Chapter 33: The Little Chat

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • ғᴏʀᴇᴘʟᴀʏ • ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ •  ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Hinata's P.O.V

A frown was presented on my lips the whole entire car ride, my sad eyes watching my house disappear from my view along with my friends and my family.

Naruto drove his usual dodge car with Kurama in the passenger, leaving the backseat open, for me.

Occasionally Naruto would look up into the rear view mirror back at me, every time spotting how sad and depressed I looked.

He let out a sigh, moving his eyes back on the dark road ahead of him. "Oh little one.. Don't look so sad. Things are gonna be different now, alright. I'll go over the new rules once we get home. But, in the meantime, what can I do for you?" He explained softly while looking back at me, our eyes meeting for a split second before I turned away.

At his question, I simply shook my head, my eyes turning to look out of my window once more. I chose not to speak since, I was way too sad to, my lips trembling…

Is this, really goodbye, to my family…

To the people I love? 

I know Naruto can be cruel sometimes but I precisely remember him saying that, this, was my final goodbye. Which means…

I won't see them anymore…

I curled up into myself at that, placing my head in my lap. I didn't care if I was exposing myself or not… I just felt torn, broken once again. 

And I thought things would be better..

This has to be his secret punishment for me. It has to be…

I bit my lip harshly to keep myself from crying, Naruto's eyes still keeping tabs on me.

He sighed once more and turned to Kurama who only shook his head, giving him a clear indicator to give it a rest.

But, by the unsatisfied look on Naruto's face showed that he would still keep being persistent. I sighed at that, gripping my towel tighter..


Just great…

"Hinata… Are you hungry, darling? I can stop and, get you something, if you like-" But I quickly shook my head which stopped him dead in his tracks, his eyes saddening.

He nodded. "Fine. It's awfully late anyway. You're probably tired." He added on with another sigh which made me look up at him, my legs dropping completely.

My eyes were now narrowed by his previous words which had offended me greatly. 

I'm, probably tired? 

So that, is what he thinks is wrong with me? 

I swallowed deeply but then shook my head. "I can't believe this." I whispered out which caused both demons to perk up, Naruto's eyes once again shooting back up to the mirror in front of him.

He squinted his eyes a bit, a little taken aback by the words that just came out of my mouth. "What? You can't believe what?" He spat which made me even more bothered.

I glared and sat up, the seatbelt pushing me back a bit but that, was the least of my problems. I shook my head. "This! I can't believe this. How do you expect me to be okay with leaving, my family? The people that I've been with since… I don't know, forever! Ya know what, that, is what's wrong with me. I'm heartbroken and sad… And yes… Maybe, a little tired too. I don't need this!" I snapped, my lavender eyes holding a large amount of hurt in them.

Kurama frowned upon my outburst while Naruto lowered his head in guilt, my breathing out of control now.

It was silent for a moment before Naruto began to speak again, his voice super low. "Listen… I never meant, to hurt you. From the time you stepped into this car, I knew you were sad. I know what it's like to lose family so, I get your pain. But the one thing that you need to learn, and fast is stepping up and taking responsibility. I, had to learn that quickly as a young demon. So Hinata, you have, to do this. We're tied together. Wherever you go, I have to go. It's just how it is now." He explained with a nod, his eyes directed on the road now.

I sighed at his words, sparing a glance at the window to see that we were now arriving back into town. Which means..

We only have a few more minutes left before we make it to his home.. 

I shuddered at that but returned to our earlier conversation, his words running through my head once more.

But something he said, I just couldn't agree with.

I turned back to him, just staring at the back of his blonde head. "But why is that, Naruto? You never for once asked me if I wanted this. So you can't say that you never wanted to hurt me because you are!" I screamed out which slowly pushed Naruto to the deep end. But I didn't care. All I wanted was for him to understand how much he's hurting me. It seems he can't entirely see that.

I shook my head, my lips formed into a pout. "Not once.. did you consider my feelings. You only did this because you, needed it. You never cared about me and my life. You only cared about yours-"

But once those last words came out of my mouth, Naruto finally, hit rock bottom.

His eyes turned a blood red and he growled loudly, clearly bothered by my words.

"Enough!" He shouted out loudly which silenced me, my body slumping in my seat.

Even though he sounds scary as hell right now, I didn't regret a single word I said because it was all true.

He's only tied himself to me so he, can live. He doesn't care what goes on in my life. He only cares about his well being and mines for the sake of his. 

I've figured it out now…

I looked up at Naruto who was breathing deeply within his seat, his now red eyes moving back up to the mirror in front of him.

He glared at me. "Not another word of this. You hear me, Hinata?" He growled out lowly while Kurama stayed silent in his seat, just taking everything in.

I looked up at Naruto and frowned. I so badly wanted to say no but…

I knew there would be dire consequences if I would say that so…

I nodded slowly, soon looking away to look out of my window again.

"Yes.. Naruto.."

A Few Minutes Later

Sadly, we've finally made it to Naruto's home after some ways of driving, the night around us engulfing the mighty mansion entirely.

A queasy feeling attacked my stomach at the mere sight of it, instantly bringing a sense of discomfort and uneasiness to me. I didn't like that feeling at all. Once again I felt trapped, scared and helpless..

I'm back, again…

My eyes started to water at that but I sniffed them back up once Naruto turned around fully to look at me, his eyes meeting mine again.

I looked up at him and spotted his eyes narrowed. Seems he wasn't too pleased with me still but like I said before…

I don't, care…

Everything I said before was true, and I just want him to be more honest about the situation. If I'm going to stay with him permanently, we can at least be open to one another..

The sound of someone clearing their throat sent me straight out of my thoughts and back into the cruel reality, my eyes snapping back up to meet with narrowed blue eyes.

Naruto tilted his head but then glared at me. "Now, when we enter inside, I expect you to behave. Just remember, I'm still very disappointed in you, Hinata. So if I were you, I'd be on my best behavior." He ordered with a very low voice, one that left no room for arguing.

I chose to stay silent and only nod to his demand. He nodded too but then turned to Kurama in the passenger, their eyes meeting.

I watched them as they seemed to exchange looks, as if they were talking in their minds with one another.

Kurama glared.

Naruto, frowned.

The blonde demon let out a sigh before grabbing his keys and exiting the car, Kurama following close behind him, leaving me alone.

I groaned and turned to open my own door but stopped when I saw that it was already open, a large hand rooted in front of me from where I sat inside the car still.

I looked up the hand to be greeted with soft blue eyes, the demon giving me a reassuring nod. "Well, go on. Those pretty little legs aren't gonna move themselves." He commented following with a small chuckle which made me blush.

But, I was still angry with him so I ignored his hand and instead pulled myself out of the car, passing by him with my head raised. "I don't need your help. I can take care of myself just fine." I spat towards him, unknowingly causing the demon before me to grow super angry.

And before I could even make my way to the door out of the garage, a large hand grabbed my throat and pushed me back harshly against the car, another hand moving over to slam my door closed.

I whined but was only silenced by a mean growl, Kurama's eyes shooting over to us quickly. He then growled.

"Kit what did I say-"

But Naruto only growled once more, turning his red beaming eyes onto Kurama. He shot him a glare that even frightened me. "Oh come on, Kurama. The girl has clearly forgotten who she's dealing with. I say let's, remind her." He hissed out in pure amusement and turned back to me, his hand growing a bit tighter on my throat making it very hard to breath.

But it didn't stop me from trying, my hands raising up to claw desperately at his. But it was no use.. Again..

I was trapped…

I whimpered but that only brought Naruto joy, his head leaning deeply into my zone. "Hinata darling… Remember, I'm only going to be nice, if, you obey. You still have a punishment waiting for you. Keep pressing my buttons, I just might give it to you. And just so you know.." He stopped his words there, a large smirk playing on his well crafted lips.

I gulped by his words but shuddered when his large body grew even closer, his chest meeting my own. I was still wearing my towel which was wrapped tightly around me, thankfully. But even still, I was deeply embarrassed.

I bit my trembling lip and turned away once I felt those same lips press themselves against my right ear, his hand slackening on my throat granting me my precious air.

I gasped for it but while I collected myself, Naruto kept it up, with his torturing words. "The punishment, I have in store for you, Hinata.. Is one that will make you wish, you'd behave. It isn't gonna be very pleasant.." He whispered out darkly but then sent a kiss to my ear, soon moving down to kiss the side of my cheek as well. "But just obey, and you won't have to worry about a thing. Got it, little one?" He finished off with a nod, finally letting go of my throat altogether.

I breathed in deeply, getting as much air as I could. But I didn't forget to nod, to get him off of my back. I want no parts of this punishment he has conjured up. Now sitting and recalling all the other ones…

I don't know If I can handle a stronger and more effective one..

Honestly, that sounds downright scary. So scary, I didn't utter a single word after Naruto's words.

I only nodded. And Naruto took it nonetheless.

He nodded his own self and grabbed my hand. But he didn't leave without turning back to Kurama, giving his blue eyes a roll. "See. I have this all under control. Give me some slack, fox." He teased which caused Kurama to growl but he then simply waved him off and soon exited the garage before us, leaving only the two of us.

I looked shakily up at Naruto to see him staring down at my covered body, his eyes growing dark with lust.

He licked his lips. "Ooh… I can't wait to rip that annoying little towel off of your body, Hinata. And only then… We can have some real, fun." He purred out which made me feel some very unwanted things.

Once again, I didn't say anything, only looked away. But I did, clench my thighs, his deep voice exciting me. 

Oh gosh no! 

This, is not, what I wanted at all. And of course, Naruto picked up the inner battle with myself and let off an amused laugh, soon taking my hand and redirecting me out of the garage and to the front door of his mansion, my eyes spotting Kurama almost immediately.

The front door was already opened and the fox man was just leaning on the wall outside, his eyes trained on us.

Naruto raised an eyebrow to his behavior but continued to guide me in. But just as we were passing him, he suddenly changed, his position.

His hand launched out and he grabbed my upper arm, halting me. By his rather abrupt action, it halted Naruto's walking as well which caught him by major surprise.

He snapped his head over towards Kurama and placed  up the same glare that only he, could muster, but me and Kurama wasn't taking note of it at the moment.

My eyes were held on two deep pools of brown, a small smile rooted on the muscular being's lips.

Kurama sighed, sparing Naruto a look who was shooting confused filled ones back at him.

But he ignored him. Only this time, it seems.

Kurama pulled me a bit closer but then moved so his lips met my ear, so I was the only one to hear his words. 

"I know, you're afraid of us and don't want to trust us anymore but… We both love you, to the fullest.. And won't allow anything to happen to you. Just know, that we know, that you're in pain and that we've changed your life possibly, forever. But we, are trying, to fix it. Just please.. I beg of you.. Let us."

Kurama's words were almost, pleading. There was no room for lies or tricks. His voice was filed with raw emotion. He meant every single word he just whispered, his heart trying to reach out to me. I lowered my head at that, considering his words…

I'm breaking their hearts, aren't I? 

I know their demons and all but this goes to show that they actually do, care and love me. Even though they have a funny way of showing it. But..

What did I expect? 

They're demons and are clearly numb to human emotions but to me..

It doesn't seem so entirely..

I sighed and looked back up at Kurama, sending him a smile. He sent one back and even winked at me, his hand lowering away from my being.

He then turned to Naruto and nodded his head. "There's nothing to worry about, kit. She's all yours now. I'm gonna get some sleep. But remember, what I said." He explained with a nod, his eyes soft as he spoke to Naruto.

I watched their close exchange with a small smile, Naruto's eyes lighting up by Kurama's words. A smile creeped up on the tan demon's face also and he nodded obediently, keeping his word.

Now it was his turn, to send Kurama a wink. "Alright, Kurama buddy. You get some rest." He spoke one last time which Kurama laughed too.

He then turned to me, making sure to keep his smile. "That goes for you too, Hinata. Keep in mind what I said. And don't be afraid to open up a bit. We won't bite… Much." He laughed out which actually made me giggle as well, my features lighting up which, was their plan all along.

I smiled, nodding my head approvingly. "Thank you, Kurama. Again, I'm so sorry.. I never meant to-" But Kurama shook his head, halting me. So, I didn't speak further on it and instead kept his words in mind, Kurama leaving our conversation on that.

He went out and tapped my chin making my smile widen. "Ahh, don't hurt yourself, kid. I think you should worry about Naruto right now. You guys have a little catching up to do." He acknowledged which caused us to turn and look at each other, Naruto's hold growing tighter.

Kurama smiled at our exchange and soon vanished, to go to a different place to sleep for the night.

I sighed to see him go and turned back to Naruto, feeling a little better. But it didn't necessarily erase all the fear I felt from what he did…

Naruto moved down and nudged my shoulder playfully, brightening up the mood a bit more. "Hey, you heard him. Let's get going." He demanded softly on which I nodded slowly… And soon, we walked straight into the house, to finish, our night.

But I just couldn't help but worry…

I hope all, goes well...

Ino's P.O.V

"I can't, believe this!!"

Hinata's father screamed as he slammed his hands on anything he passed, his heart crushed to see his daughter get abducted right in front of him. All of us, actually, were crushed.


Hanabi didn't know a thing since she's still sleeping. So she's gonna be just as torn in the morning…

I covered my mouth from where I sat in the living room at that thought, just looking at the damp floor Temari and Sakura were scrubbing with towels, trying to get the damp liquid Hiashi previously used out of the carpet but…

It doesn't seem to be coming out..

I frowned, lowering my head. I watched as Hiashi growled loudly, not at all caring at this point.

"How did this happen? How did my daughter get involved with damn demons! Where could they be? I'm going after them!" He declared loudly, his feet stomping the ground harshly underneath him, his watery eyes narrowed ridiculously low.

I gasped by his foolish words and hopped up, moving a certain way to not step on my friends below.

They held frowns as they rubbed the carpet back and forth, their eyes cutting back at us every so often.

I rushed up and placed up both of my hands, halting Hiashi completely. His angry eyes turned onto me which made me gulp but I had to stop him. It's completely suicide if he tries to go after Hinata. That demon will surely kill him.

I breathed in shakily. "Mr Hiashi.. Please sir, you can't go after them. It's too dangerous. These are demons we're talking about. We have to come up with a better plan." I explained quickly, trying my hardest to calm the older male.

But he only shook his head at my words and squeezed past me, ignoring my warnings. "I don't care about no demons. They have my daughter! My first born! I won't let them get away with this!" He screamed out which alerted my other friends, Temari's eyes narrowing.

She threw the towel she was using down and stood up, facing Hiashi. "Hey! You are being absolutely ridiculous right now. Listen, we've been in your shoes more than I can count and one thing I know when it comes to those demons is, they won't hurt or kill Hinata. But they will harm you, if you interfere with their monkey business. It's best to wait it out." She declared on which Sakura nodded in agreement, her body still crouched to the floor.

We all looked at the broken man before us as he tried desperately to battle with his feelings, a sniff suddenly made from him. He shook his head. "This doesn't make any sense. I thought you told me the problem was dealt with. What went wrong?" He cried out which caused us all to bow our heads, for we didn't even know the answer, to that question.

We had no clue what happened to Kohan and the other demon hunters that were involved. Apparently they've been hurt or pinned down since the demon is still breathing… I bite my lip, clenching my fists tightly..

What can we do here? 

There isn't anything we can do..

We, can't do a damn thing. The only people that can stand a chance against the demon are the hunters that we've contacted. But they've been awfully quiet lately. 

Maybe we should contact them again.

If we do that, we can see what really went down.

I let out a sigh and turned back to Hiashi, giving him a completely honest answer. "I-I.. really don't know." I whispered out which of course, did absolutely nothing to help coat with Mr. Hiashi's feelings.

He let out a small croak and turned away from us, his world completely crushed. He pulled his hands up and rubbed his face, shaking his head. "This has, to be solved. I don't care how.. I don't care when. It needs, to be solved. My daughter needs to come home soon. And that's final!" He shouted out loudly, pouring his feelings out now.

And we only stayed silent as we listened to them, not knowing what to do anymore.

Hiashi whimpered and left the room with that, moving to crash into his room to let out a few of his pent up feelings.

We all felt hurt after what we just heard and saw, our hearts breaking even more than before.

I turned to my friends as they continued to wipe the floor, a frown coming upon my face. "Here.. Let me help out.." I whispered out softly, moving to do, just that…

Hinata's P.O.V

A few minutes passed and I now stood in Naruto's room once again. I took a quick look around, growing a bit nostalgic. 

Gosh… It feels like I wasn't away long enough..

It feels like I was only away for a day. All the feelings from before have immediately, came rushing back. Which wasn't, a great feeling.

I let out a sigh but froze when I looked up at Naruto who was sitting on the edge of his bed just staring at me from where I stood in front of his double doors, his eyes sizing me up.

A smirk was present on his lips, his hands crossed before his face as he sat bent over.

I then watched as his smirk suddenly widened. "Well.. What are you waiting for, hun? Undress, for bed." He ordered which caused me to gasp, my cheeks growing a dark red in no time. 

Who does he think I am? 

I can't possibly do such a thing when I've been away from him for a while. I'll grow embarrassed.

So, I immediately shook my head, completely flustered at such an order now. "N-N-No.. I can't possibly do that here." I whimpered out but all that earned me was an eye roll, Naruto's head shaking at me.

He then clicked his tongue, lowering his head. "How disappointing. But also, ironic."  He spat out, a hidden message behind his words which I couldn't quite catch.

My eyes squinted at him at that, my hands gripping my damp towel close to my body. I then, bit my lip nervously. "H-How come?" I asked curiously which I would later, regret.

After I spoke those two little words, a sneaky grin came upon his lips, his tongue moving across them at me. Suddenly, Naruto was no longer sitting down on his bed but was now standing directly in front of me, startling me.

I let out a loud gasp and stumbled back from him but a hand slipped around my waist quickly, catching me. My eyes widened at that and I subconsciously moved to grab a hold of the heavily muscular arms that were holding onto me still, to help balance myself, my breathing quickened.

I bit my lip and looked up to be met with sparkly blue eyes, the demon's touch heating up my skin completely..

He smirked, lowering his head a bit. "Do you really, wanna know, my lovely sweetheart?" He whispered out softly against my heated face, the towel on my body slowly slipping off of me from where his hands were holding onto my body.

I gulped by his question but I nodded, desperately wanting to know where he was going with this.

So, I slowly built up the courage, to speak again. "Y-Y-Yes.. I want, to know." I whispered out to him, his body extra close to mine. I watched as his smirk widened once more and suddenly, we began to move.

His feet moved backwards, his arms holding on tightly to me still which caused me to move as well. "Ahh well then. I think you'd better sit down for this, little one." He slurred out seductively and then turned and without warning, pushed me back onto his bed harshly, causing my body to fall helplessly away from him.

I yelped by the sudden action, my hands moving back to brace myself on the warm cushion.

Naruto smirked upon my surprised face but backed away, giving me some space as I now laid on his bed.

I let out a tiresome sigh, once again getting used to being a human punching bag.

Yay, lucky me..

But I quickly recovered and looked up at Naruto, furrowing my brows. "Just, tell me, Naruto. Enough of the games. I'm tired.' I admitted with a deep frown, a look that made Naruto coo, something I wasn't even expecting from him.

He walked back up to me and then bent down, so his large body was in between my legs, his eyes staring directly into mine. He then chuckled. "Fine then. I've been taught to never keep a lady waiting anyways. So don't worry." He reassured but then quickly, jumped back on topic like he promised.

I watched closely as his smirk suddenly changed into a very dirty one, his blue eyes blinking between the color red and blue.

He then, raised his head. "I know, what you did in your bed, every night, Hinata. I know, that those little fingers of yours were doing some naughty things to that lovely area between your thighs. And those lips…" He leaned in closer, his hand moving down to grab my left thigh, his grip tight. I blushed deeply while he grinned. "Were moaning my name, over and over the entire time. You want me. Admit it. You want me just as much as I want you and there's nothing wrong with that. You make me better, after all. And I, make all of your dirty little fantasies, come true. All you have to do, is tell me that you want me, and I'll give you everything, Hinata." He whispered seductively beside my ear, his words dripping with nothing but lust and want for me.

His body heat was so hot it seemed to rub off on me, getting me hot as well. I panted softly because of it, my legs squirming against his touch.

I bit my lip, not knowing how to feel. I felt majorly embarrassed that he knew what I was doing every night when I was away from him.

He knew, deep down I wanted him… And that I liked everything he does to me. But it's just...

I can't choose anymore…

My heart is telling me one thing and my head…

Is saying, another…

I know I'm young.. I know I haven't done the smartest things in my life but this, is different.. I'm stuck with Naruto either way. There's no way around it. Demon or not..

Killer, or not..

I want him and I can't keep it hidden anymore. My eyes shot down at him and in an instant, my hand came to cup the side of his tan face, watching as his eyes settled to their normal blue.

He groaned at the feeling of my touch and went to move in closer, his hand still gripping my thigh tight. I allowed myself to smile at that and I tilted my head, taking in everything of him. 

This is it..

This, is me accepting my desires..

I blushed but chose to finally speak, them out. "Naruto… I-I-I… want you." I whispered out which caused a wave of silence to sweep the room, my eyes rooted on Naruto's completely.

I bit my lip nervously when I noticed the look that now resided on Naruto's face. His eyes were shot wide open, his facial expression left on pause it seemed. His body was still as he just stared at me, my words clearly having a great effect on him. Something I had no clue of.

Suddenly though, I was pinned down roughly onto the bed, a knee moving to place itself between my thighs, pressing against my bare lower area underneath my towel.

I gasped at that, my cheeks burning red from the nice feeling of having him finally touch me so intimately.

I moaned softly but was silenced when a hand moved up to lightly wrap itself around my throat, Naruto's body leaning over mine.

He sent me a wide, satisfied grin, his blue eyes turning to a deep red.

He then, chuckled amusingly. "I, knew it.. I knew it all fucking along, Hinata." He spat but then leaned down towards me a bit more, at the same time rubbing his knee up and down my little area making more moans escape my mouth.

Naruto only smirked, loving every second of the moment.

Just like I, secretly did.

He went down and pressed his lips onto my cheek, soon moving them back to my ear once more, continuing on with his last words. "You have no idea… how long I've been waiting for you to say those exact words. But it seems to me, someone's still lying to herself. Hinata, I wanna hear you say it, again." He whispered out seductively against my ear, his words extremely teasing.

The blush that stained my cheeks was growing tremendously as the time went on, the redness traveling further throughout my body.

Naruto smirked by my ear, his knee constantly teasing me which felt amazing. But he soon stopped which made me gasp, his eyes squinting upon me. "Say it, Hinata.. And only then, I'll continue this." He warned once more, indeed stopping his actions. I pouted at that, my body squirming underneath his. 

God.. I can't believe this..

It took just about everything to say it the first time. Now, he wants me to say it again?

Oh gosh..

But, if I want him to pleasure me, I have to do this. I have to let him in on my sins once, again.

I blew out a deep breath but then, moved my arm forward to wrap it around his neck, bringing him close into a small hug.

I moved over to face him fully, staring deeply up into his eyes lovingly. I smiled, nodding once more. "Oh Naruto.. I want you, so bad. I want you to make me feel good. I want you to rock, my entire world." I whispered out softly, my words holding nothing but the truth in them.

I was being honest with myself this time. I was tired of lying. Naruto is allowing me to let go so…

I am..

Those words flew straight out of my mouth and into Naruto's ears, affecting him once more.

From where he laid over my body, I could instantly feel his large manhood harden in his pants, his breathing becoming very raspy.

I watched as he tried to swallow back all his excited emotions, his eyes never straying away from me.

I tilted my head at that, a mix of worry and confusion present in my eyes now.

I frowned. "N-Naruto.." But as soon as I spoke out his name, Naruto pounced on me once again. But this time, taking my lips up into a deep kiss while he was at it.

I moaned by the sudden action but kept my arm wrapped around his neck, soon pulling my other one around him. The kiss was completely heated, our lips sucking the other ones excitingly.

Naruto groaned but moved his hands down and quickly, while I was distracted, grabbed a hold of my towel and ripped it open, exposing my bare body completely.

I gasped in the kiss at that but that only allowed Naruto to force his tongue inside of my wet mouth, a groan slipping from his own mouth.

My body shuddered from it now being exposed to the cool air in the room, Naruto's covered chest rubbing constantly against my hardened tits.

My toes curled and my cheeks blushed once I felt his tongue slither over everything inside of my mouth, his actions very needy. It seems he was actually waiting desperately for this moment.. 

So he wasn't lying…

He actually wants me…

Not going to lie, I was super angry at Naruto for how he went about talking with my father and friends.

At that moment, I thought he only wanted me for what he needed, of me. I didn't think he actually..

Loved me…

Oh my…

Soon the kiss broke but our romance period didn't stop there, his lips meeting my ear which he nibbled. I could hear his heavy breathing and his low growls clearly now, my body squirming.

He chuckled, his hand moving down to grab my right breast. "I know you want more, sweetheart. But lucky for you, I know exactly, how you want it. How about you turn around for me. I wanna see that pretty little ass. I missed it." He whispered hotly against my ear which officially did it for me.

My lower lips grew completely damp and I let out an approving moan, my head nodding slowly to Naruto's demand. "Y-Yes, Naruto." I muttered out before doing just that, Naruto backing away to give me some space.

But while I turned around, his hands were scrambling to get his shirt and pants off, revealing his overly muscular body.

My body slowly rose up and I turned over, finally revealing myself to him again. It's been a while anyway. 

I'm glad, we had this chat…

I smiled faintly but placed my palms directly onto the bed, laying them flat. I then, leaned over a bit, so my ass could stick up at him teasingly. This way I know, will excite him like no other…


I paused, my mind thinking deeply about this situation.

Am I really ready, to do this again… 

I know I've wanted it but..

I was scared of Naruto for a reason…

And I still don't know what happened to Kohan, to the other demon hunters. And this all feels so rushed.

I lowered my head at that, a small frown replacing my smile. All I heard was intense shuffling from behind me as Naruto quickly kicked off his clothing, throwing it across the room, revealing his heightened excitement.

I then, heard him groan, his eyes now feasted upon me. "Mmm… Now what do I have here? Mmm.. What a delicious little treat that is, Hinata. To think it's all mine now." He purred which made me bite my lip, my head shaking.

"Naruto u-um.."

But my words fell on death ears and the next thing I felt was hands gripping my ass cheeks open and a hot mouth entering inside them, immediately pleasuring me.

My eyes shot wide open at the intense feeling and I moaned out loudly, his lips not at all holding back. He was giving me his all.. And it felt, amazing.

I couldn't even speak anymore as his lips devoured my lower area fully, my eyes rolling. I groaned out shakily and moved to grab a hold of the sheets underneath me tightly, my body trembling from his lewd actions.

His tongue was licking everywhere at once, teasing my opening and sometimes my clit. And the whole time his hands held my hips tightly, his fingers gripping the skin harshly.

His nails were almost digging inside of me which brought on the pain to my pleasure. I whimpered at that and slowly moved my hand back to pat his hand, trying to let him know that he was actually, hurting me.

"N-Naruto.." But again, I was interrupted when Naruto moved the same hand I was patting, violently moving my hand aside to add two fingers inside of me, my eyes widening massively at the rush of things.

I mewled and dropped back down once again, his fingers immediately beginning to thrust harshly inside of me, working against my tight walls.

Naruto hummed lowly, his emotions clouding his judgment completely.

He was acting crazy. But that didn't stop him.

He looked down at his moving fingers and watched as my lower area twitched around them, my body spasming before him. "Ahh, feels good doesn't it, Hinata? Was this what you've been craving, hmm?" He moaned against me, his other hand working down to slap my left ass cheek, surprising me..

My body jumped and I yelped, my hips trembling. But I nodded slowly at his words, just going along with his harsh treatment. Clearly he's missed me so, I'll let him do what he wants…

For now..

My body shook tremendously from the feeling of his fingers drilling me but I did manage to respond back to him, somehow.

"Y-Yes.. I love it but y-you're…"

Once again, I was interrupted when Naruto let out a satisfied moan, his head moving down to lie on the side of my hips.

He groaned, blissfully, his free hand rubbing the spot that he previously hit. "Ooh yes, my little one.. You sound so beautiful when you say that. Oh how I've missed you." He whispered out longingly, his fingers never stopping their actions.

He was completely buttering me up which felt amazing but it seemed like something was wrong. His emotions were all over the place which was absolutely different. Even his fingers were driving crazily inside of me. It felt good but just not how we normally did things..

What, changed?

Is it because I left?

Did he go crazy because of it?

I gulped but decided once again, to go with it. I moaned softly as he fingered me still, his lips moving down to kiss the side of my asscheek.

He then, turned up to me, giving me a glance from where my back was turned to him. And in that moment, his eyes sparked red and he began to thrust his fingers insanely inside of me, catching me by surprise.

I yelped loudly at that, my toes curling tightly underneath me.. "Ahh! O-Oh god!" I screamed out loudly, my climax gaining fast at this point. It didn't take me long to finally release, my body spasming crazily on his bed.

Once again, I couldn't bring myself to say anything, his fingers never letting up. I whined at that, my lower area growing very sensitive now.

I whimpered and turned to Naruto quickly, launching out to try to stop him but when I tried, he only smacked my hand away, my eyes spotting his own.

His red glowing eyes were held directly on me now, his actions never coming to a stop. I cried out at that, my hands gripping the sheets underneath me harshly. So harsh, I felt my hands grow numb. "A-Ah! Naruto okay, I-I get it!" I whined out which made him growl, his eyes dimming.

"Oh don't try to back out now. You wanted this, right? Or are you just acting like a coward again?" He spat harshly from behind me, his words pulling at my heart strings.

I felt my eyes water up at his words, my head shaking at them. "N-No.. It isn't that. I just.." A scoff stopped me and suddenly his fingers removed themselves away from me and soon something hot and thick was coming to take its place but..

No way.. 

I can't let him carry this on anymore..

He's unstable right now. And sex, will only worsen his condition.

So once I felt the tip of his member against my opening, I rushed back and covered my highly sensitive area with my hand, halting him.

I watched as his red eyes glared down at me, his hand moving over to throw me off again. "Oh, I see someone's acting a little different now. What is it this time sweetheart? Am I scaring you? Are you afraid of cumming again, hmm? Your limit is awful after all." He spat which made my eyes widen but I quickly shook my head, ignoring his words. He doesn't mean any of this. 

Well.. I hope…

He's not in his right mind.

I gulped as I stayed rooted to my spot, my hand covering my area from his view. And once his hand came down to grab mines I shot a mean glare at him, freezing him.

"Naruto… This is not the way to make me stay or, make me feel comfortable. You have to respect me. And going over my limits and bringing me down like this is not the way to do it. I thought, you missed me." I whimpered out, a little hurt by his ways.

But as soon as I said those words, it seemed to snap him out of the trance he was in, his red eyes flashing back to a blue.

He let out a gasp and looked down at himself then, back at me. He cursed.


Was all he muttered out before pulling his boxers over his member again, covering himself, a relieved sigh escaping my lips.

Oh thank god..

I watched as he then pulled his arms over to grab a hold of mine, turning me around with ease. But as soon as I faced him, he went out to hug me deeply, bringing me closely to his body. I gasped by the sudden affection, a little startled by it..

Naruto's.. hugging me? 

It felt weird but also..


His body was super warm but it almost resembled a heating blanket which felt wonderful to my skin. I haven't felt his body on mine in a while anyway.

I smiled and with that I slowly hugged him back, forgiving him.

Naruto groaned at that, his breathing a little raspy. He then, moved down and caressed his cheek with mine, just embracing me. "Hinata.. I don't normally say this but… I'm sorry. I was acting like a crazed bastard, I must admit. It's just you.." He trailed off and then placed his hand on my cheek, my eyes moving to lock onto his.

I  frowned at his words, shaking my head. "I know. And you can do better. We're tied to each other so we can at least work on building our relationship. S-Sex shouldn't be the thing to do it." I acknowledged softly which Naruto actually agreed to, his head nodding.

He continued to rub my face gently, his touch surprisingly soft and sweet. He sighed. "You're right, you're right. Fuck.. You're always right. I should listen to you more.." He whispered out which made me smile, my eyes taking in the way his eyes looked.

They expressed genuine emotions, emotions that were true for once. And for that, it made me happy. I was actually looking forward onto staying. If it means for Naruto to behave and live peacefully then..

I will gladly, made a sacrifice or two. 

I have to stay and help him. I know it's not gonna be easy but… This will work, for me and him…

In the very, end.. 

Kurama's P.O.V

I let out a long sigh as I just laid on a huge fluffy bed in one of the guests rooms in Naruto's home. For some reason, I felt restless. I mean, Hinata's here which means I can relax but for some reason..

I just can't.. 

Naruto hasn't been stable lately and that has taken me days to fix. I just hope he can control himself with her.

I groaned at that thought, turning on my side. I scoffed. "Damn it…" I whispered out in defeat, not knowing what to do. I want to be there for Naruto and Hinata but it doesn't seem appropriate. I narrowed my eyes..

Maybe I should just check up on them. 

I can't sleep anyways.

I sighed and with that, I sat up in my bed, my hands pushing away the blanket that rested on my body.

Once I was free, I turned my body around so my legs were dangling off of the bed. I only wore long white pajamas pants, my muscular chest bare.

I let out a groan and moved my hand up to ruffle through my orange hair, my mind all over the place… But, that didn't stop me from moving off of my messy bed and soon out of my room.

I entered the dark hallway of Naruto's mansion with light steps, my eyes glowing red to see better.

Ahh, much better..

I smirked and began to make my way  towards Naruto's bedroom, all the while keeping my feet light so Naruto doesn't detect me.

The huge house was quiet for the most part but as I inched closer, my highly sensitive ears began to pick up something. Something that made my whole body stiffen…

"Ahh! O-Oh god!"

Hinata's moans filled up my ears from the room a little ways ahead of me, my eyes widening largely.

But, I wasn't completely surprised.

I knew what Naruto wanted to do with her. He's told me his plans countless times beforehand.

I shook my head at that but kept on trotting along, just wanting to be a little nosy. I mean..

Why not? 

I missed Hinata too after all.

I smiled and finally stepped in front of the door, my ears now able to hear everything. And when I did, it didn't sound so good anymore. 

"Oh, I see someone's acting a little different now. What is it this time sweetheart? Am I scaring you? Are you afraid of cumming again, hmm? Your limit is awful after all."

My eyes shot wide but I then growled lowly, shooting my deadly stare to the double doors in front of me.

What the fuck is he doing? 

I thought he wanted to rebuild their relationship. I thought he was going to take things slow. 

But not this..

He's bad mouthing the girl, taking advantage of her. I clenched my fists..

This, is not, slow..

Damn it kit..

I growled and just was about to open the door, to stop this nonsense but I paused, my ears picking up something else…

"Naruto… This is not the way to make me stay or, make me feel comfortable. You have to respect me. And going over my limits and bringing me down like this is not the way to do it. I thought, you missed me."

Hinata's words were desperate but also pleading, as if she was trying to bring Naruto back to his senses.

And by the quiet, "Shit" that followed afterwards, her tactic worked. I couldn't help but chuckle in relief at the sound of that, my heels turning right back around so my room was in my direction again. 

Ahh, why was I worrying….

Hinata's got this. Just like I first, thought…

Heh, I have all faith in you..



Well, How was that!!

A little crazy I know. 😆😆

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