Chapter 29: Mysterious Appearances

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Hinata's P.O.V

A whole week has passed and I haven't heard anything from Naruto. Nor have I heard from Konan.

My friends haven't spoken a word about anything that's happened and all we were doing, was rebuilding our bond.

We spent so much time together and I loved every second of it. School was left unattended for me, since I was still in hiding. I needed to be completely sure that Naruto was indeed dead.

And so far, I think he was.

Now, I sat with a hoodie on over my head in front of a new ice cream parlor way across town, my father and sister off to fetch everyone their ice cream.

Sakura, Ino and Temari sat at a large table with me, with beautiful clothing on their bodies, shades placed over their eyes to hide their appearances as well. I just felt good to be free, like this...

Free to do what I want for a change..

So, I allowed myself to smile when I watched my father and sister soon exit the building with a tray with little red cups on top, which were filled to the brim with scoops of different colored ice cream.

My friends instantly cheered at that which only made me giggle.

Sakura grinned. "Yes! I know strawberry shortcake is gonna be yummy!" She screeched but Ino shook her head, clearly disagreeing.

She pursued her lips, placing her hands onto her hips. "Nope. I think not. I bet lime pie will taste much better." She argued while Temari and I just rolled our eyes.

Those two always know how to start a fight. But it was surely amusing, to watch. Soon our ice creams were granted to us, my father and sister taking a seat in the chairs on either side of me. Hanabi smiled and slid my cup of ice cream towards me which was my usual..

Strawberry Cheesecake..

But that only brought me back to Naruto, my hands grabbing it tightly. Father passed out all of our cups of icecreams, who immediately dove in as soon as possible.

Silence ran over us as we all indulged in the wonderful taste of the flavors we each picked.

Mines tasted delicious as ever, my hand using my spoon to pick up as much ice cream as I could. The outside seats were slowly growing filled up with people as time went by, the sun beaming on us.

It was weird though, seeing it was a Monday during work and school hours. But..

It doesn't matter...

My mind was free of worries as I just gobbled down my delicious white creamy strawberry ice cream.

I groaned in bliss, licking at my spoon with a small smile.. I deeply enjoyed these moments. And I wouldn't give them up for anything.

Suddenly though, a dark chilling feeling ran through my body, a feeling that felt a little too...


The air seemed to thicken and my breathing quickened on its own, the hair on my arms and legs standing up. I snapped my head up at that, my lavender eyes looking around frantically.

Oh no.. That can't be..

But as I looked around, all I saw was smiling people who sat at the tables that were placed on the outside, everyone enjoying their ice cream as well, just like we were.

But that alone, didn't calm my paranoia.

I kept looking around until I landed on a table with a brown haired man sitting in front of a beautiful blonde haired woman.

And as soon as my eyes landed on the couple, the male turned his attention onto me, his eyes widening a bit at the sight of my stare.

But for some reason, I smiled at him. His facial features were so beautiful and perfect, his eyes softening a bit at my appearance as well.

He then, shot a smile back at me and pulled up his hand, waving it in my direction.

And to not bring any attention to myself, I only settled with smiling wider at him which made him chuckle. Which, I couldn't hear from our long distance.

But suddenly, he did something which turned the situation...


His facial expression dropped into a stern one, his fingers falling down until only one, stood up.

He beckoned me over with his pointer finger which made me lose all control over my body, my eyes widening at his intense stare. His stare was familiar because it was so..



At the stranger's command, I began to rise from my seat, my eyes rooted on him and only him.

I didn't know what I was doing but all I wanted was to go over to the male a few feet away from me, the woman beside him turning to me with a wide smile.

The stranger beside her still beckoned me over while I slowly moved away from the table I sat towards, completely hypnotized.

But I couldn't get far because my friends caught onto me immediately, their eyes widening.

Sakura gulped, sitting up straight in her seat. "Hinata, where are you going, hun?" She called out which alerted everyone, my body continuing to move even still.

But Hanabi was quick and grabbed my arm, halting me. She blinked at me, concern present in her eyes. "Hinata? Are you okay?" She asked quietly which completely snapped me out of my trance, my eyes widening.

I whimpered but looked back over towards the strange man and woman to see them no longer there.

The table they previously were sitting at were all cleaned up, like no one was there to start with.

I gasped at that, quickly moving over to sit back into my seat, completely stunned now..

My friends stared at me strangely, even my father. He tilted his head, looking towards the area I was previously staring at. "What are you looking at? Who's over there, Hinata?" He asked protectively while keeping his eyes directed towards the area where that mysterious man once, was.

I bit my lip but then shook my head, grabbing a hold of my cup tightly. "I-It was nothing... I don't know what came over me." I declared shakily, my head lowered in pure shock.

What was that just now?

I couldn't control my body at all. I felt so strange. I gasped..

And that man..

My heart began to speed up, fear rising over me very, quickly..

Can that be...

But my thoughts were interrupted when a hand gently grabbed my arm, pulling me up to stand.

I looked up and saw that it was my father, Ino moving to clean the table off.

He rubbed my arm softly, trying to cheer me up. "Hinata honey.. I think it's time for us to change locations.. It's not safe here anymore." He only whispered out to me which I nodded, we soon making our way back to our vehicle which we wasted no time entering.

But all I could think about was the event that played just minutes ago, my mind conjuring up different possibilities.. I bit my lip, pulling my hands up to clutch my head...

You're alive... aren't you, Naruto?

Naruto's P.O.V

The next day, I woke up bright and early and quickly threw on my clothes, soon going about waking up Kurama. But.. I didn't do it so, nicely.

Oh no...

We have much to do today..

I smirked and stepped in front of him from where he laid asleep again on my bed, his body curled up completely.

I leaned forward, grabbing the sheets beside him, my eyes staring directly into his closed ones..

And without a second thought, I began shaking the bed which immediately caused the fox to wake up, his red eyes snapping open immediately.

He growled at me, showing off his ridiculously sharp teeth but I only grinned at him, moving to stand up.

I winked. "Wakey, wakey, pal.. We've got a big day, ahead of us.."


Quickly, I zoomed down the streets of the city in my dodge, Kurama's little fox body hanging out of the window like a dog would.

Honestly, it was pretty amusing to watch.. But, I wasn't fully amused. I was a little...


Every day of this week I've had nightmares of Hinata killing herself, right before my eyes... And every time, I woke up into this god forsaken world without her. Not knowing where she was or if she was safe. This week has surely reminded me of home..


And I made a promise to myself to never, go back to that place.

Never, again...

The human world is so much better. And I won't let some puny demon hunters stop me from my plans.

I smirked at that, finally arriving in a part of town which looked familiar... I've been through every part of this city and even out of it but it wouldn't hurt to check here again..

There's nothing wrong with that.

Not when it comes to, Hinata...

I've decided to stop thinking with my, brain... Instead, I've placed myself into Hinata's shoes. And once I did that, I sat and asked myself..

Where would I go to hide that is both safe and comfortable...

And the only place I know is..

Her home...

And if that isn't it... I'll find out every family member she has, and check from there..

Nothing, will stand in my way...

My eyes narrowed dangerously upon my unspoken promise, my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. I won't stop.. I need her...

I want her...

I will keep searching, just like I did.. before...


A scream like no other ripped his way out of my chest and filled the dark, abandoned house I stood in.

Unimaginable hurt and betrayal was found in my eyes, my heart stinging painfully.

Hinata, was nowhere..

Kohan was right...

Hinata, is hiding from me.

Some way...


I can't see through her eyes for I would feel a weakness that I wouldn't be able to fight off. Something that will hurt me dearly..

But that's, the only way I can find her. And now that I can't.. That only means...

She's indeed, gone...

Now standing in her home after my battle with those pesky demon hunters, I see that indeed, no one was here. Not even her god forsaken father and sister.

I gritted my teeth, my feet moving forward, away from the door I pried open. I began to frantically look around the darkened house, my eyes on high alert for anyone.

I let out a growl, of impatience.


I yelled out loudly as I stepped foot into the living room first, which looked neat and perfectly clean.

There was no sign of anyone being here before. There was nothing for me here. I clenched my fists, my anger growing tenfold.

Damn it...

I'm such a fool. I shouldn't have let Hinata out of my sight. Of course she'll do something like this. As in to..

Run away and hide, from me...

No matter though, I will find her. And I'll grant her a punishment she's never seen or felt before. A punishment her innocent little brain can not even conjure. And only then..

She'll beg, for my forgiveness.

I smirked darkly at that, but my smirk dropped once I heard, an inner voice... A voice that was all, too familiar.

Is that, what you really, want to do?

My body froze at the sound of Kurma's deep, booming voice inside of my head, his words cutting deep.

I breathed deeply, soon entering my mind where the orange fox beast laid.

I stepped into the same pool of water my mind kept Kurama in, my eyes looking up to meet his own.

He stared down at me with a very blank stare, his paws lying flatly over the other.

I raised an eyebrow at such a look, my head turning to look away. "What do you want, Kurama? I thought you hated my guts. Why are you summoning me here?" I responded calmly, the whole situation just weighing me down.

So far, absolutely nothing has gone my way. For a second, yes, but I deserve more.

Ooh when I find you, Hinata...

"You'll do what?" The creature before me suddenly spoke again, my thoughts entering his massive ears, letting him in on my inner desires.

I turned back to him, my eyes narrowing dangerously. "You, didn't answer my question." I spat but he shook his head, soon narrowing his own eyes.

"And I don't have to do, no such thing. I asked first." He responded back just as snappily, my eyes shooting daggers at him.

But, he was right.

A sigh spilled from my lips and I turned back to him, the murky water splashing lightly underneath me.

I grinned darkly, licking my lips. "Just to let you know, your question is quite the dumb one. I think you know, what I'll do to her. You've seen it before and you hated, every, second of it... Remember?" I snickered out which earned me a loud, intense growl from the huge fox but I kept going. I was angry so, I didn't give a damn.

I begin to walk forward, continuing with my agonizing rant. "You hated how Hinata suffered from my many, assaults. You definitely hated when I made her mine, and savored her body fully. Heh, and you wanna know something? Your hate, only brings me joy." I spoke with venom lacing my words, my eyes darkened to the max.

The water swallowed my large steps as I made my way forward, small splashes made under me.

By now, Kurama was seething, his eyes sending me a series of death glares. He growled, sticking his nails into the ground underneath him. "And what of it? You want to do all of that again, eh? That's, the plan you have when you finally happen to find Hinata, is it? But do you, wanna know something.." He roared, clearly pissed, just as I was.

I clenched my fists, keeping my frightening eyes on him. But he, didn't seem fazed.

He tilted his head, challenging me. "You, are a fool if you think that plan is best to keep the girl in your clutches. Tsk.. The only thing your plan will do, is make you a bigger monster, to the girl. Why did you think she ran in the first place, huh? That demon huntress was right. But it's that stupid obession of yours, that just keeps getting in the way. It's consuming you and turning you into something more dangerous, Naruto. You have to calm down.." He explained deeply, staring down at me with no longer hate and annoyance but with..



Kurama's words were extremely deep. So deep, I actually opened my ears to them.

I listened to his words and I found myself crumbling by them, my feet collapsing underneath me, entering the cool water below me.

I didn't cry, no, but I felt as though my lungs failed me, my hand moving up to grip my bloody shirt tightly. I was finally exposed to the truth. Kurama, has told me, the truth..

I'm a monster...

I don't deserve happiness...

I don't deserve Hinata and her affection, her worry, her anything. She shouldn't have to deal with me at all. She's so young and I'm an..


She should, run away and leave me all alone. I deserve it.

Kurama frowned from above me but then shook his head. "No.. You're wrong. Everyone deserves someone special in their life. And you, have much time left to redeem yourself to Hinata. Once, you find, her." He explained but I growled, snapping my head back up at him, revealing my now hurt blue eyes.

"And how the fuck, do I do that? She could be out of the country by now." I declared harshly but once again, he shook his head.

He also, rolled his eyes at me. "God, Naruto.. I told you to relax. Think, for a moment.. Hinata, is young. She doesn't have the money or the resources to travel so far. The only thing that's coming to my mind is that she's just.. tricking you." He replied back calmly, desperately getting me to be the same.

But it was so, hard..

I sighed deeply, slowly rising back up on my shaky feet. I swallowed. "You're right.. But you're wrong about one thing. Hinata, might not have the resources she needs. But she does have allies, family, that might do. You know her family wants me dead as well." I spat back, the whole situation just highly annoying.

I kept telling myself not to just lash out and kill everyone Hinata loves because, if I do that... She will, hate me.

She won't ever, forgive me..

Kurama, is right..

I have to be cordial, going about this situation. Even if, it's not my forte. It's the only way, I will get what I want.

Kurama nodded at me, finally sending me a positive smirk. "See.. You're getting it. We can't just lash out. And we can't do that when we actually find her either. We have to, trick.. her. The best way to go about this, is to play her game. Trick her.. Hide, in her shadow. Make her think we are, dead.. And then, make her think we're not. And only then, once she's hit the point where she's all paranoid, you reveal yourself to her. I think, that's the best punishment. And I, can help you." He explained with a nod which peeked, my interest, indeed.

I liked Kurama's plan very much. It was evil, yes, but it wasn't hostile. It was intelligent and well thought out. I smirked, considering it.

I don't see why not..

I looked up at Kurama once more, my lips spreading wide. I then nodded. "Well, buddy.. I think you just earned your ticket out of here." I chuckled out which made him grin largely, his sharp teeth peeking.

I smiled, pulling up my fingers to soon, snap them. "Unphase.. Kurama.."

Flashback Ended

Kurama has done a lot for me ever
since and I have truly appreciated it.

I needed him dearly, after all..

Kurama finally removed his head from the open window and fell down into the passenger seat, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

I chuckled at that, moving my fingers over onto the button to close the window. "Heh, you done clowning around?" I asked amusingly which made him roll his eyes, his body suddenly morphing into an adult human male.

His body was now able to fit in the seat he sat in perfectly, his brown eyes turning back to me.

He nodded at me, soon moving his now human hands over to his seatbelt. "It may look foolish to you but.. I see why dogs do, such a playful thing. I've got plenty of fresh air now." He hummed out and clicked on his seatbelt, soon moving up to run his hand through his spiky orange hair.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his behavior, slowly moving over to nudge him with my shoulder, just as playfully. "I bet. Now let's get back on task." I demanded on which he nodded, turning to the now closed window as we slowly drove up to a familiar house.. A house that held lights on, in the inside.

Kurama's eyes shot wide open at that. "No way.. She was here, the whole time? That means you were right. She's just.. home." He gasped out in total shock while I only nodded, squinting my eyes at the modern, white house.

"Yep, that's what it seems. Something kept coming to me after all those dreams I had. It felt as though I could sense her, right after I had them. And something told me that she was right under our noses. And you were right as well.. She's only been, tricking us." I explained, gripping the steering wheel and moving to drive a block away, to park.

I plan to get a closer look.

Kurama nodded ar my previous words, keeping his eyes on the house that we quickly passed. "Heh.. What a smart girl." He whispered out which I smirked, turning into a little store on the end of her block, moving the car so it could park perfectly into one of the small parks the building had.

Once I did that, I shut off the car and looked towards Kurama who was looking back at me.

He raised an eyebrow. "And, what do you plan on doing exactly?" He asked sternly but I waved him off, taking my keys out of the ignition to put them in my jean's pocket.

I then sent a sly smirk Kurama's way. "Oh relax. I'm not gonna go and kidnap the little one. I want to just see her.. And I'll do it in a way she won't even notice me." I explained and grabbed the hoodie I wore and pulled it over my head, covering my appearance completely.

Kurama listened to my plan and shrugged, turning towards the store that we were parked in front of. "Fine.. As long as she doesn't see you." He only said on which I nodded, my hand shooting out to grab my door to exit the car.

And I did, my feet soon coming upon the concrete below. I turned back to Kurama and nodded, his head nodding back at me. "I won't, let you down." I said lastly, and then closed the door, my eyes shooting back to my target's direction... I smirked...

Now, let's get a look at you, Hinata...

Quickly, I began to walk the sidewalk back to her house, the store I once stood in front of, quickly disappearing due to my speed.

It was just a natural one really, but to humans, I was walking at least 20 miles per hour. So it didn't take me long to get in front of Hinata's house and by then, they were all stepping out of the house, her friends included.

"Yay! I can't wait to get ice cream."

"Shush.. Keep your voice down, you idiot."

But even from that warning, I heard their next location and kept it in mind, my feet never stopping in their walking.

I made it seem like I was just someone walking from the store, my pace slowing down a bit.

I glanced back over to the house and saw a total of six people. But one person, caught my eye the most.

My eyes shot wide open when I finally saw the midnight haired beauty, I've been yearning for.

Her body was covered with a purple hoodie, similar to mine, light blue jeans and black sneakers.

A small smile was present on her pale face, her eyes rooted on her playful friends as she exited her house.

She then giggled. "Girls, calm down. It's just ice cream." She spoke softly, my ears sucking her sweet voice all in.

And suddenly, I found myself fighting the urge to run over to her.. To grab her and do what I promised not to do...

That is, kidnap her..

The chance was opened and I could do whatever the hell I wanted. I didn't care what her friends thought of me. I see an opportunity, I will, take it.

That's what they, did...

They saw an opportunity to run away and hide with Hinata so, why shouldn't I return the favor?

Because it's reckless...

I shook my head, moving my hoodie over my head to secure my face.

No, that's a dumb idea...

Kurama would be furious if I came back to the car with the little one.. I should just...


And obey his plan.

I sighed and slowly, left Hinata's house and instead looped around the neighborhood, returning back to the store in no time.

But my next move was clear.. They were going out for ice cream.. I snorted.

How bold of them to do such a thing.

They must really think I'm dead. That, only brought me back to Kurama's plan, my hand shooting over to grab the door handle again..

Yes... I know just, what to do..


Well, how was that??

Naruto finally found Hinata...

What do you think will happen next?


But anyway, Don't forget to Comment and Vote!! 💕💕

And I'll be back with more next Friday!



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