Chapter 23: Make Ups

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴄʟᴀssʀᴏᴏᴍ sᴇx • ғᴏʀᴇᴘʟᴀʏ •ᴏʀᴀʟ sᴇx • ғʀᴇᴀᴋʏ • 𝟷𝟾+)



"So you have a close eye on him?"

"Yes, I do. And, the victim."

"Good. Did he see you?"

"Unfortunately yes.. It wasn't a part of the plan but.. It's nothing I can't handle.."

"Shit, Konan.. Fine if you say so. How's the victim looking?"

"Itachi.. Everything's under control. The girl is fine. Still scared and need help but.. fine. "

"Alright then..."

Konan's P.O.V

Now sitting in the van I stared face to face with Itachi who stared back at me in slight worry, Hidan lying carelessly on one of the front seats.

He sat up, turning his dark colored eyes on me.

He then put up a sly smirk. "Hmm.. Wow, Konan. You might actually pull this off. Or maybe, that demon brat is getting soft. Maybe... He's too distracted messing with the human girl to even notice you. Heh, and you know what I mean about messing." He joked and began to sprout out serious amounts of moans with different sounding voices, low and high, catching the both of us off guard.

My eyes shot wide open and I gagged in major disgust, my mind having no choice but to picture a dirty scene involving the demon and, the human..

Oh my fucking god!

Itachi growled at that, narrowing his dark eyes which showed disgust as well. "Damn it Hidan! This, is no laughing matter. We're in the danger zone now. So I suggest you get more serious or you can take, Kohan's place, you idiot." He ordered angrily which straightened Hidan right up, his playful moans coming to an immediate stop.

But he then put up a scowl, rolling his eyes at the both of us. "Whatever... Seems to me you guys stay with sticks up your ass. Especially Konan." He spat which triggered me immediately, my head snapping towards him in an instant.

I growled. "And what, does that, suppose to mean, huh?" I spat back, glaring daggers at the annoying male, his own eyes sizing me up.

He raised his head, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "You know what I mean. You're boring. You never seem to lighten up or have fun. Ever. I suggest you stop being such a sourpuss." He snapped with a roll of his eyes which really offended me.

What is this moron talking about?

It seems he never thinks before he speaks. It's really annoying.

I simply rolled my eyes. "There's nothing fun, about our situation, Hidan. It's pretty fucked up you think that." I spat with a scoff which really triggered him this time, his body rising from his seat in a rage.

"Why you bitc-"

But before he could finish his very vulgar word, Itachi reached out and placed one finger on his forehead, staring deeply within his eyes

I watched with widened eyes as his body immediately became rigid, his eyes looking back into Itach's.

He shushed him and then pulled his hand back, snapping his fingers and whispering out one word.


And with that, he did. Hidan felt over with a loud thud in the long chair he sat in, loud snores following right after.

I gasped at that, a grin coming upon my face. "Oh my god! W-Wow. How did you do that?" I exclaimed in surprise but mostly in glee causing the black haired emo male to chuckle.

He waved me off with a smirk. "That right there, is an ancient hypnosis technique. Only a few of us demon hunters know about, that technique. But darling, that's besides the point. We have... silence again." He explained with a huff which brought a smile on my face, my eyes cutting back over to Hidan for a second.. I couldn't help but crack a smile..

Good riddings..

But what Itachi did was something I've never seen before. He made Hidan fall asleep with one glance and, with one word.

How, odd...

But like he said, I have lots of time to learn later. Right now I have other things I need to worry about.

Like focusing on the task, I've been given.

I looked back at Itachi who sat across from me. We both were located in the very back of the truck, away from all prying eyes.

Itachi breathed in and soon exhaled, getting back to the conversation at hand. "So.. I know you're trying to wait for the right moment with the demon but... I suggest we pick things up a bit. I just think we're letting this demon off of the hook. I can stand it being around humans. It makes my skin crawl." He spoke with a cringe, his dark eyes falling on me.

I nodded slowly by his hidden request, my heart and mind agreeing with him. "Yes.. I totally agree. When do you think we should strike then, Itachi? Because you know.. Once we do.. There's no turning back." I warned with serious eyes, taking in the way the older man paused to my words.

He hummed in thought, tapping his chin to think better on the situation.

I waited patiently as he thought hard for a plan since... We're thinking of speeding it up.

Honestly I believe we should as well.. We're here now, so there's no point in stalling. We should strike.

But when.. is the hard part..

If we do this carelessly, we can accidently and risk other humans getting involved. Or mess up even. And that, is something we don't want.

So we have to somehow isolate Naruto.


I gasped and looked up, getting Itachi's attention. He raised an eyebrow at me. "What is it? You thought of something?" He asked curiously, his eyes taking in the emotion in my eyes.

He smirked, on which I nodded, moving up to get closer. I stared into his eyes and breathed deeply. "I have the perfect plan, Itachi. A plan I know, will no doubt work. But we have to be ready.. If we mess this up.. I'm afraid we won't have any other chance." I explained and then bit my lip, letting him know how important my hidden plan was.

I watched as his eyes widened at that and he moved up too, nodding his head. "Alright. You have my attention. Let's hear it." He demanded in all seriousness on which I nodded, doing just that.

I clutched my hands tightly and calmed, my entire body, moving to tell him, the final plan..

"Okay so.. The plan is.. "


Hinata's P.O.V

The rest of the school day rushed by in no time, a groan passing my lips to hear the last bell of the day ring.

A part of me didn't want to go and the other part, did.. It just hasn't been the same after the incident that went on earlier.

Everything feels so..


I looked over at Naruto from where I sat still and spotted him looking over at Konan who was slowly getting her things together to leave just as everyone else in the class was.

I bit my lip as I spotted his shoulders risen up like a lion getting ready to strike, his hand clutching his desk tightly.

I gulped at that, quickly doing what everyone else was doing.

Pack up.

I grabbed my bag and pushed my notebooks and paper inside, eyeing how messily the things flopped in.

But.. I didn't care. I have to get Naruto out of here.

I kept my actions up until my desk was cleared, missing the smirk that Konan shot at Naruto, enraging his body even more.

He growled, eyeing her as she walked away. "Heh... It won't be long until I kill her." I heard him mumble which frightened my core.

I hurriedly grabbed my bag and hopped up, moving to block Naruto's view of Konan. I smiled down at him from where he still sat, ignoring the dark glare he sent me.

I clutched my bag tightly. "O-O-Okay, Naruto. It's time to go home now... R-Right?" I asked softly, straying his mind from all the dark thoughts he was slowly conjuring up.

At the mention of home, his deadly stare dropped a bit, a playful smirk replacing it. I bit my lip harshly when I saw his eyes begin to trail my body, taking in how the outfit he chose for me hugged my curves enticingly.

He tilted his head, his blue eyes looking around a bit. I looked around too, noticing everyone was now..


Naruto smirked, reaching out slowly to grab the bottom of my shirt, bringing me closer. I gasped in response earning a chuckle from him.

My body was so close, now I was staring the demon in the eye, my eyes picking up the lust and want inside of them. My body grew hot at that.

Oh my...

His smirk then, turned into a grin. "Home.. Is somewhere I don't think I wanna be right now, Hinata. You wanted something different, right?" He asked with a toothy grin, my ears taking in the seduction in his voice.

I gulped by it, my hands falling down on the table below me to brace myself.. I shook my head. "N-Naruto no.. I know what you're thinking and we can't possibly do that here. I'll get in major trouble. Please, don't." I pleaded out to him but he completely ignored them, his hand moving down from my shirt to caress my thighs, moving up too high for my liking.

I whimpered and raised my hand down, grabbing him quickly to stop his actions. His hand was much bigger than mine so I went to use both hands to hold him in place, noticing right away that he allowed me to..

I bit my lip harder. "Please, Naruto." I pleaded once more while staring into his eyes, an unknown source drawing me to them.

He raised an eyebrow, holding his strength back from me. "Hinata sweetheart. To let you know, right now... All I want to do is shred and kill a human. And I just might do it if you don't-" He started but I stopped him by letting go of his hand and quickly exposing myself, taking my shirt over my head and discarding it.

Now just wearing a lavender bra, I whimpered, looking at the way his eyes lightened up.. "Okay, okay.. I'll do it." I declared, just giving in.

As much as I don't want to have sex in the classroom I've had to learn in all year, I definitely don't want to see Naruto ripping apart an innocent human.

I will do anything to protect anyone at this point. At the end of the day, he's my burden. And I just have to live with that.

I watched with glossy eyes as the demon's lips pulled up into a sexy grin, his hand moving back down to rub my thighs again. "Mmm.. Good girl. But I believe you're, missing something." He added while tapping at my pants with one finger causing my breath to hitch..

Oh no..

I held all of my insecurities back and moved down to unbuckle my belt, soon zipping down my pants.

With two hands, I grabbed the top of the clothing and pulled them down slowly, watching as the beast before me watched my every move, small growls coming from his lips. "Hah see.. I knew you could do it. All it takes is a bit of, motivation, it seems.

He purred out teasingly which caused me to glare at him, my hands letting go of the panta completely, soon stepping out of them.

I shook my head, now somewhat exposed before him. "A-Alright. I did what you told me.. Can we please hurry this up? I don't want anyone to walk in." I whimpered out, my body super tense at the moment. So I felt no lust or want yet which made Naruto sigh.

"Fine. Anything for you." He groaned out and with that, he vanished from his seat, making me gasp.

I looked up at that, moving my head around to try and find him. But a hum from behind me, caught my attention.

"Over here, darling."

At those words I looked behind me and spotted him by the door now, his hand reaching out for one of the signs on the pocket of the door.

He managed to grab out of the door pocket a "Do not disturb" sign and placed it on the door, his hands then grabbing the knob and closing it, also locking it.

He then turned to me with a grin, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly. "Alright, little one. Distract me.. Your demon is so angry right now.. I need you." He cooed out while walking over to the teacher's desk, hopping on it without a care in the world.

Because of his action, plenty of stuff began to fall, hitting the floor with loud thuds. I cringed at that, my brain suddenly signaling my feet to move.

Oh gosh...

Well, here goes nothing...

I blew out a deep breath and slowly made way towards him, his blue eyes instantly turning to a red.

He beckoned me over with one finger and growled. "Come now.. That's it, my little one. You're so good, hmm.." He groaned out which instantly made me red all over, my body creeping in front of him in no time.

I closed my eyes and groaned, my body lowering down to the floor once again. This, I know will be the only way I distract him.

I have to pleasure him once again.

So, I grabbed onto the top of his pants and quickly unbuckled the belt that was there, taking it completely off.

Then, I unbuckled the buckle underneath and watched as his pants began to fall, my eyes moving up to meet his.

I gulped to see him watching me, my hands pushing down his pants slowly. He groaned and moved to stand, my body backing up a bit. "Mmm.. Now that's a good girl. It seems you're starting to catch on. Very impressive, Hinata." He purred which didn't help with my nerves, my body heating up extremely.

But I ignored my flustered state and his dirty talk, and instead focused on removing his pants and boxers.

It didn't take me long to have his dick flying out of their confines, surprising me.

I bit my lip but quickly grabbed his base and started right away, earning me a delighted groan from him.

He threw his head back as I took his tip in, watching my teeth. "Mmm.. Fuck." He groaned out which made me feel good inside, my head moving to bob up and down, using my hand to pump up at his base.

With my tongue, I used it to lick around his tip, moving to lick his hot veiny sides, just sucking him off as best as I could.

Which worked great for him.

His groans were repeating, some a little louder and longer than the rest, his hand moving to grab a fist full of my hair.

He cursed. "Shit. Keep that up, little one. You're doing... great." He grunted out but then moved his other hand over and grabbed my head, positioning me.

And in that moment I remembered the incident with Kiba on the rooftop, and the horrifying blowjob that came with it, my heart pounding within my chest.

Oh god..

And just as I thought of those words, Naruto groaned, smirking down at me. "Heh, brace yourself, little one." He warned and right after those words, he began to thrust.

But it wasn't any ordinary speed no, it was a speed that rivaled the first time he did this type of thing.

Immediately, I began to gag, his tip pounding at the back of my throat repeatedly which felt uncomfortable, my body tensing up.

I gagged harshly and reached out to grab at his hips, his moans going crazy. "Shit! Your throat feels so nice, little one. So wet and tight." He groaned out which made me whimper, my body suddenly lurching off of his cock to cough.

I covered my mouth as I did, his red eyes trailing my fallen form closely.

He smirked. "What's the matter.. Can't handle it?" He chuckled out on which I whimpered, from where I laid, my hand rubbing at my damp mouth.

I looked back up at him and shook my head. "N-No.. You're being too r-r-rough. I can't possibly keep up with the way you're going." I snapped angrily, my eyes glaring at him.

Who does he think I am?

I felt like I was going to die, my hand moving to rub my scratchy throat.

At the sight of my discomfort, Naruto laughed, his inhuman body taking in my negative emotions. "Oh you're absolutely right. For a split second there.. I forgot you were, human.." He spoke and placed one hand on his hip, my lavender eyes cutting back at him.

I narrowed my eyes up at him. "No, you didn't.." I whispered which made him frown, his head tilting at me.

He then put up a pout. "Aww.. Don't be mad at me, darling. The fun's just beginning." He declared excitedly and with that, he reached out and grabbed my arm roughly making me gasp.

Soon he pulled me up and had me bending over my teacher's desk, my eyes widening.

"Wait, Naruto-!"

A slap to my rear stopped my pleads which made me yelp, a heavy body moving to hover over me.

Two hands moved up and pulled my dark colored hair out of my face, lips moving to plant a kiss on my cheek. "What's wrong, Hinata? Scared you'll make too much noise and alert someone.. Ahh don't be. You know if you do happen to alert someone, you'll help me out in the end." He chuckled out darkly which made me gasp in horror, my body launching up.

But I had nowhere to go, his large body stopping me from doing so.

I whimpered. "No.. You don't have to hurt anyone. I told you, we can- ahh!" I yelped in surprise when I felt something long and thick enter into my insides, my panties long time moved aside.

My body trembled like never before, my vision all blurred. My hands launched out and I grabbed the end of the desk to brace myself, a loud cry spilling from my lips.

Naruto quickly shushed me, his lips close by my ear. "Shh.. You talk too much, darling." He whispered and then began to thrust his hips forward and back, sending his cock into pounding mode inside of me.

I whined loudly at that, my hand shooting up to cover my mouth. But a hand quickly stopped me, bringing the same hand behind my back..

I whimpered and looked back at Naruto who sent a sly smirk my way, his blonde hair hanging lowly, covering up his blazing red eyes..

He grinned at the sight of me, keeping his hips pistoning. "Mmm... Don't you hold in your moans from me, Hinata." He ordered deviously which made me gulp, my cheeks burning a bright red from major embarrassment.

I couldn't believe we were doing such a thing in the place I went to learn. I lowered my head at that, realization dawning on me...

I'm having sex... in my English teacher's classroom.

What has my life come to?

This demon was really ruining my teenage life. Everything I used to do, I was kept from doing it because of him. My old life was nowhere to be found now and..

I hate that...

But why is it when this moment arise I, give in a little?

Why does my body yearn for his hot and rough touch? Why does my body like the way he pleasures me?

The way he..

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt his thrusts pick up in speed a little, my eyes rolling instantly. I groaned in delight, my walls clenching him deliciously..

Yes... Just like that!

That, is what I like but I can't... I can't admit it.

He'll tease me!

My body trembled tremendously and I squealed out, feeling myself break under his intense actions.

He groaned, his hands falling down to my hips which he held firmly. "Mmm.. You like that, don't you? There's no use in hiding when I feel and, hear you, sweetheart. You love this and that.."

He leaned in, moving my hair once more to kiss my neck, my body tingling and soon pulling away from him.

He grinned at that, but moved in to kiss me anyway, his hips slowing down to hump me, my moans growing softer and more..


He moaned as well. "It excites me like none other sweetheart."

Purred the demon behind me which made me blush even deeper, my body turning to get a look at him.

I stared deeply within his red glowy eyes which caught him off guard, his eyebrows furrowing. "What? What's up with the look?" He asked while leaning forward, taking in my lusty stare. I bit my lip, slowly opening my mouth to speak, my desire..

I have to...

If he's gonna be here, in my life, I have to take advantage of it.

Even if it's dirty.

I bit my lip. "Naruto... Can I.."

I trailed off and slowly began to move off of his cock to turn around, a groan spilling from my lips.

He stared at me in nothing but curiosity, my legs moving to lock around his waist. I moved my arms up and wrapped them around his strong chest, my body now facing him.

I wanted to see him... To hold his strong body when we have sex..

And I breathed in deeply when he immediately got the memo and pulled his arms around my body, embracing me. He smirked, looking down upon me. "You, little girl... are softening me up." He whispered but then pulled one hand down and grabbed my chin, pulling it up to meet his eyes.

He tilted his head, his fingers caressing at my skin enticingly. "Oh little one. Out of all the other female mortals out there, I'm glad.. You, were the one, I needed.. I won't let you go, Hinata. Ever.. You're mine. Mine.. forever." He whispered hotly against my lips but soon lowered his hand and grabbed himself and moved my panties aside again.

Soon his member was deep inside of me once more making me whine, my body launching forward within his hold.

My arms subconsciously held him tighter and I completely melted in his arms, his hips pounding against me causing the desk to erupt horrifying noises, scraping against the floor.

But we both didn't care.

Our moans overpowered everything, Naruto's lips soon finding mines. I groaned at that, completely melting to the pleasure he was producing to my body, my heart slowly opening for him..

A blush formed on my cheeks and I gave in, my nails digging into his back, holding on tight...

This... doesn't feel, so bad...


Surprisingly no one heard the two of us so we were both brought to the edge together, spending every moment in ecstasy. And of course..

Naruto, was deeply, distracted.

But it all soon ended and we left, leaving in Naruto's car. But as we hit the road I noticed that Naruto drove extra longer than he was supposed to. Which meant we weren't going to his house.

Then.. where are, we going..

I was still sensitive from our actions earlier, my legs moving to rub against each other. My insides felt extremely hot from Naruto's hot semen running through me, my cheeks completely red still.

I bit my lip, not noticing the blue eye that glanced over at me.

Naruto smirked. "We're almost there, little one." He only spoke, still keeping our destination hidden.

But I didn't bother to ask.. I was too fatigued to do so.

So instead, I laid my head back into the car seat and let myself calm down to the smooth car ride, my lavender eyes looking out of my window at the many cars that passed us.

Naruto glanced at me again and pouted, one of his hands moving to grip my thigh, rubbing it passionately. "Aww, someone looks tired. I know, just the thing, to fix that." He spoke and soon turned into a...

Ice cream shop...

My eyes popped wide open at that, my stomach yearning for something sweet to eat. Of course I ate lunch at school but now...

Ice cream doesn't sound too bad.

But something deeply confused me...

Naruto.. picked this, for me?

Demon.. Naruto, is taking me to a ice cream shop...

I bit my lip.

It's not like I'm complaining..

I looked out as Naruto slowly found a park, the car coming to a complete stop.

He looked over at me, sending me a small smile. "So, what kind do you like? My treat." He asked sweetly which made me double take him, my eyes widening...

But, I was too exhausted at the moment so, I just spoke.

I bit my lip. "Um.. I want.. Strawberry, Cheesecake. That, sounds nice." I whispered out, absolutely melting at the thought of having such a delicious treat like ice cream.

Naruto chuckled at my choice but nodded, grabbing the door and pushing it open. "Alright, sweetheart. I'll be right back." He spoke and soon left me, closing the door back behind him.

I smiled at that but stayed put in my seat and just took in the quiet, my eyes hooded.

I get like this, every time we finish having sex. And I get even more tired when he shoots his... weird sperm inside of me.

I start to feel...





Those four symptoms hit me the most when Naruto's completely done, with me. While he feels..

On top of the world...

It isn't fair.

But, I like the pleasure he gives me.

It feels.. wonderful.

I smiled but jumped when the door flew back open, Naruto moving to sit back in his seat. I blinked, eyeing the two cones of ice cream in his hand.

"W-Well... That was fast." I acknowledged which made him chuckle, he flopping down in his seat.

"Yes, it was, sweetheart. Being a demon in all, I get things done... fast..." He chuckled out which made me grimace, my eyes shooting over to the line of people that stood complaining, angry looks posted on everyone.

Naruto snickered but moved his right hand over, my eyes taking in the wonderful scooped ice cream which was held in a tall cone.

I quickly grabbed it and hummed, immediately taking a lick. But I stopped when I saw Naruto staring at his cone, his blue eyes taking in the dark red color of the ice cream.

He tilted his head, turning to me. "Listen Hinata. I don't really eat human food but... This, type of ice cream... really caught my attention. It's called Pig's blood. Do you think it's actually blood?" He asked with his head tilted still, his eyes showing nothing but confusion.

But as I looked at him and took in his words, I couldn't help but giggle, my head shaking.

I then looked at his ice cream and laughed, amusement settling in strong. "Naruto... I don't think humans would put real blood in their ice cream. It's probably dye." I explained amusingly while slowly licking at mines, humming at the vanilla/strawberry creamy taste it brought to my taste buds.

Strawberry Cheesecake tasted really yummy.


But I looked towards Naruto who stared confused at his ice cream.

He blinked. "What a, peculiar thing. You wanna.. try it?" He asked deviously and pulled it over towards me, the tall dark colored ice cream close to my face now. And by it being so close to my face, I could smell it.

And it smelt..


I couldn't explain the smell which made me cringe away, my one free hand shooting up in his direction.

I quickly shook my head. "N-No thank you. I have mines." I exclaimed while raising the nicely brown colored cone in my right hand.

But Naruto, wasn't giving up.

He shook his head, pouting at me. With his hand, he waved his ice cream cone in front of me, testing and teasing me. "Come on, little one. If you try it.. I'll, try it. Promise. Demon's word.." He teased and even winked at me making me groan, my lavender eyes falling onto his weird flavored ice cream.

I stared at it but the more I did, it seemed to really freak me out. I looked up at him again and shook my head. "No.. Please it's yours. I don't want it." I pleaded one last time before Naruto finally backed off, rolling his annoyed blue eyes.

"Fine then. I'll try it." He snapped and brought the cone in front of him again, his head leaning in for it.

I watched him but couldn't help but smirk when he gave it a long lick, his features scrunching up.

He groaned and backed away quickly, gagging. "Shit.. That's fucking disgusting." He croaked out which finally did it for me.

I laughed.. Hard.

The whole car was filled with my voice as I laughed, my body filled with amusement.

Naruto though, didn't find it funny, his blue eyes rolling at me. "Yeah, yeah.. Go on. Laugh." He spat but then snapped his attention to my ice cream and smirked deviously, his hand shooting sneakily over to it.

But I was too distracted to notice, my free hand moving up to wipe any tears that spilled from my eyes, my laughs continuing on and on. "Oh, my god. That was so hilarious!" I squealed out in a laughing fit which made Naruto roll his eyes once more.

But I completely missed his, hidden plan to get me back. So when I felt my ice cream no longer in my hands, it took me by major surprise.

I gasped and snapped out of my laughing fit and turned towards Naruto, my eyes instantly widening at what I saw.

Defeat and betrayal fell over me as I saw my oh so, yummy ice cream now in Naruto's hands, his tongue licking at the white cream that was there.

And this time, he hummed, his blue eyes sparkling in delight. "Mmm.. Now this one is much better. I think I'll keep this." He declared happily which made me pout, my arms moving to cross over my chest.

"Hey.. That's not fair." I whimpered out which this time, made him laugh.

He shook his head, moving his weird flavored ice cream closer to me. "Well.. You can always have mines. You never know.. You might like it." He urged while inching it closer to my face, his eyes playfully looking at me.

I couldn't help but take in his childish look, my eyes trailing down to the red colored ice cream. I sighed..

Ahh what the heck...

So with all the courage in my body, which wasn't much, I leaned over and gave his ice cream a slow lick, taking in the way Naruto's face fell, from amusement.

His eyes stared deeply at me as I licked the cone of ice cream that was in his hand, a small groan spilling from his lips.

I took in the flavor of Pig's blood and actually hummed.

It tastes.. like chocolate.


I lifted my head when I caught onto Naruto's stare, his blue eyes flashing red.

He cursed, his body leaning forward. "Even doing this.. You make it look so... sexy. You're just so... Mmm.." He trailed off, his eyes falling to my lips which he didn't hesitate taking.

While holding both ice cream cones, he took my lips into a hot and steamy kiss. I groaned in response but didn't deny it, our head moving along with the other one.

I soon began to moan softly, his tongue finding its way into my mouth and claiming everything, heating my body up.

But soon the kiss ended and Naruto stared deeply into my eyes, taking in everything. "You remember when I said, I'll keep you forever?" He whispered out hotly which made my skin begin to crawl, my body growing hot..

Too hot.

But because I remembered, I nodded slowly, biting my lip nervously. "Y-Yes." I whispered which brought a devious grin to his lips, his head leaning down to meet my ears.

He gave it a lick before whispering.. "I mean it, little one." He spoke huskily before backing up, not leaving without putting my ice cream back into my hands.

He then started the car and drove out of the lot, soon throwing his ice cream out of the window with a curse. "Good fucking riddings." He spat but went and drove without a care.

But me, on the other hand, was still thinking back on what he previously, said...

"You remember when I said I'll keep you forever?"

"I mean it..."

I didn't know how to feel because of that promise...


Or, frightened...


Well, how was that?? 😄😄😌

How do you think Naruto and Hinata's relationship going on?

Pretty good or.. What? 😉😏

And also, what did you think Konan has in mind regarding to her, 'secret' plan...

You think she'll be able to accomplish it? 🤔🤔

Anyway.. Just want to let you guys know.. Things are gonna start getting more serious so... Strap in!! 😆😆

But other then that, I hope you enjoy!! 💞💞

Don't forget to Comment and Vote!! ❤💜❤💜❤


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