Chapter 22: The Unexpected Meet Up

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ  • 𝟷𝟾+)


Konan's P.O.V


My wish, has come true..

Now sitting in front of the victim, I felt my heart leap for joy.

I was now, officially starting my mission...

I've introduced myself to Hinata and even managed to make her feel comfortable around me..

First step is down...

Now onto to the second one..

Her friends knew all about me but didn't dare tell Hinata. They knew what would happen if they did...

Naruto would instantly know...

I'm not entirely sure what the relationship is between her and the demon but... Naruto's a sneaky fellow and can force just about anything out of the poor girl..

I just know it...

But now, she knows me and sees me as someone nice..


I smiled at Hinata and watched as she sent a beautiful smile back at me, her pale skin glowing in the room.

She's such a beautiful human being who deserves so much more.

She deserves to live a normal life. A life with her friends and family. A life without a beast threatening and overpowering her.

She deserves peace, and I'll be sure to give it to her..

It's my job after all..

Demons should not be on this plain.. But in hell.

Naruto's been pushing it from the very start.. My ancestors always had trouble with him and now...

Here he is again..

Being a damn nuisance...

But no matter.. My team will put him down eventually..

I, will find a way to attack and kill the demon.. I'll send him straight back down to hell in no time.

I smirked at that.

But suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a soft tap to my shoulder, a small voice soon heard afterwards.

"U-Um.. Konan.. The bell, has rung.."

Hinata spoke as she stood beside me, her lavender eyes staring deeply within my own.

She blinked in confusion to see me all spaced out which made me gasp.

Quickly, I moved to stand up, matching her stance.. I smiled at her, looking around at my surroundings a bit..

Yeah.. Habit..

But when I did, I spotted that her friends had left and Hinata was still.. here..

Hmm.. How did that happen..

No matter.. She was safe with me anyway. I nodded at her, giving her my thanks. "Oh thank you, Hinata. You're so nice." I complimented on which she giggled, she soon waving me off.

The lunchroom was slowly growing more and more scarce as time went on, my eyes shifting around the place.

Hinata smiled. "Oh I try to be as nice as I can to people.. Because you know what they say, be kind to all and kind things return.. I'm just waiting, for that, I guess.." She trailed off sadly, her head bowing low.

I frowned in response to her words because I knew exactly, what she meant by that..

Oh you poor child..

I sighed, placing a hand behind her back to get her to walk forward, we resuming our chat. "It's okay, Hinata. It'll come.. You just have to have, some faith. Whatever you're going through, it won't last. I promise." I explained softly with a nod, my heels clicking the floor underneath me.

I turned to her as she walked along quietly, taking in my words and keeping them in mind.

I sent a faint smile at that. "Does that help.. a little?" I asked sweetly which successfully brought a smile on her face, her eyes moving to look at me.

She nodded slowly at my thoughtful words, her feet taking her forward. "Y-Yes... That's so sweet of you." She whispered out softly, her voice so small compared to my full womanly voice. She sounded like a frail, little girl...

An innocent, innocent girl..

But, her smile was so bright, one that I wanted to keep on her.. It was my job to make all humans feel safe from all evil..

And that's, what I'll do...

I smiled at that and slowly escorted Hinata out of the now empty cafeteria, my eyes scanning the place once again.. Never missing, one single thing...


We both made it out of the cafe and entered back into the slightly busy hall of the school, we both watching the different people walk back and forth, trying their best to get to their class.

I smiled and looked towards Hinata, but stopped when I saw her attention was elsewhere.

Her head was directed towards her right, her hands rubbing together in comfort..

I frowned, tilting my head. "Hey, Hinata. What's wrong?" I asked but I frowned deeper when she didn't say anything.

And on cue, my amber eyes spotted a blonde haired male making his way over to the both of us, his eyes directed towards Hinata.

His hands were stuck deep into his pockets as he came over, his feet soon taking him directly in front of her.

I watched with narrowed eyes as he stood in front of her intimidatingly, his eyes staring deeply within her own. I secretly scowled at him.

It's him...

It's that bastard..

I've finally seen him up close and he's just looks..


His whole existence is so deviling to me and I felt an urge to strike.

But, I have to wait, to attack.

If I do that now.. I can risk getting my shot taken away. It has to be done in secret. It has to be a secret attack.

And it has to be done right.

I watched closely as the demon held his eye contact on Hinata, my eyes taking note of the tremor her body let off.

Poor child...

But the demon surprisingly smiled at her. But he then turned towards me and raised an eyebrow. "Why hello... Sorry to disturb, whatever it is you're, associated with but... I need to take a moment with... her.." He spoke smugly while nodding his head towards Hinata, watching as she turned to me quickly..

She put up a fake smile and waved me off, eyeing my taken aback look. "I-I-It's okay, Konan. We can talk more later. I really, have to get going." She whispered out, trying to be as sweet as possible but... I saw right through it.

That demon has her completely wrapped around his fucked up finger...

It was really pissing me off.

But, I put up a smile and waved at her, bravely sending a smile to Naruto who raised an eyebrow. "Well it was nice meeting you, Hinata. I hope we can talk again sometime. It was very nice. Stay sweet!" I encouraged with a smile which made her giggle, but the demon moved his arm around her shoulders, stopping her laughs.

He nodded at me, his blue eyes trailing my body closely.

But he smirked. "Yeah... Nice meeting you." He simply responded before turning around and taking Hinata with him, leaving me all alone.

I narrowed my eyes on them as they walked further and further away from me, soon turning down a hallway.

I gritted my teeth...

I'll save you, Hinata..

I promise...

Hinata's P.O.V

I was escorted quickly away from Kohan by Naruto which made me sad inside, he holding one arm around my shoulder.

I didn't like how he did that...

Konan's just so nice..

But there was something off, about her. She seemed super advanced.

She didn't seem like she belonged here..

I sighed which caught Naruto's attention, his blue eyes looking over at me.

His blue eyes trailed my body and suddenly, he pushed me up against the wall behind me, a surprise gasp spilling my mouth.

I whimpered. "Naruto.. Enough of this." I whimpered out but he shushed me, he putting up both of his hands beside my head, boxing me in.

Surprisingly there was no one on the hallway to catch us in such an act, the bell ringing some time ago which I missed.

He moved down and sniffed at my neck, groaning while doing so. "Mmm.. Hinata. I just want to apologize for my behavior a while ago. I didn't mean to act in such a manner. I bet you were so scared, my darling. My apologies. I will try my best, to contain myself more, next time." He groaned once more against me, his hands moving down to grab a hold of my body which warmed my skin greatly.

I gasped by his sincere explanation, my lavender eyes staring down at him in complete shock.

Am I really, hearing this, from him, right now?

My wish has officially come true.

Naruto's really apologizing!

I was right...

I couldn't help the relieved smile that spread across my lips, my own hands moving down upon him.

I bravely placed my hand on his define chest and watched as his actions came to an immediate halt, the demon's eyes coming upon me.

He sent me a sneaky smirk and moved his hand down to grab mines, moving it roughly above my head, pinning me to the wall even more.

I bit my lip at that. "R-Really.. You really mean that?" I squeaked out which made the blonde chuckle, his body very close to my own. My body was much smaller than his much larger one, his hand clenching my wrist.

Naruto's eyes turned red for a split second, his emotions growing wild. "Oh yes, little one. But tell me... What was that just now? With the new girl.. What were you two talking about?" He whispered out curiously by my ear, his breath hot against me which caused me to squirm.

I whimpered at that but bit my lip, his chest forced against mine.

But I soon, answered him..

"W-We were only getting to know each other. I only got to know her name. We didn't go any further than that." I explained in all honesty, letting him know everything so he wouldn't go questioning further or even...


We really don't need any of that.

Konan.. doesn't need any of that..

She's innocent. So I won't give Naruto any reason to mess with her.

The sexy blonde demon before me let out a hum beside my ear, his eyes trailing my trembling form closely. "Oh? Is that all?" He whispered out soothingly which I obediently nodded to, watching closely to his smirk which slowly began to grow wider and wider.

I bit my lip harder. "Y-Yes... That was all.. I mean, that's all that was said.. Um.. " I stammered out, slowly melting at the sight of the sexy creature so close.

His smile was so beautiful, his body so hot and close to mine.

Passed events were left forgotten from his apology so now.. It feels, like we have a fresh start now..

Hopefully, anyway...

Naruto chuckled at my previous words, finally moving his hands and body away from me.

He took a step back and hummed, his blonde hair moving along from his abrupt movement. "Hmm.." Was his only response before he took his eyes away of me.

He looked at both ends of the hallways closely, taking in that both, were indeed, empty.

He smirked. "Well.. That reminds me.. That woman, Hinata.." He trailed off with now, serious eyes.

His facial expression was now blank as he turned his icy blue eyes on me from where I stood still, my body quickly growing cold.

He narrowed his eyes, opening his mouth to say four words.

Four words I found myself not at all.. liking..

"Stay, away, from her."

His voice was harsh and quite clear with his command as I stared back at him, squinting my eyes in major confusion.

Why, would he say that?

Konan was new and quite nice. She didn't bring any harm to me or made me feel uneasy..

So, I don't understand..

I looked back up at Naruto and shook my head.. "Why? Why should I? She's done nothing." I protested, not at all liking his order. It was highly unnecessary.

It seems all he wants to do is control me..

I can't stand it...

I shot my bothered eyes on Naruto and watched as his face moved into a smirk, his shoulders shrugging. "Alright.. Fine.
Don't, follow my order.. But just hear me when I say this."

After those words, he vanished to stand right in front of me again, his one hand moving to roughly grab my cheeks.

I yelped at the sudden action but he shushed me, his blue eyes changing to a deep red to prove his point.

Now, I was staring at two big pools of red which seemed to sparkle and glow, the color slowly darkening as time went by.

He shot me a toothy grin, tilting his head a bit. "If anyone gets hurt.. The blood's, on your hands, Hinata. I will show no sympathy to anyone else.. Only you. Got that?" He whispered harshly against my face, being upfront about it all.. Which..

I didn't like one bit...

His words were a key reminder that, not only I, was in danger but.. The people around me and...

The people, that's in my life..

I have to be careful. I have to keep obeying him to somehow soften his heart. It's dangerous to have him so hostile around innocent people or even my loved ones..

I can't have him hurting people but I also won't let him control me entirely...

I won't let him..

Konan seems like a nice girl who only wants to make friends. She doesn't seem dangerous.. But, I will admit that something about her was strange..

Maybe Naruto knows what it is...

Or maybe it's nothing and he's just being his selfish and controlling self.

It's my, choice...

Something inside of me screamed to do what I thought was right..

Just this once so, I turned back to Naruto, feigning innocence. I smiled, watching as he raised an eyebrow. "Alright... F-Fine.." I whispered out which was a total lie, Naruto's features lighting up.

He moved away again not without patting my head, a small smile placed on his tan cheeks. "Good girl. Now.. Let's get you to class." He said and wrapped an arm around me and soon, we were both walking again.

But my mind was too troubled, my body trembling within his hold. I swallowed nervously, looking away.

I am surely, playing, with fire...


Konan's P.O.V

The rest of the day I've been keeping a close eye on Hinata who has been doing her same usual thing..

Talking with her friends...

Doing her makeup work and....

Now, I sat on the sidelines in the gym as I watched the cheerleading team practice.

My schedule was the same as Hinata's so, I was told to stay here. Of course I wasn't allowed to cheer but.. I can, hang in the gym until they're done.

And that.. worked nicely for me..

I smiled to see Hinata giggling and laughing as she moved along to the cheers with her friends.

I watched with a smile as she picked up all of the moves oddly quickly, she doing them with no problem.

I nodded..

Wow.. She's really good..

I've heard she hasn't been attending school that much which meant she hadn't been learning her cheers but what I'm seeing now...

She doesn't need time.. She's just that good...

I was proud of her. I was proud that she was able to do what she wanted even in a time like this.

I giggled positively at that but my giggle was cut short when an unknown person came and sat beside me on the bench I sat on, my eyes cutting over to my right quickly...

Subconsciously, I moved my hand on my left hip where my gun was located in my pocket, my long shirt doing a good job in hiding it. I was just about to grab it when the person began to talk..

"She's lovely, isn't she?"

The voice was deep and alluring, rolling off of the older male's lips with ease. And in that moment, I knew, just who it was..


Shit.. This isn't good..

I was hoping to avoid situations like these. Situations where I have to talk, to this demon..

Shit.. I just might kill him..

I can't hold back the urge. It's just too strong.


I have to...

Now is not a good time to get into a death fight with this demon. He's probably too strong anyway.

I sighed and looked towards him to see him staring off at the young girls in front of us, but his eyes weren't on everyone just..

On a single person.



He had a constant eye on her, his pupils dilating on the scene ahead.

I narrowed my eyes at that but quickly changed my facial expression into a smile, nodding at Naruto's previous words but feigning as if I knew absolutely nothing. "Y-Yeah I guess... But I don't know her very well." I responded with a shrug which caused Naruto to chuckle, his eyes closing for a brief second.

"Oh it wouldn't take much. She's so, nice." He commented but the last word he said seemed to come off as a growl, his feral urges getting the best of him.

I grimaced at that.

See that, is why I hate demons. Their emotions control them too much. And if, that certain emotion isn't satisfied, they'll go haywire..

They're just uncontrollable.



He needs to be stopped. He's too dangerous to be around humans like the way he was. I'm truly surprised, bodies haven't been found yet from him.

But, I breathed in softly, holding it together. I smiled, bravely moving to build on our conversation.

I wasn't scared of him after all..

I cleared my throat, getting his attention again. I watched as his left ear twitched and he turned towards me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes?" He only spoke while eyeing me deeply with those deep blue eyes of his.

By the intensity in his stare I could tell he was trying to figure me out but...

No one knew me here.. And he never, saw me before in his whole entire life...

So he didn't know a thing about me and, what I was apart of.

But I kept my smile. "So... Since we're speaking about Hinata.. Are you her boyfriend or something? She seems like a lovable person so it would make sense right?" I giggled out, covering up my disgust..

Konan.. Are you fucking serious..

Why the fuck did I say that..

I didn't want to know anything about his weird obsession with the human. It would just make my life so much harder.

But I spotted the delight in his eyes, a big ole grin coming upon his tan face. He snickered. "Heh.. Something like that. It's.. complicated. But tell me more about you. Is it your first time being here... In the city? Or are you just... passing by?" He asked curiously, his questions a little too nosey for my liking.

I raised an eyebrow in response to that, my hand falling away from my hip.

Quickly, I came up with a reasonable answer.. Lying wouldn't do me any good because demons, can pick up that. They can sense the uneasiness in your tone and immediately could tell if your answers were truly valid..

They have a lot of perks but they all.. are just lies....

They are all, monsters..

And will always, be.

I kept my smile and finally responded, thinking of something quick. "Well.. I move a whole lot because of my family. They're pretty busy with work and stuff so.. we're on a constant move. So now, I'm here. For who knows how long." I spoke which wasn't all made up.

Us demon hunters never stay in one place. We move around, maybe in teams or as partners to keep an eye on the whole world entirely. We didn't want to have incidents like Naruto where a demon is hiding amongst the humans. All demons need to be killed and put away with.

So, we always have to be on our peas and cues.

I eyed Naruto as he nodded to my response but then let out a hum. "Hm.. Sounds thrilling. Where does your family work, may I ask?" He carried on, pushing it further and further with the questions which bothered me tons.

Why does he wanna know so bad?

What's his deal?

I sat and just stared at him with a frown as he stared back at me, his face slowly turning into a mischievous smirk.

He chuckled. "What? Too much?" He asked amusingly on which I nodded, moving to stand up.

"Yes.. Totally." I groaned out before moving to leave but my plan was interrupted when a large hand grabbed a hold of my wrist, my eyes instantly widening at that.

My body reacted on its own to the demon's firm touch and I turned quickly, moving my hand and delivering a mind blowing slap to his face, making his grip nonexistent.

The sound was loud which alerted everyone, including...


She turned towards the scene and nearly panicked, her feet moving towards us in no time. "Oh god." She whispered...

My amber eyes were directed towards the demon below me who was still sitting in the same position as the one I slapped them in.

His face was tilted away from me, his blonde hair was covering his eyes completely, and I could clearly see a red bruise forming on his cheek.. I gritted my teeth, rubbing my wrist in disgust.

How dare he?

I don't know what came over me just now... I just really didn't want that bastard touching me...

My body stayed still as I stood before him, Hinata quickly making her way over.

She sent me a reassuring smile before moving her attention to Naruto who was now staring at me, his dark blue eyes flickering to a blood red.. Too fast for a normal human to catch but..

I saw it...

And I was ready...

I lowered my hand to my hip in response, the demon's eyes never straying away from my own.

Hinata whimpered and placed a hand on Naruto's chest, trying to get him to calm down, my eyes taking it in intently. "Naruto.. Please calm down.. She's new.. You have to understand.. We're in a room filled with people that are watching us. We're gonna be found out. Please just.. calm down." She whispered out so only the three of us could hear, my eyes trained on the demon before me.

I watched as his breathing started to become normal after Hinata's words, his cheek regaining his normal color in no time.

Now.. It looked like I didn't even hit him in the first place.

Soon, Naruto eventually calmed down, a smirk coming upon his face.

He started to move his head, moving it to the side to give it a loud crack, then slowly rising up from his seat.

Now standing, he turned to Hinata and nodded but then back to me. His lips were formed into a smirk but his eyes were..


He smiled, calming down like Hinata told him to. "Sorry, sweetheart. I'll make sure not to pry, next time, eh?" He spoke amusingly before looking around, taking note of the many people in the gym who were just staring with dropped mouths, along with Hinata friends.

They stared at the scene with their hands covering their mouths, my eyes staring back at them.

I gave them a reassuring smile before turning back to Naruto, nodding my head. "Yeah... That's a good idea." I only spoke which made him scoff, he soon moving his attention onto Hinata.

He shot a glare at her but then grabbed her arm, moving to walk to the back of the gym. I glared at that, my eyes fixated on the demon that's once again escaping my clutches..

But the time will come, when he'll be brought down. I licked my lips at that..

And oh, I can't wait for that, to happen.

Hinata's P.O.V

Forcefully, I was dragged away by Naruto as he marched along in pure anger. I looked up at him, moving to look back at Konan...

What was that, just now?

Konan hit Naruto and he did absolutely nothing. Not that I wanted something to happen..

That's something I never want..

This all is just so, crazy.

Why in the world would Konan hit Naruto in the first place...

God.. This is a disaster.

Soon, Naruto dragged me into the girls locker room and threw me in, closing the door behind him with a loud thud.

I stumbled in but quickly caught myself, whimpering a bit from just almost falling.

My eyes landed on Naruto and I noticed his breathing was extremely heavy, his chest rising dangerously.

He growled. "That bitch, has a lot of nerve." He started off, getting some anger off of his chest.

I gulped at that though, shaking my head. "Naruto... What happened back there? What did you, do? Konan's new here so she wouldn't avert to violence would she?" I whispered out in complete and utter confusion, my bottom moving to find a place to sit which, was a wooden bench in the room.

Naruto shook his head, balling his fists. "That's the thing. We don't, know her, Hinata. So all I was trying to do was ask a couple of questions and I have to admit.. Heh, I was, prying into her business, a little too much for her liking, I assume. Because she hit me. But, it wasn't any ordinary hit, Hinata." He explained through growls, his blue eyes flickering to a red. He then tilted his head at me, his body growing heated.

I swallowed nervously at that, my hands grabbing a hold of the bottom of my tank top. "Naruto.. Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit.. A hit, is just a hit. She felt offended is all.. That's.. humans for ya." I giggled out nervously to lighten the terrible mood but his stare...

God his stare...

Was nothing of amusement.

He was pissed which was very, very bad. I bit my lip. Naruto, shook his head.. "No.. You couldn't be more wrong, my innocent little sweetheart.. That hit, was a hit full of hate. That hit, actually left a mark on me.. It seemed as though she wanted to rip my fucking head off!" He yelled out which made me jump in my spot, my body trembling from his harsh words.

His voice was loud and filled with rage, his eyes brimming clearly with..


He laughed darkly and then turned towards the door, with a wicked scheme. "I'm gonna rip that mortal bitch apart." He growled which made me gasp, my feet taking me away from my position to stand in front of the door, passing him quickly.

I shook my head, putting out my hands to halt the angry, bloodthirsty demon. He growled at the sight of me blocking his way but I ignored that and only focused on my one, goal..

To calm, him down..

Having him like this isn't safe for anyone. Not my classmates, not my friends, and not, me...

So I have to make sure, I accomplish my goal. I licked my lips quickly, steadying myself. "Naruto, please just stop it. You can't act like this here. Not in front of everyone. You're going to get found out. Just calm down.. We don't have to come here anymore if it means for you to stay more calm and not in this... state." I whimpered out pleadingly, moving over to grab his shoulders tightly, taking note of how hot his body was.

He's really, angry...

But at my touch, Naruto's attention peaked, his eyes instantly turning blue.

He stared down at me as if he was in some type of trance, my hands slowly rubbing at his shoulders.. My heart was pounding in my chest but I did all I could to calm him down, his body slowly moving into my touch.

He laid his head down on my shoulder and breathed heavily, his heavy body sorta weighing me down.

His hands moved down and grabbed my waist firmly, his fingers caressing at my covered skin. "I told you something's off with that woman, Hinata.. Something's not adding up and I'm going to figure it out. I'll make sure of it." He growled from below me which made me gulp, my body lowering in temperature...

God.. Things have gone, very, very...


Konan's P.O.V

I glared at the direction where the demon marched off towards but dropped it when I spotted Hinata's friends rush over to me.

I gasped at the sight of them, immediately indicating who each of them were.

Ino and Sakura.

I put up a faint smile at the two of them, clearly spotting the relief and also, shock in their faces. "Oh my gosh. Are you alright?" Ino whimpered out in a panic, Sakura biting her lip nervously. "Yeah.. What happened?" She added on as they both stood in their fitness wear from cheer..

Sakura had on purple yoga pants with a blue tank top, while Ino had on a white tank top with green shorts.

They both held concern on their faces which I waved off, quickly reassuring them the best I can. "Listen girls.. Everything's alright. I've dealt with demons all my life... I can handle this. I'm sorry for the interruption but.. If you don't mind..." I trailed off, moving to soon leave. I have time to get back to my teammates to update them on everything...

I've been slacking on that anyway...

The two young girls spared a glance at each other but soon turned back to me, giving me a nod. Ino smiled. "Alright. You do what you have to. I know it's gonna take some time seeing this... Is not just some walk in the park. You have the wheel, ma'am." She spoke positively, nodding her head at me which brought a smile to my lips..

Oh it feels so good for someone to have so much faith in you..

I won't let them down.

I smiled at them and moved forward, moving my hand to pat both of their shoulders, their smiles growing a little bigger.

I looked at the both of them in the eye and gave them a bold nod, strengthening their hope. "Thank you both, for having such faith in me. I promise I won't let you down. I'll stop him. I'll make sure of it." I whispered out and on that note, I stepped back, soon leaving the place to get back to my team.

The gym was scattered with distracted people so it was easy for me to slip out and enter the empty hallways. But before I left, I checked the time...


This free session ends at 1:30, so I have more than enough time to leave and come back. I nodded at that, quickening my speed on that note.

I have, to hurry...

It didn't take me long to make it to the front door with my speed, my legs taking me there in no time. With my hand, I pushed the door open and I left, looking back to see if anyone saw me but..

There was no one..

I smiled at that and entered the hot outside world, my dark colored eyes taking in all the parks cars before me. But I, was looking for a big black truck.

A truck that was hiding, in plain sight. My eyes looked everywhere.




Soon my eyes landed on a truck which was parked in the back of the parking lot, the many cars of the students and teachers blocking it slightly from view. I smiled, getting my feet ready for the walk.

Alright... Here goes..

Soon, I began to walk forward so I could reach my fellow mates, to catch them up on the problem, that was before us...

The problem that may have just gotten even more, difficult...

I narrowed my eyes upon that, clenching my fists...

I'll make sure we're ready...

I'll make sure we're ready for any danger that comes our way.. So it'll be like taking candy from a baby..

Easy as pie..

I smirked at that, liking that very much.

We're going to bring you down..




Alright, folks!!!

How was this chapter!! 😁😁

Naruto's gettint sucpioud of Konan and she's, getting brave..😱😱

And Poor Hinata is stuck in the middle.. 😞😞

How did you feel about that??

Let me know and don't forget to Comment and Vote!! 💛❤💛❤



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