Chapter 26: Lost

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ ᴜsᴇ • ᴠᴜʟɢᴀʀ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • ɢᴏʀᴇ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • ᴅᴀʀᴋ/sᴀᴅ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • +𝟷𝟾)


Hinata's P.O.V

I woke up with a loud gasp, the room I laid in surprisingly dark. I groaned, breathing deeply..

Mmm.. Where am I?

I couldn't remember anything at all. My head felt extremely foggy and my vision wasn't quite there all the way.

But I precisely, felt the cushion that laid underneath me, my lavender eyes squinting at that..

I'm in… a bed?

I whimpered and finally, opened my eyes fully. But when I did, I caught sight of my surroundings.. Which was very...


My eyes lit up when I saw my very own bed sheets over me, my dresser, my closet and all of my pictures.. I gasped.

I'm… home…

I'm finally, home again..

I couldn't help but cry at that, tears of joy sliding down my face. For I, was happy.


I was overjoyed…

I couldn't believe my eyes but yet, here I was.

I sniffed back my tears constantly but all that brought me was more of them falling, my hands rubbing the soft sheets against my body smoothly.

I sobbed and moved up to then, rub my face but stopped when I felt my right cheek patched up, a gown now on my body.

What the?

But as I rubbed the bandage, memories started to flood back and I began to, remember… I gasped, shooting up out of bed in a fright.

I was drugged!

That's, why I couldn't remember anything. Why, would Konan do such a thing?

I bit my lip but looked over at my calendar to check the date to get a feel of the world again.

But instantly, my eyes widened to see what day, it actually was.

It was marked just like I would've had which I knew was nothing but my little sister's doing. But what was on the calendar surprised me the most.

2, days, have gone by!

I've been asleep, for two days. I gasped, gripping my head tightly, not believing it for one second.

Oh my gosh!

Why.. Why would Kohan do this to me? I don't understand..

I don't understand, at all…

Konan's P.O.V
-2 Days earlier-

I'm so sorry, Hinata..

But, it's what's best for you.

I stared down at the young girl as she laid silently on the concrete ground, my hand sliding the empty syringe I previously used into my coat pocket.

My eyes stared down at her sadly, my mind going back to an earlier memory. One that involved Sasori.

He told me, I remember now, to use that exact syringe on Hinata if things got out of hand.

I now, understand that the two, are indeed linked. The demon and the human are linked spiritually and there for…

Keeping her asleep for a while will block her from the demon…

That medicine was given to me by Sasori for this very moment.. And I was so dumb to think I could take on the demon by myself.

I'm so stupid…

I, deserve this..

I whimpered at my thoughts, and also at the intense numbing pain I felt in my chest area, my hand shooting down to grab at it. I blew out deeply, fighting through the intense pain I felt.

I have to see a doctor, quick…

I sighed but suddenly my ears were flooded with loud feminine screams, rapid footsteps also heard as well.

"Oh my gosh, Hinata!"

"What the fuck are you doing!"

Hinata's friends were rushing up to me from their car in high speeds, Temari staying back. But concern was written all over her face as she just watched the scene unfold in front of her through the car window.

Sakura and Ino ran up to me and glared daggers, Sakura quickly working herself down to aid Hinata who didn't react to anything.

She was completely, out of it..

And she's going to be that way for a while.

That's all I can do, for now..

Until I heal…

I turned my attention back onto the glaring girls and sighed, rubbing my chest softly. "Listen, you two. I don't have much time here but.. To make a long story short. Hinata's going to be fine. More than fine. I put her to sleep by a special drug my team made which will protect her from the demon. He won't be able to detect her while she's unconscious." I informed quickly, my lips moving fast to get my point across.

I know my partners are probably going through hell without me because of the demon but…

I have to let Hinata's friends know of my second plan.

They're a part of it too after all.

Ino took a look at Hinata as she now laid in Sakura's arms, her eyes completely closed from the world.

She sighed, turning her attention back on me. She took in my serious look and squinted her eyes. "Fine.. You seem to know what you're talking about. But, I'm not the least bit convinced. You're hurt, aren't you? I thought you could take down this demon no problem!" She screeched, her blue orbs tearing up in extreme hurt and fear.

Her heart was broken because of all of this. And I knew it had to be. Her innocent friend was going through some unimaginable things. Things a normal human being could only dream about.

So I understand her pain. I really do..

And I want to help…

But, I messed up...

I was too cocky. I was so sure that this mission was going to be a piece of cake, I didn't even catch the schemes the demon was conjuring up.

He's a smart fucker…

I'll give him that…

One, by breaking out of a five level bind seal and then linking to a human for fuel. Two, he kept Hinata protected from every thing which gave him access to be by her side always, granting him his power back...


But it was just enough to surprise and overpower us demon hunters. We had no clue of such plans so therefore, we didn't come prepared.

But next time, however...

It'll be very, different. But first the human girl and her friends come first, my arms moving to hug myself.

I bit down on my lip. "I know things don't look so good but you have , to trust me. We know, what we're doing. It's very difficult taking down a demon, love. But never mind us, I have an important task for the both of you." I explained softly, swaying their bothered thoughts and instead drawing their attention.

The two girls blinked at me, leaning in further. Sakura tilted her head, holding onto Hinata tightly. "And, what is that?" She asked curiously, her eyes squinted worriedly.

I turned towards Ino to see her eyes twinkling curiously too, a small smile coming upon my lips. I looked down at Hinata and my smile widened a bit. "My plan for the two of you involves protecting Hinata. While Hinata is asleep, the demon will be absolutely clueless on where she is. He won't be able to see her. He will be unable to sense her, not with that medicine running through her veins. So I want you, to take Hinata for a little drive. Well maybe, not little. But I need you to go to places the demon wouldn't think you'd go. And going right home, is not really on the list, hmm?" I explained softly, quickly running down my most devious plan.

By the girls doing this, the demon won't know where to look for his beloved human. I mean if, he makes it out alive tonight.. 

And that's a big if.

I looked up at the two young girls as they took in my plan, their cheer uniforms still fitting their bodies, just like Hinata. I looked down at her, getting another look at her most innocent face. I smiled.

She looks so peaceful sleeping.

But suddenly, Sakura nodded but then turned her attention on Hinata as well. "Oh course, we'll do it. If it'll protect Hinata. But.. When do you think she'll wake up? How long is she supposed to be like this?" She asked deeply, nothing but concern brimming her voice.

But, I smiled at her, quickly reassuring both of the girls. I moved forward slightly and took my attention off of the two girls and instead placed it on the midnight blue haired girl below me.

I tilted my head at her, frowning a bit. "Hinata will wake in two days. Of course she's only sleeping so she'll be well rested when she wakes. But because of her being unconscious, the demon cannot track her. Once you think you've completed your task, then, you can return home, with Hinata." I finished with a nod, bringing my hand down to softly caress at Hinata's brow, watching as she sighed in her sleep. I smiled, looking down upon her.

With my other hand, I placed it down on my sore and bruised chest, keeping my smile regardless. "Hinata sweetheart… As long as I live, I will do everything in my power, to protect you. Starting, tonight." I whispered out and with that, I backed away.

I looked at the younger girls in front of me and saw them now smiling, the blonde haired one nodding. "Wow… I take it all back. You're a good, woman. And we have all our faith, in you." She spoke and with that, she looked towards her pink haired friend who nodded, she turning towards me too.

She placed up a friendly smile. "I guess it's time for us to take our leave. We probably gotta start our task, don't you think?" She said with a small giggle which brought a smile to my lips, my amber colored eyes lighting up..

Such smart and lovely girls…

I nodded, taking a step back. "You, are right. I need to get back into the fight after all. You girls, stay safe. I'll contact you after I'm done here." I announced and winked at the both of them who nodded at me.

And with that, I turned and jogged back to the gate I previously left out of. Soon doing just that…

Returning back, to the, fight…

Hinata's P.O.V

I let out a long, breathless sigh, my body well rested now. I checked my surroundings once again, indeed noticing how familiar everything was.

I smiled, my hands grabbing a hold of my blanket to push it off of my body. Once I did, I moved my legs over to the edge of the bed, so I could stand, my body all stiff..

But I couldn't help but think back to my family, and friends. I know they're probably worried sick about me so….

I want to see them as soon as possible.

A smile crept up on my pale face and I finally pushed myself off of the bed, immediately noticing how really, stiff I was.

I groaned at that, my arms flying up to stretch. I did numerous stretches, just loosening up my body which felt absolutely amazing. And also, what felt amazing was, the silence..

I felt so free…

I deserve it, after the terrible night I had, when I was awake.

I need a little break from it all.

I looked around once more, definitely taking in that I was indeed in my room and also..


I bit my lip at that, a gulp passing my lips..

Where's… Naruto?

He would've come for me, right? He needs me after all so…

If he's not here, does that mean he's…

My eyes shot wide open at that, and a sudden relief flooded my whole entire being. A relief I have never felt before.

Oh my gosh!

It can't be!

I smiled and did a small happy dance in my spot, just taking in what I've managed to figure out.

I can't believe it..

I just can't..

Suddenly though, as I stood by my bed, my lavender eyes caught sight of something odd. Something that was located on my dresser. I stopped my dancing to peer over at it, my eyes blinking in curiosity.

What's.. that?

To see it better, I began to move over to it, my feet finally regaining their strength to walk. I felt a little wobbly but, it didn't stop me from approaching the piece of paper that lay silently on my dresser, my body coming to stand in front of it.

I tilted my head and slowly grabbed the paper, noticing it held words on it. I gasped, holding it up to see it better. It's..

A letter..

I looked down and spotted the name and instantly grew worried.


I swallowed nervously and pulled the paper up, and began, reading

Dear, Hinata…

Hi, girly. I hope when you awake you see this letter. And please, don't be alarmed. I've only done this to protect you. Everything I do, is to protect you. So by now, I should have completed my task. And if I haven't… I'm sorry. Even still, I won't let you down. I have people that can help you. I'll make sure that demon is no more. I'll make sure you get your life back.


Sincerely, Konan

After finishing reading the well thought out letter, I suddenly felt even more worried. Something she said in the letter really made me feel bad….

So by now, I should have completed my task. And if I haven't, I'm sorry…

What did she mean by that?

I whimpered and lowered the piece of paper down and blew out a sigh, trying desperately to calm my nerves…

But my mind kept straying back to Kohan, and her possible well-being. I frowned, clutching the dresser in front of me tightly.

I hope, you're okay, Konan…

Konan's P.O.V

Quickly, I left the young girls with Hinata and entered back into the field through the gate which I first left from.

My ears, instantly picked up all, sound. And from it, I did not like what I heard.

From where I stood I could hear Hidan's grunts of pain and the loud guffaws the demon roared.

I gasped at that and quickly ran over to the scene, moving my hand into my pocket to grab out what was left. Which was a dagger and..

My gun..

It'll do, for now. I just need to protect Hidan and Itachi. So, I ignored all pain I felt in my chest and ran quickly as I could through the grass, my eyes connecting with a defenseless Hidan who was lying on his back on the green grass, his own sword dug deeply into his shoulder, keeping him rooted in place.

And Itachi also, was kept in place with a sword directed towards him, Naruto holding both weapons which brought him nothing but glee.

He threw his head back and laughed his ass off. "You see! Mere mortals like you will never be able to put me down.. The only people that tried and did, were ones of long ago who, I gotta say, were much stronger. I must, admit." He spat out confidently, bringing the two demon hunters down.

They both glared but grunted at their predicament, Naruto narrowing their eyes on them. I growled, moving in quickly to make a sneak attack.

He deserves it anyway.. Since he completely destroyed my rib cage.

His actions has caused me nothing but pain and an extreme tear in my plan. But, I will have my revenge. Starting…


So quickly with quiet steps, I moved forward and plunged my hand up far above my head, my dagger held tightly within it.

And with that, I stabbed Naruto directly into his chest, impaling him once more. His body immediately launched out and he let out a loud groan of pain..

I smiled at that, but my victory quickly ended when a hand moved back and sent a harsh slap across my cheek, my body falling away helplessly.

Naruto growled, his furious eyes directed on me now. "How, dare you? You filthy wench. I should kill you from where you stand." He growled out spitefully, showing off all the hate he feels for me..

But, I cared little for it.

I groaned, slowly moving up to sit on my knees, Naruto quickly ridding himself of my weapon.

Hidan groaned from where he laid impaled, he directing his narrowed eyes on me. He shook his head. "What the hell, are you doing?" He mouthed but I ignored him, looking up at Itachi who was held at knife point, his eyes staring down at me in concern.

He pursued his lips, fighting the urge to strike and make a mess of things. But I shook my head at him, silently reassuring him that I was indeed fine.

I, got this..

I know just the thing to say to have this demon under my, control.

I looked up and spotted the demon's tails now exposed, hovering over me like a wave in the ocean.

He sent me a crooked smile. "Any last words, bitch?" He spat out in disdain which should've scared me but…

It didn't..

Instead of gasping in horror and pleading for my life like some cowered, I shot a grin his way.

His blonde eyebrows immediately shot upwards, his mouth gaping a bit at the sight of it. He turned towards Itachi and Hidan and narrowed his eyes.

He scoffed. "Seems to me your teammate is, broken. Or just plain.. stupid. Like all you mortals are." He spat but I quickly intervened, rubbing my bruised cheek while I was at.

I hummed. "All mortals, you say? So does that mean Hinata as well?" I quickly spoke out, using the human girl to trigger him. And it surely did.

At the sound of her name, Naruto's attention was brought back onto me quickly, his red eyes twinkling.

He narrowed his eyes, balling his one free fist. "Hm.. Hinata? What does she have to do with this? With me.. killing, you?" He spoke out curiously, one eyebrow raised.

I smirked at the sound of his questions because they all, were apart of my plan.

This , is running rather smoothly...

I crept back up, so I could have a better advantage, my body coming to a stand on the grass.

My smirk widened, my eyes staring up into the demon's. "Because, Naruto. If you kill me, you will never see her again." I only spoke which shocked everyone.

Itachi's eyes instantly shot wide and he cursed, his attention quickly moving onto me once again. "Konan!" He shouted warningly as a way for me to shut up, but I didn't.

I turned back to the demon and grinned, wrinkling my nose to see his shocked facial expression.

He blinked a bit, soon gulping. "What, did you just say?" He whispered out, trying to keep control of the situation but…

He was failing…

I hummed once more, continuing. "Oh, you don't know? Well.. Let me inform you then." I spoke confidently and then, cleared my throat, the demon before me quickly growing impatient.

He growled loudly, baring his sharp teeth. "Well? Get on it with it. If it's about Hinata, you better fucking tell me.." He demanded obsessively, clearly itching to know what I was hiding. Which only brought a grin to my lips.

I stood my ground and finally, began to tell him my most devious plan, throwing in a couple lies as well.

For fun…

I crossed my arms, keeping my grin. "Well.. It was mostly her idea but, Hinata.. I take it now, is somewhere far, away from here.. Somewhere you will never, find her." I spat, narrowing my eyes on the monster before me.

All went quiet after my words as I just stared into the demon's red blazing eyes, watching his angry expression change. His face fell completely and now he didn't look so frightening. Now, he looked…


But also, devastated…

His tails instantly vanished away and all feeling in his limbs grew null and void, his red glowing eyes flashing to a blue.

He gulped once more. "What, are you talking, about?" He asked once more, testing me once again. His voice was becoming cracky more and more, as time passed on which granted me nothing but amusement.

But my teammates didn't find it so amusing. Their eyes were widened to the max, their chests heaving greatly, as though they just finished running a marathon. They were..


But I… ignored it.

I nodded. "Yes, you heard me. You will never get to see your precious Hinata, again. Which was all her plan, by the way. She fucking hates you! Do you really think, she'll just fall into your hands willingly after what you did, to her? What you did to her friends! She knows the truth, about you, demon!" I yelled, throwing in some more lies to get, my, revenge.

I want to break, his fucking heart. I want him to crumble, from the inside out. I know Hinata is a sensitive topic to him so this, will bring him nothing but emotional pain…

And torment…

My plan has placed a distance between the human and demon which breaks the bond. The demon has no hold on the human for right now which…

Will destroy him…

And by the look on his face, he knows it.

His wide blue eyes stared directly at me, a strong emotion shown within them. He gritted his teeth, trying desperately to keep his emotions at bay.

He turned away from me a bit to check on Itachi and Hidan, their bodies too shackened up to move.

At the sight of that, he turned back to me, giving me a piece of his mind. "You, put her up to this. Hinata would never do that to me. She listens, to me. She-" But I quickly cut him off with a growl, my amber colored eyes narrowing on the disgusting beast in front of me.

How dare he say such a thing?

I shook my head. "You, control her! She left because she hates you. She wants you dead! She knows the monster, you truly are and will do anything to rid herself of you. She told me, personally." I spat out angrily, my voice raising in levels and filling up the empty field around me.

The cool night felt cooler as we all faced the demon before us who looked absolutely heartbroken, my words successfully sinking into that thick headed brain of his. Nothing but silence fell over us which made me…


I hummed but suddenly a hand grabbed my throat and I was hauled up into the air, completely rising from the ground.

I gasped by it but looked down and was met with nothing but red glowing eyes again, nothing but hurt and betrayal found in them.

Naruto breathed in heavily, his surroundings completely shut off. Now, he was only focused on me…

He seethed. "You, will regret everything you said and did, to Hinata. She, is mine. And will forever be mine. None of you weaklings will keep me from her!" He yelled out in a blood rage, his obsession blinding him completely.

His spiky blonde hair hung lowly over his eyes which only enhanced how dark and frightening he looked, one of my hands falling back into my coat.

I retrieved my gun and slowly rosed it up, also eyeing Itachi doing the same..

I ignored the feeling of my air decreasing and instead, shot three rounds into Naruto's chest, causing him to let me go.

He groaned and flew forward from the  pain, his hand launching out for me once again. "Oh no you don't, bitch." He snarled but it was Itachi's turn to strike and he shot his rounds, Naruto letting out curses.

"Fuck!" He grunted and then swung his newly revealed tails at us, my body expertly rolling out of the way.

Itachi quickly grabbed up Hidan and lurched himself out of the way as well, Naruto's tails slightly passing him.

Naruto grinned but then cracked his neck, putting his tails away to instead fight us, head on.

He put up his strong fists and eyed us as we surrounded him with the same pose, our eyes rooted on him and only him.

He narrowed his eyes on us, a dark glint held in them. "I'm gonna make both of your lives, hell." He spat towards Itachi and me but we only scoffed, standing our ground.

I smirked, clenching my fists tighter. "I'd like to see you try." I growled out which was the last and final straw, the demon letting out a mean snarl.

And suddenly, he rushed at us, delivering a hard punch directly to my face but I dodged it, quickly sinking down to kick at his strong legs which only met…

Muscle and bones..

Damn it..

Naruto chuckled at my failed attempt to trip him and then pulled his foot up to hopefully stomp the living life out of my body.

But Itachi quickly, intervened.

He delivered a hard punch to Naruto's cheek and kicked at his chest with a grunt, bringing him backwards.

He cursed but launched at us again which I then quickly rose up, moving out of the way to strike him in the jaw, watching as he dodged with insane speed, soon delivering a kick to my chest making me yelp.

My body fell back onto the ground harshly, completely knocked out of the fight.

Naruto chuckled but then turned to Itachi and grabbed his fist which he previously threw, quickly bringing an end to his plans.

With Itachi's fist within his hand, he pulled him forward and sent his free fist across his face harshly, a loud smack sound ringing out.

I screeched in horror at that, my shocked eyes watching as Itachi instantly fell limp from the hit he took.

Soon the demon discarded him from his hold, throwing him to the ground like a worthless worm, my eyes widening at the scene before me.

I whimpered and looked back at Hidan to see him lying on his bottom a few feet away from us, his hands trying desperately to claw his weapon from his shoulder.

But his weapon was made for a demon, so it was much bigger than a regular one, which meant it caused more..

Pain.. to remove..

Poor Hidan

But, I returned back to the problem at hand and began scooting back, the demon's attention now on me. He breathed in deeply, stomping his way over.

He then clicked his tongue, taking in my tense expression and finding glee out of it. "Konan, Konan, Konan.. There's nowhere to run, hun. Might as well just give in, to your demise. It's all, inevitable." He spoke out deviously while keeping his slow pace forward, the night engulfing us whole which seemed to worsen the situation for me.

I breathed in and out shakily, keeping my scooting constant. I had to get away.. I have to.

I can't die here..

I need to protect, Hinata…

I promised her that I would. Even though I wrote what I did in my letter, I didn't want to protect her in death. I wanted to be there for her.

Come on, Konan…

I looked around quickly, looking around for any weapons to defend myself. But my gun was completely out of range as well as my dagger. And my teammates were all down so now…

I was all on my own..

With absolutely no, weapons.

I breathed in deeply to keep the fear away. I won't give this demon the satisfaction. I won't give in.

I looked towards the demon and watched as he came upon me effortlessly, his large body soon hovering over me.

He gave me a crooked smile but soon, I was back into the air like before, a large hand wrapped tightly around my throat once more.

I gasped and groaned for breath, my hands moving up to clutch his hand, clawing it desperately.

I was doing everything I could to fight but.. I knew it was my time.

My time has officially, run out.. I did all I could to protect humans from all devilish beings but now…

I have to leave the rest to the others.

Once I made peace with myself, I let go. I stopped fighting and I stopped wishing.

Now, I was, accepting..

As a demon hunter I knew this was going to be the case. I knew one day, I would fall to a demon. All of my past ancestors had and now..

It's, my time.

Naruto took in my look and grinned the widest grin, his tails revealing once more. He tightened his hold on my throat and held me up high, never letting up.

He then let a deep hum, soon guiding his tails forward. "Goodbye, Konan." He spat and with that, a large tail ripped its way through my stomach which caused excruciating pain to my body, painful screams shooting from my mouth.

My body wiggled in agony in his hold but I knew it was no use, my blood spilling from my insides and onto the demon in front, of me, who took it all in sadistically.

My feet kicked wildly as I was torn apart, my eyes completely rolled.

And soon, the inevitable feeling of darkness fell over me and I lost all control, of my body. I let out one last breath but soon, fell limp in the demon's hand, letting everything go..

I'm so sorry, Hinata…

But I've.. failed you…

Naruto's P.O.V

Mmm.. yes…


She's dead..

Konan's, dead.

Her body felt so good in my hands, her body ripped open completely by my one tail, her head falling limp downward from where she was held up.

The only conscious hunter left stared at the scene with widened eyes, but he never sputtered out a word.

He only looked.

He never called out for his teammate or anything. He just sat there and did…


I scoffed..

How pathetic.

It was odd that he didn't have a reaction to his friend's death but.. No matter.

She's gone and now, out of my way..

I smirked darkly and looked up at her, my red eyes taking in the large bloody hole that was made through her stomach, my tail slowly moving out of her..

Her blood was coated heavily on my orange fur making it look darker but, I ignored that little detail and instead, ripped the rest of my tail out of her, settling the deal.. I grinned.

If she wasn't dead before, she's dead now…

With a thud, I threw her down, refocusing my attention on the last annoying hunters.

2 left..

That's it..

Then I can finally put all of this behind me and find my precious, Hinata

Nothing will stop me from getting to her..

Not even her, herself…

So slowly, I began to walk over to the only conscious one, watching with my red eyes as he frantically tried to remove the large sword from his body, grunts and whines coming from his mouth.

He cursed, his voice now understandable as I creep closer.

He looked up at me as I approached him, his actions moving faster. "Come on, dammit." He hissed but like Kohan's death. It was all..


Weak, puny humans like these will never be a match for me.. Not the way they fought tonight. So I have absolutely nothing to worry about.

I chuckled once I stepped in front of him as well, hovering over him and intimidating him with all of my demon glory.

My tails resurfaced and I wasted no time moving them down to strike, his dark eyes widening.

I scoffed. "Such weaklings you are. All of you deserve to die!" I growled out and was just about to do it, to finish him, but…

I was stopped.

A hand pushed me out of the way, and before I knew what was going on, a gush of smoke flared up and completely blocked my keen senses, leaving my eyes and nose affected. I coughed heavily from it, backing away a bit.

What the hell?

I couldn't see or hear a thing, my red pupils searching everywhere. But I only saw clouds of white and nothing more. I gritted my teeth.

What a cheap move.

This obviously has to be a smoke bomb made for my species only, because all of my senses has grown dull. My vision was quite blurry and I couldn't hear a damn thing.

Shit.. I can't let them get away!

I have to kill them right here and right now.

So with that, I swung my hand silently, riding myself of the smoke. The strong air I waved was enough to have the smoke flying elsewhere, leaving me room to see.


But to my disappointment, the two demon hunter bastards were gone, leaving me and a dead Konan alone.

I cursed upon that and sanked to the ground below me, my energy slowly dissipating. I groaned, clutching my head. "Damn it.. I've used too much of my power. Too much energy has gone to waste. I need.." I paused and looked back at the dead woman behind me, her juicy body lying lifelessly on the ground.

I licked my lips, my hunger calling for her. I need..


But first, I need to check up on Hinata. If what Konan said is true, then… I shook my head at that and just focused.

She was only talking bullshit…

No way would Hinata just, leave me..

I had the girl glued to my body. I've scared her into being with me always. To submit to me. I've even given her everything she could ever want so I know… She won't leave..

I've already made it so she won't.

I smirked, letting off a small chuckle before I entered into her mind, my eyes closing.

But as soon as I jumped into her brain, my vision was blocked with total darkness.. I couldn't see a damn thing. And on top of that, I felt dizzy as hell.

Shit… What is that?

I groaned but groaned even louder when the dizzy feeling only worsened, threatening to take, over my body.

What.. is going on?

I started to feel extremely lightheaded, beads of sweat pouring rapidly down my face.

And soon, I fell over with a loud thud, the dark clouds above me soon letting down their water droplets, and covering the both of us, Konan and me, in its wetness.

Darkness took me over and I had no choice but to let it, my wet blonde bangs covering my closed eyes entirely.

But before I passed out, I made a promise to myself. A promise I will work night and day, to accomplish..

I'll, find you, Hinata…

Don't worry, little one…

And when I do… You'll regret, hiding, from me…

Hinata's P.O.V

Quickly I changed into something more appropriate, which was a grey short sleeved shirt with blue shorts, soon putting my hair up into a messy ponytail. I couldn't wait, to rejoin my family again.

I know they're waiting for me to do so.

I don't know what happened these past few days but it doesn't matter now..

I'm finally home..

And I will surely enjoy it while the opportunity is here.

I smiled and with that, I walked up to my  bedroom door and slowly creaked it open, already toning into the many voices that were heard downstairs.

It had to be early morning because I could hear the birds chirping through my window, my feet soon taking me outside of my room.

The voices were louder now from where I stood, my feet slowly taking me down where they were.

I took the stairs while I was at it, my hand holding the rail tightly. I made sure to be somewhat quiet while I made my way down, my ears focused on the voices. As I grew closer, I started to recognize them.





And Father..

All of them spoke occasionally, letting me know all of them were indeed down in the kitchen. They all were…

Waiting, for me…

I couldn't help the huge, thankful smile that came upon my lips, my feet soon bringing me down to the last step.

Once I did, all talking ceased, my feet soon taking me into the kitchen where everyone else was.

And once I showed my face, every one of my loved one eyes widened and loud happy gasps filled the room.

Soon everyone stood up and practically launched onto me, shouting out my name in pure relief.


They all spoke how much they were worried about me. They also spoke about how much they missed, me.

I soon sat down and ate breakfast with the ones I loved which made me feel so happy. I smiled, looking at each and every one of them from where I sat, smiles directed back at me which lightened up, my spirits…


I can really, get used, to this…


So... This was a crazy chapter..

Naruto, killed Konan.. 😵😵

And Hinata, is completely away from Naruto...

How do you think everything will go? 😬😬

And also tell me how you felt while reading their chapter.. 🤔🤔

Don't forget to Comment and Vote! 🧡🧡🧡

Stay safe! 🧼🧼


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