Chapter 37: A Date To Remember

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɪɴᴄʀᴇᴅɪʙʟʏ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Kurama's P.O.V

I couldn't help but smirk as I watched kit and little one mate like there's no tomorrow, my smirk slowly widening at the dirty sight of them. I lowered my head and chuckled.

About damn time...

I grew a little worried when little one decided to grow all quiet earlier. She wouldn't talk to kit nor me. We gave her countless amounts of food and even things to entertain herself with but..


She refused everything we gave her and instead slept and..


I felt terrible but luckily, kit used his heart and instead of his head to fix the problem. He was getting better at this love thing and I felt super proud of him.

I grinned, slowly working myself away from the wall to go elsewhere..

I smirked, my shoes clicking against the floor as I walked..

Well.. I better get on with my surprise then, hm..

Because I, I have to also, surprise Hinata, as well...

I chuckled, moving far away from the moaning individuals located in the living room, my task officially set.

Alright then... Let's get to it..

A Few Minutes Later

Naruto's P.O.V

With my arms now holding Hinata's fully clothed body close, I finally began to escort her out of my house and instead, step into my backyard.

The sun had long gone down engulfing the world in darkness, leaving the moon and the wonderful stars to rule the sky.

I hummed, just looking down at Hinata who was looking around frantically, excitement shown in her lavender orbs.

But I watched as her features saddened once she only saw a large yard of, grass, instead of a real date waiting.

"W-Wait.. What's going on?" She spoke and turned to look me in the eye who was smirking down at her the entire time, one of my eyes sending her a wink.

"Shh, be patient, my dear. Our date won't happen without a bit of, power, first." I spoke out truefully before moving forward, and placing Hinata down onto her feet. I didn't want to let her go but, in order to give her the date she wants, I have to be truly focused for my next task.

I can't have her lovely body against mine..

That alone, would distract me. Something I don't, need.

Now standing, Hinata kept her concerned filled eyes on me as I began to make my way passed her, stepping down a few steps to make it fully onto, the green grass before us.

She bit her lip. "N-Naruto.. What are you-" But I placed up one finger, soon bringing it to the front of my lips, slightly turning so she could see the action being done.

"Shh, my little one. I need to focus." I only breathed out before giving my neck a harsh crack, slowly getting my body to calm down, closing my eyes while doing so.

I blocked off all negative energy and just focused on the night around me, taking in every little sound that was made.

Soon, I was fully focused, to the point I could hear Hinata's heartbeat, my ears twitching at the delightful sound. I hummed lowly, sensing my power running through me.


Suddenly, I snapped my eyes open revealing how feral they looked, my hands soon working up to sprout out a bit of magic in the area.

My eyes were narrowed as I moved my hands in circular motions, a dark mist spiraling about in front of us causing Hinata to gasp in pure awe.

"O-Oh wow..." She whispered out which made me smirk, my feet soon taking me away from my spot to work around the whole entire yard, filling it up with my magic, allowing my head to take control.

I hummed lowly while I was at it, my eyes growing darker and darker. My whole entire being felt alive at the moment, my inner demon revealing. I never had this much power when I first entered back into the world. It felt absolutely amazing to know I'm slowly gaining my strength and power again.

I smirked but soon, I gave my hands a clench which finally finished up my masterpiece, sweeping Hinata off of her feet.

Her lavender eyes widened largely as she was exposed completely to a new and improved scenery. There was no longer any green grass, no more wide space of emptiness..


The place before us was now exposed to a loud roaring beach with a patio located, not too far from it. Candles were placed everywhere which lit up the dark completely.

One male, stood in a black and white tux before a table with two seats, while playing a small violin. The tune he played was gentle and romantic, setting the lovely mood entirely.

Now, onto the table, laid two plates of food with a tray placed over the both of them, a beautiful lavender rose held in the middle of the plates in a glass vase.

Overall, this place, will do very nicely for our date, and the loud shaky gasp from Hinata, confirmed it.

I turned towards her, watching as she stared at our new surroundings in awe, she even looking back at my mansion which still stood there, her mouth dropping wide in utter disbelief at the sight of it.

"Oh my goodness. H-H-How.." But I stopped her, quickly answering her question for her and just, by using only one word.

I chuckled, moving closer to her. "Magic, my dear. I have so much I want to show and tell you. But first..." I trailed off to instead pull my hand up, directing it towards her so she could take it. By taking my hand, this will show me that she appreciates the date I made up.

I smiled, using my other hand to move gracefully through the cool, night air, presenting my masterpiece. I watched Hinata the whole time as she stared back at me in complete awe and..


She smiled, the biggest smile I have ever seen, immediately moving to grab a hold of my hand, accepting my wonderful date

She nodded frantically, tears in her eyes which made me smile as well. I pulled her close roughly, watching as she made it in front of me in no time.

I bit my lip down at her, liking the way her body was next to mine again. But I then smirked, moving my hands down to cup her cheeks. "Alright then, my little one. Let's, begin..."

Hinata's P.O.V

Now sitting down at the table in Naruto's weird, magic world, my eyes couldn't stop looking around, my hand even waving around to touch things.

Everything looked so real.

I turned towards Naruto who was sitting across from me at a small square table, lovely violin music constantly playing behind him.

Naruto smiled brightly at me while eyeing the awe in my face. He then, placed his fork down by his grilled chicken and raised an eyebrow. "What is it, hun? This is, a date so... You don't have to keep anything in. You can ask me anything, or just, speak your mind. That's all fine. I'm not gonna bite ya for talking." He commented with an amused laugh which made me giggle as well, my lavender eyes still looking around at our changed scenery again. I just couldn't take my eyes off the place.

Behind me laid a beautiful beach which roared loudly, filling up my ears with it's natural sounds. I hummed, taking each of them in, one, by one...

Water splashing...

Seagulls squawking..

Ships blaring..

Just, paradise...

It all sounds and looks so real. How in the hell did Naruto manage to do this?

Is he tricking my mind?

I bit my lip at that, just keeping Naruto's words in mind and just, obeying them.

I turned towards him from where I sat comfortably in my sturdy chair, also placing down my fork beside my large dinner plate.

Naruto smiled, showing off his sharp pearly whites which caused me to smile too. "Hey Naruto.. I was just wondering.. How.. did you exactly.. do this? I-I-I-" Naruto chuckled upon my uncontrollable awe, his eyes turning away from his food to look out towards the sea, just taking it in.

He smirked, his lips pulling up amusingly. "Well... It's not necessarily a mind trick, and we're not exactly here, at this location either. I say, it's just... really powerful magic. If it was a mind trick.. You wouldn't be able to do this." He trailed off and suddenly snapped his fingers which caused the male on the violin to stop playing and instead, move towards the table, beside Naruto.

The older male bowed, a smile on his face. "Yes sir? What can I do for you?" He asked which made Naruto smirk, my eyes widening.

Naruto eyed me with squinted blue eyes before turning to the black haired male, keeping his playful smirk. "Well, me and my beautiful woman, want wine. Two glasses full, please." He ordered which officially snapped me out of my trance, my head shaking frantically at him.

"N-N-No Naruto.. I can't drink-" But I was quickly shushed by him, the older male bowing again at Naruto's words.

"Yes of course. I'll get you and your lady the best wine that's ever been made.. You don't have to worry." He said politely and even turned to me, bowing as well before moving to do what he was ordered, my eyes never leaving him.

I watched as he completely left us to enter into a building further away, my eyes blinking in pure confusion.

What the?

Naruto grinned, nodding his head slyly. "See? You can interact with everything. You could even... jump in the ocean if you wanted. Demons on my level can do just about anything which can become really complicated to the human brain. But for you, and only you, I'll be sure to explain everything on your level, Hinata." He spoke sweetly, even moving across the table to caress my hand, rubbing it with care.

I couldn't help but smile thankfully at that, my lavender eyes staring back at him deeply.

My heart was pounding so fast and it seemed like I couldn't stop smiling. It was weird but, I felt really, happy. This date was starting off amazing.

But I only had one concern.

My smile fell and I looked behind Naruto back at the building the man left in, my eyes falling back on the flawless demon in front of me.

He noticed the change in my mood and let go of my hand, soon grabbing his fork to eat again. "What is it Hinata? Is it the wine?" He asked, as if reading my mind. But I wasn't afraid to nod, causing him to snicker.

He picked at his chicken until a piece came on his fork, he soon throwing it in his mouth. He hummed. "Well I'm deeply sorry to worry you. I was only trying to conjure up a memory. A memory, that we both share, sweetheart." He spoke while chewing softly on the tasty meat, my head tilting upon his words.

I also, dug my fork into my chicken and placed the piece in my mouth, soon moving my fork back to grab a few of the perfectly seasoned green beans that were there. "What do you mean? What memory?" I asked softly, my mind too blown to recall anything.

But that only brought amusement to Naruto, for he chuckled. He shook his blonde head, eyeing me in slight disbelief. "Don't tell me you can't remember. You can't tell me you forgot the house party I threw back then... When we bumped into each other and you spilt, your drink. That's, when I offered you a glass of wine. Ringing any bells?" Naruto explained with a wide grin, his words instantly bringing me back to the memory and I couldn't help but grimace. I turned away, a blush found on my cheeks.

Oh god... Not that memory.

Back then, I had no clue of the danger that lied, ahead of me. I didn't know anything about demons or demon hunters even being alive.

Also, back at that party, I only saw Naruto as a troubled human teen who just wanted friends. I never knew he was hosting that party to reel me in so I could be..


There was something about him that made me want him at that specific time which caused my demise. That, was extremely weird to me. But..

It happened... I can't change it..

I sighed but nodded, turning to look up at him. "Yes, of course I remember. God, I hated you so much back then." I admitted with a shake of my head, stabbing my fork into the loaded potato that was there, missing the frown that came upon Naruto's lips.

He nodded his head and just looked out into the ocean behind me, thinking about my previous words for a bit..

It was silent for a moment as I just ate away at the dinner Naruto cooked for me. And I hummed at how good it was. I swear, I just can't get used to how good his cooking is.

But soon, Naruto turned back to face me and resumed our lovely, conversation.

He sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I know you did Hinata. I could literally feel, the hate you had towards me.. But back then, I didn't give a damn. I only wanted you and that's it. I didn't care about what you wanted. I... was a monster.. And I still am if you manage to press the wrong buttons.. It's just the way I was made. I can't help it." He spoke with a deep pain in his voice as well as guilt, his blue eyes downcasted.

I couldn't help but pout upon his response, my hands reaching over my food and the flower vase to get to Naruto. And when I did, I used my soft palms to cup his tone cheeks, trying to reassure him.

His saddened eyes stared back at me, my fingers caressing his tone cheeks softly. I then, shook my head. "No Naruto... I know that you're a demon and your past was.. horrible but.. You can't keep blaming yourself for this. You're better now. That's all that matters, okay." I spoke soothingly to him, making sure my voice was low but soft.

His blue eyes looked so beautiful up close as they stayed rooted on my face, just taking in all the love and care that was expressed on it.

It was weird, that I felt this way. I just didn't want to leave him like this.. So broken and out of control.

I wanted to help him control his emotions. He needed someone to do it after all. He has no family anymore... No one, to love him. So I understand completely as to why he's been so angry and hateful. He only wants..


I smiled brightly at the demon that sat in front of me, keeping my thumbs caressing at his face which caused him to smile as well.

But he then moved his hands up and grabbed mine, pulling them away from his face slowly. He looked away into the night, while rubbing them gently.

He then shook his head, sighing. "Oh how naive you are. I know, your feelings for me have changed.. But I don't want you to become blind to all of my bad deeds. I don't want you to make excuses for me because I will always, kill and destroy. I will always be hateful to anyone other than you. I'm this way, only.. to you. Remember that. I can't change completely because I just... can't. It isn't, gonna work.. I'm not, a human, Hinata. There's no changing for me." He explained while keeping his eyes elsewhere, his words holding a deep meaning. A meaning that slapped reality right back into my face.

My eyes shot wide and I pulled my hands out of his hold, officially getting his attention. I stared at him in disbelief, eyeing the hurt in his eyes. It seems he didn't like my reaction to the hard truth he spoke of, his mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to take it back.

I furrowed my eyes at that, opening my mouth as well. But just when I was about to say something, the male from before came back and placed two glasses full of red wine before us, placing it gently beside our food.

"One for you.. And, one for you." He spoke as he handed it to both of us, Naruto nodding his head approvingly at the male.

"Thank you, sir." He spoke lowly which caused the mustache male to nod, his eyes turning back to me.

He gave me a small smile which made me give him a very nervous smile back, a little tensed to speak to him. I didn't know if he was real or not. Or if it was just..


My eyes lightened up at that.

Of course it's him!

It's gotta be. Why haven't I thought of that before?

So, I smiled, nodding my head thankfully towards the male. "Thank you so much, Kurama." I spoke without a doubt but I paused when both of the men in front of me gave me questionable looks, Naruto quickly shaking his head by my mistake.

He then snickered. "No, little one. He's not.. Kurama." He only spoke before turning to the male to whisper something to him, something I couldn't hear.

But my mind was on something else completely, my head moving away from the men entirely. I whimpered softly, totally embarrassed now.

Oh no!

What, just happened? There was no doubt in my mind that this man in front of me, was Kurama. Maybe the male really is, real.

Who knows...

When it comes to Naruto, he can make imagination, reality I guess.

I bit at my lip and just resumed eating up the rest of my food, doing it in silence. My head was low as I went about doing it, just forcing the food down my throat until there was nothing left.

I even drunk a bit of my wine, just sipping at it occasionally. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. I wasn't really, a fan. It was just...



I made sure not to drink a lot of it, only about one thirds of it. For I didn't want to feel any side effects because of it. I want, to be sober.

But I was so into my food, I didn't even hear the conversation that involved Naruto and the mysterious male, he soon walking off to also, do what Naruto ordered.

Instantly afterwards, I felt blue eyes rooted back on me, my body now sitting still, my plate completely empty.

Naruto hummed, looking down at his own. Compared to mine, it seemed he didn't even touch his food.

He grinned. "Ahh.. Seems someone was hungry." He commented amusingly but I only nodded, not really in a playful mood anymore. Naruto's words from earlier have made me realize something... Something that needs to be addressed.


He's never told me what happened to her.. Or what happened to the other demon hunters. Also, he hasn't finished up his story about long ago, when he was first sealed away. He has so much left, to tell me. And now..

I'm curious about all of it..

I want to know, everything. No holding back this time. Naruto has told me the truth about his nature so... I want to know more. I want to know, his entire past.

Right now...

I sighed, a deep one, granting Naruto's attention who was sipping away at his wine, already clearing half of the glass.

He raised an eyebrow at me and placed down his drink, licking his lips while doing so.

He had longed time, stopped eating his food which signaled to me that, he wasn't very fond of human food which was very weird. He dislikes the taste of human food but knows how to cook it... Yeah..


Naruto squinted his eyes at me and cleared his throat. "Hey... What's up with that look? What's, on your mind, Hinata?" He asked in all seriousness, his dark blue eyes twinkling within the light of the candles.

Everything looked so perfect at the moment. But unfortunately, our relationship, was not.. We both, had to be on the same page. And right now..

We aren't...

I frowned and just looked up at Naruto, showing him my down look full on.

I whimpered, moving to put my hand flat on the table. "Naruto listen... I know everything's going great right now but.. I think it's time for you to tell me, everything. And I mean, everything. The truth about Konan, your past. All, of it. It just seems like you're keeping things from me. You tell me to express myself, to tell you, everything... But why can't you do the same?" I spoke out, demanding answers. I know it was ruining the mood but I need, to know.

My hand clutched the table tightly, my nails practically digging into the glass.

Naruto's eyes were now left widened, his body trembling from my request. His stare was hard, and constant, his eyebrows furrowing.

He then, tilted his blonde head. "Where is this, coming from? Why all of a sudden do you wish to know all of these things, hmm? You know if I were to tell you, our date would be ruined. You hear that.. Ruined. Is that, what you want, Hinata?" He asked sternly, staring back at me with narrowed eyes now. I sighed and looked away, just trying to decide that too.

Do I want, to know, now?

This date has been heaven so far but...

Naruto told me, he would come clean..

That he would tell me all the things I want to know. So yes...

I do, want to hear it.

I looked up at Naruto and my expression softened, my eyes staring back into his slightly bothered ones.

I bit my lip and moved my hand over to grab his, rubbing it with care. "Naruto.. I'm sorry to bring this up now. But I just think it's the perfect time to talk. We both love each other deeply. But in order to maintain a healthy relationship... Even for us.. We have to come clean, okay, Naruto. It's totally fine... I won't look at you differently.. Promise." I explained softly while keeping my caressing constant, just watching as his expression slowly changed to my words. Now he didn't look so bothered but, understanding.

But soon, he raised one of his eyebrows, his blue eyes squinting a bit. He moved his other hand over to clutch mine tightly, never looking away from my eyes.

He frowned. "You promise, Hinata?" He only spoke, a deep meaning held behind his words. His eyes were serious as he stared into mine, the intense look of his stare causing me to freeze up.

It was one that you shouldn't take too lightly. His face was free of amusement, or love, anything. It was blank almost, his blue eyes staring deep, into my soul.

I couldn't help, but gulp. But I knew, in order to get the information I crave, I have to actually do, my promise.

I can't allow his words to sway my feelings..

My mind is made up. I cared for Naruto deeply and I know, what he's gonna say, isn't gonna be pretty. But I just have to...

Hold his hand.. and listen...

So, I nodded, giving him my final say.

"Yes... I promise..."

Naruto's P.O.V

"Yes, I promise..."

Hinata's words echoed through my head over and over again, giving me permission to say, my next words.

Hinata finally wants, to know more. And I told her, from here on out, I would let her in on everything so...

I have, to tell her..

If I want her to trust me, to fully trust me.. I have to come clean. I have to shine light on my sins. That's including what really happened to Konan and...

My past..

Both subjects were majorly rocky and heart wrenching but...

Little one, wants to know...

So I'll, tell her..

And I'll tell everything..

I'm not gonna hold anything back which is why I want to know if Hinata is truly ready to listen. Because what I'm about to say in a few minutes will stick, like glue. There is no, going back once I start.

My stare was hard and serious as I looked over at Hinata, her hands now far away from me and now, steady tapping nervously against the table.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Are you completely sure, you want to hear this, Hinata. You don't have to know. I completely understand if-" But Hinata was quick to shake her head, her mind officially made up.

She then sighed. "Yes, Naruto. I'm sure. Can you please, tell me what happened to Konan first." She pleaded desperately, her voice a bit shaky. But, I couldn't bring myself to refuse anymore. I can keep delaying this so..

Here I go...

I blew out a majorly deep breath, trying to control my raging heartbeat.

Yes, I was fucking nervous, an emotion I haven't felt in a long time.

Hinata, is making me me, human...

Not going to lie, these new emotions made me feel good so, I'm not complaining. One more breath was blown before I was staring back at her, blank as ever.

Hinata's cute little eyebrows rose up in response but she then nodded, giving me a reassuring smile which didn't change the blankness in my face. "It's okay, Naruto. Don't hold back. It's, totally, fine." She breathed out slowly, helping me relax a bit. And of course, it worked. And it also, helped me say, my next words.

I cleared my throat, tilting my head menacingly. "You wanna know, why Konan hasn't called you or even tried to meet up, with you, hmm? Well sorry, hun.. Because she can't. She's dead. I, killed her." I admitted without hesitation, laying it all out on her like she desperately wanted. And I didn't stop there.

I was no longer afraid to tell her the truth. Hinata knows what I am and what I do... So it shouldn't matter anymore.

I smirked darkly, watching as her eyes widened in pure disbelief. And I couldn't help the groan that slipped from my lips as my body automatically reeled in all the negative emotions which were conjuring up in her little body. I grinned.




A little anger...

And a dash of fear...

But I still, kept going. "Yes, I killed her. And I wasn't hesitant, in doing it. She was a major thorn in my side and even after. She tagged along with you to basically fuck, with my brain. With my connection to you. So yeah.. I killed that little bitch." I spat but then looked away, sighing. "I didn't manage to get my hands on the other two hunters. I injured one but only managed to knock out the other. But before I could kill again, I was stopped... They managed to slow me down. And then, they escaped. I don't know where they went, if, you're wondering.." I added on, occasionally eyeing Hinata's face..

But everytime, I would feel more and more guilty, the darkness inside of me, dimming.

She looked on the verge of tears, her body trembling which caused the table to lightly shake on her side.

She swallowed massively to keep her mournful tears at bay, her hand reaching out to grab mines again.

She gave it a rub with her thumb and sniffed. "What else, Naruto? How did you kill her? What did you do afterwards? Where did you go?" She whispered out lowly, her voice barely above a whisper.

But of course I could hear her just fine, my eyes staring back at her in nothing but guilt. Her chest seemed to be tightening a bit which made my face shift into a full on frown, my heart breaking.

I cursed, snapping my head away from her for a moment. "Shit." I whispered out underneath my breath, trying to work up the courage to tell her.

Never in my life have I been so hurt, so guilty to tell the truth about my actions. But, I have to tell Hinata what she wants.

She deserves, to know..

So, I won't hold anything back anymore.. She won't let me if I tried anyway.

I sighed and lowered my head, just spitting it out. "Through her chest... I pierced her with, one of my tails. And afterwards.. I ate, her remains, as revenge.. For what you and Konan did. Beforehand, I figured out that my connection to you, was blocked. A-And to punish you more.. I wanted to tell you what I did, piece by piece. Your punishment wasn't anything sexual, Hinata. I was going to force everything I did that night inside your head but..." A harsh sniff stopped me dead in my tracks, my heart officially broken.

A small tear fell down my own cheek but I quickly wiped it away, sniffing. Occasionally I felt Hinata's caressing on my hand stop completely, while other times she was holding my hand protectively, giving me strength.

But, I just couldn't look at her face. The guit inside of me was just too, damn strong.

I didn't want to see the pain, on my lover's face.

The pain that I, caused...

Now, I was in a place where Hinata felt very, very sacred to me. I wanted to literally cater to her every need. I wanted to be there for her, love her, fuck her, protect her and care for her. I never felt this feeling before for a person..

A human...

My love was strong so yes, I couldn't afford to even look at her face for I knew, she was deeply torn. All because, of..


I blew out a deep breath, keeping my eyes elsewhere. I whimpered, shaking my head. "I'm so sorry, okay. I couldn't control myself, Hinata. You have to believe me. I-I'm unstable and angry. Her kind, her clan, killed my family, made my life a literal hell. And then I saw her, clawing her way into your brain, turning your feelings against me. I just couldn't help it. I wanted, to end her. That's all I wanted. But you know I would never kill anyone you love, Hinata. So please, you have to trust me.. Don't hat-" But I was interrupted by Hinata's voice, who completely cut off my guilty pleads.

I watched closely as she shook her head, a frown coming upon her face.

"I don't, hate you, Naruto..."

She only whispered out which caught my attention immediately. I finally turned my head towards her and my hurt blue eyes widened.

Hinata's eyes and nose were red and blotchy, a few tears lingering on her cheeks from when she was previously crying.

She sniffed, whipping them away with her free hand. "No.. I can't hate you anymore. My anger, my rage, my hate, has all ran out. I only, pity you, Naruto." She whispered out with a whimper, more tears falling. I blinked at her, a little taken back by her words.


She.. pity me..

Oh no.. I don't want that.

I gulped, quickly shaking my head. "No.. Don't you p-" But again, she boldly interrupted me once more.

She sniffed, shaking her head causing her beautiful midnight blue hair to move as well. "Yes, I do, Naruto. You're ruled by anger. You destroy everything you touch. You carry around this hate which has been eating at you for years. Decades, probably even centuries. And to a person that loves you... That hurts, to see that, Naruto. You hear me.. It hurts. Yes, I know you're a demon. But isn't Kurama one as well? I've watched him, talk and go about his day so calmly, so peacefully. I know that he probably only kills when it's highly necessary. But you... You've been hurt so badly, you can't even get a hold of your emotions anymore. You've embraced your demon side for so long, that's all, you are. A malicious, bloodthirsty and cruel yet really, really h-hot, demon." She explained deeply, throwing the bitter truth directly at me. My body couldn't help but tremble, everything inside of me in deep pain.


Her words were words I have never heard before, from anyone. Not even my own mother.

Hinata, as a lover, has opened my eyes to the truth. She has shown me things I have never been shown before. Her point was proven.

A demon is all, I am.. I have no human emotions anywhere. And to think I've lived with them most of my life.


That's why, I'm new to all of these emotions now in which I feel.

Hinata's.. right.

I'm, a monster...

I started to sob, deeply sob, my body completely shaken up which alerted Hinata.

She gasped and quickly left her seat to move towards mine, rounding the table to me. But I couldn't control my emotions, several tears falling down my face. And once Hinata's arms wrapped around me, I felt...



Her head was buried deep into my chest from where she was kneeled on the floor, her cool arms wrapped around my tone chest tightly.

She shushed me, shaking her head frantically. "It's okay. We can get through this together." I heard her whisper, slowly taking it in.

But at the moment, I didn't want to talk anymore. Hell, I didn't even wanna tell her my past at the moment. All I wanted, was her, close. I wanted her, in my arms. So, I didn't hesitate to grant my wish.

Without saying a word, I turned lightly in my seat towards her direction and grabbed her gently around the waist, pulling her off of the ground with ease to instead place her on my lap, letting her sit freely so her legs were on both sides of my waist.

And now in this position, I wrapped my own arms around her small body, pulling her in deeply, accepting her.

And just like that, we both cried and mourned together, embracing the other one and just accepting the truth. And all the while, we never, let go, of each other..



Well, how was that?

I think it was great! A lot of different emotions were seen going on in this chapter but I say, it was all needed.

So be sure to tell me how you all think about this chapter. I think it was a very important one for both characters, Naruto and Hinata.

But anyway, Don't forget to Vote and Comment!! 🖤💚🖤💚

See ya!!



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