Chapter 35: Keeping The Flow

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍɪɴᴏʀ ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴅᴇᴘʀᴇssɪᴏɴ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ • ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • ᴀɴɢsᴛ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Temari's P.O.V


Sorry, but the person you're trying to call is unavailable. Please try again later."

My eyes widened largely as I sat on the couch in Hiashi's living room, everyone crowded around me.

At the sound of the voicemail, Ino and Sakura let out loud surprised gasps while Hanabi and Mr. Hiashi squinted their eyes in confusion. "Well.. What does that mean?" Hiashi blurted out impatiently which caused me to let out a sigh, one of my fingers taping at the red button below which hung up the call for the ninth time.

My eyes narrowed to see the same number once again.. The number which belonged to those demons hunters. But it seems they aren't answering.

It seems to me that they're nowhere to be found.

It's completely, driving me insane. We are in dire need for assistance. And the last thing we need is for those demon hunters to leave us hanging.

The demon is still walking around, damn it!

The hunters haven't accomplished their mission so they should be doing that. It just makes me so mad.

Hinata needs them!

Hiashi raised an eyebrow at my silence but Ino turned to answer his earlier question while I sat in silence, my mind filled with many troubling thoughts.

Ino put up a small frown and sighed. "We can't reach the people that can help Hinata. It seems as if they're gone or something." She responded back with a frown, her words instantly sparking a negative reaction out of Hinata's worried father.

His face scrunched up massively, his lips forming a deep scowl. He moved to point at my phone, glaring. "No! Call them again. Keep calling them if you have to. We can't just give up." He instructed loudly, his pointer finger rapidly pointing at my phone. We all let out a sigh at his outburst but I had no choice but to do as he said. If I didn't, it wouldn't calm his nerves.

But it's certainly clear that, the demon hunters want nothing to do with us anymore. They would've called us, checked up on us, did something. But no…

They're gone like they've never existed…

And it truly hurts my soul as well as my heart.

This, hurts…

I put up a frown but quickly did what Hiashi wanted, clicking the number that could contact the hunters and listening to the ringing.

But just like before, it immediately rushed to the unavailable voicemail. So, I did it again.

I called over and over and over but.. It was the same result. I knew, they were forever gone. They aren't going to help us anymore which makes my heart break. I lowered my head, clutching my phone tightly..

I'm so sorry, Hinata

Naruto's P.O.V

"Hinata darling, you have to eat. You can't keep sleeping."

I spoke gently over her form as she laid sadly in bed, a frown on her face. Her body was facing away from me as I stood over her by my bed, my hand rubbing softly across her body, pleading for her to get up or do something.

She's been lying around for hours. She hasn't eaten a thing nor said a word. She's only been sleeping or if not that…


My heart felt terrible to see her that way. And I know she only feels this way because of the rules I placed. But..

I had no choice…

I have to put my foot down on the matter. I can't afford for her to leave anymore. And she knows why. So I can't do much but, comfort her the best I can.

I frowned down upon her as she stayed silent once more, depression taking over her emotions. I sighed at that, deciding to try one more time. I rubbed her body a bit more, watching as she slightly moved from my actions. "Please Hinata. You have to get up. This isn't healthy for you." I pleaded once more but she only remained silent, her body completely still before me.

I growled at that, a little part of me disliking that she was disobeying me. She knew I cared strongly for her health and well being. She knew I wouldn't like her doing this to herself. I care for her, deeply.

I love her..

I strive to do what's best for her. And I just feel so guilty and a little…

Bothered, at the moment. 

I want, her to get up!

My eyes turned red and in that moment, my emotions ran amuck once again, revealing I wasn't all that…


I growled once more. "Obey me, Hinata!" I yelled and reached down and grabbed her arm, pulling her up with ease which made her yelp out, my ears finally picking up her sweet voice.

But when I turned her around and caught sight of her face, my anger immediately dissipated.

Tears were now streaming down her face rapidly, her sobs quiet and vulnerable. Her face held so much hurt, so much sadness, I just couldn't stay mad at her.

So, instead, I loosened my grip on her wrist and moved my arms around her body, bringing her into a hug.

She cried silently into my broad chest, her hands moving up to grip my shirt tightly. I sighed at the sight of her in pain and just embraced her, just using my hands to rub her back.

Because she's been sleeping so much, she was only wearing a green gown, one that was only made to wear to bed and not to be worn outside the bedroom.

Her long beautiful hair was still lying flatly against her cheeks, and down her back, her appearance awing me. But I held her tightly even still while whispering sweet nothings in her ear, just trying to calm her down. I want her to be happy and comfortable here.

That, is my goal.

I rubbed her back gently and sent a kiss to her cheek. "You're alright, little one. I'm sorry for yelling. I promise I won't harm you. I love you too much, to cause you harm and pain. Just please, stop crying, darling. Tell me what will make you feel better." I whispered against her while keeping my kisses constant, just bathing her with love.

That's all I can do after all.

Eventually, she grew silent, her cries coming to an end which made me feel much better.

My tense shoulders dropped and I pulled her back gently to see her face again. I watched as she sniffed, her eyes and cheeks red and puffy.

She then, moved her hand up to rub the leftover tears from her eyes, soon moving to connect them with mines. I watched with widened eyes as she let out a sigh, a frown presnt on her lips. "I-I-I'm sorry. I'm just a little.. sad right now. I d-didn't mean, to get you so, w-worried." She finally spoke, the first time in hours.

But what she said cleared everything up, my anger, and, my worry.

I cooed at her and then moved my hand down to move a strand of hair out of her face, my now blue eyes taking her features in fully. "I know, Hinata. Here… I have an idea. I think I know just the thing to cure you of the sadness you feel. You just, have to trust me." I whispered soothingly down upon her, making sure my voice was soft and sweet.

I didn't want to scare her. That, was the last thing I wanted. And at the sound of my request and the positivity in my voice, Hinata's eyes widened in major surprise.

She looked back up at me so our eyes connected once again, she silently reading what was there. It took a moment, but soon she nodded slowly, taking me up on my offer.

"A-Alright, Naruto…"

A Few Minutes Later

Hinata's P.O.V

I now sat quietly on the edge of Naruto's bed as he let out a hum, his eyes directed on a rack filled with pretty clothes in front of me.

I lowered my head though, a little part of me still gloomy. After Naruto told me the new rules, I just felt my heart break severely because of them. I just couldn't bring myself to do anything. I was..


My old life is gone.

Completely, gone.

I can't go back to school, see my friends and family, drive and go out to the town on my own and, cheer.

I can't do anything. I'm stuck in this new way of life which, I didn't even choose. All of these things just been going through my mind, all day. I can't decide on how I should feel.

Yes, I want to help Naruto. Yes, I want to be there for him. But at the end of the day, Naruto is going to always be here. The demon hunters took a shot at him and lost. So clearly he isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. So therefore, my old life will be forever lost. I just, have to learn how to deal with it. And that, just makes me feel so…


My eyes watered once again as I kept my same position on the bed, Naruto's eyes glancing over at me.

At the sight of my hurt expression, his blue orbs widened and he quickly moved forward to comfort me. "Oh Hinata, darling. Keep those thoughts of yours positive for me. I promise, the idea I have for you will be worth your while. You just have to be patient." He spoke softly to me from where he was bent down, his body held in between my legs.

His eyes were directed on me and only me, his voice still very soft and soothing. And because of that, I nodded slowly.

Something about the way he treats me so nicely now just makes me forget all bad thoughts about my situation. I really like this Naruto..

I hope he stays, like this.

Naruto smiled to see my facial expression changed and soon regained his position back beside the rack of clothing, his pace quickening a bit. "Alright, sweetheart. What do you say we go on a little date? Everything will be normal of course. Which means I'll tell you more about myself as well as you tell me more, about yourself. Also, I'll tell you all of my wants and desires and I expect the same from you. But first.." He trailed off and then grabbed a pretty white dress from the rack which held sparkles everywhere on it, he directing it in front of him so I could see it fully.

He smirked. "What would you like to wear? Something fancy? Sexy perhaps? Or maybe… Casual? Anything you chose, I guarantee, it'll  be the perfect choice, beautiful." He complimented sweetly, his words rolling off of his tongue romantically. It wasn't seductive.


It gave off a different feel. One that made me feel warm and gooey inside.

I blushed upon the positive feeling, a small smile coming on my face. Naruto's smirk widened at that but he gave the dress he still held a shake and also pointed at the rest of the ones he bought for me.

"Well?" He urged which caused me to take a look at the rack, my lavender eyes focusing on each one of the many beautiful dresses before me. I let out a low hum, slowly deciding what to wear.

Each dress looked unique in its own way. Most were a little revealing, while others were a bit normal. I don't feel like dressing up too fancy but I still wanted to feel beautiful.. I wanted to feel my best on this, date, with Naruto.

So, my eyes spotted one particular dress and I moved my finger to point at it, bringing Naruto's attention to it. "I-I want that one." I spoke out which caused Naruto to turn and look at my choice, his body turning to face the rack.

I watched as he placed the white dress he held back and then grabbed the sparkly hot pink dress I picked, his eyes glancing over his shoulder at me. He grinned. "Mmm.. Like I said. I knew your pick would be the right choice, Hinata." He purred out before turning around to face me again, soon handing me the dress.

I smiled faintly by his kind words and took the hanger the beautiful clothing was placed on, soon just taking in the wonderful attire all together.

The dress was pretty long, the fabric maybe stopping at my knees. And it wasn't all that revealing either. The V line of it was pretty low but overall, it looked very nice for tonight.

The sparkles on the dress twinkled as I rubbed my fingers over it, my heart absolutely loving everything about the formal wear.

I smiled softly at that and looked up at Naruto to see him looking through another rack of clothing, the one that held the dresses gone now.

I squinted my eyes at that and placed my dress gently into my lap, just watching as Naruto skimmed through a rack of now sexy tux's, an immediate hot blush staining my cheeks at the sight of such things..

Oh my gosh..

No way is he gonna wear one of those. His body is already mouth dropping as it is. I'm literally gonna die.

I gulped as I continued to stare at him as he now started to grab a few off of the rack, his blue eyes scanning every inch of the clothing in his hands. He shook his head, placing a few back. "Not good enough." He muttered and went about looking for more, his fingers running over a few.

But suddenly, his eyes snapped back on me which caused me to squeak out in surprise, my hands gripping my dress tightly within my lap.

At my reaction, an amused laugh spilled from his lips, his hand gripping a tux. An all black one. He smirked, waving the fabric. "I think I've found the winner. I say it's time to get dressed now, Hinata. We only have a small piece of the day left after all." He acknowledged with a nod on which I frowned too, a little part of me growing guilty of that.

It was my fault after all. I grew so caught up in my feelings, I just didn't know what to do.

I sighed, my head lowering. "I-I'm sorr-" But before I could finish, a hand was placed on my cheek, motioning me to look up. I gasped at that but obeyed.

But when I did, lips were suddenly placed on mine, catching me by surprise. I groaned in bliss at the warm feeling of having Naruto's lips smashed on mine, one of his hands moving to lie his tux down on the bed beside me. And once he did that, his hands moved down to lightly grab a hold of my waist, holding me tight.

We both moaned as we experienced the wonderful feeling of a deep kiss, our lips massaging the others nicely. Just from his romantic actions, I felt my thoughts grow a little brighter as well as my mood. It's just his touch was so hypnotizing, so..


I couldn't possibly ignore it.

But soon, the kiss ended, leaving me in a breathless mess. Naruto then, sent me a heart warming smile and nodded. "You don't have to apologize, Hinata. I understand completely how you feel. I know you're in pain, that you're sad that your life is no longer the one you've once had. I know that it breaks your heart. And it breaks mines knowing that. But I can't allow you to leave. For reasons you already know. So the only way to make both of us happy, is to strengthen our bond. To love, one another, Hinata. To claim, each other. I'll be all yours.. And you'll.." But I quickly cut him off, my hand moving down to grab a hold of his, clutching it tightly.

I smiled. "Be yours." I finished, taking the words right out of his mouth. And by doing so, Naruto's smile widened even larger, revealing his ridiculously sharp teeth. But something about them didn't look so scary anymore. His smile covered that part up about him. Something about him, felt different..

More positive now..

Is it because he's changing? My heart skipped a beat at that realization, my hand moving up to cup the side of his face.

And I watched as he immediately leaned into my touch, his face completely content and happy. A look I hardly get to see. My eyes widened, my breathing growing out of control…

Oh my gosh…

I'm changing, Naruto…

I've almost, done it…

Yahiko's P.O.V

A loud sound of a telephone could be heard throughout the whole building, a scowl coming upon my face because of it.

I growled, quickly making my way towards the individual's desk who held, the ringing phone.

My steps were harsh, filled with rage as I made my way across the first floor of my hideout, a bunch of other hunters running about. Most were training while others were finding more ways to slay Naruto. But I knew just the way…

We have to come for his bitch, first.

The human girl is the key to his downfall. That girl was the reason Kohan was killed. She was an elite soldier, one that killed many demons just like Naruto.

But it was the relationship she had with the human girl which caused her defeat. She let her guard down. She got too close. And that cost, her life. I groaned, placing a hand on my face in sorrow..

Shit.. I probably don't even wanna know how that bastard ended her..

Itachi and Hidan didn't let me in on the details since they knew, I had feelings for the woman. But damn it…

Why did I let her do such a thing?

I knew what Naruto was capable of. I knew he didn't care about us humans. Especially us hunters. Our ancestors stripped him away from his family, sealed most of them away leaving him all alone. And later, they did the same to him, placing him under an even  stronger seal. Of course he won't show any remorse towards us, towards Kohan. Hell, he's a damn demon. I knew the consequences and yet…

I sent her into the mission…

But back then, I trusted her to get the job done. She's made the impossible possible many times before so my faith was…

Mighty high…

But Hidan told us the plan we needed all along. The target isn't Naruto..

Oh no..

It's the girl. If we kill her, torture her anything.. We can hold back Naruto.

We can end him..

For good, this time…

That, is the plan we need.

I grinned darkly but finally made it up to the woman's desk who held the phone, the same number there involving the human girl's friends popping up on the receiver.

I groaned, quickly getting the young hunter's attention. "Don't pick up that call. Ignore it." I simply spat which caused the brown haired woman to turn to me with widened eyes

"B-But sir… It could be important. They've been calling all morning. What if the person is in danger? What if the person is involved with, a demon?"

I quickly shook my head at her words, my brown eyes narrowing upon her resistance. "You heard me, woman. Ignore.. the call." I only spat once more which caused the woman to frown. But she did what I ordered.

She turned and quickly strayed our number away to instead appear as unavailable, and kept it that way which granted us silence.

I sighed in bliss at that, before moving on, making my way towards another destination.

First before my plan can officially get started, I have to get another hunter off of my back.

I'm the boss, so he'll have no choice, but to drop the matter… I smirked..

Things are going flawlessly..

I just have, to keep, the flow..

A Few Minutes Later

It didn't take me long to make it to the hall where the special hunters were held.

Their private rooms were held here in which they sleep, eat, and just live peacefully in, outside of work. Each hunter has a day off and today, it was Sasori's, day off.

The person I needed to see.

I nodded at that and stepped up to his room, immediately giving it a hard knock. "Sasori, it's me. Let me in. It's urgent." I only instructed and quickly the door opened to be greeted with a wide-eyed red haired male, his eyes blinking rapidly at me.

I squinted my eyes upon him, secretly peeking in his room. But I groaned to see how messy it was. Usually it would be clean, a few weapons here and there for his amusement but not..


Papers which looked like files were strolled everywhere. Books which were filled with all sorts of language were stacked up on his dresser, each language representing different races. Even beings. I sighed, shaking my head at that.

Oh you poor soul…

Looking for the easy way out of this situation is completely pointless at this point. The only answer is to slay the human girl and be done with it..

And I say give her hell…

If it means for Naruto to feel every ounce of pain she feels then…

Why not?

He's been torturing humans for millennia, even where he came from, he's been constantly doing it. So what's one more human, hmm? I smirked.

But, that's for another day and, another time.

I have other matters to worry about now..

I looked at Sasori and raised one of my eyebrows, watching as he tilted his head. "Boss, you said you wanted in?" He asked quietly, exhaustion clearly expressed in his voice. But even still, I only nodded.

He raised an eyebrow himself but moved to clear a path, allowing me inside his messy room. But, I ignored the mess and stepped in, just settling to stand in front of the door.

And before I spoke any words, I closed the door behind me, closing any eavesdroppers out with it.

Sasori stared back at me in confusion but sat down on a little sofa that was held in his room, a large desk placed in front of it with papers strolled all on top of it.

I watched him as he moved and read some of them while constantly eyeing me. "Well boss? If it's nothing, I have to get back to my research. I think I'm on, to something." He exclaimed with a proud smile but I immediately shook my head, causing him to double take me.

His smile dropped and he stopped his actions, a frown now on his lips. "What is it, boss?" He said quietly, a little taken aback to my response as well as my silence.

But I turned towards him, looking him straight in the eye. And once I said my next words, it immediately crushed Sasori's soul.

"No.. There is no point for any further research. And there's no need for you to continue on with this mission either. I think I'll take this from here. "

I spoke confidently, telling it to him straight. I didn't need him anymore. And besides, he wouldn't be okay with my plan either. So..

Why keep dragging him on?

His eyes were left wide open, his chest heaving. He dropped the papers down in which he was reading and stood up quickly, his eyes staring back at me in disbelief. "Wh-What? You're, laying me off? B-But you never did that before. I-I almost had it. We could weaken Naruto by a concocted poison and-" But I raised my hand, halting him.

I then, shook my head. "It wouldn't have worked, Sasori. Nothing that you'll come up with, will work. You will fail just as Kohan did." I spat, glaring at him. I was desperately signaling for him to give it a rest but, it seems he's grown attached as well.

He blinked at me, shaking his head. "A-Are you serious? Then what are you, planning on doing, if you don't think I can handle this? You can't be thinking to just take the easy way out and kidnap Hinata and kill her, right? Right?" He shrieked out which only made my smirk turn dark, his eyes widening at the sight. And immediately, he caught on to my plans.

He gasped loudly, his eyes widening even larger as if I broke his measly heart. "You can't, be serious, boss. Hinata is young and innocent. She has no part in this. She's not the target. Naruto is!" He added on but I shook my head, clicking my tongue while I was at it.

I tapped my foot onto the floor a bit, moving my arms to cross them over my chest. "Heh, see you don't get it, Sasori. You weren't there to see the blood thirsty, cold hearted demon up close. You have no idea what we're up against. You and your files are going to get yourself killed. But if you, were in my shoes.. If you, heard all the battle stories from the many victims that witness Naruto's assault first hand, your mind would be made up just like mines. I have no choice. Hinata, has to die. And when she does, Naruto will too. He will be erased from this earth. His absence will make the world a better fucking place. And if one frail little human has to die to save millions... So be it. And I know you, Sasori. My words mean absolutely nothing. So therefore, yes.. I'm laying, you off the mission. Have a nice, day." I spat out menacingly, soon leaving me with that, leaving a wide eyed, broken hearted Sasori within his messy room, my words running through his head constantly.

But I didn't care. I said what I said and I meant every word.

Hinata has to die…

And she will fall, by my hands…

As well as you, Naruto Uzumaki….


Woah.. This chapter was something, huh?

A lot of stuff was covered... 😬😕

The Demon hunters are no longer helping Temari and the others because their goal is to actually kill, Hinata.

And speaking of Hinata, She's a little depressed.. But that's something Naruto can easily fix. Hehe.. 😉😏

Keep reading to find out what happens next!

Also, Vote and Comment!! ❤


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