cut into him deeply. The girl, they called Lily, looked at him, shocked, as the two laid on the ground bleeding to their deaths. "T-Thank you" she had whispered, he only nodded, smirking as he stepped close to her, and the shock spread even more on her face, as he stabbed the knife right into her stomach, twisting it." You whore" he had whispered into her ear, as she lied in his arms dying...

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