Chapter 28: Haunting Thoughts

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: sᴜsᴘᴇɴsғᴜʟ • ᴍɪɴᴏʀ ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • sᴇʟғ ʜᴀʀᴍ • ᴄʜɪʟʟɪɴɢ • ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+


Naruto's P.O.V

The doorbell rang as I laid shut up in my room, my ears instantly perking up at the sound of it. I didn't have much energy at the moment so I just looked up, my eyes dangerously narrowing.

Who the hell could that be?

My mood was extremely sour after what happened a few days ago but after the second doorbell rung, my mind started to grow a bit hopeful.. I jolted up from my bed, my head turnt to the direction of my door.

Shit.. Could that be?

Even at the mere thought of, her.. I grow..


So it didn't take me long to have me right in front of my front door, my blue eyes staring at it intently. And because I stood so close to the guest on the other side, I suddenly felt obligated to open it..

It's her.. It's gotta be.

And at that final thought, I grabbed the doorknob tightly and unlocked my door, soon opening it wide to be granted by the one person that I've been missing.

Hinata in all of her beauty stood in front of my door, her lavender eyes staring back into my own.

Rain poured ferioushly on her raincoat as she stood silently in her spot, her hands rubbing the other nervously.

She bit her lip at me. "N-Naruto.. May I-" But I didn't let her finish. My mind, body and soul wouldn't allow such a thing.

I reached out quickly and grabbed her wrist tightly, moving her inside swiftly and I soon had her up against the wall, beside the door, my body pinning her.

And before she could utter a single word, I began to apply kisses onto her neck, just bathing in her presence.

I wasn't mad at her anymore. I didn't want to punish her. I didn't want to do anything but give her my affection.. I missed her like crazy.

Even if it was just, a couple of days.

Hinata whimpered softly from my needy affection, her body squirming underneath me.

She shook her head, placing her hands onto my broad chest. "Naruto.. Stop it.." She whispered but I didn't, my hands moving down to rub against the strong fabric of her coat, pulling it up.

Her words meant absolutely nothing to me. All I wanted, was..


And even she, wasn't about to stop me from having some of her.

I groaned, moving up to her ear, my hand falling down to clutch one of her large breasts into my hand.

I growled lustfully. "Do you have any idea, how much I longed for this very moment, little one? You can't just leave me like that... I need you, really, really bad." I whispered out hotly by her ear, not noticing the shoves she was pushing back on my body.

She shook her head at me, her eyes twinkling. "No.. Please just get off for a moment. I-I-" But I cut her off once more, soon taking her lips into a deep kiss.

I didn't want to hear what she had to say. And maybe it's me punishing her on the low but, I didn't care. I just couldn't believe she was here.

She gave me quite the scare.

My kiss was rough and needy as I just dominated her lips, my hand still groping her chest, violating her. But like I said before, I didn't care one bit.

But suddenly, Hinata started to retaliate.

Suddenly she bit down on my lip as hard as she could, she soon moving forward to knee me directly into my crotch.

But with me being something that's not human, her attempt to hurt me failed. But I did, back up.

I licked my bloody lip and sized her up, giving her the attention she wanted. She sighed heavily, glaring daggers at me...

She then snarled. "Naruto.. I did not come here for this. I came here, to tell you something." She breathed out deeply, her eyes staring at me in a way I did not like. I felt myself gulping by it, my feet taking me back some more.

She sighed, fixing her clothes. "Good.. You actually know how to listen." She spat which made me growl, but my lips stayed closed.

What the fuck is going on here?

I stood there with narrowed eyes and just watched as she walked past me, my eyes tracking her. I looked down at her attire and I couldn't but lick my lips, her heels clicking the floor sexily.

She looked so damn yummy.


Her long hair was placed up into a high ponytail and she wore a tight leather, grey coat which hugged every bit of her curves, black leggings and heels on her legs and feet. She stared at me with narrowed eyes as well, her arms crossed over her chest.

I turned around to face her, my head tilting at her. I couldn't resist licking my lips. "Mmm... What's the matter, sweetheart? It looks like something's on your mind." I purred which she rolled her eyes to, her head shaking at me.

"Yes, there is. Now just shut, up." She scoffed out on which I surprisingly did, my fists clenching tightly by my side.

She smiled at that, nodding. "Now.. I think I've finally, figured you out, Naruto. And I came here, to tell you what I've, figured out." She spoke out, her voice dropping in levels. Levels, I only speak when I want to end someone.

I tilted my head at that, but I kept quiet anyway. Hinata then, let out a hum, looking me over.

She stepped back over to me slowly and bit her lip, her hands moving forward. "You, Naruto, is such a strong, sexy beast. A beast I found myself falling for..." She purred and then placed her hands on my chest, her hands rubbing me soothingly. But she then narrowed her eyes, finishing her previous statement. "once..." She whispered against my ear, my eyes widening.

I swallowed and watched as her hands fell downward, my ears listening to her sweet voice hum. "You don't care for much and instead resort to such evil, selfish deeds when really... You're just a scared, paranoid little boy. Afraid, to lose.. well, anyone you care for." She whispered out which triggered me greatly.

I glared down at her and before she knew it, I had her throat in my hand and her back against the wall.

I snarled down at her, clenching her little neck tightly. She groaned but then grinned, her hands continuing to press on my body.

She clicked her tongue. "Wow.. I must have, mmm, struck a nerve. But it's true, isn't it? You do so much, to keep me safe because you don't want to be alone. Even now, with your hand around my throat.. I know, you're not going to finish the job. You're weak when it comes to me, Naruto." She spat which made me let her go, my eyes staring down at her in disbelief.

I couldn't believe what she was saying. I never heard innocent little Hinata say things like this.

She smirked when I released her neck, her feet taking her passed me. She cleared her throat, her hand rubbing it softly. "I knew you weren't going to do it. Like you said, you need me after all." She spat which made me narrow my eyes, my heart beating faster.

I knew deep down she was only speaking the truth but I hate to hear her say it.

I shook my head. "You better watch your tongue, little one. It doesn't matter if I can't kill you or not.. But everyone you love can fall easily, if I so wield it. Don't be so stupid." I spat back, finally able to talk. But Hinata only sighed, backing up far away from me.

Her hand dropped into her pocket and she looked at me, shrugging. "You're right. You can hide behind your evil face and torture me that way. But I will always hate you, you selfish bastard. And for that, I finally know, the solution to end it all!" She yelled and with that, faster than ever, she pulled out a sharp knife and ran it straight across her pale throat, cutting it completely open.

And as soon as I saw the knife, it was over.

Her throat was slit and she fell to her knees in a trembling fit, her head tilting back letting me get a glimpse of the blood oozing from her neck.

And right after, I followed suit, my body falling helplessly down onto my knees. I spat out blood and moved my hands up to clutch my throat, almost immediately feeling the blood oozing from it.

I grunted, shaking my head in utter disbelief and also, horror. "N-No! Hinata! What did you do! Why the fuck did you do this!" I screamed out in pure sorrow, my teary eyes staring over at the young girl a few feet away from me.

Her body was frail and weak, so the wound would kill her immediately. And it did..

Hinata let out one small grin before her face fell, her body tumbling over with a thud, my eyes widening at the sight of her so..


Oh no..


But soon, I fell over too with a thud, my floor completely coated with my blood. And...



My body jerked up quickly from my slumber, my eyes shooting wide open in fear. Hardly anything scares me but that dream was so..


My poor, poor Hinata....

I sat up slowly from my bed and bit my lip, trying desperately to control my raging beating heart.

I was only in my boxers as I laid in my bed back at my mansion, my eyes turning over to Hinata's spot which was completely empty.

But even if she wasn't here, I could still smell her pleasant lavender scent within the sheets, my hands rolling over the spot longingly...

Where are you, Hinata...

I still couldn't see through her eyes for I would still, feel lightheaded. There was something keeping me from connecting to her but...

I don't know what...

All I know is, when I find her, I'll make her wish she never left me in the first place.

I smirked darkly at that but then looked down at the end of the bed to see an orange fox wrapped up tightly within itself, it's abnormal red eyes hidden from the world.

I sighed and moved myself off the bed, my tight muscles flexing. I groaned, standing on my shaky feet.

I was still a little shaken up from the dream, my body soon zipping over to my closet to fetch myself a silky black robe, my hands pulling it onto my body.

I used it to cover my highly muscular person, my hands coming up to rub my sweaty face, ridding myself of the annoying sweat that was there.

I breathed heavily, looking back at Kurama. He's only out because he's been a very big help to me. Even though I did what I did to him, which was, use his power without his permission.. He made it his top priority to make me feel sane, during these times..

And he's earned my respect for it..

So, he's here.

I stared over at him, watching as his body began to stir, his head tilting up to produce a giant yawn.

He then groaned, his red eyes slowly popping open. Once they were fully open, he looked around the room a bit to soon stare, straight at me.

His eyebrow instantly rose when he caught my stare. But then he frowned, his eyes noticing my rough state.

He nodded, letting out a long sigh. "Another nightmare, huh?" He asked while looking away, his fox body still curled up from where he was lying.

I sighed but gave out a nod, rubbing my face once more. "Yeah.. Pathetic right?" I snickered out and made my way back towards him, sitting on the bed beside him.

He looked up at me as I did and then shook his head. "No.. It's not. Little one isn't here and it's haunting you. It's nothing pathetic about that." He explained softly but then paused, his eyes cutting back at me. "Or.. was it that demon huntress's words.. Did she get to you, Naruto?" He added which really got me thinking.

Konan said a lot of things that really knocked me off of my rocker. I didn't know if she was lying or telling the truth. I haven't seen Hinata in a whole week and I've traveled across the whole country in search of her.

I've checked her school, her house, her favorite restaurants, and I even found out the location to every one of her friend's homes... But..


I found fucking nothing...

I didn't know where the hell she was which made me start to believe Konan and what she said. Part of it shows in my dreams.

Every one, Hinata falls some way and she takes me with her. She tells me beforehand though, how much she hates me. She told me she would rather die than, be linked with me. I gripped my head, hyperventilating.

I'm torturing myself...

Kurama sighed and moved one palm over and placed it on my thigh, my eyes turning to meet his.

He sent me a small smile. "Their all just dreams, Naruto. None of it is real. You have to remember that. It's tearing you up inside. How about we just focus on finding Hinata. It's too dangerous to have her away from you anyway." He spoke with a small smile which I actually listened to, my head nodding by his words.

Kurama's right. I have to keep it together. I have to stay sane. It's the only way I can bring Hinata back. Because if I don't and just, give up, anything can happen to her.. And then..

To me...

I don't want anything to harm Hinata and well, myself, so the only way is for us to be together..


Why can't she see that?

I turned to look at Kurama and my eyes softened at the sight of his smaller self. Not going to lie, he looked less hideous this way.

He caught my intense stare and blinked. "Uh.. Naruto?" He asked but I shushed him, instead nudging my head for him to climb onto my shoulder.

"Come." I only said, signaling for him to do just that. And he got the memo immediately.

He smirked, rising up on all four of his legs and began climbing on my body. "Heh.. It's been a while since you've fully opened up like this. What happened? Is it the girl?" He asked as he climbed onto my thigh, then my arm and finally, onto my shoulder.

I glanced over at him and smirked, my mind thinking about his previous words. "Well.. Maybe." I only responded which made him, this time, smirk, his paw moving over to pat my blonde hair.

"Aww.. That's so sweet.. Do you perhaps, love her then, hmm?" He spoke beside my ear, his words calming me down extremely. It made me think of things other than my nightmares and Hinata's absence.

But the things I want, to think about.

I smiled faintly as I thought about Hinata and all the things I liked about her, for once my heart fluttering in my chest.

I turned to Kurama and shrugged, his paw still patting my head constantly. "I think, I do, Kurama. I always felt something towards her which I found peculiar before. But now... It feels different. It feels..." Kurama chuckled, his orange paw lowering and his nine tails tickling my skin.

"It feels good doesn't it? She makes your heart all nice and warm. Any little thing she does excites you. Also, she can make you happy and mad at the same time.. That's love, Naruto. I know it's been a long, long time since you've felt it but.. come on." He chastised which made me roll my eyes but I took his words in account.

But then I remembered his last words and shook my shoulder, threatening to make him fall off.

He gasped but then glared at me, keeping his composure. "Hey! Watch it!" He snapped which made me laugh amusingly, my head thrown back.

The room was filled with only my laughs and Kurama's groans of annoyance, his actions amusing me greatly.

But soon, my high came down. And when it did, it brought me back to our previous conversation..

Maybe that's, what it is...

I love.. Hinata...

Suddenly a thought came to my mind and I gasped, my eyes moving over to meet Kurama.

I then moved my arm out and I shook it. "Kurama, here." I only ordered and he nodded, his body moving over again to stand in my hand, his long tails following him.

He turned my way, moving to sit down on his bottom inside of my large palm. He then raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" He asked and I smirked, my blue eyes suddenly glowing red.

I narrowed my eyes dangerously, soon licking my lips. Kurama tilted his head at my demonic look but then he perked up, as soon as I began to speak.

I grinned. "I think, I know where Hinata is now... Kurama.." I purred out which made his red and black slitted eyes widen, his head moving towards me a bit.

"Where? Where!" He asked excitedly while jumping in my palm which made me chuckle, my other hand putting up one finger to shush him. "Hold it together, Kurama. But I think, she's been right before our eyes the entire time. Somewhere closer than we realize. And I know just, the place..."


Ayy, so we got a little Naruto POV.

What did you think about it...

He's going through some pretty rough times but, do you think he figured out where Hinata is really? 🤔🤔

I guess, we'll find out later.. 🤷🏽🤷🏽

But, Vote and Comment! 💗💗

Stay safe! 🧼🧼


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