Chapter 30: Hidden in Plain Sight

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴍᴀsᴛᴜʀʙᴀᴛɪᴏɴ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Hinata's P.O.V

A couple of hours passed and we all were now, officially home from getting ice cream.

But the whole time, my mind has been stuck on that one moment with that, man..

I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Now laying soundly in bed, my eyes were directed up towards the ceiling, my room filled with nightlights.

I couldn't sleep without them.

My curtains were closed shut and my door was locked.. I was safe, for the most part.

But even still... I know what Naruto's capable of.

And I know, a measly door and curtains won't stop him from getting to me, if he wanted. That is, if he was alive...


I don't even know anymore. I feel like I'm going crazy. But, no matter how hard I hide it from my friends, I know it's eating at me. I just need something to..

Ease, my mind...

And I knew just the thing. It was weird and.. sneaky but, I had to do it. My nerves were too bad and that, is the only thing that calms me down and makes me feel...

Good again...

I need to..


I used to do it a little bit before, I met Kiba but, I was always embarrassed to go the whole way. But now..

I don't care about being embarrassed..

I need this and after all the attention Naruto used to give me, I can't get it out of my head. I feel like I have a forever ache that haunts me. I need this...

I want this..

So I didn't hesitate when my one hand fell down my pale body, straight towards my black, laced underwear, my breathing hitching.

But I kept going, my head lying back on my pillows.

My hand sunk into my panties and I lowered it until I finally touched myself, a small moan spilling from my lips. I tried not to be so loud once I started but I knew deep down..

I don't care about my volume..

I needed this so badly.

My legs instantly began to tremble when I immediately added two fingers inside of myself, my hands gripping the sheets beside me tightly.

Soon, I began to thrust them, pulling them in and out of myself, creating a nice pleasure to my body.

A feeling that I craved.

I moaned into my pillow as I thrusted my fingers inside of myself, quickly picking up the pace.

Naruto never, used to go the speed I, was going, so it felt a little underwhelming..

So, I quickened it to the point, I was squealing, my eyes closed tightly.

My body spasmed tremendously against my warm sheets, the pleasure taking me completely under.

My fingers thrusted against my walls harshly, sending me to a state of ecstasy. I groaned, trembling still. "O-Oh.. my god." I whimpered out blissfully, suddenly indulging in a new world.

I suddenly imagined Naruto's huge member inside of me, his large, warm hand wrapped around my throat, lightly, his soft lips by my ear, whispering dirty words only he, can excite me with.

His breathing was intense by my ear, his thrusts harsh inside of me causing me to call out his name. "Oh.. N-Naruto.." I whimpered out loudly, finally going all, the way.

To the point, I released by my own hand, a surprise yelp springing from my lips. I breathed deeply at that, looking down at myself in complete shock.

Oh my gosh..

I can't believe I just did that..

What's wrong with me?

I let out a small pained cry, my head falling back into the pillows underneath me to calm myself.

Not knowing the devious ears that listened, to me, the entire time..

Naruto's P.O.V

"Oh, N-Naruto.."

Hinata's beautiful moans sound delightful to my ears as I leaned against the bricked wall underneath her bedroom window.

A proud smirk was found on my lips as I just listened to her pleasure herself, my keen ears taking it all in easily. I just, couldn't stop seeing her. I wanted her, so bad...

And clearly... She wants me too..

Deep down in that little, frail heart, she liked what I did to her. No matter how much her mouth says no, her heart and body says another.

And this, is proof.

I licked my lips hungrily, liking that very much...

Mmm.. I can work with that...

Kurama's plan was working flawlessly, just like he wanted. She was going crazy about me. And I loved every second of it.

He knew I would..

I chuckled softly but stopped when I began to hear light snores from above, my eyes cutting up to her window.

Hm.. She must've been exhausted...

It was late, beyond late..

About 12 am, late.


When it comes to Hinata.. I will do anything..

My smirk widened and with that, I vanished up to her window, grabbing it firmly to keep myself up.

Then, I grabbed a hold of the lock, keeping my one hand steady holding on it tightly. And with my other hand, even though it was occupied, I granted some use to it.

With my fingers I snapped them, popping the lock open magically just like I did Hinata's front door a while back.

Afterwards, I climbed inside slowly, bypassing Hinata's purple curtains. No window would hold me back from what's mine..

Now standing in front of a large bed, my red eyes beamed down on the girl that rested on top of it, her blankets completely exposing her.

From where I was standing, I could see that she wore a black gown with nothing but panties on underneath, my head tilting at her.

Hmm.. Beautiful..

I fought the urge into going straight towards her, and instead took a look at her room.

I've never been in it before, so everything that I see now, was new... And yet so..

Hinata like...

Every decoration she has up was colored either white or purple. And purple and lavender, were her two favorite colors.

I licked my lips again at that and slowly began to explore her room a bit, opening a few drawers, exposing her nightwear and, her underwear.

I groaned in bliss at the sight of them bundled up together, my hands running over them enticingly.

But I soon closed them, for my sake. I really didn't need to see her undergarments right now.

No telling what I'll do, especially since Hinata's sound asleep behind me.

I have to calm down...

And to do that, I blew in and out, slowly backing away from her dresser all together. But when I did, something caught my eye, on top of it.

Yeah, my eyes caught sight of the many baby pictures of Hinata and also the cheerleading ones hanging up.

But, I then spotted a weird letter lying by her pom poms. I narrowed my eyes at that, moving my hand to grab it.

And like the silent ninja I was, I retrieved it just as silently, staring down at it to read the contents on the paper.

And just like I knew I saw before, it was from...


Hi, girly. I hope when you awake you see this letter. And please, don't be alarmed. I've only done this to protect you. Everything I do, is to protect you. So by now, I should have completed my task. And if I haven't... I'm sorry. Even still, I won't let you down. I have people that can help you. I'll make sure that demon is no more. I'll make sure you get your life back.


Sincerely, Konan

After I read Konan's ridiculous letter, I surprisingly had to conceal my laughter. My hand quickly rushed up to cover my mouth, my eyes looking down upon the paper in amusement.

What a load of crap.

They were all just, lies. A false hope to make them look good. But really, those demon hunters were nothing but phonies. They aren't as nearly powerful as the ones back then.

They're all frauds..

Konan did, however, put up a good fight. Before she met her end, I do recall her tricking me into thinking she was a mere student at Hinata's high school. I didn't know anything about her being a demon hunter then, but..

That, didn't matter, now did it...

I've killed her. I've done away with her. She's finally out of my way. And if anymore hunters want to show their face, to me, their fate will be just the same..


I smirked at that but took a step back, eyeing it slyly.. I looked back at Hinata and my smirk widened to a devious one..

It wouldn't hurt if I take this...

I hummed and with that, I shoved it into my jean pocket, taking Konan's letter and leaving Hinata, without it...

She doesn't need to be told such lies...

Everyone knows that I'm too powerful to take down. So I'm staying, a little while longer.

Longer with you..


I licked my lips at that and finally turned my attention onto the sleeping girl behind me.

The strong stench of lust and want began to travel from my body just at the sight of her small, petite body finally before me, her eyes completely closed off to the world.

So she doesn't even see me here.

I groaned, taking a step forward. "Oh Hinata darling... You just don't know how much I've missed you." I whispered softly as I made my way around her bed and soon beside her, my hands itching to touch her.

Her snores were beautiful to my ears, her body glowing, just for me. It seems it wanted me to touch it, so..

I did...

With one finger, I ran it down her arms, her chest, her stomach and navel and down her legs, filling her soft body against my finger.

And I watched her, as she shuddered as if she was touched by a ghost, my finger stopping at her crotch.

And once I stopped, I noticed her sheets were all soiled from her earlier actions, a deep chuckle spilling from my lips.

I removed my finger at that, soon snapping them to grant her purely new white sheets, my head tilting. "You naughty girl." I whispered but then lowered my hand back down, just taking in her peaceful face.

I swear, it took everything to not grab her and vanish into the night.

She, was mine.

She bored my mark, she knew a part of my past, she held my memories, everything. She deserves to be with me.

And only me...

With that, my hand cupped her face gently, watching closely as she let out a soft sigh in her sleep, the new sheets I gave her now covering her fully.

I leaned closer to her, so close, my lips touched hers.

I stared deeply at her closed eyes and just when, I was about to press my lips onto hers, my keen ears picked up footsteps come up on the second floor of the house, growing awfully close to Hinata's bedroom. Instantly, my body grew extremely heated at that.

I growled lowly in response but turned back to my beautiful possession, my eyes staring deeply into her closed ones.

I smiled, rubbing her cheek softly with my thumb from where I was bent over her lying form. "I'll be back, for you, Hinata. And when I do, you'll never leave my sight again." I whispered hotly, soon pecking her lips like I first intended.

But it was quick because my ears picked up the doorknob of the room twisting, as if someone was unlocking it.

It didn't take long to have the door opened. But I was much, quicker. I vanished away without a trace of me even being there, zipping out of the window and even stopping to close it shut, locking it from the outside.

I arrived at my car just as the unknown person stepped inside Hinata's room, a frown spreading across my tan face.

I let out a deep sigh and spared one last glance up at Hinata's window, a pain tugging at my heart. I didn't want to leave but..

I did...

I let out a small curse and grabbed a hold of my door handle and opened it, soon hopping inside of my Dodge car.

I closed the door back and with that, I drove into the night, leaving Hinata behind, for now...

Ino's P.O.V

Slowly, I opened the door to Hinata's bedroom, just checking in on her silently.

Hinata's father instructed all three of us... Me, Sakura and Temari, to check up on Hinata ever so often.

We wanted to make sure she was safe, at all times.

So, every other hour we would take turns looking after her. Now, it was my turn to do so.

Even though it was late in the night, my job still went on.

I smiled softly as I glanced my eyes over to Hinata's bed, immediately spotting her lying peacefully upon it.

Good.. She's safe..

My smile widened at that and I was just about to close the door, but a gust of wind stopped me.

As I was closing the door, that wind pushed itself my way and suddenly I smelt...

Men's cologne...

My eyes shot wide open at that but, I closed the door anyway, my heart skipping a beat out of fear.

My hand rushed up and I covered my mouth in shock, a little surprise by the strong manly smell I just got a whiff of.

Oh my gosh...

Why is that smell, in Hinata's room..

It wasn't there before and suddenly it's there when she's sleeping.

Oh no..

I gulped, trying hard not to think so negative but... The thought came to my head anyway...

Was someone just, in her room?

Or am I... smelling things?

Naruto's P.O.V

I whistled in pure satisfaction as I finally entered back into my home, my keys rattling softly.

I smirked, stepping in with a relieved sigh. I actually, felt content..

I saw Hinata...

I touched, her...

It's been a whole week..

7 days..

168 hours...

10,080 minutes..

604,800 seconds..

Without Hinata being around and it's been driving me insane.. But now...

I have her, right where I want her..

And she has no, clue.

I chuckled darkly at that, soon moving to lock my front door. Once I did that, I began walking back through my large and dark mansion, my head lowered in exhaustion...

I, was tired...

I've been more tired than usual and more...


Hinata hasn't been around so I couldn't feed... And I've been too busy trying to find her. Of course I've stopped to relieve my hunger a few times but...

It hasn't exactly been on my mind...

I groaned at that, slowly making it to my room from the long hallway I just walked.

I rubbed my face with another low groan before opening my door to my room, stepping in to be greeted with darkness.

But darkness, wasn't the only thing I saw.

Two red, beaming eyes stared back at me from where my bed was located, their strong gaze held on me, and only me.

But I, only rolled my eyes. For I knew exactly who it was.

And just to ruin the creature's fun, my hand zipped over to the light switch, and I flicked it on.

Immediately, the room was granted with light causing the glowing eyes to disappear.

Instead, Kurama's fox body was now exposed from where he was lying comfortably on my bed.

His eyes widened at my devious plan and he then sat up. He rolled his eyes, a smirk present on his face. "Really, kit?" He spat and turned away from me, my grin only growing at the sight of his plan ruined.

It seems he wanted to scare me.

I chuckled at that, quickly walking in and closing the door back. My hands then fell to my jacket and I pulled it off, vanishing over to my closet to change. "Aww.. Did I interrupt something?" I cooed out while peeling off my clothing, revealing my highly muscular body to the world.

Kurama looked over at me, unfazed that I was stripping out of my clothes. He groaned. "It doesn't matter. Where were you? You better not have been.."

But before he finished his lecture, I shushed him and grabbed a robe from my closet.

A grey one, this time.

It didn't take me long to get myself down to only my boxers, my arms finding their ways through the sleeves of my robe.

I glanced over at Kurama and rolled my eyes. "Before you get all hostile.. Yes.. I visited, little one. But, your plan is still in effect. She didn't even see me." I explained slyly, turning around with my silky robe now on.

From my angle, I could now see Kurama, and I saw that his eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes squinted at me.

He scoffed, clearly not believing me. "Right.. So enlighten me... What did you do, hmm? I know you have little restraint when it comes to her." He spat accusingly but I waved him off, turning around once more to fetch something special in my jeans.

"Oh relax, Kurama. I didn't bring any harm to the little one. Only, a sweet kiss." I responded back amusingly and bent down to shuffle through my pants pockets, my eyes squinting a bit.

I checked my left one and then the right one, my eyes lighting up once I saw what I was wishing for..


Inside the fabric of my jeans, laid Konan's letter who was supposed to stay with Hinata. But, for my revenge, for both of their parts...

I'm gonna destroy it...

With everything that I've sacrificed and suffered from trying to get Hinata back in my clutches, they both... deserve this.

I glared and grabbed the paper up, balling it up within my large hands. Kurama stared at me the whole time, even when my hands summoned a large amount of fire, burning the paper in the process.

The orange fox's eyes widened, in major shock. "What the hell?" He whispered out but I simply shook my head, standing up and closing my closet doors back, disregarding my fallen clothes for now.

I was too exhausted to arrange them right now.

I turned back to Kurama and let out a yawn, slowly making my way over to him. "Don't worry about it." I only whispered before collapsing onto my bed in a tired heap, a groan spilling from my lips.

Kuruma's surprised face dropped instantly at my state, his body prancing up from where he was lying.

He slowly made his way to me and dropped down once again, his paw finding his way to my blonde head.

He sighed, patting it. "God, kit.. You're always overworking yourself. Get some rest. You need it." He whispered soothingly by my ear which made me sigh softly, my body relaxing deeply.

I nodded but turned my head slowly towards him, revealing my hooded blue eyes.

I smirked at the sight of his much smaller self, my mind remembering the many other forms he took today.

I couldn't help but chuckle humorlessly at that, my hand lightly shooting over to rub his head, watching as he began to purr.

My smile grew faint as I just stared at him, rub and coo against my affection, my eyes lighting up extremely at that. I tilted my head. "Thank you, Kurama." I whispered out thankfully which made him snap his head up at me, my heartfelt words surprising him.

A large grin came upon his face and he then laid over playfully, allowing me to tickle him. And I did, my hand lowering to rub his furry, brown colored stomach, bringing him immense joy.

My smile widened immediately as I rubbed my fingers back and forth against his furry belly, finally treating him good..

He was my friend, after all. I need Kurama and I need...


They both make me feel complete again. And I need to protect them, both. Nothing, will stand in the way of that.. Absolutely...




So, Naruto saw Hinata, once again.. 😏😣😈

So what did you think about this chapter?

What do you think, of Hinata? 🤔🤔

You think she misses Naruto? 😏

Well there's plenty more where that came from so sit tight!

In the meantime, don't forget to Comment and Vote!! 💕💕




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