Chapter 32: Possession

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: sᴜsᴘᴇɴsᴇғᴜʟ • ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • 𝟷𝟾+)



Somewhere, deep in the woods laid a huge hideout, a hideout that held many people inside that all called themselves demon, hunters.

Many of them were crushed at the news that was brought to them, about a week ago.

Their comrades, were not able to bring down the demon Naruto, which meant he still, was roaming the earth. Konan, has fallen and Hidan, was badly injured but oh..

Speaking, of Hidan...

Away, in a secure room sat him along with his leader, Yahiko, who was also sad that Konan had been killed, in battle.

The orange male clenched his fists, eyeing Hidan with a small bit of hatred. "Hidan, what's the meaning of calling me in here so late at night!" He gritted out loudly, his angry eyes looking down at Hidan who was sitting weakly on his own bed, his right arm and chest bandaged up.

Hidan sighed and shook his head, his dark colored eyes looking down at the floor below him. "I know it's late, boss. And I know Itachi and I have failed on our mission but.. For the past few days I've been lying here, I just got to thinking about it all. I think we've been looking at this the wrong way." He spoke quietly, his body remaining perfectly still to refrain from causing himself any harm.

Yahiko stood and listened but his angered expression never left his face, his arms moving to cross over his chest.

He shook his orange head at his words, a little disgusted by them. "Ugh. Do we really have to touch base on the demon bastard now?" He spat with a new found vengeance. After his secretly beloved Konan died, Yahiko has grown even more hateful towards Naruto. To the point he would do just about anything to take him down...

And Hidan, knew this.

A smirk like no other appeared on Hidan's lips, his eyes growing dark and mischievous which sparked Yahiko's attention.

He raised an eyebrow in response. "What? What do you have in mind?" He added on, now a little calmer and ready, to listen which Hidan wanted all along.

The silver haired male nodded in response, his hand running along his injured chest softly. "Well, answer me this.. The human girl is linked to the demon, correct?" The older male asked which Yahiko rolled his eyes to.

He nodded slowly, growing impatient once more. He tapped his foot on the ground, his eyes rooted on the male across from him. "Yes. We all know that. Get to the point." He gritted out which caused Hidan to sigh, but, he did just that.

He cleared his throat, still keeping his rubbing constant. "Alright, alright. I just think our target needs to be averted. Naruto is just too strong to fight head on. I think we need to target.. the girl instead. She's his weakness, after all." He finally spoke, speaking out his secret plan.

At the sound of Hidan's words, Yahiko's eyebrows rose high. He wasn't taken aback, no..

He was quite..


He never thought of targeting the girl before. He did once, when Hidan spoke about it during the meeting he attended but Konan seemed to have a better plan so, he pushed it away. He even sent Hidan there to be in the mix in case something goes wrong.


It did...

Now we have, to move on to plan B..

And this, was their plan B.

We can no longer protect the human girl anymore...

She's tied to a demon. Her life is no longer the same anymore so...

How bad can it really be just to help, put her out of her misery...

It's the only way.

But, Konan never wanted this. She saw the human as an innocent being that needed help but... We can't have anymore of our people slaughtered at the hands of that monster. So..

We have to do this..

I'm sorry, Konan...

A dark smirk suddenly pulled at Yahiko's lips and he let out a snicker, taking Hidan's plan in account. He nodded, giving the final say.

"Sure, Hidan... That's, perfect..."

Hinata's P.O.V

My body trembled terribly as I looked into two pairs of red glowing eyes, both beings hovering over me with an excitement I have never seen before.

Now, I sat on the couch Naruto was previously sitting upon, my body scrunching in itself.

I shook my head at both of the demons in front of me, my heart beating fast which both of them had no problem hearing. "Please... Leave me alone. Please." I whimpered out but just like all my other pleads, I was shushed by Naruto.

His clawed hands stayed rooted by his side, occasionally twitching as if he wanted to touch me. And even sometimes he would reach out for me, causing Kurama to send a deadly look his way, freezing him.

I stared at the both of them, just taking in their facial expressions and movements.

They both seem so weird..

So different...

I breathed in deeply, my eyes moving away from them for a second. But then, I thought about it, my hands gripping my hair tightly..

Oh no! Naruto's probably pissed!

I left him and never came back. And all this time, he's been trying to find me when I only thought he was dead...

But he wasn't..

All along...

I whimpered even louder at that which earned me a chilling smirk from Naruto, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Oh I see someone's finally on board. But I know it's only a ploy. I know this was only, your plan all along, Hinata." Naruto spat with narrowed eyes, nothing but anger and disappointment found in them which only worsened the fear I felt.

I quickly shook my head at his words, my mouth falling open shakily. "N-N-No.. Y-You're wrong-" But, I was intervened when Naruto growled and moved forward, towards me, his hand reaching out to wrap it under my chin, gripping it firmly. But not too tight which confused me.

He scowled at me, shaking his head. "Do not lie, to me Hinata. You're already in trouble for making this damn plan in the first place. How long did you plan on hiding from me, huh? Or did you think those pesky demon hunters succeeded, in their plans, hmm?" He snapped angrily, his hand gripping my face a little tighter which caused Kurama to take his eyes off of me to look at Naruto, he sparing him a warning glance.

But he, didn't catch it, for he was too busy intimidating me.

I blinked up at him, speechless for the most part. I had no idea what he was talking about. It never was my plan to run away. I just woke up to the plan already planned out..

I just, went with it.

But Naruto, he's..

Blaming me, for all of this...

His eyes showed a huge amount of hurt, and longing, mixed emotions attacking his mind and body at once which made my fear dissipate a bit.

The look on his face at the moment was one he's never shown me before, a frown pulling at my lips.

I shook my head again, moving my hand up to grab his hand which held my chin tightly now. I rubbed it gently, watching as his features softened a bit. "Please listen to me, Naruto. I had no, p-part in this plan. I-I thought y-y-you were dead." But soon after my words, Naruto glared, cutting me off like so many times before.

His eyes instantly grew back angry and he let out a deep growl, his hand removing from my face so our contact was broken.

He then took a step back from me and placed a hand on his chest, right where his strong beating heart was, his eyes looking down upon me.

He pouted, tilting his head. "Oh darling. That breaks my heart." He purred out which made me gulp, my head dropping at that.

Once again, I felt trapped in his unbreakable web. There was nothing left for me to do. For my friends, to do.

Konan failed and I...

My thoughts stopped at that and I gasped, my body shooting up to a standing position, surprising both demons. But that, wasn't the only thing that surprised them.

It was my turn to become angry and displeased, one of my fingers shooting out to poke Naruto directly at his broad chest, his eyebrows raising at my bold gesture. But I didn't care.

He came to my home and no doubt will kidnap me again. I have to stand my ground..

I poked him, several times before finally speaking my mind. "If you're here, Naruto... Then where's Konan? Where's my letter?" I snarled out angrily, desperately wanting some answers.

But sadly, the situation wasn't one to take likely, and I completely forgot about that. All this time spent away from Naruto made me forget his controlling, possessive ways.

So when I saw Naruto's eyes turn sharp and deadly from my actions, I was instantly brought back to old times, my body trembling once more. I desperately wanted to take back, my words now.

Naruto let out another deep, angry filled growl and suddenly stepped forward and pushed me down roughly onto the couch, his speed and strength immense which caught me by major surprise.

I landed on my bottom harshly sending the air straight out of my lungs and out of my mouth, weakening me.

I whimpered but large hands grabbed my body and flipped me over, so my covered ass was visible.

I gasped at that but that gasp soon turned into a surprise yelp when a manly crotch moved forward to slam itself against my bare bottom, a hand secretly moving underneath my towel.

Naruto snarled by my ear, both of his hands moving to touch me. One curved hand grabbed my throat tightly, bringing me even closer to him. The other one was placed deep within my towel, gripping my bare ass firmly.

Naruto then tilted his head, causing his blonde bangs to fall over his hateful, controlling eyes. He then leaned forward a bit, so his lips were rooted perfectly over my ear. "You, are in no position to question, me. It's been a short while since we've been together but do not, forget your place, little one." He seethed but then moved forward, suddenly bringing his hips harshly up into my lower core, humping me roughly with his covered member causing me to cry out.

Kurama growled at that, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "Kit. Behave." He ordered but Naruto turned and shushed him, his eyes sparking darkly.

"Kurama, buddy. I'm controlled. I got this." He spoke calmly, showing him that he was but from my perspective...

I did not see, calmness...

He's pissed at me. He wants to punish me. And he doesn't want to hear me out...

I whimpered softly which caused both demons to look back at me, Naruto's body eating up my fear and discomfort. He grinned gleefully at that, returning back to his crazed state.

He scooted back next to me so his hidden crotch was rooted on my bottom again making me groan.

He chuckled, my throat still held in his large hand. "So, just so you know.. You step out of line again... I'll have you bent over this couch faster than you can fucking blink. And only then, I'll give you the punishment you so fucking deserve." He hissed out quickly and angrily in my ear, giving up to his dark desires.

I cried silently by his words which granted Kurama's help once more.

He let out a disappointed growl and moved over and grabbed Naruto's hand which held my throat and yanked him off with ease, his large body stumbling away from me.

Naruto gasped at that but didn't dare put up a fight about it, his body growing still for he saw the error in his ways.

Kurama nodded at that, crossing his arms over his chest. "This, isn't why we came here, kit. Remember that. Remember, your promise." He explained with a nod which seemed to bring Naruto back somehow, my eyes watching his tight and angry features soften, my heart untightening at that.

I felt a bit better since I knew they didn't actually come here to bring harm to me. So now, I was more than ready to listen.

Naruto looked down upon me with a frown now rooted on his face, his eyes running over every part of me. He bit his lip, my eyes widening to see that it was actually, trembling.

Oh no...

He sighed. "Hinata I.. I'm so sorry. I know I've been so hard on you and for that, I deeply want to apologize. I've finally seen that I'm the one, at fault. I scared you away. I, hurt you. I threatened to hurt your friends. And I made your life hell. And I personally, know what that's like so... I'm sorry. And I know a measly apology isn't going to restore your feelings for me but.. I wanted, to at least tell you that. You deserved it.." He explained with a deep sigh, his words stinging at my heart. I frowned also but stayed quiet, just listening as Naruto began to speak again.

He glanced over at Kurama who gave him an encouraging look, reassuring him. He nodded at that and turned back to me, sending me a sincere smile. "Hinata darling... With all of this time apart, I've come to figure out that my ways actually held a meaning behind them. I was confused as to why I felt so strongly towards you but... It wasn't because we're bonded, or that I need you dearly... No.." He stopped to grin, his feet taking him closer to me.

I watched him as he moved to fall to his knees, his hand slowly moving over to gently grab mines, his large hand engulfing the chosen limb fully.

He smiled, bringing it up to his lips to give it a kiss. "I've figured out, that I have feelings, for you. That I don't like you because you're a beautiful, intelligent, yummy little human girl. But that I love you, for all the joy and happiness you bring to my cruel and painful life. You're something that I've never experienced before. And I don't want to abuse that anymore. I don't, want to hurt you anymore." He finished off with a nod which made me gasp, my eyes growing watery.

Even though I was still a little scared of Naruto, I felt a bit more comfortable after his words.

His words were very surprising. I never thought in a million years Naruto could speak such heartwarming words.

Which was a more reason to accept them and forgive, him.

But his torture would forever haunt my mind, even if I do happen to fall for him again. It was something that left a huge scar on my life. And I will forever remember it.

I will forever be damaged, by it...

I sighed and turned around in my seat, to face Naruto again, my eyes moving to connect with his.

From what I saw in the darkened room, his eyes held a genuine look in them, a look that reassured me. That look made me see that his words were actually true and that he meant every single word he said. Which only made me think...

We actually needed, this time away from each other...

Not gonna lie, it was refreshing to finally transition back into my normal life where there were no demons, no pain, no anything. And for him, it opened his eyes to what he truly wanted. He wants me and like he said before...

He needs me..

I can't run away from that. He's alive, well and breathing and wants, to do better so...

What kind of person would I be to decline that offer?

Even though I like my time here at my own home, I will give it up to help Naruto become a better him.

That's all I ever wanted anyway..

I smiled at that, sending him a, well done nod, which lightened up his now blue orbs. I gripped his hand tighter. "Oh Naruto... That, was so sweet of you. Thank you so much for understanding my part. You did, well." I complimented which made him grin, his sharp teeth revealing entirely which made Kurama groan, his head shaking.

"Kit... Don't smile please. You're just gonna scare her again." He groaned out, rolling his eyes. "Way to ruin the moment." He adding on amusingly which caused Naruto to indeed drop his smile.

But his lips formed a scowl instead, his head turning to direct it straight at Kurama, his eyes narrowed a bit. "No you're, ruining the moment." He growled out loudly but I quickly shushed the both of them, watching as they immediately obeyed. I blinked at that, a little taken aback by their coorporation.

Oh my goodness..

I couldn't help the giddy smile that came upon my face, both demons staring back at me with one hundred percent of their attention which actually felt...


I actually felt appreciated.

I blushed but reeled Naruto in with a tug of his hand, watching as his large body moved to hover over me, his fingers gripping at my towel.

I watched as he licked his lips down upon me but, I slowly moved my hand up to cup his perfectly sculpted jawline. And with it in my grasp, I turned it so he could face me directly, his eyes staring deeply within mine.

I sighed. "I-I'm sorry too, Naruto. I left you, wishing you were dead. I didn't one time, consider your feelings. I was just, scared. Please believe me." I explained deeply which Naruto hummed to, his hands moving up to cup my cheeks firmly.

He shook his head, reassuring me. "Oh don't you worry your pretty little head about it. I know what fear does to you humans. And for you, I'll make it an exception, my little one." He purred out which lightened my mood. Even Kurama seemed happy from where he stood watching, his head nodding at the two of us.

But then Naruto cleared his throat, one of his thumbs moving over to rub my bottom lip. "But just so you know... You've put me through hell these two weeks. I felt like you, were punishing, me. Kurama did everything in his power to help me remain calm because Hinata..." He paused and looked away from me, sighing. "I, wasn't calm at all. I was growing out of control.. Fast. But Kurama helped me. And for that, I deeply appreciate it." He spoke with a small smile, his head turning to spare Kurama a look.

He shot a thankful smile his way and nodded. "Thank you, Kurama." He whispered out which caused Kurama to walk forward, his hand moving to land on his shoulder which he patted.

He smiled sincerely down at him while I watched, surely liking Naruto's performance. "No problem, kit." He said with a wink which made him chuckle.

But he soon turned back to me and licked his lips, one of his hands dropping from my cheeks. But the other moved down to grip my chin, keeping me rooted in one place.

We both, stared into each other's eyes but Naruto, was the one who spoke first. "I think I deserve a bit from you tonight." He whispered and before I could even react to his words, his lips moved forward and he smashed them on mines, engulfing them completely.

Immediately he went about dominating my lips, revealing how deeply he wanted to do this very thing, to me..

I moaned as he kissed, sucked and tugged at my lips, my own lips slowly following along with him. But I knew deep down..

I could never keep up with him...

I moaned once he started to grow a bit rougher, his hand leaving my chin to rejoin his other one which was prying at my towel, his fingers pinching at my skin underneath.

Kurama shook his head at that and looked away. But just as he did that, a huge wave of water came hauling his way, coating his body entirely with it causing him to groan loudly.

At the sound of Kurama in discomfort, Naruto shoved himself away from me and stood up quickly, directing himself where Kurama was previously attacked.

But I gasped once I saw my Father launch another bucket of water, this time towards Naruto, which impacted.

He growled loudly and turned his head as he too, was drenched, as well as his clothes.

Kurama coughed loudly but then bared his teeth, his eyes turning a scary dark red. "How, dare you, mortal?" He gritted out which caused me to look fully over where Father stood, my friends standing not too far from him.

But what they were doing was something that only seemed to upset the two demons.

My father glared, holding on tightly to his holy water which was held in a huge bucket. "In the name of the lord, I rebuke you demons from my daughter!" He spat out loudly which made my eyes widen, my body starting to tremble.

My eyes looked back to the demons in front of me and I gasped even louder to see their eyes darkened severely, sizing my family up entirely.

I covered my mouth in horror at that, not liking the situation at all.

Oh no, this is bad..

This is very, very bad!

Naruto's P.O.V

Disrespectful fools!

I can't believe these mere morals insulted me with...


I'm finally able to talk to Hinata, to tell her my feelings and then this happens.

Her family wants, to intervene...

Heh, sucks, for them because I'm mad..

I growled but looked down at my soaked clothing, my blonde hair lying flat on top of my head now.

I just felt, gross.

I looked over at Kurama to see that he was suffering from the same treatment, we both looking back at the four human beings in front of us. Who Hinata loves dearly..

It would be bad if I happen to hurt one of them..

They've been a pain in my side since the very beginning. Mostly her goddamn friends. They always knew what to do to somehow take Hinata away from me but...

No more...

No fucking more.

I seethed darkly and moved to take a step forward, my eyes directed on the male that helped birthed, my beautiful Hinata.

But what he did, was something I could not forgive so easily..

I shook my head..

Who does he think I am...

Holy water will never be strong enough to put me down.

But it was quite amusing to see the effort.

I narrowed my eyes upon the only male here, tilting my head while I was at it. "How weak, you humans are.. But to tell you the utmost truth, I value your effort. I really do. But you will always, lose. What you mortals don't seem to understand is that you all are no match, for the likes of me. Us! Which means, Hinata will forever be mine. There's nothing you can do about it.. So I suggest you accept, reality. Even I know, when I've been beaten." I spat with a toothy grin, my eyes fixated on the four human beings in front of me who all seemed to take my words in obediently this time.

Their eyes shot wide open and Hinata's father turned to her from where she sat trembling on the couch behind me, their eyes meeting.

"H-Hinata baby.. You have to run. Just-"

But before he could finish his pleading, I took a step in front of his view of Hinata, his eyes widening in shock.

He then glared, gripping the bucket he held in his hands tighter. "You bastard." He growled out but I only clicked my tongue at him, giving my wet, crinkled head a shake.

"Now, now... I won't hurt you if you don't give me a reason. Give me a reason, you'll find yourself looking at a real bastard." I spat out which made Hinata whimper, my head snapping back at her.

Our eyes connected and she shook her head frantically at me, her hands moving out to grab my damp shirt.

She gave it a tug before speaking. "Please.. please don't hurt them. I'll go with you, and I won't run away.. I promise. Just spare them." She pleaded desperately, touching on my weak spot entirely. I gritted my teeth at that.

Damn it.. I hate when she does that!

Her eyes showed how deeply she wanted me to be good, to spare her loved ones. And as a demon, her pleads sent a pleasant rush through my body which made me submit to it...

I give in, every single, fucking time...

And I'll have to give in now if I want Hinata to be on our side.

I let off a groan but nodded, my hand moving down to grab her hand, alerting everyone else. Her friends gasped.

"Don't touch her!" The blonde ponytail girl yelled out which I ignored, Kurama rooting them in place by his scary eyes.

But I, was to busy showing them that Hinata was indeed my possession...

That she, was mine..

With her hand in my hand, I pulled it up and gave it a kiss, soon moving down to peck her lips altogether watching as she closed her eyes.

I groaned at that and then turned to her ear, grinning deviously. "Say your final words to them, little one.. For this, will be your last time seeing them." I spoke firmly which caused a hurt filled whimper to escape her lips, but she had no choice but to obey.

If she wanted her family to stay in one piece, she had to do what I say. And that made me feel absolutely wonderful.

I watched with amused eyes as Hinata moved off of the couch she sat upon to move in front of the both of us, her hands gripping her towel tightly. And I almost snickered to see her face turn red at her predicament, her eyes looking down at her underdressed self.

She gulped but turned back to her family and friends who seemed to plead with their eyes for her to not to leave them.. But..

She had no choice...

She will never, have a choice..

From now on, she will be under my wing. I won't allow her to do anything without me, and I'll make sure to be nice and convincing about it. So she won't, think, of leaving me again.

I smirked at that but looked up once Hinata started to talk, her hands hugging her towel tightly to her body. She bit her lip, eyeing her loved ones sadly. "I'm so sorry, this has happened. I truly am. You know how desperately I want to have a normal life.. But this, is my life now and I have to accept it. I can't leave Naruto because I am tied to him and I do not, want to cause harm to any of you. So.. I, have to leave you all, once more. But just know, I love every single one of you." She spoke with a sniff which caused her friends to whimper, their eyes watering up.

"No, Hinata!" Her pink haired friend whimpered out but Hinata shook her head, turning away from them with tears in her eyes.

"I-I-I'm so sorry." She sobbed out and turned back to me, now a plead in her eye which made me glare upon her.

That look was a look I want, to erase. That look always makes me so weak.. But..

No more...

She's staying, with me...

And that's final!

I breathed in deeply and made a move behind her, quickly moving to grab her shoulders which made her gasp.

I shushed her and sent a kiss to her cheek, to further prove my point. And then I turned to her family and sent them a toothy from. "I say that's a fine farewell indeed. Isn't that right, Kurama?" I asked and turned to him who surprisingly nodded to my words, his clothes still soaked just as mine were.

He grinned. "Sure thing, kit." He spoke which made me chuckle and with that I turned to Hinata, moving my hand up to grab her chin firmly, turning it so her eyes could look up at me.

I smirked down at her, deeply enjoying the feel of her small body within my arms again.

I licked my lips, watching as she frowned. "Hinata.. You and I are gonna have a little chat, when we get home.." I whispered out which made her lower her head away from me, her eyes peeking towards her family one last time.

She gave them a small, reassuring smile and before she knew it, I grabbed on tightly to her body and finally vanished away alongside Kurama, leaving her friends and family in nothing, but deep sorrow..


So, how was that?

Juicy huh?? 🤪😆

So, Naruto finally has Hinata.

Hinata goes willingly... 😏😏

But her family, doesn't like it so much.

What do you think will happen? 🤔🤔

Things are gonna get crazy so watch out!

Anyway, Hoped you enjoyed!

Vote and Comment!! 💖💖

Also, Stay Safe! ✊🏽✊🏽


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