Chapter 34: New Ways

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • ғᴏʀᴇᴘʟᴀʏ • ᴏʀᴀʟ sᴇx • ᴀɴɢsᴛ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Naruto's P.O.V

Time passed and both, me and Hinata were now fast asleep in bed, my arm wrapped around her body securely. It was all nice at first but once it grew later in the night..

Things, got a little hard for me...

It seemed like, it was one of my bad, nights again.

My body tossed and turned lightly against Hinata's body, groans spilling from my lips. My mind was attacking itself again, haunting me with thoughts of Hinata getting hurt or either leaving me again.

I fucking hate this.

Reality wasn't my, reality at the moment and I, grew swept up by it.

I groaned loudly and suddenly, my body shot up out of my bed, my eyes popping wide open.


I yelped out in a fright and quickly looked over to check her side, nothing but fear present in my blue eyes.

But I sighed to see her still here, beside me, sleeping peacefully. Her beautiful eyes were covered from view as she snored away, her body now holding a dark red bra and panties on which looked beyond enticing.

I let out another relieved sigh, my tan body all sweaty. I groaned.

These dreams are a major pain in my ass.

It's funny really, because as a demon, dreams haven't affected me before. I've never suffered really from a measly movie, playing in my head while I slept. But ever since Hinata came into my life, everything's different.

I've actually loved another, again.

Cared, for another.

I have opened up my heart once more.
But I see that, their bringing back consequences...

Just like the first time.

I pulled my hand up and rubbed my face in major exhaustion, turning to look at the young girl again. I groaned at the sight of her, every part of me melting.

Goddamn it, Hinata..

Something about her really made me go wild and crazy. Her face looked so gentle and delicate, like an angel. Her body glowed while exposed and naked and her voice was soft, not rough or loud. She was my opposite and I loved her deeply for it..

Sometimes a little too, deeply..

I've noticed I tend to get a little bat-shit crazy with my involvement with her. I don't mean the situation to go that way. It's just my emotions, are...


And speaking of untamed...

I want to do something..

I don't care if it seems creepy or weird... Hinata's mine and I can do whatever the hell I want with her. I smirked darkly at that..

I know she'll like it anyway..

Hinata was secretly a little freak. I've known that from day one when I first entered inside her and made her moan louder than ever. I could see in her eyes that my moves in bed satisfies her more than anything. I've gotten her hooked.

Of course... I'm no newbie to sex..

As a demon, I can move ways a human male can't possibly follow.. So of course, Hinata will want more. She's told me to rock her world, so I, will do just that.

I grinned and turned towards her, my hand moving down to grab the sheets that covered her body. Soon, I threw them off, exposing her.

She shuddered from being exposed but for the most part, she stayed asleep. My eyes showed nothing but amusement as I made my way forward, going about my plan.

Alright, Hinata...

Your world, is about to be rocked..

Hinata's P.O.V

The first night back with Naruto was a little weird, not going to lie. But the sleep, was beyond amazing.

After being forced over my sexual limits, I felt exhausted like none before. So when I went to bed, it didn't take long for the sleep to take me over. But after some time passed, I felt a bit...


My body felt cold as I laid deep asleep, my position before changed. But that, wasn't the weirdest thing that was wrong.

Suddenly, I was woken up by a pleasurable feeling down below, my whole body affected strongly with that feeling as if the action has been going on for a while.

My eyes were glazed even when I woke up from my slumber, my body spasming. I gripped my pillows harshly, my eyes rolling deeply. "O-Oh g-god." I breathed out blissfully but I quickly looked around obliviously, a little out of it still.

But I mewled when the feeling came back and it felt like it was coming from down below so, I looked down.

But when I did, my eyes locked on red glowing ones, the male down below licking constantly at my exposed area, my panties nowhere in sight.

My leg was placed over top of the demon's broad shoulder, giving him access to my entire dripping core.

His eyes squinted amusingly to see me awake but he didn't stop which made me gasp in major surprise and, in embrassment.

"Wh-What are you, ahh!"

My words were cut short when Naruto started to work even harder against me, his eyes rooted on me the entire time.

His lips moved wider and he devoured my lower lips whole, even sticking his tongue deep into my opening. And with his fingers, he used them to pinch and tweak at my clit, quickly working me to my climax. My eyes constantly rolled and my toes curled tightly against him, my whole body trembling.

A huge blush stained my face as I was worked straight to my release. And I did once Naruto flicked my clit one last time, causing me to cum once more.

Everything was so intense. I haven't felt it in days and to have it again so quickly like this... I just..

Love it...

A scream like no other spilled from my lips and my body rose far off the bed, my voice, filling up the entire house. My reaction was just what Naruto wanted and he smirked once, he got it..


"So, rule one..."

Naruto started off as he slid a plate full of food towards me, a black silk robe covering my body now.

I bit my lip once my eyes landed on the perfectly made pancakes in front of me. But something about them this time, was just too amusing, a giggle slipping from my lips because of it.

There were blueberries that were planted on it, formed to make a smiley face, syrup sprayed on the top of it.

I grabbed my fork, ready to dig into the yummy goodness below me but a voice cleared their throat at me, halting me before I could do so.

I looked up at Naruto who stood before me with an raised eyebrow, a small smirk on his lips. "Eyes on me, little one. You can eat, sure... But this, is important." He spoke with authority in his voice, ordering me to listen up. So, I did.

I nodded slowly and also moved to grab my knife, then using the two utensils to cut the stack of pancakes. "Y-Yes, I'm listening." I responded back softly which made Naruto purr, his head nodding in approval.

"Good, little one. So, I did recall telling you that I have some new rules. Most of them are different and some of them, you may not like, my dear. But you have, to follow them. Or, unfortunately, you will be punished." He informed in all seriousness, his eyes squinted on me from where he stood.

At his words, I couldn't help but lower my head, a little part of me wishing I could stay here without his god forsaken rules.

Why does it all always have to be about him?

I know he's scared of me running away again but...

I made him a promise...

Again, he doesn't trust me.

Fine.. I don't trust him either...

I thought being nice and patient with him would break his hardened shell but, it seems to me it takes more than that... I sighed at that, my eyes watching the dessert in front of me closely.

My hands worked back and forth slowly as my fingers gripped the end of the shiny silver knife and fork I held, just steady cutting the pancakes into triangles all the way through and, around.

But I didn't forget to answer Naruto back, my head nodding reluctantly. "A-Alright." I only whispered out which Naruto nodded to, just accepting my answer.

He then, moved forward and grabbed the chair that was facing my way and slid it open, soon moving to sit down at the table as well.

Now I was staring deeply into two pairs of ocean blue eyes, my whole body freezing for a moment. A blush stained my cheeks at the sight of him so close, my eyes picking up his gorgeous face. I turned away, a little surprised.

Has Naruto, always looked this... Hot..

Or is it because I haven't seen him in a while?

Whatever it may be, I wish it would just present itself to me because I feel myself slowly, falling back in.

And I've only stayed here for a day.

I can't believe this.

As I looked away, trying desperately to get a hold of my freakish womanly urges, I missed the smirk that Naruto made, his eyes watching me.

He then let out a deep chuckle. "Oh little one, is there a problem? If there is, you know I can help you solve it. Just say the word." He purred out amusingly. And to tease me even further, he moved his hand around to playfully pinch the upper part of my arm, surprising me.

I moved my hand away in slight embarrassment, his touch super hot which made me feel weird.

So I shook my head at him, fixing so I was glaring at him. "Stop this. I told you already... Our relationship shouldn't always revolve around s-sex. We should be able to talk to each other more." I explained with a nod, slightly scolding him on his ways. Since he wants me to change things up, he has to also look at himself to change as well.

I watched as he nodded at me, but that same amused smirk was still present. He leaned over, moving so his chin was rested on his propped up hand on the table.

He grinned at me. "Ahh, you're right. We both have things we need to learn. But you know what..." He trailed off as I listened, my hands moving to place my knife down so I was only holding on to my fork to eat. I was severely hungry after all.

But at his last words, I furrowed my brows, my hand soon guiding the fork to my pancakes, impaling one of them.

Naruto eyed me the whole time with sneaky eyes, just watching me begin to eat. But he then, opened his mouth again, but when he did, I almost choked on my breakfast. "It's cute, Hinata, that you stutter every time those beautiful little lips form the words sex. Do you think it's embarrassing? Maybe too vulgar for you? Aww, what an adorable, innocent little girl you are." He teased once more which made me squeak out, my head shaking by his words.

My teeth went back to chewing and I eventually swallowed down the sweet contents. But when I did, I immediately let out a troubled sigh. "I-It's not that... I just, have too many, um.. uncomfortable and, weird memories associated with that word." I admitted in a low whisper, my hand moving my fork to pick up another piece of pancake.

Naruto for once, sat and listened with open ears, his head nodding in understanding. "Ahh.. Makes sense." He spoke and then looked away, silence taking over us which gave me what I needed to enjoy my food for a while. Because of course it tasted perfect. Like it was made from heaven which was super ironic.

I groaned in bliss but then placed my fork down to grab a hold of the glass of orange juice beside me to satisfy my thirst.

Soon Naruto cleared his throat and turned back to me, watching as I placed down my juice to eat again.

He furrowed his brows. "It's my fault, isn't it? That you're so embarrassed and shameful, even at the mere mention of sex? I've abused you, haven't I?" He whispered out, as if he was thinking about it all this time which stopped me dead in my tracks.

A frown replaced my smile of bliss, my lavender eyes eyeing the pout on Naruto's face.

His eyes showed that he was indeed hurt and guilty, his smirk gone from existence. I pouted as well and moved to place my fork down again, soon moving over to grab his other hand which was lying flat against the table, my fingers moving to intertwine with his.

And I smiled when he allowed me my request, his warm hand now clutching mine too. I looked back up at him and shook my head. "Listen... I know that you've hurt me in the past but that's in your nature right? You had no control over that. But, the good thing is that you've acknowledged your mistake. Some part of you wants to change which is good. It only takes time, Naruto." I explained softly to him, talking slowly so he took in all of my words with no problem.

His eyes were wide as he stared over into my eyes, his head moving down to catch sight of our interlocked hands.

He nodded slowly but then looked away, thinking on something else. Suddenly, he moved his hand away from mine and cleared his throat, my head tilting at that.

But he then sighed. "You're probably right, Hinata. But let's save that topic for another time. I'll just leave you be, for now. But afterwards, it's rule time." He spoke with four light hits to the table before moving back to stand, my eyes watching him the entire time.

I put up a small smile before nodding. "O-Okay." I whispered out on which he smiled, nodding one more time at me before vanishing, indeed leaving me to eat in peace.

I let out a sigh before moving to do just that, eat peacefully.

Kurama's P.O.V

I watched silently from a corner as Naruto spoke with Hinata in the dining room, my eyes just checking in on them.

A part of me was still worried, and the other part of me just wanted to see the two together. Their relationship is just so cute and honestly, so meant to be. I've never seen Naruto so happy before. It's a once in a lifetime type of thing.

And it's worth the watch...

I smiled but then gasped once I saw that Naruto was now, completely gone from his previous spot in front of Hinata, the young girl now eating peacefully.

I tilted my head at that but groaned once I heard a voice come up from behind me.

"Why are you spying on me, Kurama?"

Naruto asked curiously, my head turning to meet the person behind the question that was just asked.

Naruto was now leaning on the wall some ways in front of me, his arms crossed. He tilted his head but then chuckled. "Seems Hinata isn't the only one that doesn't trust me. It's like we're in a circle of mistrust." He spoke with his nose wrinkled up, clearly hating that. But...

It wasn't even like that...

I was only checking to see if everything was alright. Let's not forget, days ago, Kit had gone bat-shit crazy about the young girl betraying him.

So on Hinata's behalf, I'm also making sure he isn't plotting anything to harm her.

We both need her after all..

I let out a sigh and simply waved off Naruto who was clearly just, paranoid. "Oh kit. It's funny to see you worrying so much. It's not like you." I chuckled out which caused him to roll his eyes, his head shaking at my words.

"Just answer the damn question already." He spat out impatiently with narrowed eyes, desperate for the answer.

Which, I eventually gave to him. His patience wasn't all the way there anymore after all.

I smirked at that, moving to cross my arms, over my chest as well. "Alright then.. If you want to know. I'm just keeping an eye out on you. I just want to make sure that you're truly, well. Ya know, sane." I informed with a nod, telling him the utmost truth. After all, he deserves to have someone to look after him, to care for him. He's been through a lot.

And by my words, Naruto let out a heartwarming chuckle, completely understanding.

He looked up at me and sent me a full on smile, his body moving away from the wall to walk up to me.

He then, placed one hand on my shoulder and nodded, his eyes sincere. "Thanks for having my back, Kurama." He spoke out honestly which caused me to grin, my heart warming to know that Naruto was okay with what I was doing.

If it was back then, Naruto probably would've lashed out but no...

The girl is changing him..

He's, changing...

And that, was very good.

I smiled at Naruto as he patted my shoulder, our friendship now a lot more better and bright. And all because of...


I smiled, liking that very much. But I then spoke once more, accepting Naruto's, thank you.

"You're most welcome, kit.."

Much Later

Hinata's P.O.V

Much time has passed and I've been working my way around Naruto's place, just getting used to everything again.

Naruto has given me the time to explore around peacefully as I looked in every room, just taking in different things I haven't even seen before. And the whole time, Naruto was actually patient with me. It seems that he wanted to rebuild back on our trust which..

I understand completely..

That, was very good of him to do right now. I expected him to just force me to love and want him again but..

That certainly isn't the case..

And I found myself loving it deeply. After all, you can't force anyone to love. It takes time and hard work. And I see that Naruto knows that.

But, moving back to my little tour, I was also shown a little personal closet of my own in Naruto's room which, was amazing but also a little weird. He told me that he bought all the clothes while we were apart which seemed a little..


But who am I kidding, I knew that Naruto was obsessed with me from the start. It just, freaks me out sometimes.

Soon though, the sun was beginning to set outside and my tour was coming to a close, Naruto escorting me to his living room. The room I first was in when I saw him..


That, was one crazy thing to watch. And back then, I was so oblivious to my situation, his actions were just borderline shocking and horrendous to me. I wanted nothing more than to get away. I lowered my head, just thinking on that for a moment...

But I can't, get away..

I know this is something I must do, like I once said before but, sometimes I wish it was different. Sometimes I wish that this situation was under different circumstances.

Like if Naruto wasn't a demon and just wanted to win my heart desperately. No red eyes, no threats, no punishments, no fear and absolutely no hardcore sex. Don't get me wrong, I like it but...

It's just not normal enough for me.

I sighed, my shoulders slumping.

But that's all a dream now..

I put up a frown at that but soon covered it up once I was then ordered to sit on one of Naruto's sofas, my body now covered in one of the outfits Naruto bought for me.

Surprisingly, it wasn't anything extreme, more casual like.

I now wore a pink short sleeved shirt with the word love slashed on the front of it, with cute white jeans and socks to match. I actually loved the fit, it was more..


I allowed myself to smile on that thought but my attention was drawn elsewhere when I saw Naruto moving to walk towards his well kept up chimney in the cozy room.

I watched him as he bent down towards it, moving to start it up. But instead of using a lighter to light up the wood, he moved his hand in front of it and shot out the fire he needed, his eyes sparking a dark red for a split second.

But soon, his chimney was lit which work to heat up the entire room, my eyes eyeing Naruto as he moved up to stand again.

He grinned, nodding his head in approval. "Ahh, that should set the mood, right?" He chuckled out which caused me to smile faintly, his eyes soaking it up.

He snickered and then moved to sit on another sofa across from me, his body much further than mine.

He looked over at me but then moved his right leg up so it was lying straight over his left knee, a nice outfit fitted on his body as well.

He wore an all black short sleeved shirt which failed to cover up his sexy body underneath, the outline of his strong abs and chest revealed proudly through the shirt, grey joggers and socks rooted down below to match his outfit.

His hair was unkempt and wild as usual but it seems different somehow...

Brighter maybe...

I actually liked the look on him.

But soon Naruto cleared his throat, his body leaning back completely into his red velvet sofa. "Alright, Hinata. Just like I promised. I gave you, just about the whole day to yourself. To explore and eat and have peace here. But now, like I said before, it's rule time." He instructed with a small nod, letting me in on the serious situation that was waiting, ahead of us. I couldn't help but gulp, his voice a bit too serious at the moment.

But I nodded, letting him know that I understood and, that I was ready. "Al-Alright." I spoke out softly which he nodded to, his head turning away from me to stare endlessly in the roaring fire just a few feet away from him, his blue eyes taking it all in.

"Now, I know you're not gonna like me for what I'm about to order you to do but just understand my part, Hinata. I've been through hell while you were gone. For almost two weeks I've been running aimlessly around the whole damn country for you, not knowing where the hell you were. I was angry, frustrated and, scared. Every night, I had these dreams, Hinata. Dreams that sent the same message every single time. That you would rather die than to be stuck with me. Those dreams held you bringing harm to yourself. Harm that were severe, and to just take me down. And to think I woke up every morning without you, not knowing what was happening on your side. Hah! I didn't even know whether to be relieved or fucking pissed to see that you were just peacefully living in your own home. I was driving myself crazy for fucking nothing! Now, do you understand my pain, Hinata! That's why, these rules have to be put in place. I can't lose you. I can't have any harm come to you. And I certainly can't have you running away. Not again. Not, ever."

After he spoke those words, he was left breathless, his chest heaving greatly like his life depended on letting me know the pain and anguish he felt from my absence.

His words were so raw, so full of emotion, I found myself shaking in my spot, just speechless.

I had no clue he went through all of that. I must admit, I did like the freedom. But again, I thought Naruto was dead. I thought I had nothing to worry about. The demon hunters seemed to know what to do so...

My faith was high...

But no, the demon hunters are not what they seem. And besides, now I've given Naruto a chance. But to just hear that, I grew super guilty. I lowered my head.

No wonder he was so angry.

Now wonder he punished me by haunting my every move.

He struck the same fear he felt into me, sneakily giving me a taste of what he felt all along. And I was still, clueless. I let out a whimper..

Oh Naruto...

I bit my trembling lip, trying to hold my emotions together. "I-I-I'm sorry." I sobbed out which caused Naruto to turn my way, his eyes softening as he took in the hurt and guilt on my face.

He tilted his head, soon shaking it. He then turned away from and sighed. "No, it's fine, little one. You told me your reason already. But I just had, to let you in on how I felt before, I gave you the new rules. I hope, you can understand from here on out." He spoke once more on which I immediately nodded, my eyes saddened now.

"I-I-I will. I promise." I whimpered out but all Naruto did to my words was side glance me, revealing that our trust was still broken.

I frowned upon that but I looked up when he cleared his throat. "Right so... The rules.." He trailed off and then finally, turned to me, his eyes narrowing which caused me to feel very uneasy.

I swallowed nervously while he silently planned his next words. But once he spoke, I couldn't seem to hide my shock.

Rule one: You are not, to return back to school.

His words left no room to argue, his tone filled with nothing but authority. But his words left a huge wound. I pouted.

I can't go back, to school?

It pains me greatly to hear that since my days there have been filled with nothing but fun and excitement. But like he clearly mentioned before...

His rules, were the, rules.

I can't do anything about it.

I only lowered my head.

But he, narrowed his eyes. "You going to school was the reason this mess was even started. I allowed you too much freedom. That's, how you got involved with those demon's hunters. But if you stay here, no one will know. You'll be hidden. And also, protected. And don't worry, I've already worked out the kinks into keeping you from going back. So now, you're a dropout." He explained which made me whimper, his fingers tapping the sofa lightly.

He spared me a glance but sighed. "Do you understand, Hinata?" He asked which I nodded slowly in return, just accepting it. There was no other way.

I frowned. "Yes.. I-I understand." I whispered out reluctantly which caused him to nod, he soon moving on.

"Good. Now onto the next one." He informed and did, just that.

Rule 2: You are not to see any of your friends face to face. I'll be kind and allow you access to them through phone or text. Anything other than that, is forbidden. Same goes for your family.

He spat which was a major blow to my emotions, my teeth biting down on my lip harshly to keep the tears from rolling. But it was so hard. It was hard to listen to this.

He's denying me everything..

He's cutting off everything that makes me truly happy. But, I had no choice. So, I nodded, and he went on to the next rule.

Rule 3: You are not to leave this house without having me by your side.

He added on, soon adding on a bunch more which seemed to mentally tear me apart.

Rule 4: You are to do what I say, when I say. Always.

Rule 5: Also, when communicating with your friends, I must hear and see every word that's been written and, spoken, from both parties. I won't let another plan be made behind my back.

Rule 6: Kurama helped me make this one. And we both want you to express yourself. Don't be shy to talk to me, about anything. If you need something, you can tell me. Even if you want something, I'm here.

Rule 7: You are free to roam the house as you please but one room is off limits. The library. Never, enter there. If I catch you take even a step inside, I'll have you over my lap in a heartbeat. That room, is off limits, by yourself. If you want to go, you ask me beforehand.

Rule 8: Lastly, never forget who's in charge here. I may want to change for you but I won't have you running over me. These rules are to be followed and I will be respected even so.

He finally finished, my body trembling massively now. Tears had long rolled down my face but I quickly wiped them away, hiding my pain.

Luckily, Naruto was looking away from me but I knew, that he knew, his words were getting to me. He even warned me beforehand.

I listened as he then, let out a deep sigh, a soft crackling sound following from the fireplace.

Naruto soon took his eyes off of the wall ahead of him and looked at me again, his eyes taking in the way I constantly wiped away my tears, his eyes softening once more.

He frowned. "I know you're sad, Hinata. But these are the rules and I won't, be changing them. This, will insure you safety, and me, some clarification on your whereabouts and anything that comes along to that. I know the rules are a bit harsh but, you know me pretty well so, you know that I'm a harsh guy." He explained with slumped shoulders, his eyes just taking in all of my facial expressions as well as my body language.

But I couldn't hide that I was deeply sad and hurt. But like he said before..

I have no choice but to go along with it. To accept my new life...

It sucks but, what can I do?


Absolutely nothing..

I was so deep into my thoughts I didn't even see that Naruto was no longer sitting across from me but now beside me. Only when his hand moved onto my thigh did I pick up his new location.

I turned slowly towards him, staring him straight in the eye as he stared back at me. He pouted to see my pain up close and moved to cup the side of my face, his skin nice and warm to the touch.

I closed my eyes at that, just wanting sleep now. It's been a long first day and I really just want to rest this pain and tension off.

I sighed once I felt Naruto's lips being planted on my forehead, his thumb caressing my skin with care. "It'll get better. I promise. I will make this home, for you." He whispered out and with that, he lightly laid me down so my body was lying across his lap, my ears picking up a snap and once I heard it, I felt engulfed with a big warm blanket, one that put me straight to sleep.

But while I was lulled away, I could precisely feel the large hand that caressed and rubbed my head, Naruto's fingers running lightly through my midnight blue hair, all words left, on hold...

Well how did you all think about that?

More content is coming involving with Naruto and Hinata so be ready!

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